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Free Stuff
It’s one of the best four letter words out there-FREE-especially when you’re on a tight budget. Maine Educator found a few freebies!
Read Across America Resource Calendar

The National Education Association is building a nation of readers through its signature program, NEA's Read Across America. Now in its 20th year, this year-round program focuses on motivating children and teens to read through events, partnerships, and reading resources. Order your FREE 2017-18 calendar which includes booklists, a way to win free books for your school, ways to engage a community of readers and so much more!
Tap into Retiree Resources
Don’t take for granted the wealth of resources available to you from those educators who came before you. Ask retirees or people who will be retiring (once the year starts to wind down) if they have any supplies you could have.

Join a local Freecycle group. People give away lots of great stuff! This teacher put up a “Wanted” post asking for books—Hi folks, I am looking for early chapter books for my classroom. Anything between 2nd-5th grade is highly needed. I am willing to sort through if you just want to get rid of a bunch and not have to sort. I teach special education reading and we can never get enough of those early chapter book readers. Willing to drive a bit to pick them up too. Thanks!! A quick search just on the Portland board found a desk, posters and chairs that can be used to redesign your space. Search for what you’re looking for and you might get lucky!
United for Human Rights Info Kit for Educators
This human rights kit is exclusively for educators and provides: • A DVD with an introduction to our worldwide human rights program; the award-winning educational film The Story of Human Rights; and 30 public service announcements depicting each of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. • The Story of Human Rights booklet, containing the full text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the historical development of human rights. • A guide with actions you can take to bring about awareness and understanding of human rights, and so start making a difference. One free kit per educator—includes free shipping.
Culture a Pearl Kit
You’ve seen butterfly kits—this is a pearl kit! PearlsOnly launched a ‘Pearls in School’ program with a goal to educate children in the amazing process that is pearl culturing and oyster life cycle. This is an amazing opportunity for your class to experience pearls in an exciting new way.

PearlsOnly also prepared a series of lesson plans tailored toward different grade levels. With the free kit, students can learn about the oyster and the process that is pearl creation.