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MEA Membership Guide
The MEA Advantage: For Your CAREER. For Your RIGHTS. For PUBLIC EDUCATION. For Your WALLET.
When you’re a member of the Maine Education Association you have benefits that reach all aspects of your career and your life. Use this member service guide to make sure you’re making the most of your membership. And share this with others who aren’t members, so they too can understand why MEMBERSHIP MATTERS!
“The Maine Education Association does a fantastic job giving us a voice. Having other people on your team just makes everyday easier. The MEA is the team.” Alan Yuodsnukis Gardiner TA

The Maine Education Association is the largest, oldest, and most powerful education association in the state. As a member, you have the power to protect and strengthen public education and your career. MEA allows you to combine efforts and resources with your colleagues and stand stronger together. We are the only education association dedicated to the idea that great public schools are a basic right for every child and the only education association advocating at the state legislature for all students, your profession and public education. MEA exists to support, protect, and strengthen those who nurture Maine children. Through membership you receive many benefits that support you in your career including:
• Salary, benefit, and pension protections
• Multiple benefits found in your collective bargaining agreement
• Legal representation, at no cost, on matters pertaining to your collective bargaining agreement, certification, licensure and more
• Collective voice on issues that matter to your career and students
• Free professional development with MEA and NEA FMI: https://maineea.org/conferences_trainings/
• Ability to attend local and regional MEA and NEAsponsored trainings, including training in assistance in obtaining National Board Certification
• Employment liability insurance for both civil and criminal cases, with $1 million coverage for civil damages
• Training and consultation regarding ESP, special education, and other issues
• Advice on employment-related statutory rights
• Subscriptions to Maine Educator & NEA Today magazines and other e-mail newsletters with key information about your career
• Voting privileges (contracts, officers, etc.)
• And more!
job. The Association provides me with professional development, a safety net and a collective voice that’s needed for our public schools.”
Mallory Cook Hermon EA

Protecting the rights of school employees is at the core of MEA’s mission. MEA provides members with numerous advantages to protect their rights, including legal services and professional liability insurance.
Legal services protect members
MEA has a full-time general counsel on staff and also retains prestigious law firms to help protect members’ legal rights in matters arising out of their education employment. MEA’s legal work helps members and local affiliates in the following areas:
• Wage and hour laws
• Unfair labor practices
• Layoff and recall
• Retirement
• Fringe benefits
• Unemployment compensation
• Education funding
• Negotiations
• Discrimination
• Health and safety
• Civil rights
• Contract enforcement
• Discrimination
A safeguard from financial ruin
Chemistry labs, gymnasiums and other school facilities can be dangerous places, and accidents often result in lawsuits. And yes, there are also some litigious people out there, waiting for the next opportunity to sue someone—even their child’s teacher or bus driver.
Much in the same way physicians should have medical malpractice insurance as protection against claims, teachers and education support staff need professional liability insurance to protect them from workplace civil and criminal claims.
MEA strongly believes that employers should provide school employees with insurance to protect them from personal financial liability stemming from employment-related lawsuits. However, this is not always the case—that’s why MEA provides all members with $1 million in professional liability insurance as a benefit of membership.
The NEA Educators Employment Liability program, administered by MEA, protects members from personal financial liability for most incidents arising out of their educational employment activities or duties. The insurance includes attorney’s fees, so members won’t have to pay a dime out of their own pockets to defend themselves from frivolous civil lawsuits related to their employment.
“The Maine Education Association supports all levels of people involved in education from custodians, food service, teachers-all the way up and down the chain.”
Nancy McAdam, Benefit Association of School Employees

It could happen to anyone...
The following are true stories of school employees who have benefitted from the high-caliber legal protection offered only to MEA members:
1. A teacher was falsely accused of being heavy-handed with a student. Other students provided false statements supporting the allegation. The teacher was placed on leave by the School and under investigation by DHHS. Based on little and inconsistent evidence, DHHS found the allegations to be true and began proceedings that would have resulted in revocation of the teacher’s certification. MEA hired an attorney who represented the member in a hearing to challenge the findings. The attorney presented evidence, including the testimony of adult witnesses, established the falsity of the allegations, and the case against the teacher was dismissed.
2. During a relatively short period of time, DOE threatened multiple members with non-renewal of their certifications due to inadvertent and unintentional errors on their recertification applications being deemed false statements. MEA hired an attorney to assist all of these members. Through the hard work of the members and the attorney, it was demonstrated to DOE that the errors were truly unintentional and, in all of these cases, DOE reconsidered its original determinations, and the members successfully renewed their certifications.
3. During a year in which the DOE waived several student days due to a large number of inclement weather days, a Superintendent increased the number of teacher workshop days in violation of the CBA. Through the diligence of its Uniserv Director, the local filed a grievance and prevailed in arbitration, resulting in an award providing per diem pay for all of the extra days worked. The School appealed to the Superior Court and the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. MEA hired an attorney to assist in those appeals, and the local prevailed at both levels of appeal.
“The Maine Education Association, they support me. No, I’m not a teacher but I’m a custodian and I’m here to learn and get experience.”
Avalinda Lindsey Benefit Association of School Employees

