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The Future of Education Funding
A d v o c a c y The Future of School Funding What’s next with the passage of Question 2?
The results were slow to come in and the race was close, but after the official ballot count, voters said YES to Maine students and schools by passing Question 2.
Question 2 will create a separate fund for public schools that’s estimated to generate more than $150 million more in funding for schools statewide. “The results are a great first step for our state and for our schools,” said John Kosinski, Question 2 Campaign Manager and MEA Director of Government Relations. Kosinski, along with MEA leadership, staff and more than 1,000 MEA member volunteers worked for the last year to help pass the initiative, known as Stand Up for Students.
“This effort would not have been successful without the support of MEA members all over the state. For more than a year, MEA members went above and beyond to support this effort. From collecting more than 90,000 signatures to the countless conversations MEA members had with neighbors, friends, colleagues, this was a Herculean effort and all of us should feel proud. For too long, the state has underfunded our public schools, while giving huge tax breaks to the wealthiest Mainers. Voters spoke with their ballots telling the State it needs to honor its commitments to our kids, our schools and our communities. They want a tax system that is fair and we are one step closer to making that happen,” said Kosinski.
While Election Day spelled victory for our students, the work to pass Question 2 was just the beginning. The MEA is focused on ensuring the Governor and the Legislature implement this new law just as the voters intended. Just as the MEA works to ensure the state uses the casino money appropriately, it will be diligent in making sure every penny of this new revenue is used to support our classrooms, our students and our communities. But, the MEA is only as strong as its members and their stories. MEA member stories of how this new funding will impact our students in a positive way will once again become critical as a key element in making sure our newly elected lawmakers actually listen to the voters who placed them in office. (How can you help? See box.)
The good news—the Stand Up for Students effort wasn’t just a campaign—it’s a movement of educators, parents, school board members, town councilors, mayors, small business owners and thousands of Mainers that understand investing in our kids and our communities is investing in our future. The MEA will continue to work with our supporters and celebrate this victory, and work for more success in the future. MEA Members on the passing of Question 2
“The passage of Question 2 gives me hope that in the coming years my students will get the opportunities they deserve.”-Ciara Hargrove, Waterville
“We are so very happy that the people in Maine believed in funding our schools! Public schools will now get the 55% funding that they so desperately need. Investing in our students is always a winning proposal for the future.” -Patty Scully, Winslow
“While passing Question 2 is a clear victory for students and communities across Maine, we should also celebrate its passage as a victory for the MEA as an organization as well. The thousands of MEA members who wrote letters in local papers, advocated for endorsements by local school boards and town councils, knocked on doors, and made phone calls to voters demonstrate the power of an active and engaged membership. I hope we as an organization will use the successful passage of Question 2 as a catalyst for further promoting and developing members as active and engaged advocates for public education in the future.”-Tom Walsh, Falmouth
“Thank you, Maine voters! You have shown that our students and their education is as important to you as it is to us!”-Phyllis Hunter, MSAD 52
“I am deeply grateful to the MEA and the people of Maine for the passage of Question 2. I think it will be instrumental in helping communities in Maine meet and overcome the challenges we face, not only for school employees, but for all the students who will get a better education to become the capable and informed citizens we all need to make a better future. Thanks, MEA, and thank you Maine voters!” -Jason Curry, MSAD 51
“It’s the right thing to do. It’s about time.”-Paul Bouchard MEA-Reitred, Fort Kent
“I am so happy the voters of Maine sent a message that the education of our children is crucial. It is beyond time that some financial support go directly to the classroom and the work we do with children everyday!”-Jane Sidenberg, Gorham
MEA Advocates for Children and Education As the MEA begins conversations with lawmakers of implementing Question 2 into law, you can help. MEA has an active group of members,
known as Advocates for Children and Education—or ACE. MEA ACEs are crucial in sharing the stories of ACE Advocates for Children & Education