9 minute read
04 Belfast 01 Ellsworth 11 Kennebunk 08 Make-Up Date* 18 Skowhegan *Make-up Date, if needed, due to any cancellations. 25 Auburn To register for one of the Pre-Retirement Seminars, please register on the MEA website at: www.maineea.org. (Professional Development, Pre-Retirement Seminars). Select the location and date that you would like to attend and register.
Fall dates will be added later. Registrations will be taken on a first-registration basis and will cease five (5) days prior to each seminar. MUST PRE-REGISTER IN ORDER TO ATTEND Enrollment is limited to 75 at each session so be sure to register early. For questions, call the MEA office in Caribou at 1-800-281-3191. MEA-RETIRED MEMBERSHIP MATTERS: WHAT A BARGAIN FOR LESS THAN $75!
By: Ben Paradis, Chairperson, MEA-Retired Membership Committee
Are you already retired or planning on retiring soon? Are you looking to enhance your retirement? What will you do in your retirement now that you don’t have classes to teach? No more papers to grade? No tests to create? No more teacher or committee meetings to attend? MEA-Retired invites you to join our ranks!
For less than $75 a year you can stay informed, join activities, make new friends, and help promote your profession. You will also be eligible for discounts and make connections that help to enhance retirement. You may also want to join to improve your association’s clout as we work tirelessly to protect our pension and COLA each year.
MEA-Retired has more than 5,000 members, with a proactive group of leaders from around the state that meet monthly to conduct the affairs of the Association. Or maybe you could benefit from the many discount programs offered through MEA-Retired and NEA-Retired. We also hope you will join your local affiliates as they work to assist active educators in and out of the classroom. Continuing to practice your profession as a volunteer can be very satisfying and a lot of fun. Giving back can be the greatest reward and benefit. Participating in forums, chat groups or discussion boards sponsored by an association is also a great way to grow your network. This allows you to use your peers as sounding boards and often make some great friends with the same interests as you.
Once we retire from school, we all know how hard it can become to get out and meet new people and make new friends! Using professional networking groups such as MEA-Retired, the local affiliate, and NEA-Retired provides many opportunities to meet new people, socialize, learn, and have fun. In our retired educator organization, we have access to an established support system of experienced people who are motivated to help others and get things done. There is always room for one more.
Lastly, after having been in the classroom for many years, having extra time to pursue new interests was not possible. Now that you have some free days you may discover new interests, hobbies, pastimes, and abilities that you may not even know you have. Join our retired organizations and discover new opportunities and horizons TODAY!
This is quite a bargain and you can have a monthly payment of less than $7 deducted from your MainePERS check. If you have further questions, feel free to contact the Caribou office at 1-800-281-3191.
Student Loan Forgiveness Navigator Student loan debt now averages more than $30,000 per borrower. It can be a very difficult obligation to meet – especially for someone beginning their career in education. NEA Member Benefits has partnered with Savi to provide a unique student loan benefit to NEA members. Start your journey to student loan freedom.
NEA Member Benefits has partnered with Savi to provide NEA members a free online student loan evaluation tool to determine their eligibility for federal repayment and forgiveness programs.
Just answer a few questions on our secure website, and the Loan Forgiveness Navigator will do the rest.

