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Candidates for Election 2017
Take the Lead….Your Vote Does Count. Members set the course for the MEA by deciding the issues the Association supports and the ways to achieve success for every Maine student. Delegates are elected to speak for the 23,500 MEA members they represent on important issues.
MEA candidates may publish a biographical sketch in the Maine Educator according to the Standing Rules. Candidates for the MEA Board of Directors and the NEA Representative Assembly (RA) appear on the following pages.
At MEA’s 2017 RA on May 20-21 in South Portland, delegates will elect an NEA Director for Maine and a Trustee for Maine Public Employees Retirement System.
Election information and forms are available online at www. maineea.org in the “Members Only” area under Elections. Certificates of election for local MEA RA delegates must be received by March 6.
Questions about elections should be directed to the office of the Executive Director at 1-800-622-4418 ext. 2218 or email lheaney@maineea.org.
MEA Board of Directors Candidates
Robert “Bo” Zabierek – District A
I am the current member of the MEA Board of Directors for District A and have been a Delegate at the MEA Representative Assemblies (RAs), in Portland for two terms and have served two terms as an at-large Delegate at the NEA Representative Assembly (NEA-RA); where I am a member of the CTE (Career and Technical Education) Caucus. I also serve on the MEA Government Relations Committee. I am also the Past President of the Southern Aroostook Vocational Educators’ (SAVE) Association. I feel that it’s important that CTE schools have a voice on the Board and that all facets of the Maine educational landscape be represented. I’m on SkillsUSA Maine’s Board of Directors. I’m also the current President of ACTE-Maine (Association of Career and Technical Educators-Maine). I work at the Region Two School of Applied Technology in Aroostook County, my wife Suzie and son James have taught Aroostook County students at Katahdin High School. I bring a fresh and unique perspective to the conversations and issues at the MEA and am asking for your vote for the position of District A Board member, I would be honored to continue to represent all Aroostook’s Teachers and ESPs in Augusta.
Jesse Hargrove – District C
Working with students and young educators continues to be the best career a person can have. It’s hard to believe that I’m on my 15th year of teaching, 8 as a Special Educator and 7 as a High School Social Studies teacher, currently at Hermon High School. I’m grateful for the support of my two brilliant sons, Aden and Rylan, and a creative, artistic wife, Ciara, the choral director at Waterville Schools. My MEA career has evolved from MEA-RA delegate, to local positions as Treasurer and now President. I have also served as a delegate to the NEA-RA for the past 3 years.
The past years as Director has introduced me to charismatic leaders and educators across the middle of Maine, from Dover-Foxcroft to Lincoln and places in between. Thank you for the support as I run for re-election. I love doing this work.
Bob McCully – District K
I am a veteran Mathematics teacher at Falmouth High School with substantial experience in member advocacy. I currently serve the FEA as Chief Negotiator, and have continually served as either Chief Negotiator or President. I have previously served on the MEA Board for ten years and am eligible for another term. I have been a delegate to both the MEA and NEA Representative Assemblies for years. I have served on many MEA committees (including Policy Review, Statewide Bargaining, and Resolutions), and I have served on the NEA Resolutions Committee. I have served on the Boards of ATOMIM and ATMNE (mathematics associations) and currently serve on a Board for the Cumberland County Teachers Federal Credit Union.
I am very concerned about ongoing attacks on our profession, and the lack of respect being shown to education practitioners. Educators always look for ways to improve their practice, but we are being bombarded by mandates from individuals far removed from the reality of a public school classroom. It is imperative that the MEA continues to function as a union protecting its members’ interests, and also function as a professional association to serve our members, our students and our communities well.
District L - no candidates
Neil Greenberg – District P
About 10 years ago, I decided to become active in my union (UMPSA), and, not being one who likes to sit back and watch others do the work, I jumped in with both feet. I applied for, and was accepted to the NEA’s Emerging Leaders Academy, and am now president of my statewide local. I currently represent District P (ACSUM, UMPSA, MPBN) on the MEA Board of Directors, am a delegate to both the MEA and NEA RA’s, and was chosen last year to be on the editorial board for the NEA’s peer reviewed journal, Thought and Action.
Gary McGrane – District R
After retiring from the Bureau of Labor Education, University of Maine I went to work for my Native American brothers and sisters of the Penobscot Nation. What I liked about my job(s) was not only working from a curriculum but working from experience. Working for BLE gave me the opportunity to share the experiences I had gained over the last forty years working in a union environment. The MEA and the NEA have made great strides in Standing Up for Students, and now we must not let the politically elite pull the rug out
from under us. As teachers we built a public school system so that every child and young adult would have a chance for a better life, a society that allowed aging workers to retire with dignity, and created communities of first class citizens. If elected I want to continue with these efforts. I truly believe we are all better off if we invest in the future together. As a retired teacher I want to work with like-minded teachers that are willing to make a positive difference.
