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Association Round-Up: Bargaining Updates
Madison teachers settled a new 3-year contract in which they completely revamped their salary scale. Previously they were on 5 year steps, now they have a 13-step scale, and teachers (depending on their experience) received between 6.2 and 13% over the 3-year term. Madison ESP also settled a new 2-year agreement.
The ESP unit of Region II have ratified their contract after two years at the table. This contract covers a small group of educational technicians and bus driver/custodians. Now Region II vocational school is a wall to wall unit with 100% enrollment in MEA.
The Cape Elizabeth EA settled a 3-year contract for teachers, with the following highlights: Salary increase: 2%, 2.75%, 2.75% in each year, no change in health insurance benefits, 15 additional sick days may be used for maternity/paternity/ adoption leave (beyond the current family medical leave amount in the contract), and language added that the teachers will be consulted regarding curriculum changes and professional development.
Welcome to the NEW members of the MEA!
Among the many members who have joined the Association in existing locals, there are also many who have formed new local associations. Here are the new locals that can now bargain for better wages and benefits in their districts.
RSU 55 Ed Techs RSU 10 Special Assistants (Western Foothills) RSU 73 Managers/Directors SAD 75 Technology RSU 18 Admin. Assistants North Haven Teachers Region 7
Lee Academy, teachers, ed techs, guidance counselors, information technology, & librarian Foxcroft Ed Techs Hermon Ed Techs Moosabec Teachers Washburn Ed Techs SAVE ESP Appleton ESP RSU 11 Food Service Unit (Gardiner) RSU 11-Ed Techs and Admin Assistants (Gardiner) RSU 11-Custodians-Maintenance (Gardiner) RSU 23-Food Service (Old Orchard Beach)
YOU'RE IN THE LARGEST PROFESSIONAL UNION IN THE UNITED STATES. Having a basic understanding of your union, then building on it with personal involvement, are the first steps toward better working conditions, pay, and benefits. Here are some key things to remember about being part of the union.
Health Benefits
With MEABT Insurance if you’re not sure whether you need care or where to get it, you can call our 24-hour nurse call line at 800-607-3262. You’ll be connected to a helpful registered nurse here in Maine, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Money in Your Pocket
The MEA and NEA offer thousands of dollars in grants to members to help implement new projects. Take advantage of these grant opportunities, and continue to check out the grant page on our website maineea.org. 30 Maine Educator • December 2017
Help on the Job
If you want to become a better educator, you're off to a good start just by being a member. The Association offers its members advice, training, and other assistance to boost skills in the classroom, including teacher evaluation, mentoring, and tools to help prepare for certification tests. For support staff there are specialized trainings to deal with student behaviors, bullying and respect in the workplace…and much more.
Protection at Work
Each region of the state has a dedicated MEA staff member called a UniServ Director, or UD to help with all issues related to your employment. UDs are experienced advocates who advise or represent members in employment-related matters. If a principal unfairly accuses you of being ineffective, the UniServ director is the one to call on. Plus, if a contractural legal issue arises, you've got at least $1 million in liability insurance as a member of the Association. Learn who your UD is at maineea.org.
Voice in Your Work
The MEA is governed by an elected Board of Directors— they’re teachers and support staff in your schools who work to help shape the direction of the democratically run association. Any member can run for a Board seat, and any member can submit a new business item to be discussed during the Association’s annual Representative Assembly.