Free Student Loan Checkup
The Loan Forgiveness Navigator checks your loans against free federal repayment and forgiveness programs. The average user finds over $1,500/year in new savings! As an educator, you may also be eligible for special teacher forgiveness programs.
When you are completing the Loan Forgiveness Navigator, you will enter your basic personal information, tax information, and can sync your student loans. We recommend having a recent tax return and student loan statement available to make your registration run as efficiently as possible.
Pick a repayment plan and easily enroll. Savi will provide ongoing advice, tools, and information.
Free Student Loan Checkup
What You Get:
Income-based repayment plan options.
Whether you qualify for any cancellation or forgiveness plan, and how much you can save.
Phone and chat support.
Enroll in Savi Essential Service for $29.95
The online calculator will allow you to determine your repayment options and show you what your potential savings could be completely for free. Once you see your options, you can choose to apply for the programs yourself.
As an NEA Member, you can also take advantage of our convenient e-filing service and get 1-on-1 support from our student loan experts for $29.95 -- a 66% discount from our non-member rate.
Essential Service
What You Get:
Pre-filled electronic repayment and forgiveness forms and enrollment.
One-on-one phone support about your loans and the loan forgiveness process.
66% Off the Retail Price
Jan. 14
Seal of Biliteracy Roundtable
World Languages Discussion Intended Audience: 9-12 teachers, principals, school counselors This is an opportunity to learn more about the Maine Seal of Biliteracy and have your questions answered. Zoom link will be provided when you register.
5:00 PM - 6:00 pm Cost: Free
FMI: http://bit.ly/2RqL40b
Jan. 30-31
Maine Winter Wellness Summit
Get a mid-winter boost for yourself, your school and/ or your Wellness Team by attending this can't-miss, fabulous event! Two nationally acclaimed speakers will open each day with keynote presentations that will engage, educate, motivate and inspire! Murray Banks is a motivational speaker and world champion athlete with roots in teaching school. This year he will share the importance of positivity on one’s health and well-being using hilarious images, imaginative videos and poignant classroom and personal stories.
Location: The Samoset Resort, Rockport, Maine Cost: Free Registration: bit.ly/342Mkt5
Feb. 1
Learning and Leadership Grants
Grants are available through the NEA Foundation in $2,000 and $5,000 increments. The following are the categories for the grants: • Individuals to participate in high-quality professional development like summer institutes, conferences, seminars, travel abroad programs, or action research • Groups to fund collegial study, including study groups, action research, lesson plan development, or mentoring experiences for faculty or staff
FMI: https://www. neafoundation.org/foreducators/learning-andleadership-grants/
Student Success Grants
The NEA Foundation has successfully provided funding to thousands of educators to enable them to take the lead on a wide range of projects to improve student learning. Grant funds can be used for resource materials, supplies, equipment, transportation, technology, or scholars-inresidence. Although some funds may be used to support the professional development necessary to implement the project, the majority of grant funds must be spent on materials or educational experiences for students.
FMI: www.neafoundation.org/ for-educators/student-successgrants/
It's hard to believe it's time to get ready for the new school year. As you prepare for returning students, you should also think about preparing for your own financial future.

Supplemental retirement plans offered in your district are one of the best places for you to set aside money for your future. Why participate?
• Earnings in the account grow tax-deferred. • You determine how much you want deducted from your paycheck – which you can change at your convenience. • The contributions you make are saved through convenient, automatic payroll deductions – you won’t even miss them. • Any contributions you make are always 100% vested –so the money you save is always yours.
Holiday Deals

Give the Gift of Broadway
Direct from the Box Office, give the gift of Broadway this holiday season. From Wicked, to the Lion King to Hamilton purchase discounted tickets with your MEA/NEA member benefits.
FMI: neamb.com

Gift of Electronics
With your MEA/NEA membership you receive member pricing on everything from TVs to computers and more. If you don’t have one, create an account with NEA Member Benefits and search the vast catalogue of items available at a discount. Plus, you’ll earn WOW points, which can be used later for even bigger deals. Start shopping today at neamb.com
Gift of Travel
With NEA Vacations you can save on hotels and vacation packages, including cruises. As a member, you have $500 of travel dollars that are put toward bookings through NEA Vacations. The amount put toward each hotel stay or vacation package varies, but any savings is worth it. The $500 travel dollars costs you nothing but saves you when you book through NEA Vacations. Search online at

The Maine Educator will feature a cover designed by a Maine public school art student depicting the theme “What I Love About Maine.” Submissions can be any form of art and should be 8.5” by 11”. Please advise students that the magazine title will be across the top and 2.5” high. The artist will want to make sure there is nothing important to the piece at the top, as it may be obscured by the title. Entries need to include name of the student, the school, and the teacher’s name and email. WHO: Grades K-5, 6-8, 9-12 Based on entries, an indeterminate number of finalists will be selected, with one overall winner chosen from the finalists to have their work on the cover of the magazine. HOW: Submit artwork to Giovanna Bechard via email at contest@maineea.org or mail to: Giovanna Bechard, 35 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330 Deadline: April 29, 2020
The MEA is pleased to join with the Portland Sea Dogs for its annual “My Hero Works at School” essay contest. Students are encouraged to write a short essay no more than 300 words, about their school hero. Two winners will be selected and receive tickets to a 2020 Sea Dogs game for themselves, their family and their school hero. WHO: Grades K-5 Based on entries, two winners will be selected. HOW: Submit essays to Giovanna Bechard via email at contest@maineea.org or mail to: Giovanna Bechard, 35 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330 Deadline: April 29, 2020 December 2019 • www.maineea.org 33