8 minute read
4 Ways to Pack Up Like a Boss
by Maineea
Pack Up & Get Out
For some of you, it may seem like the end of the school year may never come.
For others, the end may be coming too soon. Either way, come the end of June, you'll have to figure out what to do with all that stuff packed into every nook and crannie in your classroom.
Whether you've packed your room for 30 times before or this is your first go at it—take a minute to learn or remind yourself of these simple tips to make the process easier at the end of the year.
Put Your Students to Work
If you've ever been surprised by the willingness of your children to help you with chores, you will likely find the same to be true of your students. Here are some ideas to involve your students while they are still learning.
Sort Supplies-Toward the end of the year, as students use supplies like markers, glue or crayons, have them check to see what's out of ink, which crayons are too broken to use, and even ask them to sharpen pencils before putting them away for use next year.
Check Games-Inevitably pieces of games or puzzles get lost in the mix throughout the year. Ask your students to make note of what's missing as they use the items in the last weeks of school. Have them mark each game with a colored stickey note and write on the note what piece is broken or lost. With this method, all you have to do is find the stickies and fix what's broken or add pieces to the games. Review Classroom Books-You've likely all asked yourself this question at one point—"What the heck happened to that book?" As the year winds down, ask students to place aside the books that look like they've been through a battle and need to be repaired or returned to the school library. Then ask students to sort the books by category or reading level, depending on how to organize your library. This whole process can be done during the final weeks of the school year as students are selecting books to read during any quiet reading time.
Chuck It
This is a no-brainer, and seems easy enough but deserves the reminder. Don't be afraid of the trash can and recycling bin. If you are sure you're not going to use it, toss it, give it to a colleague, a student, anyone but don't leave it in your room to take up space.
Label It
Get organized now. Find the "home" for your worksheets, manipulatives, calculators, etc. and label each spot with a purpose. It's easy when you want to leave for the end of the year to pitch everything into a few bins and call it good. The better idea is to is to take the time to separate morning worksheets, or lessons by category and labeling them now will save so much time at the end of the summer when the weather is really warm and your classroom is really hot.
As part of MEA’s continued commitment to educate its members on issues that impact their work and life, MEA’s Director of Collective Bargaining and Research complied the follow data regarding salaries, in particular, career earnings in Maine. Career Earnings is a strength-of-scale measure. The name is a bit of a misnomer as it does not equate to actual career earnings, which should be higher. The measure allows for an apples-to-apples comparison
Career Earnings Summary 10 Years BA; 20 Years MA 2017-18 School District MA Max
York Falmouth Portland Wells-Ogunquit CSD Yarmouth Cape Elizabeth RSU 35, Eliot AOS 98 - Edgecomb South Portland Five Town CSD RSU 28, Camden RSU 21, Kennebunk Bangor RSU 51, Cumberland Scarborough Thornton Academy AOS 98 - Southport AOS 98 - Georgetown AOS 93 - Bristol RSU 01, Bath Gorham AOS 93 - South Bristol RSU 75, Topsham Brunswick AOS 93 - Great Salt Bay CSD RSU 05, Freeport AOS 98 - Boothbay CSD RSU 07, North Haven Veazie St. George Biddeford Portland $78,073 $78,791 - $76,890 $75,852 $75,930 $73,682 $73,249 $70,782 $73,660 $73,660 $74,630 $73,091 $70,527 $71,634 $73,309 $71,976 $72,235 $67,694 $74,891 $68,230 $69,334 $70,700 $74,832 $67,846 $68,418 $73,463 $65,462 $68,425 $65,697 $64,134 $65,140
Cumulative Total
$2,066,622 $1,950,075 $1,949,733 $1,946,657 $1,936,190 $1,917,907 $1,892,808 $1,857,638 $1,843,725 $1,833,008 $1,833,008 $1,807,310 $1,798,443 $1,792,219 $1,788,455 $1,788,365 $1,783,541 $1,777,000 $1,771,376 $1,769,510 $1,747,165 $1,743,943 $1,729,500 $1,719,689 $1,718,954 $1,708,329 $1,701,294 $1,693,750 $1,693,750 $1,687,700 $1,681,350 $1,673,969 between scales. The Career Earnings measure takes into account the beginning salary, the top salary, how long it takes to get from the beginning to the end, and what the Step increments and Lane increments are between the beginning and end of the scale. A 30-year “career” is used, allowing movement from the beginning to the end of most scales.
