BH. Tevet
6, 5780 / Jan 3, 2020
Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District Candle-Lighting: 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 4:16 Shabbat Ends: produced by Rabbi Mendel Rubin & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program 5:22 Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY
MAZAL TOV R’ ABBA & RAIZEL On the birth of a daughter Bassie Gittel. Much Nachas to them, the baby’s siblings and to the Rubin and Glick grandparents.
MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208
FAREWELL RAFAEL CHAIKEN After all his years growing up and working in Albany (aside for his years studying at Brown in RI) Rafael accepted a job as director of the CCAR publishing house in NYC and moved there after the first of the new year. We wish him much success, hope to hear good things (much nachas to his parents Dr. Seth and Michele) & of course visits from time to time!
MAZAL TOV AHARON DOV Aharon Dov is the first of the 7th grade boys to begin putting on Tefillin in preparation for his upcoming Bar-Mitzvah. He’s already a pro!
CHANUKAH WRAP-UP INSIDE There was no MC Newsletter last week, so see inside for school’s Chanukah Performances (page 3) and the Raffle-Auction pictures and winners (page 2). This week school resumed yesterday after New Years, a very short week.
MONSEY IS ON OUR MIND Monsey is close to home for many of us, and the Jewish community as a whole is on alert and upset after this terrible (and Jersey City before it) Anti-Semitic violence. This has awakened a great deal of activism and discussion in a variety of approaches both within and beyond the Jewish community.
WELCOME MS. BROWN’S SISTER Ms. Brown’s (our science teacher) twin sister Julia is in town for a visit for the holidays from her 2-year work for the Peace Corps in Cameroon (that’s in Africa). She was a guest in all of Ms. Brown’s classes, and spoke about her work there with Malaria, and showed a tie-in to the science in all of Ms. Brown’s classes. She also described life there and about some of the many interesting cultural differences.
THE BLESSING BEFORE SHEMA Rabbi Rubin was especially touched by the Siyum speech of Rabbi Uren Reich who told a story about a man who especially cherished the words of the special blessing before Shema.
ALBANY AT THE SIYUM HASHAS This Albany delegation represented us at the 13th Siyum of Daf Yomi at MetLife Stadium with 92K Jews in attendance! Our Albany group’s presence honors the beloved memory of the late Salo Steper, local Daf Yomi enthusiast & advocate of Torah and Talmud study. Some of inspiring highlights was saying Amein and Kedusha with such a huge crowd, a tribute to Holocaust survivors and the resilience of the Jewish people, a video shown of the Monsey Rabbi filmed before that attack, seeing a man stricken with ALS given 4 years to live but determined to finish the 7.5 cycle despite great difficulty, and a young boy who completed all of tractate Berachos even while going through chemo treatments. Two interesting online pictures was this one < of a Maimonides’ students’ uncle helping a Jew put on Tefillin (despite the fact that almost all attendees are very observant & certainly wear Tefillin every day). And a Jew who came from Florida dressed as Waldo, to stick out among all the black hats! Spot him?
This MC Newsletter is dedicated in memory of and in honor of all involved with the local Daf Yomi Talmud Study as the 7.5 Year Cycle of Study reaches Completion.
DP CAMP TALMUD AT SIYUM The Siyum (completion of the entire Talmud) at Metlife was made on a Talmud book that was printed (with the assistance of US Army) in the DP (Displaced Persons) Camps in Germany after the Holocaust. This is a testament to how the survivors (who losyt everything!) cherished Torah study, as a basic necessity even when not all their needs were met! Rabbi Rubin showed our students several books of Torah printed in Shanghai during WWII, even as there was a hunger and other challenges. These books have a similar message of dedication to Torah and how Jews saw it as crucial to their survival even in such hard times. Jacob G. noted that this gives a whole new meaning to “Made in China”!
SPECIAL HEY TEVES LUNCH Rabbi Shmuly made a nice hot pasta lunch at school in honor of Hey Teves. Thanks!