Empowering Educators Since 1859
Being a Strong Union Helps Students
MEA is the strongest and largest professional labor union for public school employees in Maine. With 24,000 members working together to improve educational outcomes for their students and working conditions for school employees, we are a powerful force for Maine students and public schools.
Contract Support
Much of what we negotiate about your working conditions has a direct impact on the students we serve. Look closely at your contract, whether it’s safety provisions, length of the school day or many other issues, your working conditions are your students’ learning conditions and the union has a direct impact on these issues through the negotiation process.
“The Maine Education Association is the group that’s always going to have my back as a teacher. So many individuals contribute to the success of our students to make our state and our schools the best they possibly can be-I’m proud MEA is part of that.”
Kevin Cooper Saco Valley TA

Communication on Key Issues
MEA members can connect and stay informed through our social media tools like MEA's Facebook and Twitter accounts. This is just one of many ways members can discuss issues and mobilize around issues facing public education, like mandatory state testing. Communication is key for MEA and the union ensures our members are up-to-date on key education topics through the Maine Educator magazine, our members-only publication, email newsletters, and on the web at www.maineea.org.
Collective Voice
Ensuring the collective voice of school employees is heard is one of the most important advantages of MEA. Whether it's at the Capitol in Augusta, in the news media, or in our local communities, it's essential that the opinions and expertise of front-line educators are part of the conversation when anyone talks about public education. Together, our voice is louder and more respected.
No matter where you turn, there's an MEA member nearby who's willing to talk, ready to help and ready to act.
“The MEA helps teachers and students realize there are people who support them every day.”
Chad Hart Portland EA

One of the biggest benefits members receive is the health care plan, negotiated by the MEA and each employer. The plan most members receive through the MEA Benefits Trust (MEABT) includes medical, pharmacy and wellness benefits and is available to members through bargaining between their local Maine Education Association Union and their employer.
Your Health Plan
The MEABT is committed to providing the best health and wellness insurance plans at an affordable rate for the benefit of all Plan participants.
Established in 1993, and headquartered in Augusta, Maine, the MEABT is a not-for-profit, employee welfare benefit plan dedicated to the health of Maine public school employees and their families. An eight member Board of Trustees – all current or retired public school employees – governs the health insurance plan which provides coverage to approximately 65,000 individuals in the State of Maine, including active educators, retired teachers, related personnel and their dependents.
Ensuring the highest level of benefits at competitive prices is the key goal of the MEA Benefits Trust. The Standard, Choice Plus, Standard 500 and Standard 1000 Plans all include coverage for: Routine Preventive Care, Screenings and Immunizations, Well- Child Care, Inpatient and Outpatient Care, and Emergency Care.
Through MEA Benefits Trust you have access to SmartShopper. As a SmartShopper member, you can shop for medical care, compare costs and earn a cash reward. Call your Personal Assistant at 1-844- 328-1582 or visit the member portal at SmartShopper.com to learn more.
Wellness Plan
Virgin Pulse is MEA Benefits Trust new wellness program to help you make small, everyday changes to your wellbeing that are focused on the areas you want to improve the most. When you stick to our program, you’ll build heathy habits, have fun with coworkers, and experience the lifelong rewards of health and wellbeing. Plus – you can earn up to $250 in additional incentives for participating!
For additional information visit: meabt.org
Endorsed Programs
Your MEA membership provides the value-added benefit of being able to participate in the many endorsed programs through MEA and NEA Member Benefits. Choose from a variety of insurance, financial, legal, and shopping/travel/ personal programs designed with the MEA member in mind — including term life insurance, auto insurance, legal and financial services, car rentals, vacation packages and discount programs. Whether you’re looking to protect your family with insurance programs or simply enjoy a night out seeing the latest blockbuster film, Member Benefits is here for you!
Access to NEA-Financial Services programs including:
• Student Loan Assistance Programs
• Group automobile insurance discounts
• Group homeowner’s insurance discounts
• Member Investment programs
• Local access to an NEA Financial Services Representative
• Debt and credit management
• Life event planning, such as buying a home
• Saving for education and retirement
• ID Theft Protection and Recovery
• And MORE!
Working in public schools isn’t easy. MEA provides you with a variety of programs and benefits to help you succeed. When you’re at work, you’re never alone when you’re a member. MEA always has your back!
Have a question? Contact us? Maineea.org/ contact-us