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. Kittery Lewiston RSU 26, Orono Glenburn Islesboro RSU 15, Gray Auburn Acton RSU 71, Belfast Sanford Athens RSU 60, Berwick RSU 13, Rockland Northport Saco RSU 02, Hallowell AOS 92 - Vassalboro Dayton RSU 57, Alfred AOS 93 - Nobleboro Lincolnville Madawaska RSU 34, Old Town RSU 10, Rumford RSU 56, Dixfield RSU 20, Searsport RSU 73, Jay-Livermore AOS 94 - SAD 46, Dexter RSU 08, Vinalhaven AOS 94 - Harmony RSU 74, Anson Lisbon RSU 49, Fairfield RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach RSU 40, Waldoboro RSU 19, Newport $62,972 $68,080 $71,300 $68,515 $64,234 $69,182 $62,442 $64,556 $63,180 $65,260 $62,489 $64,186 $64,647 $62,373 $63,901 $65,619 $67,827 $63,215 $65,484 $60,701 $65,652 $60,775 $64,074 $63,555 $63,555 $62,055 $63,529 $64,011 $68,250 $64,160 $64,975 $64,509 $66,034 $60,122 $65,297 $64,575 $1,672,853 $1,671,020 $1,659,850 $1,653,890 $1,649,067 $1,641,047 $1,638,131 $1,637,770 $1,637,490 $1,632,392 $1,630,445 $1,629,506 $1,626,320 $1,625,539 $1,625,311 $1,620,582 $1,616,720 $1,615,888 $1,611,625 $1,610,640 $1,608,892 $1,603,656 $1,600,469 $1,592,943 $1,592,942 $1,590,288 $1,586,061 $1,583,120 $1,578,800 $1,578,117 $1,576,760 $1,574,526 $1,573,763 $1,573,366 $1,570,432 $1,567,913
RSU 06, Buxton RSU 11, Gardiner RSU 61, Bridgton AOS 90 - Baileyville RSU 88, Van Buren Easton RSU 42, Mars Hill RSU 72, Fryeburg AOS 91 - Mt. Desert Elem RSU 83, Bingham RSU 78, Rangeley AOS 91 - Bar Harbor AOS 91 - Mt. Desert CSD AOS 91 - Southwest Harbor AOS 91 - Tremont AOS 91 - Trenton AOS 95 - SAD 27, Ft. Kent RSU 86, Fort Fairfield RSU 04, Litchfield RSU 53, Pittsfield RSU 59, Madison RSU 22, Hampden RSU 24, Sullivan RSU 12, Windsor Hope AOS 92 - Winslow Wiscasset Hermon RSU 52, Turner Fryeburg Academy RSU 54, Skowhegan Knox Region 8 RSU 82, Jackman So. Penobscot Region 4 RSU 32, Ashland RSU 18, Oakland Milford RSU 44, Bethel AOS 77 - Calais Surry Flagstaff RSU, Eustis RSU 17, Paris Oxford Region 11 RSU 58, Phillips RSU 03, Unity RSU 16, Poland $61,750 $63,170 $59,602 $63,406 $67,134 $63,156 $62,376 $61,969 $64,903 $59,738 $62,820 $64,534 $64,534 $64,534 $64,534 $64,534 $59,267 $62,564 $63,527 $62,067 $58,221 $66,165 $59,150 $67,554 $60,890 $68,817 $68,715 $61,993 $60,438 $61,000 $66,400 $64,870 $58,176 $59,200 $61,891 $65,200 $61,800 $58,747 $58,542 $56,231 $57,632 $57,853 $59,008 $60,171 $55,700 $56,750 $1,561,250 $1,558,879 $1,558,754 $1,556,638 $1,555,489 $1,550,358 $1,546,020 $1,543,564 $1,542,790 $1,534,628 $1,532,995 $1,531,720 $1,531,720 $1,531,720 $1,531,720 $1,531,720 $1,524,542 $1,522,595 $1,521,449 $1,520,592 $1,518,681 $1,516,775 $1,514,244 $1,511,312 $1,510,613 $1,509,850 $1,508,385 $1,506,644 $1,500,129 $1,500,000 $1,494,450 $1,492,010 $1,479,700 $1,478,500 $1,476,878 $1,475,725 $1,470,050 $1,469,960 $1,462,085 $1,453,997 $1,453,536 $1,450,850 $1,448,550 $1,439,562 $1,436,900 $1,429,000 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 147. