4 minute read
Time to Talk Twitter
There was a time when the # was only called a number or pound sign. It was on your phone that connected to your kitchen wall with a cord that likely wrapped around and around and around so that you or your mom could do everything from the dishes to cook while chatting. Now the # is also, and more commonly, called a hashtag in the social media world and it opens up a new world of professional development for educators.
Sure, there is a whole language in the Twitterverse where you can only type in 140 characters in each tweet (see below). It’s a language many Maine educators speak very fl uently with some even saying, “Twitter is the best and most immediate resource for teacher support that has ever existed. Period.” It’s a bold statement followed by some advice on how you too can easily use Twitter for professional development—learning more about things like Standards-Based Learning, Flipped Classrooms and Design Thinking.
What can I really learn in so few words?
“The best PD for teachers is and always has been practical and actionable. Twitter connects teachers with other teachers who are doing the ‘how and what’ to support the ‘why.’ It puts people together.” — Matt Drewette-Card, Curriculum Coordinator AOS #94 — Matt Drewette-Card, Curriculum Coordinator AOS #94 @DrewetteCard @DrewetteCard “The content of the Tweets themselves is rarely earth shattering. It is the links that are included and especially the Tweeters themselves who are the gold.” — Jonathan Werner @maineschooltech (Cape Elizabeth EA)
“Twitter has given me most of my new and best ideas that I use in the classroom. By following specifi c discussions I can get ideas and talk with other fourth grade teachers. Last year I implemented Mystery Skype, book clubs, and brought in virtual guest speakers all thanks to the collaboration on Twitter.” — Jenny Stahl @jennygr4 (Glenburn EA)
Give it a week
“Make a legit eff ort to try it out for a week. Maybe even two. If you haven't gotten a new idea, connected to a kindred spirit, seen an idea of yours shared with others, or otherwise seen value in the space of two weeks? Then Twitter probably isn't for you. And that's ok.” — Dan Ryder @wickeddecentlearning (Mt. Blue RSU EA)
“Twitter is as useful as you make it. Educators worldwide are sharing ideas. Follow a few, send some replies, and fi gure out if it’s for you.” — Johnathan Pratt, Foxcroft Academy @jonpratt
Remember Twitter is not Facebook
What you post on Twitter is public for all to see. You don’t have “friends” like Facebook, you have “followers.” But even if you don’t follow anyone you can still search a topic you’re interested in and then see what others are talking about by following the #. Just type the topic in the search menu and read as much or as little as you want.
Anatomy of a Tweet
Maine education Association @maineea RT @jennygr4 Twitter has been the single most useful tool in improving my teaching. I hope readers will give it a shot! } #teachmaine

User’s Name
Maine education Association
@maineea Twitter Handle (username)
Signifi es that a tweet is a “retweet” of another user’s tweet Profi le picture

Another user’s Twitter handle. Tells the other user you have RT’ed or responded to them.

A # (hashtag) is a keyword or phrase that categorizes your tweet. When you click a # you will be brought to a search for that keyword or phrase.
How can educators use Twitter to enhance their everyday teaching?
“The first big idea is to think of Twitter as a bulletin board in a hallway. You can tell people you’re posting on the bulletin board, but it’s up to them to go check it. You won’t know they’ve been there unless they tack up a note (reply, retweet, or ‘favorite,’ in Twitter parlance), but you’re still sharing information. It’s a great way to disseminate information that can spread exponentially. You can tweet, ‘Don’t forget, quiz tomorrow’ or you can share a link to a resource that provides enrichment for a topic you’re covering.” — Jennifer Michaelis and Becca Redman Lewiston High School
“Instead of ‘Googling’ ideas for lesson plans and strategies, search for a content related hashtag.” (see box below) — Dan Ryder @wickeddecentlearning (Mt. Blue RSU EA)
#Chats to Try
(put the #title in the search bar)
#sblchat Standards-Based Learning discusses healthy grading practices, standards/proficiency/competency-based learning, etc. The how's, whys, what's, are all answered. Live chat Wednesday at 9pm.
#edchatme is a chat specifically for Maine educators, talking about various education issues in Maine. Live chat Thursday at 8pm.

#colchat culture of learning chat live on Monday at 9pm.
G LO ss ARY TWEET? What the
RT stands for retweet. To retweet something means you share the information from someone else’s tweet to all of your followers. It is a way to spread a message quickly.
#FF stands for "Follow Friday." Twitter users often suggest who others should follow on Fridays by tweeting with the hashtag #FF.
Follower: A follower is another Twitter user who has followed you.
OH: "OH" most often means "overheard" in tweets.
TIL: Acronym for “today I learned.”
ICYMI: Acronym for “In case you missed it.”