Thomas (Tom) H. Moore III – District R
I was born in Portland, Maine, but spent my early childhood years in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica, B.W.l. After attending Eastport Grammar School, I graduated from Shead Memorial High School, 1959. I graduated from University of Maine at Orono, 1963, with a B.A. in Romance Languages. I was awarded a French Government Teaching Assistantship in English at Lycée Périer, Marseille, France, academic year 1963-64. I earned an M.A. in Spanish at Middlebury College, Vermont, 1972. I taught from 1964 to 2008 in public and private schools: Hamilton-Wenham Regional H.S. (MA), Fryeburg Academy (ME), Gardiner Area H.S. (ME), William Penn Charter School (Philadelphia, PA), Germantown Academy (Ft. Washington, PA), and Upper Kennebec Valley H.S. (Bingham, ME).
I served on MEA Board, District C, 2004-2008; as delegate to MEA RA, 2003-2008, as an alternate in 2009, and from 2010 to present. I was elected delegate to NEA RA, 2007 & 2008 and 2010-2016. As Information Chair for Somerset-R, I have edited the newsletter “Electromediagram for Somerset Retired Educators” since 2009. I was elected MEA-R 2nd Vice President (2011-2013), 1st Vice President (2013-2015) and President (2015-2017). I understand our issues and would represent you with indefatigable tenacity. Thank you.
NEA RA At-Large Candidates (alphabetically) for 2-year terms
Stacie Cocola – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
For the past two years I have been fortunate to attend the NEA-RA as an Alternate At-Large Delegate. They were amazing experiences and powerful reminders of the work educators do beyond just the curriculum they teach. I have been a high school English teacher for almost two decades, teaching literature, writing, public speaking, and myriad electives, and earned my National Board Certification in 2014. At the local level I have proudly served as a building rep, vice president, and am currently in my fourth year as president. At the state level I have been a Representative for the MEA-RA for the past five years, served two years on the Government Relations Committee and am currently on the Instruction and Professional Development Committee. Beyond my classroom and union work I am a PLCSS mentor and facilitate PD opportunities on using technology in the classroom.
Teaching is an art and a science and it is my goal to continue to advocate for our profession at the local, state and national levels; your vote for me as an NEA-RA At-Large Delegate will allow me to continue that work on behalf of us all. Thank you for your consideration!
Rebecca Cole – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
Rebecca is a first grade teacher and 20-year veteran staff member in RSU #14. As President of the Sebago East Shore EA, she values every opportunity to advocate for her students and colleagues in working to foster the best possible learning and teaching environment for all.
Rebecca serves on a number of district-level committees and is the Chair of the Instruction and Professional Development Committee for the Maine Education Association. When not engaged in professional pursuits, Rebecca participates in several local community theatre groups and enjoys reading, kayaking, traveling, and spending time with her family.
Andrew Doak – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
It is hard for me to put myself “out there” and self-promote, but let me give it a shot:
After 3 years on committee and participating in our own RA, I am ready to lend my voice. I am 27 and a Special Ed Teacher in rural Maine. I led negotiations at 23 on a contract as an Ed Tech, and am on the team of the third contract I have been a part of. I have worked in Day-Treatment, coach two sports, I have been a part of a grassroots political campaign, and have a deep passion for the direction of teaching. It terrifies me, as I am sure it terrifies you. All of the background work I try to do has pushed me to try for a bigger, more impactful experience.
With these experiences, not only do I know how to use Assessments to inform instruction instead of as a competitive marker, I understand budgets and contract language. I am a Social Studies turned Ed Tech at a Day-Treatment program turned Special Ed Teacher who understands the cruel nature of our profession. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Beth French – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
My name is Beth French and I have been an active MEA member and passionate public school educator for fifteen years. I am a full time wife, mother of three sons, and third grade teacher in my hometown. It has been my honor and privilege to serve my community as a distinguished member of my East Belfast School Leadership Team, a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, and Local Union Vice President in RSU 71 Education Association. I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge and experience on committees for; TEPG, Negotiations, Standards Based Report Card Writing, and CCSS Curriculum Alignment. I currently serve as MEA Board District D Director, on Resolutions Committee as Board Liaison, MEA ad hoc Organizing Committee, and an MEA RA delegate. I was appointed to the DOE Task Force for Maine’s School Report Card Grades A-F, and attended the Northeast Organizing Institute in 2016. In 2015 I served as an MEA/NEA Representative Assembly Delegate, and eagerly await the opportunity to serve my colleagues around the state in this capacity once again. I would be most honored to represent my professional perspective and experience on the issues that most effect public education, as an NEA Delegate.
