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Negotiations Round Up
by Maineea
All across Maine, MEA members are improving their working and living conditions. Here is a sample of some of the Union’s successes compiled by MEA’s Director of Collective Bargaining and Research, Nate Williams. Questions? Contact Nate at nwilliams@maineea.org
Brunswick EA negotiated to increase starting salaries to at least $49,500 by 2025, including raises of $4000 in 2022-23, $3000 in 2023-24, and $2500 in 2024-25, in addition to steps for all staff members.
Cape Elizabeth Service Employees
secured raises of 7% in 2022-23, 5% in 2023-24, and 4% in 2024-25.
Madawaska teachers and Madawaska
ESP will receive a 5.9% cost of living adjustment (COLA) applied to their scales this year. This is by virtue of a provision in their contracts that applies either a floor COLA or a COLA tied to the Social Security increase, whichever is greater.
Woodland teachers reached agreement on a three-year contract. The average increase per teacher is 18% over the term of the contract, while maintaining a 3% compound index that has 16 steps. In a five-year span ending in 2024-25, the Association will have increased the top of scale by about $14,000 and increased career earnings by 32.5%.
RSU 39 teachers settled a three-year agreement. The average increase is over $10,000 and 18.4% over the contract term, and the Local maintained its 3.2% compound index with 18 steps. In a sixyear span ending in 2024-25, the Local will have increased starting salary by over $10,000, the top of scale by over $12,000, while increasing career earnings by over 36% and reducing the number of steps by 50%. COVID Leave
SAD 46 (Dexter) negotiated for a grant and /or restoration of up to 15 sick leave days to any teacher affected by illness caused by COVID-19 from January 1, 2021, for leave used when subject to federal, state, or local quarantine; upon advice of a health care provider to self-quarantine; when experiencing symptoms of COVID-19; when caring for an individual subject to federal, state, or local quarantine; or for a parent or guardian caring for a child whose school or childcare is closed due to COVID-19.
Woodland Education Association (Baileyville) ESP and teachers
incorporated anti-bullying language that requires witnesses of bullying activity to report the incident and prevents retaliation for making the report.
Earned Paid Leave
RSU 19 (Newport) ESP negotiated to allow employees to convert unused earned paid leave to accumulated sick days at the end of the year.
Hermon Education Association allows teachers to use EPL to extend holidays and vacation time, as long as substitutes are available.
RSU 25 (Bucksport) Teachers
negotiated a $200 incentive for members who do not use any paid leave, including EPL, and a $100 incentive for members who have 2 or fewer absences. Expanding the Bargaining Unit
Gorham teachers added occupational therapists to the bargaining unit while negotiating increased step indexes and annual raises of 2.5% in 2022-23, 3% in 2023-24, and 3.25% in 2024-25.
Just Cause
South Portland ESPs and service
employees were able to negotiate just cause provisions into their contracts, providing greater job security for their members. The service employees also added a sick leave bank and market adjustment raises plus steps, resulting in a 9% increase. The ESPs also added 2 paid holidays, and eliminated a troublesome comp time system.
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