10 minute read
Career Earnings Summary Guide
by Maineea
A d v o c a c y
Career Earnings Summary
In an effort to keep you the most informed on issues related to salary and benefits, over the next few pages please see the complete list of teacher career earnings. Please note, it is not possible to calculate career earnings for job classifications other than teacher due to the varying position titles and contract hours and days. For support staff salaries, please refer to the Maine Educator Salary Issue published in April, and now found online at maineea.org. In that issue you will find both minimum and maximum salaries for support staff listed in the MEA Contract database.
10 Years BA - 2016-17 # School District BA Max Total Salary 30 YRS. 1 Portland 83,211 1,920,922 2 York 68,239 1,859,076 3 Wells-Ogunquit CSD 71,414 1,826,882 4 Falmouth 71,453 1,801,749 5 Edgecomb 69,990 1,796,113 6 Yarmouth 68,220 1,785,676 7 Cape Elizabeth 68,767 1,770,909 8 AOS 93 - So Bristol 65,146 1,727,502 9 Five Town CSD 68,900 1,719,889 9 RSU 28, Camden 68,900 1,719,889 11 AOS 93 - Bristol 64,456 1,708,192 12 Georgetown 68,600 1,706,000 13 AOS 93 - Great Salt Bay CSD 68,679 1,701,885 14 RSU 35, Eliot 64,628 1,695,704 15 RSU 21, Kennebunkport 68,862 1,691,096 16 So Portland 61,710 1,670,576 17 RSU 1, Bath 69,818 1,665,920 18 Bangor 66,091 1,657,238 19 Scarborough 63,903 1,646,506 20 Gorham 63,288 1,641,093 21 Westbrook 65,064 1,631,751 22 Veazie 64,100 1,622,850 23 RSU 7, North Haven 61,471 1,621,068 24 RSU 2 - Orono 67,700 1,607,650 25 AOS 92 - Vassalboro 65,826 1,607,142 26 Glenburn 66,260 1,606,380 27 RSU 51, Cumberland 61,238 1,603,017 28 Brunswick 69,552 1,602,946 29 Greenville 62,490 1,601,096 30 Boothbay Hrbr CSD 68,452 1,598,107 31 Brewer 62,529 1,593,506 32 RSU 75, Topsham 64,600 1,592,200 33 Southport 62,418 1,592,168 34 Lewiston 63,480 1,585,620 35 Kittery 59,332 1,585,038 36 AOS 92 - Winslow 65,280 1,583,400 37 RSU 8, Vinalhaven 65,000 1,576,900 38 Acton 61,347 1,567,410 39 RSU 20, Searsport 59,493 1,561,139 40 AOS 92 - Waterville 65,176 1,555,863 41 Biddeford 57,778 1,554,907 42 Thornton Academy 56,787 1,552,770 43 Islesboro 60,104 1,551,408 44 RSU 60, Berwick 60,461 1,550,739 45 Knox Region 8 61,752 1,549,971 46 RSU 14, Windham 62,099 1,548,162 47 RSU 15, Gray 63,055 1,547,860 48 RSU 5, Freeport 58,884 1,542,309 49 RSU 11, Gardiner 50 Saco 51 AOS 93 - Nobleboro 52 Madawaska 53 Dayton 54 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach 55 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore 56 Sanford 57 RSU 34, Old Town 58 Lincolnville 59 Auburn 60 Athens 61 RSU 10, Rumford 62 AOS 94 - SAD 46 Dexter 63 RSU 54, Skowhegan 64 RSU 88, Van Buren 65 AOS 91 - Mt Desert Elem 66 RSU 72, Fryeburg 67 RSU 6, Buxton 68 Easton 69 Baileyville 70 RSU 40, Waldoboro 71 RSU 2, Hallowell 72 AOS 91 - Bar Harbor 72 AOS 91 - Mt Desert CSD 72 AOS 91 - Southwest Harbor 72 AOS 91 - Tremont 72 AOS 91 - Trenton 77 RSU 49, Fairfield 78 Wiscasset 79 RSU 24, Sullivan 80 RSU 19, Newport 81 Hermon 82 RSU 59, Madison 83 RSU 52, Turner 84 RSU 42, Mars Hill 85 RSU 86, Fort Fairfield 86 RSU 12, Windsor 87 AOS 93 - Jefferson 88 Fryeburg Academy 89 Hope 90 Milford 91 RSU 83, Bingham 92 Lisbon 93 RSU 22, Hampden 94 AOS 95 - SAD 27 Fort Kent 95 RSU 18, Oakland 96 RSU 82, Jackman 97 Winthrop 98 RSU 53, Pittsfield 99 RSU 74, Anson 100 RSU 78, Rangeley 101 Greenbush 102 Calais 103 RSU 32, Ashland 104 RSU 17, Paris 105 RSU 55, Porter 106 Surry 107 Augusta 108 RSU 16, Poland 109 RSU 29, Houlton 110 RSU 