32nd Annual Scholarship Tribute Dinner TRIBUTE JOURNAL & YEARBOOK 5772 / 2011-2012
Diamond Page
In tribute to a true woman of valor MRS RIVKA LOSICE of blessed memory Best wishes to the entire Losice family Your friends, The Massry Family
You call this Downsizing? This year’s Tribute Journal is a bit smaller than previous editions, but rather than just save a few inches of paper and several dollars, our new format also has a major message and vital point: Size doesn’t matter! Who better than the Maimonides School knows and appreciates that Quality supersedes Quantity, for “Great things come in Small packages!” The dynamic growth of Nano Technology in our Region demonstrates the awesome power and potential contained within the smallest items and states. At Maimonides, each child is precious, a tiny diamond radiating with light and sparkle!
Maimonides is… The small school, with a Big Heart, & Broad Vision!
You mean you don’t get Maimonides’ “MC” Weekly Newsletter? This Yearbook/Tribute Journal offers an overview Maimonides glimpse, keep updated with school/communal news & events every Friday for the big picture… Sign up for email or mail delivery: maimonidesschool@gmail.com 3
Maimonides Hebrew Day School annually awards the Dr. Morton Berger Memorial Award to an individual who typifies the character, leadership and compassion of Dr. Berger. A leader in the Capital Region’s Jewish community and a nationally renown psychologist, “Morty” was the husband of Hope, and father to Linda, Howard and Alan. Dr. Berger was a founding member of the Hebrew Academy of the Capital District, a long-time member of Cong. Shomray Torah, active in the community and an inspiration to many individuals. Professionally, Dr. Berger was Dean of the Freukauf Graduate School of Psychology at Yeshiva University and an adjunct professor at Albany Medical College. He passed away tragically on the 28th of Nissan, 5748 - April 15th, 1988. Dr. Berger’s achievements and activities were characterized by his intelligence, insight and compassion. Even though he is no longer with us, his memory, character and teachings continue to live on with us forever. 4
RABBI DR. NORMAN LAMM Dr. Norman Lamm—a distinguished rabbi, philosopher, teacher, and author—was a mentor and colleague to Dr. Morton Berger, Dean of YU’s Ferkauf School of Psychology and pillar of Albany’s Jewish community. Dr. Lamm was elected president of Yeshiva University in 1976, succeeding Dr. Samuel Belkin and Dr. Bernard Revel. He was the University’s third president and the first American-born to head the nation’s oldest, most comprehensive institution of higher learning under Jewish auspices. In 2003, he was elected Chancellor. He continues as Rosh HaYeshiva at the University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. Born in Brooklyn in 1927, Dr. Lamm received his elementary and HS education at Torah Vodaath. He graduated Yeshiva College summa cum laude in 1949 as valedictorian. He pursued advanced scientific studies at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn while continuing Judaic studies and rabbinics at Yeshiva. He was ordained by YU’s affiliated RIETS Seminary in 1951, and earned a Ph.D. in Jewish philosophy from YU’s Bernard Revel Graduate School in 1966. Preceding his election as president, Dr. Lamm served on the YU faculty, culminating in his appointment as Erna and Jakob Michael Professor of Jewish Philosophy in 1966. He was a congregational rabbi for 25 years—six in Springfield, MA and 18 at The Jewish Center in Manhattan. In honor of his 80th birthday the university founded the Lamm Legacy – which, among other things; places on the web over 800 of his sermons during 25 years in the Rabbinate. Dr. Lamm gained wide recognition for writings on Jewish philosophy and law, especially in relation to science, technology, and philosophy in the modern world. His major work, Torah Lishmah, deals with religious philosophy of Hasidim and their Mitnagdic opponents. Torah Umadda, explores the University’s ideological cornerstone: the integration of Torah learning and secular knowledge. (>) 5
RABBI DR. NORMAN LAMM (cont.) A list of works by Dr. Lamm includes: A Hedge of Roses: Jewish Insights into Marriage (1966), A Treasury of Tradition, co-edited with Walter S. Wurzburger (1967), The Royal Reach: Discourses on the Jewish Tradition and the World Today (1970), Faith & Doubt: Studies in Traditional Jewish Thought (1971; 1986) Torah Lishmah, Torah for Torah’s Sake—in the works of Rabbi Hayyim of Voluzhin and his Contemporaries (Hebrew 1972; English 1989), The Good Society: Jewish Ethics in Action (1974), Torah Umadda: The Encounter of Religious Learning & Worldly Knowledge in Jewish Tradition (1990), Halakhot Ve’Halikhot (Hebrew)—Jewish Law and the Legacy of Judaism: Essays and Inquiries in Jewish Law (1990) The Shema: Spirituality and Law in Judaism (1998), The Religious Thought of Hasidism: Text and Commentary (1999), Seventy Faces: Articles of Faith (2001), The Royal Table: A Passover Haggadah (2010), and Festivals of Faith, Reflections on the Jewish Holidays (2011). He was the founder and editor of Tradition and associate editor of Hadarom, and founder of The Torah Umadda Journal. Dr. Lamm is credited with saving Yeshiva University from bankruptcy in 1980 by adopting a sweeping debt-restructuring plan. He launched a successful campaign to repay some $35 million in loans in 1982 and presided over a development effort that increased YU’s endowment to nearly $712 million. Considered the “Father of Modern Orthodoxy” in America, Rabbi Lamm founded the Orthodox Forum think tank of outstanding Modern Orthodox thinkers, as well as the Orthodox Caucus of Rabbis and lay leaders. He is widely recognized for his advancement of Torah Umadda and groundbreaking guidance of generations of Orthodox Jewry in America. Dr. Lamm is married to the former Mindella Mehler. They have four children, seventeen grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.
CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS Cordelia Collins - Grades 1/2/3 Alexandra Ogando - Preschool Eliana Candelario - Preschool Yevgenia Segal - Tutoring Kathleen Wolford - Art Kiorainer Milan - Office Sarah Hendley - Preschool RECESS-TIME COACHES Melissa Spring Lindsay Millett Maylynn Schnapp Ama Achiamah Faneeza Allishaw Trevor Paddy Gustavo Trinidad Mohamed Mohamed Tyler Stanton Tyler Denton Katzney Cham Ronnie Reed Lanique Williams
THE SAGE COLLEGES Twenty Sage students spent considerable time at Maimonides this year, assisting in the classrooms, in the office and on the playing fields. We therefore present them, and Sage College, with our “Community Service Award.” They helped transform the hallway between Kindergarten and Nursery into a bright and cheerful “outdoor” corridor, our art students had extra gently guiding hands, and we enjoyed quality art displays relating to classroom learning. The Sage students benefitted our pre-school and primary grades, and our HS gained math and science tutorials.
The talented and dedicated athletic coaches transformed recess-time sports, encouraging all the players, building teamwork and sportsmanship, improving soccer and basketball skills and assisting our schoolwide anti-bullying effort. They were flexible to indoor and outdoor play, depending on weather conditions, and made the most of our multi-age and varying talent levels. Many thanks to parent volunteer Mrs. Sussanah Levin who started this initiative, and worked diligently throughout the year to coordinate the volunteers and supporting them at Maimonides. We thank the Sage College work-study and communal affairs office for this amazing opportunity. In these challenging economic times, every bit of assistance is huge for a financially limited school. We can’t thank the Sage College students enough for their dedication, time and talent. You made a MAJOR difference! THANK YOU! 8
LEWIS & BETH GRAY Beth and Lewis Gray began their journey toward Jewish observance the year they became engaged. They needed a place to go for High Holiday services and a friend suggested the Queens Jewish Center beginners Orthodox service. “It’s free! No tickets required!” This was important because Beth was a full-time student and could not afford to shell out $300+ to connect to the Al-mighty! The dynamic Rabbi who lead the service suggested we take his classes, a Hebrew reading refresher and “Intro to Judaism.” The shul invited them to “Shabbat Across America” Shabbatons and the Rabbi invited them to his home and introduced them to the beauty of Shabbos. The couple began to attend Chabad of North East Queens run by Rabbi Yossi Blesofsky and took wonderful classes on the Tanya and other topics. A few years later, a friend suggested they go to the Jewish Heritage Center of Queens and Long Island. It was there that they met the directors of the center, Rabbi Naftali Portnoy and their Rav, Rabbi Moshe Turk. They took more classes and were overwhelmed by the amazing people who hosted them in Kew Gardens Hills, especially their friends and mentors, Bob & Susie Garber and Allen & Lenore Szrolovits among other very special and dynamic families. In their homes, they were able to ask questions about Judaism, Torah and mitzvah observance. Two days after returning from a Shabbos trip to Albany to “check out the community,” New York City and the world as we all knew it changed with the horror of 9/11/2001. Lew, along with countless others, felt the roar of the second plane over his head as it flew into the second tower of the WTC. Their decision to move was clinched. That week, as the smells of burning and destruction wafted throughout the whole of NYC, Beth & Lew kashered their kitchen after months of study and a “practice run” on their treif dishes. When Beth questioned whether this was the appropriate time for such a venture, Rabbi Portnoy said, “The angels are dancing as they look down from the heavens.” One mitzvah lead to the next. Lewis and Beth Gray moved to Albany from Flushing, Queens exactly a decade ago. As new Ba’alei Teshuva living in a mostly Italian neighborhood in Flushing, Albany became their first Jewish community. They were touched by the warmth and 10
LEWIS & BETH GRAY (cont.) and genuineness of the community. They were happy to be able to return the favor of the hospitality they received by inviting others to their home to celebrate Shabbos and YomTov with them. Here, they continued to learn about Yiddishkeit from new Torah teachers including Rabbi Israel & Rochel Rubin, Rabbi Nachman & Clara Simon, Rabbi Bomzer, Rabbi Chanaya & Sara Rosenblum, Rabbi Ran & Yael Reshev, and Salo Stepper. Lewis Gray was born in Flushing, New York, the first of three sons of Linda and Seymour Gray. He grew up and lived in Queens his entire life until his current residence in Albany. Lew has his Masters Degree in business and worked in hospital administration before doing audit work for various governmental agencies. Lewis currently works for the NY State Inspector General but will soon be starting a new job with The Division of Housing and Community Renewal in NYC. As a hobby, he has been known to entertain the locals with his unique brand of comedy. Lewis is on the board at Maimonides. Beth grew up in Highland Park, NJ, the fourth daughter of Stanley and Ruth Weinrib. She has her doctorate in school psychology from Yeshiva University. She attended SUNY Albany for her undergraduate degree and never dreamed she would return to Albany and be part of an Orthodox community she never even knew existed. Beth worked as a school psychologist for the NYC Board of Education for eight years before giving birth to the couple’s first child. Currently, Beth is a stay-athome-mom to their five children, ka”h, Rivkah, Avi, Sarah Esther, Nomi and Leah. The children (except Leah) all attend Maimonides Hebrew Day School and have had the beautiful experience of a wonderful Torah education that their parents never had. They feel deeply indebted to the school for instilling in them a love of Yiddishkeit along with a top notch secular education. To keep her sanity, Beth enjoys jogging and other forms of exercise. She has worked part-time over the years in Albany and volunteered her services for the girls high school at Maimonides. Beth has volunteered for B’nos Israel Mikvah for many years and currently serves as its president. They are members of Congregation Shomray Torah (The “Shteeble”) and Congregation Beth Abraham Jacob. Beth and Lew are saddened to leave this very special community, but are grateful for the preparation they had here to enter a larger one. They look forward to welcoming visitors from Albany in their new home, IY”H! 11
