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A Letter From the President
December 2020
A year ago, in this column, I ended with the words "Wishing you all an enjoyable holiday break and a bright 2020!" Who could have known that a shorttime after, the year 2020 instead of being bright would turn so very dark and we'd be wishing the months would pass more quickly! Still, as I write this month's letter a few days before Thanksgiving, I must say there are bits of 'brightness' at least, and I certainly am grateful for so many things-by and large, we have managed to be relatively safe, at least in comparison to many other places. Despite the situation, we are somehow getting through it. I know, anxiety and stress levels continue at all time highs, and the workload has been described as unsustainable and insurmountable. I do not mean to dismiss that nor make light of it. But if any profession was ever characterized by a strong spirit of optimism and hope, it is that of public educators. That flame of hope, maybe now just a flicker, does still exist deep down inside, even if we are too exhausted just now to sense it.
The feeling of gratitude, even if it is mostly inspired by the fact that we are not as bad off as we could be, makes me stop and appreciate many things-most of all, you! Somehow you are keeping at it; you are truly remarkable people, each and every one of you! Imagine where our students and communities would be without you--talk about a dark time!
The gratefulness I feel for all that I have causes me to want to give what I can to those who struggle. Our MEA Board of Directors has had the custom for some time that for our December Board meeting an organization is selected and each of us makes a contribution. The Board is again being as generous as in years past by making donations to a food bank with a network across the state.
Some of our locals also engage in wonderful activities like this-giving of their time or collecting contributions to help students and their families and others in our state. For this I am also so grateful-our profession is one also characterized by deep compassion for others. If your local does not already have such a project, maybe you would take the lead and start one. There is a greater need than ever before this year, and though I know you all are already doing so much, maybe we can each find a way to do just a little bit more.
The past months have also been filled with political turmoil. Thankfully, November elections are behind us. And thankfully also, we will be seeing many friends of public education-including educators! MEA members!--in our state house to take on the challenges facing us. Some locals also helped there to be positive results in local school board races. (It would be great if more of us could engage in these, by the way!) And now it will soon be time for the MEA election cycle to begin! Be sure to watch for messages about this and also see the information on our website. (At least there won't be endless TV ads with these elections!)
I will close by again wishing all a restful holiday break-you have earned one a hundred times over! But rather than hope for a 'bright new year' (seeing where that got us last time I said that), I will hope for us to all stay strong, to stay healthy, and to hold on to that flicker of optimism in each of us until it is once again the brightest flame! The days ahead will indeed be better, I am confident. And at the very least, we can say Adiós to 2020!
With gratitude and in solidarity,
Grace Leavitt,
Maine Education Association
888-622-4418 x 2200