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Grants & Opportunities
Y o u r A s s o c i a t i o n
Grants and Opportunities
Start the new year right! Below are a list of grants, contests, and scholarship opportunities for members and students. For clickable links to the applications, log on to the Maine Educator Online, found on our homepage at www.maineea.org.
Siemens High School Competition Scholarships
WHAT: This science research competition fosters intensive research that improves students' understanding of the value of scientifi c study and informs their consideration of future careers in these disciplines. The competition is for teams or individual students with a maximum award of $100,000 college scholarship. WHEN: Application deadline - September 22, 2015 WHO: High school students, grades 9-12 during the 2015-16 school year HOW: For more information: https://siemenscompetition.discoveryeducation.com
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Grants
WHAT: The purpose of this grant is to incorporate middle school classroom materials or lessons that actively engage students in tasks and experiences to deepen and connect their content knowledge. For 2016-17, grants with a maximum of $3,000 each will be awarded to persons currently teaching mathematics in grades 6-8. Materials may be in the form of books, visual displays, slide shows, videotapes, or other appropriate medium. WHEN: Application deadline postmarked by November 6, 2015 WHO: Middle school teachers in grades 6-8 (other math grants in other categories are also available) HOW: www.nctm.org, click on “Grants and Awards”
Adobe: ConnectED Software Grants
WHAT: As part of the White House's ConnectEd initiative, Adobe is offering creative tools and teacher professional development to schools across the United States. Maximum award: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Presenter, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Echosign, and a range of teacher training resources. Multiple licenses of each software program will be awarded if your school is chosen. WHEN: Rolling deadline WHO: K-12 public schools that receive Title I funds HOW: FMI and to apply: http://edex.adobe.com/connected/faq
NEA Student Achievement Grants
WHAT: The NEA Foundation provides grants to improve the academic achievement of students in U.S. public schools and public higher education institutions in any subject area(s). The proposed work should engage students in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen their knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve students’ habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical refl ection. WHEN: Deadline - October 15, 2015 WHO: K-12 educators and higher education faculty HOW: FMI and to apply: http://www.neafoundation.org/pages/nea-student-achievement-grants/
My Hero Works at School Essay Contest
WHAT: The MEA is pleased to join with the Portland Sea Dogs for its 3rd annual “My Hero Works at School” essay contest. Students are encouraged to write a short essay, no more than 300 words, about their school hero. Two winners will be selected and receive tickets to a 2016 Sea Dogs game for themselves, their family and their school hero. WHEN: Application Deadline - March 11, 2016 WHO: All public school elementary and middle school students are encouraged to apply HOW: For more information: www.maineea.org/grants
Maine Educator Cover Contest - What I Love About Maine
WHAT: The Maine Educator will feature a cover designed by a Maine public school art student depicting the theme “What I Love About Maine.” Submissions can be any form of art and should be 8.5” by 11” or able to be photographed. Please advise students that the magazine title will be across the top and 2.5” high. The artist will want to make sure there is nothing important to the piece at the top as it may be obscured by the title. WHEN: Application Deadline: December 18, 2015 WHO: Grades K-4, 5-8, 9-12 - There will be 3 fi nalists from each category, plus electronic art. One overall winner will be chosen from the fi nalists and have their work on the cover. HOW: Submit artwork to Giovanna Bechard via mail at 35 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330 or email at gbechard@maineea.org.