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New Year. New Resources Refreshed MEA.
by Maineea
New Year.
New Resources. Refreshed MEA.
The start of a new school year comes with a renewed hope for a fresh start. The MEA is feeling refreshed as well and is rolling out its new look with new resources and revamped goals that truly reflect the work we do and the members we represent. The MEA has always stood for great public schools for every Maine student, but we are so much more.
We are a diverse group of professional educators, standing together to ensure that our voices, values, and priorities are heard and respected. MEA advocates for better pay, benefits, and working conditions for members. We stand up for, support, and empower members in and out of the classroom. And MEA works to ensure equity, prevent discrimination and prejudice, and advance great public schools for all educators and students across the state. While MEA has nearly 24,000 members statewide, more than 22% are close to retirement, which means many new educators are joining the profession. In order to stay viable, the Union needed to adjust, as we all have learned over the last year, to help more early career educators understand the importance of being Union members. With that adjustment comes new resources, new training opportunities and a new look—think of MEA as the middle schooler stepping up to high school-we've got a new look and some new gear, but at our core our values are the same:
Support, Advocacy, Equity.
New Logo
Just like that middle schooler stepping up, some style changes were needed to adjust to the times and fit a more updated “you.” MEA’s logo did and continues to speak to our mission and members, but the Union wanted to give it a bit of a refresh as we head into the future.
MEA’s new logo uses a bold, modern sans serif typeface which conveys a clean, modern look. Lighter elements provide depth and visual interest, while the positioning of these elements lead the eye through the letterforms in the “forward” direction-as the Union is always moving forward to support our members.
The clipped “E” allows for close positioning of the letters and increases their sense of connectedness, symbolizing how the Union is always close to its members at every turn.
The letters are joined by a set of interlocking arcs in MEA’s signature gold color. The arcs are a tribute to the former logo’s swoosh through the letters, signifying the history of the past is interwoven with the future. The circle formed by these arcs has much more energy than a single unbroken circle, as well as denoting how separate elements can join together to form a cohesive whole, symbolizing how the MEA is made up of all our local associations. Additionally, the outer element encircling the letterforms creates a sense of inclusiveness and protection, while the openings intimate that all are welcome. The uneven sizes of the elements speak to how the strengths of all are needed to complete the logo, just as our collective voice is needed to advocate for the profession and our students.
Also new this school year, a new members-only section of the MEA website. MEA offers a lot of valuable information for its members and wants you to have access to this in an easy way. You will now be able to access key pieces of information-think collective bargaining guidance, salary data, legal guidance and more-online with your Individual ID. Log in at maineea.org to unlock your members-only information. You can learn how to find your Individual ID here:
MEA is working hard to meet its members’ needs while sharing your values, focusing on improving day-to-day working conditions, your pay and benefits, and the profession as a whole. The MEA has and always will have your back and encourages you to make the most of your membership and check out the new resources available to you in the members’ only section of the website and on the new MEA app.
Live chat is available, Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. when MEA offices are open.

Live Chat

It has never been easier to get in touch with MEA! MEA now has a live chat feature where you can talk directly with an MEA staff member on your phone or your computer. This live chat function is available during office hours. Reach out anytime you need us… we are just a few clicks of your keyboard away.
New MEA App
The MEA continues to try and meet your needs and is also launching a new way for you to access information from the Union. You can now find MEA information at your fingertips with our new app! There has never been an easier way to reach MEA.
The app will give you up-to-date information from your Union so make sure you download it today and enable push notifications, so you don’t miss a thing! The MEA App is in the App Store and Google Play.
Download the MEA App Today!
Scan the QR code for the Apple App Store.

Search "Maine Education Association" in the Google Play Store.
The Master of Science in Education – Inclusion Education (MSEd-IE) program prepares educators to become special education teachers, and is an approved program for preparation for the Teacher of Students with Disabilities 282 Endorsement in the State of Maine. The 282 Endorsement earned will correspond to the educator’s current level of teacher certification in the State of Maine (i.e. 282E-Elementary K-8 or 282S-Secondary 7-12).
Within this program, students will learn co-teaching instructional practices, how to model, teach, and nurture behavioral skills, and much more. Our faculty members include highly qualified and experienced educators with first-hand knowledge of inclusion best practices. If you’re a current, certified teacher looking to earn your master’s degree, or expand your skill set, these in-depth courses and UNE’s expert faculty will help you as a teacher, develop the skills necessary to lead an inclusive classroom.
Program Highlights
• No GRE required • 30-credit hour program • Complete your degree in just under two years • Multiple start times: spring, summer, and fall • 100% online – no campus visits required • Leads to a 282 Endorsement for Teachers of Students with Disabilities in the State of Maine
• Dynamic faculty of practitioners, researchers, and educators • Regionally accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)