This unique “story-telling” Menorah silhouettes made by Morah Rivi’s art LED lights shine through!
illustrates the story of Chanuka using class students that changing color
SINGING AT DAUGHTERS Our younger grades sang Chanukah songs at Daughters of Sara to bring holiday cheer and joy to the seniors. Over Chanukah, quite a few of our students went with their families to visit area nursing homes and senior centers.
RAFFLE-AUCTION WINNERS Of course, EVERYONE is a winner for investing in our children and supporting local Jewish education. The following is a listing of the winners who won prize packages at the Maimonides Raffle-Auction 2019 event:
CLASSIC BOOK TOUR In honor of “Hey Teves” and following up on the Siyum HaShas, Rabbi Mendel took 7th graders on a quick familiarity “tour” of classic Jewish books with their commentaries: What’s on a Talmud page & commentaries behind a Talmud, same with Rambam & its associated commentaries, and how various commentaries on a Chumash page differ in style.
Morah Rivi’s art class students also made this paper-rolled Menorah of vibrant colors for the bulletin board at the main school entrance.
THANKS AUCTION DONORS Many thanks to all our ticket purchasers, as each ticket directly supports our school! And to school families and friends who graciously donated prizes or worked on the auction: Raizy Rubin for coordinating this fundraiser, Sharona Backman for running the whole backend and entering every single ticket!, the Kochmans for cooking up a deli-cious old-style deli with the most awesome corned-beef sandwiches, Chani Rubin for the RaffleAuction booklet design and to her and Morah Rivi and their art students for the amazingly color-full décor, to the families who donated, solicited or arrange prizes: The Gurocks, Tzemach Simon, YB & CB Rubin, Meddalis, Itkins, Hechts of Rhinebeck & Kingston, Abba and Raizel, Marc Gronich, Michoel Caras, Marty Wigler Jewelry, Leah Siegel, Gittel Laber, the Gordons, Shmuly & Laiky, Yossi and Leyee, Chani and Zalmy Simon, Meir Simcha & Fraidy Rubashkin, Shayna & Ruvain Kudan, Sussanah & Ted Levin, DL & Mendy Mathless, Tzemach Simon, and all companies listed in Raffle-Auction booklet!
1st & 2nd grade art students with Morah Chani made their own custom Dreidels which fit into each other making a beautiful mosaic wall.
“Flying Colors” (a winning expression) was the title of the art installation on the ceiling of the lunchroom by Morah Chani and the HS Girls. They folded and placed 854 paper planes!
A) Slim Laptop: Reznik Family B) DSLR Camera: Vicky O’Brien C) Shopping Spree: Chani Rubin D) Shabbos Package: Maxine Morgenbesser E) Robotic Vacuum: Johanna Steper F) Jewish Home: Dina Rosenblum G) Shabbos Getaway: Schenectady Rubins H) Junior Shopping: Johanna Steper I) Albany to Saratoga: Jordan Eisenberg J) Silver-Cross Stroller: Rubashkin Family K) Instant Cooking: Larry Teitelman L) Games Galore: Sue Joki M) Lego Package: Deena Kuperman N) Kitchen Collection: Hersh Friedman O) See & Hear: Dina Rosenblum P) Playmobil Sets: Chani Sandhaus Q) Look & Feel Great: Rochel Rubin R) Bitcoin & Keeper: Joe Morris S) Arts & Crafts: Yehoshua & CB Rubin T) Active Family: Vicky O’Brien U) Judaica Kids: Harvey Caras V) Breakfast Package: Kochman Family W) Print Plus: Johanna Steper X) Bake and Serve: Gordon Family Y) Wooden Play Time: Vicky O’Brien Z) Gizmos & Gadgets: Kaufman Family Mystery #1) Bose Speaker: D. Kuperman Mystery #2) Drone: Goldie Kochman Mystery #3) $100 BB&B: Susannah Levin Special) $925 to Winner! D. Kuperman High School girls made a deliciously colorful doughnut wall that was pretty to look at and also yummy to eat. There was so much color in school for this “Color-Full Chanukah” celebration.
