2 minute read
Editor's Note
from Maine Educator April 2020
by Maineea

I wrote this note several times. I first wrote about how this pandemic is impacting my family-with two kids and two parents working at home. Many of you are probably living this same experience you don’t need to hear from me so, I erased that.
Then, I wrote about how amazing the teachers in my kids’ school have been and their herculean effort to ensure they’re not only still learning but engaged. I could have gone on and on about this because they truly are remarkable, but I erased that too.
Truth is-I don’t have any proper words for this Editor’s Note that may help you, inspire, or engage. I, probably like many of you, feel quite helpless in all of this. Through this challenging time, however, I've learned a few things about myself.
When it comes to math team math, I am not smarter than a fifth grader. I can really tune out surrounding noise and nonsense while multitasking. I really enjoy working in leggings and a sweatshirt (maybe a little too much).
The following three things I already knew, but have been amplified in the last few weeks.
I don’t do well in extremely stressful situations. I LOVE my kids’ teachers and our school community. I could never be any kind of educator and am amazed how anyone does this work.
While there are so many questions to what happens next in the world, and I admit I'm terrified of the answers, there are also a lot of questions you may have about your jobs and the future of the school year. That’s where I hope MEA can help with this special edition of the Maine Educator.

This issue will touch upon the questions you may be asking, page 10 what you need to know about the Federal Cares Relief Act, page 16, and simple ways to take a break, page 12, because we all need to right now...and so much more.
As you go about your quarantined day, I encourage you to find the small things that make you smile. Personally, I love watching my youngest son’s teacher give the class virtual hugs and kisses at the end of their class meeting. The connection he has with his teacher is very real and I know he loves that “hug” every day. Watching that “hug” is one of my favorite parts of my day. Find those moments and cherish them—they keep me going (along with leggings, coffee, baked goods and funny memes).
Be Safe.
From my quarantined home to yours....