Maine Cannabis Chronicle Volume II Issue III

Page 24


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Growing practices, along with harvest and post-harvest handling, are tantamount to offering a quality product. How can we further assure that we are offering a safe and consistent product? Thorough testing by a third party can ensure label claims and the safety of our products. Whether required or not, testing for cannabinoid levels, as well as pesticide residue, molds, and heavy metals, ensures product safety and grower integrity. Currently, Maine has very relaxed testing protocols, but that is about to change—perhaps even before this article is published. With the much anticipated opening of adult-use cannabis stores, cannabis testing will become a required reality. There are currently two facilities, Proverde and Sensible, that offer this type of cannabis testing. Proverde is not currently approved for the adult-use market but claims that they will be pursuing that approval. My personal experience with Proverde has been positive, with quality reporting and reasonable reporting times. Turnaround has ranged from days to well over a week, though they do offer an expedited turnaround for an 150% fee increase. They offer scheduled pick-up services throughout the state, as mailing samples is not allowed. Sensible LLC is located in Kennebunk and advertises results in 1-2 days. They present results in a very user-friendly colorful report. Sensible has drop boxes for samples in several locations, and they offer the lowest price for testing. Both of these companies have served the community for many years, but having only two choices is limiting. Now, Portland is lucky to be the home of a brand new testing facility. Nova Analytic Labs, a cannabis testing start-up, will be positioned to offer testing for both the medical and adult-use markets. The facility has been in construction and development since last December. Their mission is to provide rapid, highest quality results to their customers. I was fortunate to meet with both Chris and Greg, two of the three co-founders and CEOs of Nova Analytics. They brought enthusiasm and energy to the conference table, with past experience in clinical toxicology, forensics, and pharmaceutical laboratories.



Although not originally from Maine, they have taken up residency and look forward to becoming a major player in Maine’s expanding cannabis market. Nova Analytics wants to educate on how to properly sample a product and generate valuable information. Diagnosing and investigating contamination will also be a service they provide. They also expressed a desire to aid in product research and development. I was impressed meeting the crew and hearing about their commitment to Maine. They pride themselves on being a customer-centric organization that will “ensure public safety and maintain the cannabis industry’s reputation.” I asked them about testing consistency, since I often hear from growers that they send in duplicate samples to a lab and get different results. How and why does this happen? This is what leads individuals to discount the validity of a lab report. They explained that generally these issues are rooted in sampling methodology, storage, and transportation. Nova Analytics is eager to train clients in proper sampling techniques. Cultivators need to realize that when a sample is presented for testing, it represents that sample at that time. Time and temperature can change samples in a short window of time, and often proper sampling techniques are not followed. Samples need to represent the entire lot. Just like taking a proper soil test, you must take many samples of a lot and mix them together and take the test sample from that mix. To pick out your nicest bud and claim the entire lot would test that way is not a good practice. Leaving a sample exposed to heat will change the results as well. We all want to know about turnaround time, and Nova Analytics stated a 2-4 day turnaround as their goal. To maintain integrity, samples will only be accepted if they can meet this timeline. I was also told that pricing will be consistent with current industry standards. By affording small businesses a local testing option, more distributors will be able to provide valuable data to patients and providers and ensure consumers are getting clean, safe products.

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