NURSERY CHANUKAH SONGS, EACH CHILD IS A FLAME! They sang so sweetly! And yes, they painted the orange, red and yellow of their hats. This time they also did a Yiddish song, counting up the 8 lights of the Menorah, one night at a time.
IS IT CHANUKAH YET? That was the title of the Kindergarten performance, they each read one part leading up to Chanukah to which they all responded that it wasn’t Chanukah yet. Until the last reading and then they all joyously shouted: Yes, it is finally Chanukah and time to celebrate!
THE SUGIHARA CHANUKAH CONNECTION 3rd graders did a beautiful play (based on historical research and interviews online) that trace Sugihara’s rescue of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust to a Chanukah party he attended during his tenure there in the Japanese Foreign Service. Morah Rivi outlined their backdrops.
Actually chocolate gold Gelt in the mesh bags… is what each Nursery student got as they came off the stage after their sweet yummy singing of their Chanukah songs!
HEBREW LATKE INGREDIENTS Before singing a bunch of Chanukah songs these first graders described all the ingredients in Latke making - in Hebrew!
MACCABEES SINGING SONGS Not only did they design their own shields and dress up the part, but these second graders sang the “O’ Chanukah!” song in English, Hebrew and Yiddish!
4TH GRADE GAME SHOW IN 3PARTS: WHAT’S IN BOX? PRICE IS RIGHT! AND DOUGNUT EATING… 4th graders ended the program (and the half-day school-day on Tuesday) with a fun, interactive, live game show. Folie hosted the first part: “What’s in the Box?” and Adina W. was an amazing guesser, she knew each one (though she couldn’t exactly figure out the apple-sauce at the end). Three girls hosted “The Price is Right” with each box representing a single Chanukah ingredient (and the name of that store). Schneur L. wasn’t exact with the prices but he came pretty close! Should have tested the adults on that! And for the last part of the Game Show 4 students came up as contestants to see who could finish a (small) doughnut first, but they had to keep their hands behind their backs. Malka H. won!
at Maimonides and in the Community THIS SAT NITE! 1/3-4: SHABBOS VAYIGASH This Shabbos we read about the confrontation and reconciliation of Yehudah (and the brothers) with Yosef and Yaakov and his family arrive in Egypt.
sponsored by the Jewish Federation, the Board of Rabbis and Schenectady Clergy against Hate. A show of communal support is important in times like these.
This Shabbos at Shomray Torah Rabbi Rubin will share reflections from attending the Siyum Hashas and the Kiddush will continue the Hey (5th of) Teves Chabad book theme from this Thursday.
This fast day (daytime only) commemorates the start of the siege against Jerusalem. There’s Torah reading and Avinu Malkeinu in both Shacharit & Mincha. It ends 5:10pm.
This Kiddush is in honor of Sophie’s birthday and also in honor of their family’s study completion together of Sefer Shoftim (the Book of Judges).
Don’t leave your studying to the last minute! Be ready for the 2nd Chidon test this year!
Our school isn’t participating as a school but some students are submitting on their own. This is a NYS DEC poster contest for middle school students about how so many things end up in the water and what we can do about it. Like soil runoff, storm sewer, pesticides, rain barrels (like we have at school) etc. Due date is Jan 10. For more info, see:
Rabbi Reisman’s Navi Shiur is screened live from Brooklyn now at 7:30pm on Sat Nights at CBAJ.
1/4: SAT NIGHT PIZZA NIGHT AND A LOCAL DAF YOMI SIYUM HS Girls have their 2nd Pizza Night of the season. It opens at 7:15pm. To pre-order email: Come to school to eat-in or take-out, plus there will be a special local Daf Yomi Siyum celebration following up on the National Siyum in Metlife Stadium. Rabbi Moshe Mirsky (formerly of Beth Israel) will be back in town and coming to this local Siyum event.
