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Take Care of Yourself
Ideas for a Happier Healthier You

Reach out and literally touch someone
Research shows that simple things like hugs and holding hands can help reduce stress. The Journal for Complementary Medicine found that a massage can actually boost your immune system and make you happier. The research also shows that it doesn’t matter if you’re the one receiving the hugs or giving—research has revealed that a person giving a massage experiences as great a reduction in stress hormones as the person on the receiving end, and the same is true for hugs.
Make Your Workspace Happier
You spend a lot of time at work, why not make it look good! Use squares of wallpaper to spruce up the look of some bland office furniture. Never spill your drink again with this portable drink holder that clips on to the edge of a table or desk.
Temperature Matters
While you can’t control the temperature in your building or bus, there is actual research that shows productivity increases when the temperature is warmer. According to research from Helsinki University of Technology and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, “… performance increases with temperature up to 69.8 to 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The highest productivity is at a temperature of around 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit. However, since that study other research shows things should actually be warmer-with optimal temperature for office productivity is a surprisingly-balmy 77 degrees. So, never forget that sweater in the winter or the fan in the summer!
Make Lunch Easier
The plastic baggie is your friend when it comes to making life easier when prepping lunch. Place all cold snacks in baggies for the week and place them in a small tote in the fridge, do the same for dry snacks, and keep it in the pantry. Prep sandwiches too—that way each morning you only have to grab items from the bin and toss them in the lunch box.