2 minute read
Editor’s Note
for our family. We’ve just told our two boys we have to let our beloved dog, Maggie, go. She’s a chocolate lab that has been around longer than both of them and the idea of not having her.... well, it’s tough. The decision wasn’t easy, and the news didn’t go over well. The only thing I can hope is they understand why, and they have the proper coping mechanisms to deal with the idea of losing their pet. Unfortunately, my kids had to go to school with this news weighing on them. Life is messy sometimes. As educators, you have no idea what happened to each student before they stepped on your bus or into your classroom. While I told my sons’ teachers what was going on, just in case they got upset at school, I'm sure that doesn’t happen enough. Preparing your students to learn, regardless of what they’re dealing with or have dealt with in their personal lives, is an important part of the day. My kids have to deal with the loss of a pet, but there are students out there with far worse issues they’re struggling with and getting beyond that so they can focus on their education is a crucial part of the school day. In Lewiston, several teachers are using yoga techniques with great success. Read more about how you can incorporate these tools into your teaching on page 14. OnLife is the MEABT wellness program that is free to use and offers everything from how to create healthy meals to dealing with stress. I found a “challenge” on the app that helps reduce stress in 24 seconds. Hint, it involves slow breathing. The good thing, for me, this is helping (a little) calm me down. Completing challenges in OnLife has the added benefit of earning points which are worth actual dollars. You can claim up to 250 points, worth $250 a year. It’s a win-win-I can do something useful that helps me, and I get to earn money for it. Learn more about this program on the meabt.org website under the wellness program tab.
Self-care, particularly as an educator, is important as so many of you are dealing with what is now being called second-hand trauma. The National Education Association interviewed teachers across the country about this issue and compiled resources to help educators. Maine Educator has that article in this magazine as well with the hopes the research and data can help support you. You can find that information on page 11.
Whether it’s breathing or yoga or trash TV or a good cry that puts you in a place to cope, I hope you find what works for you so you can get
Happy Trails, Sweet Maggie...
As I sit here to write this, we’re coming off a tough morning
through the days that seem insurmountable.