1/5: FIRST DAY OF BERACHOT While the National Siyum in Metlife Stadium was on the first of January, the actual Siyum of tractate Niddah is on Shabbos, and the 14th cycle of Daf Yomi begins Berachot anew on Sunday. It’s a really nice tractate to jump in for, even if only on weekends or holidays, or whenever you can.
1/5: MOSTLY SUNNY AND 40... Nice for a Sunday in January around these parts. Maybe make plans for a hike or nature walk, so many places to go around this area while the winter weather is still crisp but decent enough to stay out.
1/5: THE BAND’S VISIT MUSICAL This musical is showing now at Proctor’s thru this weekend, and the Jewish Federation is doing a group viewing this Sunday at 2pm, $75pp for this group pricing. 100 minutes.
>>>> 1/5: VIGIL AGAINST HATE In a show of unity in response to events in Monsey and elsewhere, an “Interfaith Vigil: United Together in Faith Against Hate and Intolerance” 7pm at Gates of Heaven (852 Ashmore Ave) co-
1/10-12: WOMENS SHABBAT At the historic Gideon Putnam Resort in the heart of Saratoga Spa State Park for an inspiring, relaxing, and invigorating Shabbat weekend together with local Jewish women. Organized by Capital Region Chabad’s Jewish Womens Circles, at an all-inclusive rate of $250pp (per doubleoccupancy). Price goes up after Dec 1st. For more info, any questions & to register, see:
1/23: FRIENDSHIP NIGHT OUT An enjoyable night out (with art, auction, dinner, drinks and entertainment) at Glennpeters Jewelers to benefit the Friendship Circle. 5-7pm. $25pp, drinks sold separately. All of the art pieces sold were made by Friendship Circle participants.
2/4: IF ALL SEAS WERE INK Timely for the Siyum HaShas and all the buzz around Daf Yomi, CBAJ Book Club is reading this excellent memoir by Ilana Kurshan which creatively weaves Talmud tractates and teachings through the events of her own life. The read is on now, they meet on Feb 4th to discuss.
3rd graders started division, and it was easier than they expected! The Girls of the Lowell Mills, DBQ history essays. Dream House Designs - but in Spanish!
LOCAL DAF YOMI HISTORY Albany's DafYomi history goes back to the two stalwarts Bernie Saul & Joe Saidel who learned Talmud each morning at CBAJ & on Shabbos, Sunday & Holidays at Shomray Torah, which transitioned to daily DafYomi at some point by early 1980's. They were both working men, neither had a formal Jewish education. Bernie was a strong, he ran a restaurant equipment business & drove a blue Chevy pickup, Joe was an earnest diligent thin & trim attorney who rode his bike around town. Both never missed Minyan. Back then, the Rabbis of both Albany Shuls would teach the DafYomi class, but these two men (& others) were the committed & invested backbone. But Albany's greatest DafYomi enthusiast & advocate was the late Salo Steper, a beloved person, who deeply cherished learning & valued education, and actively believed in Talmud's accessibility. He taught using the complex text, & by personal example. Salo lived simply but was rich with sophisticated ideas & understanding. The Beit Midrash & Talmud studies at Maimonides carry his name. May their legacies live on!
DAF YOMI RESTARTING On Sunday the 7.5 year cycle resets and the daily (and local!) Daf Yomi Talmud study cycle begins anew with tractate Berachos, a much more user-friendly tractate, so it is a good time to jump in. It can be ideally as a daily regimen, or perhaps just joining in with weekend study. One very memorable message at this year’s Siyum HaShas was Rabbi Y. Frand of Baltimore quoting Voltaire “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good!” Don’t let worrying about finishing the cycle keep you from studying part of it! More study is better than all or none. And the same is true with all areas of Torah study, it doesn't have to be Talmud. Go & learn! Start somewhere…
AT THE KOSHER STORE Stop in to shop at the Colonie Kosher Price Chopper or call 518-456-2970 x8 to make a special order or find out about prepared meals.
MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”