Sarah Hirschfeld – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
My name is Sarah Hirschfeld, and I am a third year science teacher at Yarmouth High School. Growing up outside Philadelphia, PA, I came to Maine to attend college and ended up falling in love with the state and the opportunity to work in its schools. I teach 9th and 10th grade science as well as coach the Science Bowl team, middle school swim team, and the high school junior varsity softball team. I am currently enrolled in an online Masters Program through the University of New England to earn a Master of Science in Education. I first became involved in the Maine Education Association in 2015 through the Young Education Professionals of the MEA event at Sunday River. Connecting with other educators throughout the state invigorated my desire to get involved with the MEA. Since then, I have attended the 2016 MEA Representative Assembly, joined a districtwide committee that changed the school start time of our district schools, became a member of the MEA’s Instruction and Professional Development committee, and continued attending YEPMEA events supporting new members.
Phyllis Hunter – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
Public Education is the cornerstone of our democracy and never before has its very existence faced such an uncertain future. The many voices of NEA members must be louder and stronger than ever before. I have been one of those passionate and strong voices standing up for the important work you do everyday on behalf of Maine’s students.
I entered the field of public education as a second career and from day one I understood the importance of becoming an active member. I have served as Vice-President, President, and Chief Negotiator of my local association. I have served on the MEA’s Government Relations Committee, the MEA’s Board of Directors, and presently I am serving on the MEA’s Statewide Bargaining Committee. In 2013 I was honored to receive the prestigious “Ann Sheehan Political Action Award” from the MEA as of result of my work with members of the legislature in Augusta as well as organizing back home meetings with many of them.
For the past three years your vote has afforded me the great honor of representing you at the annual NEA Representative Assembly. Your vote will allow me to continue to be that passionate and strong voice on your behalf.
Allison Lytton – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
My name is Allison Lytton, I currently serve as Secretary for the Lewiston Education Association. I am a 2nd grade teacher at Governor James B. Longley Elementary School in Lewiston, Maine. This is my 7th year in the teaching profession and my 3rd year teaching in Maine. I previously taught in North Carolina and was an active member of the NCAE. I served as the Chair of the Human and Civil Rights Commission at the state level and also locally as the Beginning Educators Director, representing all members within the district with 5 years or less in the profession. I have enjoyed my participation with the LEA and MEA thus far. I look forward to continuing and growing my involvement on a local and state level. I would appreciate the opportunity to represent MEA and the educators of Lewiston at the NEA this coming summer.
Terry Martin – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
I am running to be a NEA RA representative for the second time. I am running because I love this organization and what it stands for. I have met so many dedicated educators all over our state over the past three years serving as a member of the MEA Board of Directors and in the two NEA RA’s I have attended I have met many more dedicated educators from all over our nation. The educators I have met over the last two years are consistently passionate about the predicament that educators have found themselves in lately. They are frustrated over the over testing of children, that limits the time they have to truly educate their students. They are frustrated with consistent lack of resources to meet the needs of children. I want to represent these educators at the national level especially with the new administration’s plan to challenge public education as it has never been challenged before. I not only have experience as a member of the Board of Directors and as a representative at the NEA RA the last two years, but I have served at the MEA RA for the past decade. Please vote for me.
David Murray – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
I am a second grade teacher in Piscataquis county. Before my time working in the United States, I lived and taught in Japan for eight years, which is where I realized my love for teaching. I have been working with the MEA on the Government Relationships community for several years, and currently am its chair. I truly enjoy working for the teachers and students of Maine and I look forward to representing you at the NEA-RA.
Jonathan Payne – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
Dr. Jonathan Payne has had the honor of representing Maine as an NEA At-Large delegate for the past two years and would be humbled by the opportunity to serve again. He has recently defended his doctoral dissertation A Pilot Benefit and Costs Analysis Study of Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeships in Maine to complete his Ph.D. in in Public Policy with Concentration: Educational Leadership. He began teaching Chemistry and Engineering in 2007 at Noble High School where he is currently finishing his third year as Technology Integrator. He holds his B.S. in Marine Biology from the University of New Hampshire and his M.S. in Teaching and Learning from USM. He has been an active engaged member of his local where he has served as a Building Rep., Vice President, and is currently serving his third year as President.
He is also an active member at the State level where he has represented his local at the MEA RA and serves on, and was co-chair for, the Government Relations Committee. All of these experiences have given him the depth and breadth to better understand education and ed. policy for myriad stakeholders.