67, Lincoln 111 RSU 4, Sabattus 112 RSU 64, Corinth 113 RSU 68, Dover-Foxcroft 114 Foxcroft Academy 115 Lamoine 116 RSU 80, Guilford 117 Alexander 118 Appleton 119 Deer Isle-Stonington CSD 120 RSU 39, Caribou 121 Washington Academy 58,769 59,925 57,082 56,851 59,066 58,296 59,687 59,874 60,072 60,933 56,186 55,793 59,269 59,979 61,490 62,404 61,553 57,883 57,750 58,660 59,055 60,048 57,535 61,307 61,307 61,307 61,307 61,307 59,817 65,386 55,953 58,250 58,679 53,632 57,419 56,902 58,055 63,135 57,252 57,500 56,853 59,400 54,050 56,470 61,085 54,170 61,750 54,825 56,441 56,503 53,012 59,172 56,500 55,064 56,402 54,672 56,912 52,305 61,455 53,749 56,950 55,500 54,480 54,049 55,045 55,045 53,200 56,053 53,507 53,327 51,950 53,667 52,860 1,539,698 1,538,979 1,538,022 1,527,254 1,524,331 1,524,064 1,516,136 1,513,479 1,512,661 1,508,718 1,506,485 1,502,150 1,500,912 1,498,670 1,477,760 1,468,670 1,467,290 1,467,074 1,465,250 1,464,566 1,463,956 1,463,698 1,461,875 1,459,910 1,459,910 1,459,910 1,459,910 1,459,910 1,454,523 1,453,757 1,453,592 1,453,253 1,447,332 1,443,960 1,439,895 1,437,500 1,431,194 1,427,535 1,425,236 1,425,000 1,424,133 1,422,150 1,419,067 1,418,844 1,415,956 1,415,874 1,415,275 1,407,999 1,404,108 1,403,841 1,401,871 1,397,000 1,395,000 1,389,671 1,380,154 1,377,660 1,375,980 1,373,147 1,370,385 1,367,847 1,366,275 1,362,036 1,361,256 1,356,684 1,353,490 1,353,220 1,349,500 1,347,100 1,340,737 1,340,465 1,335,460 1,331,562 1,330,445
122 RSU 9, Farmington 123 RSU 58, Phillips 124 Princeton 125 RSU 33, Unity 126 Ellsworth 127 Otis 128 RSU 33, St Agatha 129 RSU 61, Bridgton 130 RSU 63, Holden 131 RSU 25, Bucksport 132 RSU 79, Presque Isle 133 Hancock 134 RSU 50, Katahdin Area 135 Flagstaff RSU, Eustis 136 East Millinocket 137 Orrington 138 Cherryfield 139 RSU 70, Hodgdon 140 AOS 94 - Harmony 141 RSU 37, Harrington 142 Brooklin 143 New Sweden 143 Woodland 145 RSU 87, Carmel 146 RSU 30, Lee 147 Pembroke 148 Machias 149 Jonesboro 150 RSU 45, Washburn 151 Blue Hill 152 Caswell 153 Brooksville 154 Millinocket 155 Moosabec CSD 156 Castine 157 Eastport 158 Whiting 159 Penobscot 160 East Machias 161 Southern Aroostook Region 2 162 Cutler 163 Machiasport 164 Charlotte 54,550 54,642 53,335 51,593 53,050 49,500 53,977 46,615 53,250 55,130 54,849 56,000 53,609 49,718 54,000 46,787 49,569 52,680 44,778 49,470 44,968 47,889 47,889 47,676 53,005 47,345 48,750 47,200 48,480 40,868 42,000 41,571 48,000 44,600 41,538 46,636 44,964 39,800 47,800 46,330 42,506 43,200 40,148 1,328,550 1,327,440 1,326,270 1,324,340 1,322,950 1,317,000 1,315,588 1,312,450 1,310,000 1,297,215 1,296,126 1,295,500 1,292,473 1,291,618 1,290,500 1,290,282 1,284,670 1,282,590 1,263,304 1,261,416 1,253,058 1,240,065 1,240,065 1,238,856 1,238,070 1,227,051 1,218,750 1,213,500 1,209,576 1,206,440 1,203,000 1,202,213 1,197,500 1,193,900 1,186,654 1,181,580 1,160,420 1,151,250 1,150,700 1,118,160 1,082,331 1,078,450 1,066,900
20 Years MA - 2016-17 # School District MA Max Total Salary 30 YRS. 1 York 75,070 1,994,036 2 Portland 83,211 1,920,922 3 Falmouth 77,246 1,911,833 4 Wells-Ogunquit CSD 75,295 1,904,502 5 Yarmouth 74,002 1,888,964 6 Cape Elizabeth 74,441 1,880,616 7 Edgecomb 73,249 1,857,638 8 RSU 35, Eliot 70,885 1,816,642 9 AOS 93 - So Bristol 69,334 1,809,234 10 So Portland 69,056 1,798,764 11 Five Town CSD 71,863 1,779,148 11 RSU 28, Camden 71,863 1,779,148 13 AOS 93 - Bristol 67,694 1,771,376 14 RSU 21, Kennebunkport 73,167 1,769,532 15 Bangor 71,483 1,758,868 16 Thornton Academy 71,871 