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The Learning Space
MEA is pleased to announce its sponsorship of Maine Public’s new initiative called The Learning Space.

In an effort to reach students who may not be connected via the internet, Maine Public will air educational programming for students in grades 3 through 5 on television. Maine Public reaches a statewide audience through television and will broadcast lessons developed by dedicated educators from across Maine. Many MEA members have been gracious to help with this effort, creating original video lessons to provide exceptional learning opportunities for Maine students.
The Learning Space Broadcast Mondays through Fridays Maine Public Television 12:30 pm
The Learning Space is possible due to collaboration with the following organizations: MEA: Maine Education Association | MSTOYA: Maine State Teachers of the Year Association | MSMA: Maine School Management Association | MCLA: Maine Curriculum Leaders Association | NBCTs of Maine: National Board Certified Teachers of Maine | MPA: Maine Principal’s Association | MADSEC: Maine Administration of Services for Children with Disabilities