DR. LEONARD MORGENBESSER Dr. Leonard “Lenny” Morgenbesser is a graduate of Queens College and Binghamton University, and received his PhD in Criminal Justice from UAlbany. Professionally, he works for the NYS Department of Correctional Services. In addition, as a concerned citizen, Dr. Morgenbesser is a tireless and persistent advocate for safety and gun control, and also for equal participation and public access for Sabbath-observant Jews in all areas of civic and political activity. Among numerous accolades and awards, Dr. Morgenbesser was recognized for his efforts with the Rutherford Hayes Leadership Award, and with the US Department of Justice’s Public Service Award. Long-time Albany residents, Dr. Leonard and Maxine Morgenbesser have been personally involved with Maimonides for decades, as proud parents of their four children (some attending MHDS through High School), Yaakov and Racheli, Shmuel, Pesi, Chani, Chaim and Yali, Avi and Shoshana, and Sarah Morgenbesser. Throughout the years, even after their children graduated, they remained committed to the beautiful blend of Torah-true education, coupled with highquality General Studies, for a wholesome child, including meaningful values and character refinement. Politically active and connected, and one who especially values public recognition of individual goodwill and public benefit, Dr. Morgenbesser was the one to arrange for the Maimonides Dinner honorees state and local proclamations each and every year. Maimonides is pleased to present a Proclamation Tribute to Dr. Morgenbesser, recognizing his many years on behalf of the school and its annual honorees, and in appreciation of his dedication.
MRS. RIVKA LOSICE OBM Born on Rosh Hashanah 1938 in Antwerp, Belgium, Rivka (Regina) Rimalt’s family escaped just one day ahead of the Nazi invasion of Belgium, crossing the border into France, then from Spain into Portugal. The Rimalt family spent three years in Havana, Cuba, before arriving in the U.S. on July 4, 1944. The Rimalt family lived at 1414 President Crown Heights in the same apartment building as Rebbetzin Chana, the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s mother. Rivka attended the elementary Yeshiva of Crown Heights, and Yeshiva University High School. While attending Brooklyn College, Rivka met and married Moshe Losice in 1959. After raising her 2 children, Rivka graduated from the University at Albany in 1976. Rivka was a most loving and dedicated wife to her husband, and they are the parents of Avi Losice and his wife Ariella Bernstein of Jerusalem, Israel, and Adina Herbstman and her husband Simcha of Monsey, N.Y, and have had seven grandchildren. Residing in Albany for 52 years, Rivka served 30 years as the Treasurer and driving force of Albany’s Mikvah Bnos Israel, and was among the founders of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School. Rivka Losice is remembered for her careful balance and blending of Jewish tradition with American life, her consistently pleasing manner, planning and foresight, a personal sense of dignity, dress and tact and careful choice of words. The “Aishes Chayil” tribute to Mrs. Rivka Losice, who passed away in November, will dedicate a series of Maimonides educational programs based on the purity, dignity and refined character ideals that Rivka represented.
Journal Address from General Studies Faculty 2012 The General Studies faculty and staff wishes to express congratulations to this year’s honorees. Your own personal mission, coupled with your various talents, has contributed greatly to the positive culture and climate at Maimonides. Our purpose begins bringing the world to children and culminates with these children heading off into the world. Mazal Tov to this year’s Maimonides graduates! We seek to blend curriculum with our students’ real lives to create an awareness and sense of self, in the scope of the larger world. We focus on strength of character and service to others through an interdisciplinary approach. We blend literature and exploration with visitors from the community, field trips, and a hands-on approach to learning. The General Studies teachers contribute to and respect the Jewish education at Maimonides. Diverse classroom projects are arranged with respect to Jewish observances and themes. We blend course studies with regards to the individual students’ needs to impact awareness and have our students carry their light into the world. This light of knowledge, respect and perseverance shines brightly and illuminates their way. We come together to enjoy and value the education, mission and purpose of Maimonides Hebrew Day School.
A sampling of the bulletin boards prepared
14 by General Studies teachers & classes.
Coming soon…
Maimonides Science & Technology Maimonides’ focus on Science and Technology, is being observed and followed by area science and lay leaders who have expressed interest to develop, enhance and upgrade this great potential. We thank the Bender Family grants that launched this endeavor and furnished our science-lab, as well as our dedicated and talented teachers who provide hands-on research experiments, creative enrichment and direction. As our Region takes Nano steps into the future, we welcome expert input and generous support to further develop our Dr. Jonathan O’Brien Laboratory, and science programs and enrichment, and upgrade our Computer Lab into an advanced State-of the-Art Technology Center. AirPressure
Dry Ice
Visiting Polymer expert Dr. Victor Naar
“Their Righteousness is Eternal” (Psalms 112)
Endowments & Bequests help insure Jewish continuity right here in the Capital Region, enabling quality Jewish Education - the secret of Jewish survival. Maimonides gratefully acknowledges these generous gifts:
Eva Knezek Building Dedication Yetta Leifer Memorial Bequest Max & Sophie Hutten Memorial Bequest Dr. Morton Berger Building Gift Dedicated by Sanford and Dina Rosenblum
Bnos Chaya Interschool Fund Nathan Rosenstein Kitchen Dedication Louis Wineberg Memorial Fund Dr. Jonathan O’Brien Science Laboratory Anna Bindell Sewing Center Mary & Ben Rosenstein Memorial Bequest Avi Chai Foundation Interest-Free Building Loan “Children’s Torah Study and Mitzvot provide eternal spiritual comfort and merit.” (Talmud) Please remember Maimonides in your will; our children will surely remember you.