1,753,301 17 Georgetown 70,617 1,746,340 18 RSU 51, Cumberland 68,807 1,745,902 19 AOS 93 - Great Salt Bay CSD 70,679 1,741,885 20 Southport 70,221 1,740,045 21 Scarborough 70,230 1,737,672 22 RSU 1, Bath 73,423 1,734,790 23 Gorham 66,892 1,713,172 24 Brewer 68,158 1,701,629 25 Westbrook 68,438 1,699,233 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 84 84 84 84 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Greenville 67,388 Brunswick 73,532 RSU 75, Topsham 69,100 RSU 7, North Haven 63,971 Lewiston 68,080 RSU 5, Freeport 66,619 Veazie 66,100 Boothbay Harbor CSD 71,675 Kittery 62,790 Biddeford 62,876 RSU 26, Orono 69,700 AOS 92 - Vassalboro 67,826 Glenburn 68,260 Athens 62,489 AOS 92 - Winslow 67,280 RSU 14, Windham 65,820 Acton 63,893 RSU 15, Gray 67,462 RSU 8, Vinalhaven 66,500 Auburn 61,218 Islesboro 62,821 RSU 20, Searsport 61,693 Madawaska 60,775 RSU 11, Gardiner 62,084 AOS 93 - Nobleboro 60,356 Knox Region 8 64,252 RSU 60, Berwick 62,761 AOS 92 - Waterville 67,176 Saco 62,649 RSU 2, Hallowell 64,491 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach 61,231 Lincolnville 64,433 Dayton 61,673 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore 62,591 Sanford 62,750 RSU 59, Madison 60,068 AOS 94 - SAD 46 Dexter 63,295 RSU 34, Old Town 62,572 RSU 10, Rumford 62,309 RSU 74, Anson 64,425 AOS 93 - Jefferson 64,266 AOS 94 - Harmony 62,902 RSU 88, Van Buren 66,704 Lisbon 63,246 RSU 72, Fryeburg 61,969 RSU 54, Skowhegan 64,780 RSU 40, Waldoboro 63,705 Easton 62,179 Baileyville 62,163 RSU 6, Buxton 60,750 RSU 49, Fairfield 63,792 RSU 42, Mars Hill 61,454 RSU 4, Sabattus 63,027 RSU 83, Bingham 59,147 AOS 91 - Mt Desert Elem 64,053 RSU 24, Sullivan 59,150 RSU 61, Bridgton 57,866 RSU 19, Newport 61,237 AOS 91 - Bar Harbor 63,807 AOS 91 - Mt Desert CSD 63,807 AOS 91 - Southwest Harbor 63,807 AOS 91 - Tremont 63,807 AOS 91 - Trenton 63,807 Wiscasset 67,886 AOS 95 - SAD 27 Fort Kent 58,170 RSU 86, Fort Fairfield 61,337 RSU 22, Hampden 65,265 Hermon 60,778 RSU 53, Pittsfield 60,850 Fryeburg Academy 60,500 RSU 12, Windsor 65,935 May/June 2017 1,699,054 1,682,546 1,682,200 1,671,068 1,671,020 1,663,414 1,662,850 1,654,871 1,653,613 1,648,370 1,647,650 1,647,142 1,646,380 1,630,445 1,623,400 1,620,448 1,618,330 1,617,756 1,606,900 1,606,015 1,605,749 1,605,139 1,603,656 1,603,289 1,602,443 1,599,971 1,596,739 1,595,863 1,593,459 1,592,710 1,582,763 1,578,718 1,576,470 1,571,009 1,569,606 1,567,280 1,564,992 1,562,661 1,561,710 1,560,260 1,555,207 1,547,174 1,545,370 1,543,693 1,543,564 1,543,210 1,529,455 1,528,468 1,526,116 1,525,250 1,524,017 1,523,178 1,520,627 1,519,443 1,517,290 1,514,244 1,513,361 1,512,997 1,509,910 1,509,910 1,509,910 1,509,910 1,509,910 1,503,757 1,495,874 1,491,636 1,489,675 1,488,124 1,487,781 1,485,000 1,483,535 www.maineea.org 13
RSU 52, Turner Hope RSU 78 - Rangeley RSU 32, Ashland Winthrop RSU 82, Jackman RSU 18, Oakland Milford Calais Augusta Lamoine Surry RSU 17, Paris Greenbush RSU 55, Porter RSU 58, Phillips Flagstaff RSU, Eustis RSU 29, Houlton Deer Isle-Stonington CSD Appleton RSU 64, Corinth RSU 16, Poland Foxcroft Academy RSU 68, Dover-Fxcrft RSU 33, St Agatha RSU 67, Lincoln Alexander RSU 80, Guilford RSU 3, Unity Princeton RSU 39, Caribou Orrington Ellsworth RSU 25, Bucksport RSU 9, Farmington Washington Academy Brooklin Blue Hill Otis Hancock RSU 50, Kathadin Area RSU 63, Holden Castine RSU 79, Presque Isle Brooksville East Millinocket RSU 70, Hodgdon RSU 37, Harrington Cherryfield RSU 30, Lee Penobscot RSU 