Jane Seidenberg – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
Hi everybody. I have been a special education teacher for 18 years. I have been an active member of NEAMEA for 15 years! These past three years I have been my building representative and a member of the GTA Executive Board. I am strongly in support of public schools and have been dismayed at the reform agenda that has been pushed down our throats by clueless bureaucrats the past 10 years. Thank goodness No Child Left Behind is history but I am skeptical about the new ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act). I believe teacher’s voices are the most important and most of the mandates coming down from the federal government make our jobs harder not easier. It’s about time teachers got the support and credit we deserve. We all work hard and this blaming of teacher’s is not constructive, does not help our students and has to stop. My vision is that there is more local control for teachers and teacher’s input is used and valued when designing content and assessments. Thank you so much for your support. I will do my best to represent the needs of teachers and students to the best of my ability.
Molly Smith – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
As a long standing member of the organization I have served in many capacities. Currently, as local Negotiator, Building Representative and as Chair of the Human, Civil Rights and Cultural Affairs Committee.
I have worked in education for 42 years. As a special education teacher I have supported and advocated for my students and their families, many of whom are among the most vulnerable of our citizens.
I am proud to be a PUBLIC servant with all of the challenges that accompany that role. My son and daughter are currently educators in Maine. They are third generation public educators, which gives me much delight and concern. The work we have chosen is important and a thousand times worth the investment.
Robert “Bo” Zabierek – NEA RA At-Large Delegate
I am the member of the MEA Board of Directors for District A and have been a Delegate at the MEA Representative Assemblies (RAs), in Portland for two terms and have served two terms as an at-large Delegate at the NEA Representative Assembly (NEARA); where I am a member of the CTE (Career and Technical Education) Caucus. I also serve on the MEA Government Relations Committee.
I am also the Past President of the Southern Aroostook Vocational Educators’ (SAVE) Association. I feel that it’s important that CTE schools have a voice at the RAs and that all facets of the Maine educational landscape be represented. I’m on SkillsUSA Maine’s Board of Directors. I’m also the current President of ACTE-Maine (Association of Career and Technical Educators-Maine). I work at the Region Two School of Applied Technology in Aroostook County, my wife Suzie and son James have taught Aroostook County students at Katahdin High School. I bring a fresh and unique perspective to the conversations and issues at the NEA-RA and am asking for your 28 Maine Educator • February 2017 vote for the position of Delegate At-Large, I would be honored to continue to represent all Maine’s Teachers and ESPs at the NEA Representative Assembly.
NEA RA Districts Candidates for 1-year terms
Ken Williams – NEA RA District 25 Delegate
Upon hearing that a NEA Representative Assembly delegate seat opened up for District 25 I immediately went to work on running for that opening. Over my 31-year classroom career many MEA colleagues have made powerful comments about the thrill of the NEA RA and I have had a personal and professional goal to one day attend a Representative Assembly as a delegate. It is now my pleasure to be running, and soon, I hope, advocating for MEA members at our national affiliate. Positions as a local president, local negotiator, current and past MEA Board member, MEA RA delegate for 25+ years and veteran Retirement System trustee since 2005 all feed into my knowledge and experience base. I promise to be an active and informed member of the Maine delegation to the NEA RA. Working at the NEA RA for the thousands of MEA members across the preK-12 faculty, higher education and professional support staff worlds is something I will cherish. Policy work is interesting as are advocacy roles and I pledge to work diligently and thoughtfully on behalf of all MEA members at the national Representative Assembly.
Robert “Bo” Zabierek – NEA RA District 29 Delegate
I am the member of the MEA Board of Directors for District A and have been a Delegate at the MEA Representative Assemblies (RAs), in Portland for two terms and have served two terms as an at-large Delegate at the NEA Representative Assembly (NEA-RA); where I am a member of the CTE (Career and Technical Education) Caucus. I also serve on the MEA Government Relations Committee.
I am also the Past President of the Southern Aroostook Vocational Educators’ (SAVE) Association. I feel that it’s important that CTE schools have a voice at the RAs and that all facets of the Maine educational landscape be represented. I’m on SkillsUSA Maine’s Board of Directors. I’m also the current President of ACTE-Maine (Association of Career and Technical Educators-Maine). I work at the Region Two School of Applied Technology in Aroostook County, my wife Suzie and son James have taught Aroostook County students at Katahdin High School. I bring a fresh and unique perspective to the conversations and issues at the NEA-RA and am asking for your vote for the position of Delegate for District 29, I would be honored to continue to represent all Maine’s Teachers and ESPs at the NEA Representative Assembly.