9/11 10th Anniversary “Tower-Candles” Memorial Tribute
Reading together...
Tzedakah is a daily routine
Digging in the Sand
Nursery’s Circle-Time
Scribal Art with Quills and Ink
Preparing for the Seder
Shabbos Parties, Lunch and Birthdays
Nursery’s Lag B’Omer Propeller Hats
First-Fruits in Clay
Nursery mixes Chocolate Batter Kindergarteners make their own Machzor books
Soft Kindergarten Welcome
Painting the Kindergarten Door for Passover
First-Graders proud of their Book-Reports
1st Grade Annual Siddur Party Tradition
Bringing Purim Cheer to Seniors at Beverwyck
2nd Grade Chumash Siyum
Chanukah Spirit Tu-Bishvat Breakfast
2nd Grade’s Rosh Hashanah Posters
3rd Grade’s Refreshing Siyum Party
New Chanukah Books for School in memory of Mr. Louis Sonenberg
“Dah-Bear” Classroom Enrichment Technology
Felafel for Israel’s Birthday
4th Grade’s Lag B’Omer “Mitzvot on the GO!” Banner
All together now - Having a Ball!
Preparing a Bulletin Board
4th Grade paints for Lag B’Omer
5th Grade visits Thatcher Park
Gemorah to PC
Reagan’s Nurse speaks to Students Making Power-Points
Spontaneous Spirit during Prayer
Holocaust Survivor Leo Zisman
Kung-Fu Martial Arts 6/7 Grade Lag B’Omer Banner
Dance Class
6/7th Grade Shabbaton Weekend
Ever Seeking & Searching
Science Class Demo & Testing
Our students reflected(ing) at regional landmarks
In the Science Lab
Lively Singing
Beautiful Flowers, Beautiful Girls
At Moses Statute in Washington Park
The Blessing of Spring: Blossoming & Growth
Multi-age Recess Play at the Woodlawn Fields 9/11 Twin-Towers APPS Projects
Pi-Day intersecting Math and Torah
Heart to Heart
Travelers Torah Dedication Celebration
Our boys love a joyous occasion...
Visitor with Travelers Torah APPS projects Air-Powered Dreidel
Rally for Stolen Monticello Torahs Albany WWI Memorial
High School at Dyken Pond
High School at Albany Medical Center
H.S. at
NYS Assembly
Congratulations MIRIAM KUDAN
on graduating Maimonides Bnos Chaya High School
Birds-Eye View of 10 Centuries of History
THANK YOU to the benefactors of the
2011-2012 MAIMONIDES SCHOLARSHIP FUND A & B Housewares Helene Ainspan Paula Ainspan Rabbi Shimon & Liba Andrusier Joseph Atlas Dr. Alan & Edie Auerbach Avram & Sharona Backman A.I. Bailis Yefim & Galina Baskin Martin & Karen Bienstock Emily Bloch Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky Rabbi Moshe Bomzer Dr. Keith Breiman Alyson Brener Joe & Lori Calka Sam & Linda Candib Hallie Cantor Dorothea Capon Mendy Carlebach Shlomo Carlebach Yosef Carlebach Phillip & Linda Chandler D. Cohen Evelyn Cohen Lewis Cohen Stuart Cohen Selig Corman Janis Coton Michael Covitch Elaine Ehrenpreis Devorah Ehrlich Audrey Ellowitz Keren Ezra Ari Fisher Audrey Fisher Dan Flax Beatrice Fox Catherine Frank Sara Freifeld Dr. Michael Fuhrman Mushky Galperin Rabbi & Mrs Shlomo Galperin Adelaide Glazier Andrew Gigliotti D. Gold Sandra Goldmeer Rivkah Goldstein Itche & Dini Gordon Sandra Gorenstein
Lewis & Beth Gray William Green Marc Gronich Sue Ann Grosberg Erin Hall Levi & Batsheva Harel Chanoch & Tzivi Hecht Rabbi Yitzchok Hecht Lori Hertzberg Esther Horowitz Yitzchok Hurwitz Bini & Avraham Itkin Dr. Ed Jacobs Gayle Jaffe Gary Judd Ethel Kagan Tai Kaufmann Nat Kaufman Rabbi Yaakov & Lisa Kellman J. Kimmer Ronald Kohn Zev Kohn Claire Geller Kolchetski Chani Kolodny Sanford & Gloria Krimmer Yitzchok Krimmer Charles Kudan Norman Kudan Ruvain & Shaina Kudan Zalmy Kudan Gershon Kulik Deena Kuperman Rabbi Avrohom & Nechama Laber Rivkah Landa Leibish Landau Abraham Lefkowitz Myrna Lefkowitz Rosemary Levin Ted & Susannah Levin Kay Levine Levine Memorial Chapel Pinchas Levine Jeanne Levy Faith Lobel Avi Losice Morris Losice Beverly Magidson Jessica Many Leon Margolin Rabbi Mendy & DL
Mathless Rebecca Schwarzmer Ezekiel Meisels Richard Seiden Miriam Messinger Leslie Seigel Gregory Mikhaylov Dr. Gavin Setzen Greg & Judy Miller Martin Siegel Rabbi Moshe & Karen Rabbi Nachman & Clara Mirsky Simon Natalie Mitchel Rabbi Zalmy & Chani Sharon Mitchel Simon Sylvia Mlynaska Sofia Smelyanskaya Sarah Moise Fraide Sabol Maxine Morgenbesser Amy Sohn Mesivta Maamar Mordechai Michael & Sylvia Solomon Corliss Mulqueen Sam Sonenberg Eli Nash Elaine Spoor Hope Nathan Sid & Debbie Stark Dr. Eli & Raizel Neiman Mindy Sanders Stein Reeva Nowitz Salo & Johanna Steper Vicky O’Brien Mark Stern Irving & Myrna Paris Elyse Sternlicht Ross Peiser Don & Rochelle Stracher Mary Perlmutter Moriah Sufrin Chani Piekarski