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. RSU 64, Corinth $57,252 $1,426,263 RSU 29, Houlton $59,800 $1,423,000 RSU 39, Caribou $58,002 $1,421,769 Greenbush $57,800 $1,421,000 RSU 33, St. Agatha $58,814 $1,415,998 RSU 68, Dover-Foxcroft $57,995 $1,415,024 RSU 55, Porter $58,712 $1,411,980 Appleton $56,594 $1,409,081 Otis $53,500 $1,407,750 RSU 25, Bucksport $60,276 $1,402,116 Waldo Region 7 $50,745 $1,401,370 RSU 67, Lincoln $58,000 $1,399,502 RSU 80, Guilford $58,398 $1,397,450 AOS 90 - Princeton $56,704 $1,396,250 Washington Academy $55,990 $1,391,330 Blue Hill $50,229 $1,386,150 RSU 63, Holden $56,250 $1,384,070 Ellsworth $55,750 $1,383,575 RSU 09, Farmington $57,377 $1,379,760 Fayette $55,871 $1,370,916 RSU 79, Presque Isle $57,811 $1,363,343 Castine $50,360 $1,360,483 Winthrop $59,241 $1,357,858 Foxcroft Academy $57,995 $1,357,019 RSU 50, Katahdin Area $56,255 $1,345,956 Brooksville $48,865 $1,345,452 East Millinocket $56,000 $1,335,500 RSU 84, Danforth $54,006 $1,330,830 RSU 37, Harrington $52,666 $1,328,466 Medway $49,198 $1,326,223 Cherryfield $51,308 $1,325,840 RSU 70, Hodgdon $54,012 $1,314,124 New Sweden $50,525 $1,301,256 Woodland $50,525 $1,301,256 RSU 87, Carmel $49,628 $1,283,301 Penobscot $46,600 $1,279,250 AOS 77 - Pembroke $49,416 $1,275,070 AOS 96 - Machias $52,250 $1,264,000 AOS 77 - Eastport $50,740 $1,257,155 Caswell $44,000 $1,243,000 AOS 96 - Jonesboro $48,200 $1,238,500 Moosabec CSD, Jonesport $46,766 $1,232,780 AOS 96 - Whiting $48,724 $1,223,720 AOS 96 - East Machias $50,800 $1,212,750 So. Aroostook Region 2 $49,091 $1,182,090 AOS 77 - Charlotte $41,984 $1,103,890 June 2018 • www.maineea.org 11
Tech Talk Tech Talk
iMovie (iOS & Android)
Best video editing apps for your phone

Maybe it's a no brainer for some—but this app is super easy to splice clips together, add titles, music and voiceover to your video. If you're looking for templates to pretend your video is a movie, iMovie can do that too.

Powerdirector (Android) The iMovie version for the Android user. The downside...to get rid of watermarks, and export to 4K you have to pay a low monthly fee. (iOS & Android)
For those that don't really want to "do" anything, Quik lets your pick a theme and creates the video for you from your photos and video clips. You can add your own titles, style, filters etc., but the app puts it all together. Easy peasy.

(iOS) No video, no problem. Magisto helps you easily create a slideshow or video collage without any actual video editing skills needed from the user. This app offers one tap sharing of your easily created videos on social media/text/email. Just upload your photos and videos, choose a style, add music, then share.