2 minute read
Why I Love MEA's Summer Conference
by Maineea
The networking, the resources, the authentic presentations, the people-MEA members remind us why the latest MEA event was worth the time, and why you shouldn't miss the next event in the winter!
The Maine Education Association hosted its annul professional development conference to prepare educators for the new school year. Whether it was training about understanding the contract, understanding how to help ELL students, diversity equity and inclusion support, or trivia night fun, members walked away rejuvenated with tangible lessons learned to help them in their work and within their union.
“I really enjoyed getting to know and learning from fellow teachers from all over the state, which is an unusual opportunity made possible by our union.”
“I was energized and inspired by the work done so far with microcredentials, and the support of not only our professional development but establishing a currency for career development.”
“Improving school culture is an important issue that all schools are dealing with. It was nice to be able to share thoughts about how to create more positivity in our workplaces, increase connections with staff and students and improve our working environment.”
"I hadn't considered the MEA as a resource for training before - I won't make that mistake going forward."
“Great real-life authentic presentation! It was really helpful to talk with educators who had actually taken action on important issues.”
“The handouts with examples were a great tool to really help me/us understand modifications [for MLL students} and having us practice what types of modification we would set our student(s) up with to be most successful everyday.”
“The session on communication in my union was the best of all sessions I attended!! I will type up my notes into a step-by-step strategy plan for action to be implemented during our next contract negotiations, if needed. This session fully prepared me to advocate for the action steps presented. I also will present ideas to our Local about ways members can help the Local’s work so that we are a more widely participating group working in union.”
“This was one of the better equity PD sessions I've attended. The presenter and content were low-barrier and compassionate, and it did not feel contentious or uncomfortable.”