Joshua Sussman Madeleine Polcari Joyce Teitelman Jay Portnoy Rabbi Larry Teitelman Rozanna Rabinovich Dr. Floyd Tuler Chani Rapaport Michael Tunney Dr. Paul Rappaport Robert Valeno Linda Raxenberg Judith Vener Bob Reilly Joseph Vinisky Ruth Risman Rabbi Levi & Sara Volovik Mark Rosen Fran Waldman Eileen Rosenbaum Dr. Barry & Ruth Warren Carole Rosenblum Joshua & Rebekah Wildman Peter & BJ Rosenfeld Rebecca Wilson Marcia Rosenfield Dr. Nini Wu Neil Rosenstrauch Tzvi Zaklos Barbara Rossi Stanley Zalen Abba Rubin Paul Zohn Joyce Rubin Rabbi Mendel & Raizy All Travelers-Torah Rubin Contributors Yossi & Leyee Rubin Ruthie Saloff Rabbi Yakov & Shevy We apologize for any Samet inadvertent omissions. Rita Schachne Leah Schenkel Dr. Michael & Barbara Scher Eric Schwartz M. Schwartz
Scholarship Page
Scholarship Page
In loving memory of Rivka Losice
ď‚š Congratulations to all the Honorees and Best Wishes to The Maimonides School Moshe & the Losice Family 43
Scholarship Page We salute the dedication of the administration, teachers and staff for all the Talmidim of Maimonides Hebrew Day School We salute the national leadership of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm We salute our “Eitz-Chayim” Awardees Lewis & Beth Gray
Ariella & Avi Losice 44
With our deepest Gratitude, We dedicate this to: Maimonides Hebrew Day School
How do we say thank you for instilling in our children a love of Yiddishkeit, incredible Torah knowledge and a beautiful secular education as well? We wish to thank Rabbi Yisroel and Rochel Rubin and all the dedicated teachers and staff who make the school the wonderful place that it has been for our children to learn, grow and thrive. Special thanks to our childrens’ Morahs, Rabbis and teachers for all of your hard work.
The Jewish Community of Albany
You made us feel at home and have seen us through good times and times of sorrow. You are making it hard to leave. We want to thank all the special people who currently live here and those that have passed through during our own ten year sojourn. We wish you all health, wealth, nachas from your children, growth in Torah and happiness as you continue on your special missions Hashem has set out for you.
The Dinner Honorees
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm – What an honor to even be mentioned on the same invitation! Rabbi Lamm’s book, A Hedge of Roses was one of our first Jewish books and such an amazing introduction to the mitzvah of Taharas haMishpacha. May he go from strength to strength and continue to have his great impact on the Jewish world! Sage College Students – We can’t thank you enough for making recess such a constructive and enjoyable time for our children and all the students! Dr. Leonard Morgenbesser – What a beautiful tribute to such a special person! We wish him a complete refuah shelaima. Mrs. Rivka Losice , OBM – What an amazing legacy of community service and a life spent doing Hashem’s will. Truly a life to be inspired by. 8th Grade & HS Graduates – Mazel Tov! May you take the lessons from MHDS and use them throughout your lifetime!
We will miss you smAlbany! Beth & Lewis Gray and Family 45
Thank you to Yisroel Simcha, Binah and the Bindell family. They have been pillars of our community. May they experience true happiness and much success.
Eli Nash
Mazel Tov Miriam! On your Graduation from Maimonides High School. We marvel at your academic accomplishments, your sunny personality and midos tovos, and your devotion to be a true bas yisroel and bas Chabad. We know that you will continue to give nachas to us and to the Rebbe.
Mazel Tov Moishy!! On your Middle School Graduation. We are so proud of you for your hard work in both Jewish and General Studies, and your sweet personality that endears you to everyone who knows you. Keep up the good work in High School!
Heartfelt thanks to all MHDS teachers, administration and staff for the effort you put into our children!
Ruvain & Shayna Kudan and Family 47
Mazel Tov to Maimonides on another successful year! The Chaiken Family ________________________
Rafael Chaiken Jewish Keyboard Music Religious, Israeli, and klezmer music for simchas, parties, and other special events rafael.chaiken@gmail.com
To Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Rubin for all their selfless dedication to the Chinuch of our children. Special thanks to our Sage students for enriching our children’s lives and being positive role models.