87, Carmel New Sweden Woodland Machias Pembroke Caswell RSU 45, Washburn Millinocket Whiting Jonesboro Eastport Moosabec CSD East Machias Machiasport Southern Aroostook Region 2 Cutler Charlotte 59,638 59,653 62,672 60,523 59,241 57,317 63,750 61,000 57,962 65,961 58,100 55,129 56,896 57,800 58,712 58,842 55,953 58,900 55,646 56,327 56,130 55,249 57,245 57,245 57,977 57,000 56,059 58,053 54,593 56,143 56,312 51,129 55,550 59,276 56,950 54,860 53,603 49,464 51,500 59,000 56,115 54,750 49,710 56,884 48,381 55,500 54,480 52,106 50,669 55,005 46,450 49,376 49,089 49,089 52,250 48,727 44,000 49,480 49,500 48,724 47,700 48,457 45,700 50,800 47,400 46,955 44,938 41,984 1,483,004 1,480,133 1,467,000 1,462,211 1,460,108 1,457,840 1,455,275 1,454,150 1,447,601 1,444,909 1,437,900 1,425,594 1,422,140 1,421,000 1,411,980 1,411,440 1,409,900 1,405,275 1,403,926 1,400,465 1,398,301 1,397,847 1,397,490 1,397,490 1,395,588 1,392,502 1,388,766 1,387,100 1,384,340 1,382,430 1,380,271 1,375,391 1,372,950 1,372,116 1,370,550 1,370,445 1,364,958 1,363,660 1,357,000 1,355,500 1,342,596 1,340,000 1,333,272 1,332,146 1,332,128 1,320,500 1,318,590 1,311,666 1,306,670 1,278,070 1,274,750 1,272,856 1,264,065 1,264,065 1,264,000 1,254,691 1,243,000 1,229,576 1,227,500 1,223,720 1,223,500 1,218,000 1,215,900 1,212,750 1,146,025 1,130,645 1,126,228 1,103,890 Pre-Retirement Days are sponsored by the Maine Education Association in conjunction with Maine Education Association Retired. The purpose of these meetings is to inform MEA members, who intend to retire within five years, of the retirement options available to them through ANTHEM of Maine (MEABT ANTHEM plan), the Maine Public Employees Retirement System, and Maine Education Association. Information will be provided that should help those who participate in these pre-retirement days in doing the necessary planning to prepare for a smooth transition from school employment to retirement.
To register for one of the pre-retirement days, visit maineea.org, select conferences and seminars and then complete the registration form. Registrations are taken on a first-registration basis and will cease ten (10) days prior to each seminar. MEA/MEA RETIRED PRE-RETIREMENT SEMINAR SCHEDULE 2017-18 9/13/17 Wed. Brewer Area 4:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. 9/23/17 Sat. Machias Area 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. 9/27/17 Wed. Winslow Area 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 10/4/17 Wed. South Portland Area 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 10/11/17 Wed. Topsham Area 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 10/21/17 Sat. Presque Isle Area 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 2/28/18 Wed. Skowhegan Area 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 3/7/18 Wed. Kennebunk Area 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 3/14/18 Wed. Rockland Area 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 3/21/18 Wed. Auburn Area 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 3/28/18 Wed. Ellsworth Area 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 4/4/18 Wed. Make-Up date if needed 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
MUST PRE-REGISTER IN ORDER TO ATTEND Enrollment is limited to 75 at each session so be sure to register early. (NOTE: must be an MEA member to attend.)
(*exact sites will be announced at a later date)
NOTE: Should a cancellation or change of venue occur, only those registered will be notified.