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Building Winning
Effective Paraeducator-Teacher Teams
To ensure student success, it is critical that teachers, ed techs and administrators understand their roles and work collaboratively, communicate effectively and respect one another in the process. To meet this need, the Association offers a training called Ed Tech and Teachers: Building a Winning Team. The training package enhances the effectiveness of ed tech-teacher teams. Below are some of the key highlights of the training.
Shared Roles and Responsibilities Administrative Roles
• Maintain confidentiality • Support equity and diversity • Create and maintain a positive school climate • Maintain a safe and healthy environment • Know and understand expectations and roles • Foster and model positive and respectful working relationships • Understand contract/handbook and state/board policies • Maintain effective communication, respect and recognition through collaboration • Establish an environment and dedicated time for planning between the teacher and ed tech • Promote effective teamwork within teacher-ed tech teams • Provide professional development opportunities • Provide support to help team members resolve interpersonal or other problems • Provide performance feedback for teachers and ed techs
Ed Tech Roles Teacher Roles
• Collaborate on lessons and schedule assignments • Establish and set goals for the instructional team • Delegate appropriate tasks • Plan, develop and modify instructional objectives • Orient to the classroom environment • Prepare lesson plans • On-the-job-coaching and professional learning • Schedule assignments • Manage work environment • Delegate appropriate tasks • Share relevant information about strengths and training • Orient new ed techs to the classroom and school needs with administrators. environment • Provide on-the-job training, coaching and mentoring of ed techs
For more professional development opportunities for ESP, including a complete
12 Maine Educator • November 2019 webinar series, log on to: www.nea.org/home/67091.htm