Itche & Dini Gordon and Family
Congregation Beth Israel of Schenectady
pays tribute to MHDS for providing an excellent Torah and general education for the Jewish children of the Capital Region. Congratulations to the worthy honorees: Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm Dr. Morton Berger Memorial Award Sage Colleges Community Service Award Lewis & Beth Gray Eitz-Chayim Award Dr. Leonard Morgenbesser Proclamations Tribute Mrs. Rivka Losice obm Aishet Chayil Tribute Rabbi Moshe Mirsky Co-President James Strosberg Co-President Deborah Gatoff 50
Mazal Tov to dear friends and most deserving couple BETH AND LEWIS GRAY for receiving the “Eitz-Chayim Award” Best wishes to you and your beautiful family for much happiness in your new home.
In memory of our beloved DR. BERNARD TEITELMAN Z”L His love for Torah, Education and Chesed was an inspiration for us all. May we be zoche to continue his beautiful legacy. Joyce Larry, Nehama, Sara, Yael, Atara, Yedida, Temima & Binyamin Elana, Zvi, Adira, Yair, Naftali & Dovid Howie, Meital, Yehuda, Tiferet, Ahava, Tehila & Maayan
In Gratitude to: Rabbi Moshe Bomzer, Rabbi Israel Rubin, & Rabbi Nachman Simon for maintaining the DAF YOMI program in Albany. “Daf Yomi” is a study program to familiarize the Jewish people with the Babylonian Talmud by having students in the entire world learn the same page of Talmud each day, continuing page by page until completion. We review the entire Talmud in seven and a half years. We are currently studying the final tractate “Niddah” on Family Purity Laws. We all look forward to the Grand International Siyum (completion of study) of the entire Talmud on August 1!
All are invited. Please come study with us. We have nothing to lose but our ignorance. Learning Torah brings peace to the world. You are very welcome to join us at the times and places listed below:
Cong. Beth Abraham-Jacob 380 Whitehall Road Monday - Friday 6am Rabbi Moshe E. Bomzer
Cong. Shomray Torah 463 New Scotland Ave
Saturday 50 minutes before sundown
Rabbi Israel Rubin Sunday 8:45am Rabbi Nachman Simon
“Acquire a teacher, Obtain a Friend...” (Ethics of the Fathers 1:6)
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ad mayah v’esrim shana
Brilliant teacher and devoted friend to generations of students, to Klal Yisrael and especially to our family In knowledge, wisdom, caring and commitment to Torah - an unparalleled leader With affection and gratitude, The Family of Dr. Morton Berger
Best Wishes from
BASKIN Custom Homes Baskin General Contractor specializing in all aspects of remodeling 512 West Lawrence Street Free Estimates - Fully Insured (518) 482-1415 (cell): 365-1515 53
Mazal Tov to Nachum on his 8th grade graduation Love, Ema, Abba, Malka, Eli, Esther, Adina & Shlomo Saba and Savta Grandma Myra Ellen & Steve Sumner Ishara Bailis and Tim Bowler Noah and Betsy Wildman
In memory of our dear friends Rivka Losice z”l and Avram Horowitz z”l Michael and Sylvia Solomon 54
Mazal Tov to Lewis & Beth Gray
BJ & Peter Rosenfeld
Congratulations to the deserving honorees Lewis & Beth Gray and thank you to the entire Maimonides Staff and Administration for your dedication in educating our son Tzvi this year.
Rabbi Yanky & Shevi Samet 55
In loving memory of our dear friend Rivka Losice May she continue to be an inspiration to all Esther Horowitz Judy & Avrumy Safrin & family Rabbi Benjamin & Amy Horowitz & family
Mazal Tov to Lewis & Beth Gray and Dr. Leonard Morgenbesser Rivka Losice In appreciation of the school that educated our three children and with special recognition of the teachers who lovingly and effectively prepared them for further Jewish education and institutions of higher learning, in Israel and in this country.
Rabbi Yaakov and Lisa Kellman 56
Mazal Tov to Lewis and Beth Gray, the best friends anyone could ask for. Yasher Koach! All the best of success in your future endeavors. Come back to visit!
Congratulations to Dr. Norman Lamm - You are a true inspiration and you embody all that the Dr. Morton Berger Award represents.
Marc Gronich and Paula Ainspan
Mazel Tov Beth and Lew Gray “Eitz-Chayim” Awardees In addition to being community pillars, You are really great friends too! Mazel Tov Dr. Leonard Morgenbesser Your tribute is well-deserved. May you go from strength to strength! Sage College Honorees You gave our kids baskets-full of fun this year, and much reward will rebound to you! Ruvain & Shayna Kudan 57
Congratulations to Chana
upon reaching your 8th grade graduation from MHDS. May you go from strength to strength & continue to make us all so proud! Caring and Friendly to all Humorous and loves to have a ball Artistic and Fun Nice to Everyone Amazing Friend, Daughter & Sister!
We love you!! Mommy, Tatty, Chaya, Azriel, Shaina, Raizel, Rivkah, Mendel, Yehudah, and Shneur Zalman Laber
Congratulations to Nechama And to all the Graduates From the Krimmer family 58
Dear Parents, On this honorable occasion we would like to express our utmost admiration and appreciation for all you have done for us, and continue to do in your loving and devoted way. Your love, strong support, guidance, and endless giving have helped to mold us into the b’nei torah we are today. Mazel tov on this well-deserved honor. May you be zoche that we be a constant source of nachas for you, and may you be showered with bracha and hatzlacha in all that you do. Love always, Yaakov and Racheli, Shmuel, Pesi, Chani, Chaim and Yali, Avi and Shoshana, and Sarah Morgenbesser
Mazal Tov and Hatzlacha to this year’s honorees for their important role in building and maintaining the Jewish community of the Capital Region. With eternal gratitude to Hashem, and the faculty, leadership, and supporters of Maimonides Hebrew Day School who have provided for the education and growth of the Torah observant Jewish community of the Capital Region. With wishes for health and hatzlacha for Klal Yisrael. From 4 generations of the Morgenbesser & Amann family Rosalyn Morgenbesser Rebecca Amann Dr. Leonard and Maxine Morgenbesser, Yaakov & Racheli Morgenbesser Shmuel, Pesi, Chana Tzirel, Chaim Nachman & Yael Morgenbesser Avi & Shoshana Morgenbesser and Sarah Morgenbesser 59
Congratulations to all our Honorees:
Shabbos House salutes and appreciates the Maimonides School as a hub and beacon of Jewish life, learning and community in the Capital Region.
Maimonides students and teachers aspire to the ideal “Beautiful Blend” represented by Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ---Rivka Losice Her legacy lives on. May Rivka be a ‘Gutter-Betterin’ for her whole Mishpacha and a model for character to our students and the whole community. ----Lew and Beth Good friends who Giving lovingly to the Mikvah, Shuls & Maimonides Humorous & Serious A role model of a Jewish family ----Lenny and Maxine Determined, Devoted and Dedicated to Torah education Your beautiful children are “proof of the pudding” of Torah with Derech Eretz ----The Sage Students Your talent, dedication and good cheer made a MAJOR difference for our children
Congratulations to all the Honorees. Thanks to Lew and (alumnus) Beth for your friendship and support. Best wishes to Lenny & Maxine for all the behind-the-scenes kindness over many years. Thanks to the Sage students for exemplifying what students can do for the community. In loving memory & tribute to Rivka Losice, a matriarch and role model for our community.
Rabbi Mendel & Raizy Rubin, Directors
Rohr Chabad Jewish Student Center Serving UAlbany since 1976
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees! A huge thank you to Morah Devorah, Mrs. Carroll, Morah Rivkah, Morah Batsheva, Morah Moriah & Morah Elisheva for providing a quality education for Mendel & Yitzchak! Rabbi Shmuly & Laiky Rubin Chabad at Union College
Rabbi Yisroel & Rochel Rubin 60
In memory of Norman Brickman
Greetings and Best Wishes
D. Brickman Produce & Fresh Seafood
HOUSEWARES 1608 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY (718) 258-5221
Our Jewish Newspaper
A special thank you to all of Riva’s teachers and congratulations to all the honorees
(518) 344-7018 1635 Eastern Parkway, Schenectady 12309
Taksir Family 61
The Maimonides Board of Trustees extends its congratulations to Lewis and Beth Gray on their being honored for their years of service to the community and serving on the MHDS Board and wishes them much success
Capital Chabad salutes the Maimonides School and its honorees
Mazal Tov to Eli and the entire 8th grade class!
The Levin Family
Capital Chabad
Serving the community since 1974 www.capitalchabad.com 62
In honor of Rabbi Israel Rubin
Thank you for teaching us this year and helping us grow.
Best wishes, Nat Kaufmann
Nachum, Eli & Esther Wildman
Beth, Lew, Rivkah, Avi, Sarah-Esther, Nomi & Leah
Mazal Tov to all Honorees
Wishing you much Hatzlacha
Rita Schachne
We will miss you! Debbie (Morah Devorah) and Sid 63
A hearty Mazal Tov to Lewis & Beth Gray on receiving the “Eitz-Chayim� Award
Mazal Tov to all of the Honorees and Yasher Koach to everyone at Maimonides for another successful year!
Your commitment to this Jewish community is truly inspirational
Binyomin & Chanie (Stempel) Kolodny & Family
Dr. Gavin & Karen Setzen
We will never forget the large & small quiet acts of kindness Rivka Losice performed. Rivka was an inspiration to us to always keep trying, to always try to do better and to believe that better times were ahead with the help of Hashem & our hard work. We will always remember Rivka's grace, warm smile, gentle manner & kind heart.
Mazel Tov Lewis & Beth on this well deserved honor May you continue your great work on behalf of the Jewish community Rabbi Yossi, Dina and family Bayside, NY
Most sincerely & with great respect, Nina Israel Emunah & Ron Sohn & family Chana & Mark Israel & family 64
Best Wishes and Continued Success to the Maimonides Hebrew Day School upon the celebration of the 32nd annual Scholarship Tribute Dinner
Congratulations to MOISHY & MIRIAM KUDAN on the momentous occasion of your graduation. We are so proud of you!
Aunt Sandy & Uncle Mike
Assemblyman Bob Reilly
Congratulations to this year's "Beautiful Blend" of graduates and honorees. Wishing you a lot of hatzlocha and success in all of your future endeavors.
To our dear friends Beth and Lew, We are so thankful for all that you have done for us! We will miss you, and plan to I'YH keep in touch!
A big yasher koach to all of the teachers and staff for your efforts to provide our children with a Jewish education. With appreciation to Susannah Levin for organizing the Sage College volunteer program. Thank you to the Sage students for all your help!
With warm wishes of Bracha and Hatzlacha on your move!
Lew, Beth and family: good luck with your move, you will be missed!
From the Kaufmann Family
All the best!
Shmuel and Rivkah Kochman 65
In honor of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School for teaching our son with love. Special thanks to Rabbi Yisroel & Rochel Rubin, Rabbi Mathless, Rabbi Shmuly Rubin, Rabbi Laber and Mrs. Maher. Mazal Tov to the worthy honorees. Rabbi Moshe & Karen Mirsky
The Golub Center 184 Washington Ave Ext Albany NY 12203 (518) 783-7800
Congratulations to all of the Honorees: Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm Sage Colleges Lewis & Beth Gray Dr. Leonard Morgenbesser Mrs. Rivka Losice obm
Congratulations to all the Honorees and Graduates! Mazel Tov to Chaya Simon on her graduation
Thank you Rabbi Rubin & Morah Rochel for all of your efforts and Mesiras-Nefesh for Maimonides School.
Rabbi Nachman and Clara Simon
Thank you to all of our children’s dedicated and devoted teachers! with much appreciation, The Andrusier Family 66
In Honor of Our Dear Friends Lewis & Beth
Mazel Tov to Lewis and Beth Gray on this well deserved honor
Mazel Tov On A Much Deserved Honor
We are privileged to call you our friends. May you continue to be an inspiration to all those who are fortunate enough to know you.
May You Go From Strength To Strength Chananya and Sara Rosenblum & Family
Eliezer & Lenore Szrolovits
Congratulations to the students of Bnos Chaya High School on completion of another great school year!
Thank you Morah Devorah, Mrs. Carroll, Morah Rivka, Morah Batsheva, Morah Elisheva and Morah Moriah for a great school year!
a special Mazal Tov to Miriam Kudan on your graduation. You are an inspiration to us all! May you grow from strength to strength!
Mussie, Mendel and Chaiki Rubin, Clifton Park
Rabbi Yossi & Leyee Rubin 67
Mazal Tov to CHANI RUBIN on your 8th grade Graduation
Yasher Koach to Rabbi and Mrs. Rubin for all you do for the Albany Jewish Community and beyond!
We are so proud of you! With love and best wishes for continued growth and success Mommy & Tatty Mushky, Moshe, Sara, Bassie, Bluma & Esther-Miriam Bubby & Zaidy Galperin & Family Bubbe & Zeide Rubin & Family and the extended Shabbos House Family
With much appreciation, Rabbi Levi and Sara Volovik
Greetings from
Thank you to all our teachers at Maimonides for another great year of learning!
Moshe, Chaya & Chana Malka Rubin
Sit back, relax and shop with confidence at KosherMeatStore.com 68
With all our best wishes to the honorees and to the graduating class of 5772-2012.
Best wishes to all the Honorees
Mazal Tov!
Leibel & Elisheva Morrison
Cong. Beth Abraham-Jacob Dr. Moshe E. Bomzer, Rabbi Bev Shor, President
In honor of Miriam Kudan on your high school graduation, and In honor of Moishie Kudan on your eighth grade graduation. Mazel Tov!
Congratulations to the honorees and presenters supporting Jewish education in the community.
We're so proud of you! Uncle Moishy and Aunt Elaine and cousins
Drs. Ira Zackon & Nini Wu
In Honor of all the Maimonides & Bnos Chaya High School Friendship Circle Volunteers!
Remembering RIVKA LOSICE'S tremendous dedication to our community mikvah. Honoring the tireless devotion and hundreds of hours of love that BETH GRAY has graciously given to our mikvah. We will surely miss you!!
Thank you for all that you do to enrich the lives of children! Much appreciation, Rabbi Shimon & Liba Andrusier & The Friendship Circle
The B'nos Israel board, Shayna, Ilana, Rachel, and Rebekah
Mazel Tov to Lew and Beth Gray On this well-deserved Honor. Chazak Chazak v’Nischazek!
--The Graham Family 69
In honor of the Grays
Thank you to Morah Rivkah, and her team, Morahs Batsheva, Elisheva, Moriah and Sherry for a wonderful and happy year of Jewish learning.
מצא חן בעיני אלקים ובעיני האדם
who find favor in the eyes of G-d and the eyes of man and Rivka Losice, her memory is a blessing
Nachman and Mathless Family
Rabbi Mendy & Devora Leah Mathless
Congratulations to all the Honorees
Rabbi Yisroel Rubin, Regional Director Rabbi Abba Rubin, Director 130 Circular Street Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 (518) 526-0773 / saratora@aol.com
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees Sue Ann & Arnold Grosberg In honor of Lewis & Beth Ruth Risman Mazal Tov Lewis & Beth! Love, Carol, Danielle & Stephanie Greetings from Martin Siegel Best wishes from Selig Corman
Greetings from Dorothea Capon In honor of Rabbi Dr. Lamm from an Albany Talmid There are so many people I care about in your program… Hatzlacha, Rivka Best wishes to the Maimonides School and this year’s honorees from an admirer of Jewish Education
Diamond Page
Greetings and Best Wishes to the Maimonides School and this year’s honorees In memory of Esty (Rubin) Cohen Ben & Rachel Federman 1saleaday.com
“A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience”
These student photos on our new Maimonides Pushka (charity-can) were chosen for their warmth, varying ages and genders, and our wholesome, well-rounded integration featured by the Chumash on one hand and “World” history book in the other.
MAIMONIDES HEBREW DAY SCHOOL 31 Years of Excellence in Judaic & General Education “A Beautiful Blend - Torah & Worldly Experience” www.maimonidesschool.org 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 maimonidesschool@gmail.com
Founded in 1980, the Maimonides School is accredited by the NY State Board of Regents and is a beneficiary of the Jewish72Federation of Northeastern NY