26 minute read
MEA Salary Guide
Guide 2022
Auburn Lisbon RSU 04, Sabattus RSU 16, Poland RSU 52, Turner RSU 73, Jay-Livermore
Caswell Easton Limestone Madawaska RSU 39, Caribou RSU 42, Mars Hill RSU 45, Washburn** RSU 50, Southern Aroostook* RSU 70, Hodgdon RSU 79, Presque Isle RSU 86, Fort Fairfield RSU 88, Van Buren SAD 27, Fort Kent Woodland
Brunswick Cape Elizabeth Falmouth Gorham Portland+ RSU 05, Freeport RSU 14, Windham RSU 15, Gray RSU 51, Cumberland RSU 61, Bridgton Scarborough South Portland Westbrook* Yarmouth
Flagstaff RSU, Eustis RSU 09, Farmington RSU 58, Phillips RSU 78, Rangeley
Blue Hill Brooklin Brooksville* Castine* Deer Isle-Stonington CSD Ellsworth Hancock Lamoine Otis Penobscot RSU 24, Sullivan RSU 25, Bucksport* Sedgwick Surry
MEA maintains a salary database to better help members understand how educators are paid across Maine. MEA encourages you to use this information as you advocate for wages and benefits in your district. The data on the following pages is based off of contracts submitted to MEA for the 2021-22 school year. Due to space limitations, the minimum salaries for Education Support Professionals will not appear in print, but you can find them the online in the MEA salary guide. Scan the QR Code or visit maineea.org/mea-salary-guide/ * Maximum pay for ESP are printed on the following pages.
*Salary Info was pulled on January 15, 2022 2021-2022 MEA TEACHER SALARY GUIDE BACHELOR’S
$40,000 $53,757 $62,319 $44,000 $59,132 $68,551 16 101/81 $37,723 $50,092 $68,150 $42,250 $56,103 $76,328 37 56/28 $40,000 $48,760 $60,136 $46,000 $56,074 $69,156 19 114/76 $38,793 $47,107 $63,336 $40,570 $48,883 $65,336 21 92/107 $38,729 $52,045 $67,906 $40,954 $55,039 $71,813 20 58/56 $37,896 $50,107 $64,617 $39,568 $52,521 $67,760 19 82/86
$38,857 $50,311 $64,411 $42,224 $54,625 $69,824 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$37,500 $46,280 $46,280 $41,250 $48,280 $48,280 11 155/156 $40,000 $53,757 $66,114 $42,000 $57,032 $70,081 18 70/71 $40,000 $54,810 $68,331 $42,000 $57,550 $71,747 18 50/58 $38,288 $55,665 $61,838 $39,685 $59,331 $66,107 15 103/103 $40,000 $54,810 $68,331 $42,000 $57,550 $71,747 18 51/58 $40,000 $55,200 $69,600 $42,960 $59,060 $74,360 20 35/32 $37,500 $42,500 $56,500 $39,500 $44,500 $59,200 31 136/157 $37,500 $41,000 $57,200 $37,500 $44,000 $60,200 21 132/136 $37,500 $43,675 $58,675 $39,600 $45,775 $60,775 26 124/132 $37,500 $51,663 $68,896 $38,500 $54,246 $72,340 20 44/47 $39,000 $57,200 $69,800 $41,500 $59,700 $72,300 18 33/48 $40,000 $58,630 $75,397 $42,000 $62,183 $80,471 20 14/15 $37,500 $54,120 $67,240 $41,500 $58,120 $71,240 19 61/63 $38,495 $51,734 $54,884 $39,695 $52,934 $56,084 13 139/142
$38,627 $51,503 $63,506 $40,692 $54,304 $66,781 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$40,000 $55,516 $77,239 $42,877 $58,393 $80,116 25 7/17 $44,368 $63,580 $77,423 $49,692 $68,904 $83,812 26 6/6 $44,110 $63,960 $79,398 $48,521 $68,371 $86,015 26 2/2 $41,256 $60,853 $72,920 $45,485 $65,085 $77,149 26 23/25 $38,670 $54,507 $65,923 $42,353 $58,557 $71,262 32 74/62 $40,861 $57,205 $69,055 $45,355 $63,539 $78,127 27 42/20 $40,710 $55,350 $73,492 $44,646 $59,104 $77,246 31 20/24 $40,465 $53,215 $69,665 $42,965 $56,615 $74,215 25 34/33 $46,939 $57,195 $75,320 $52,740 $64,263 $84,629 37 17/5 $37,629 $54,562 $54,562 $41,392 $58,325 $67,732 19 140/87 $43,125 $61,999 $76,995 $47,520 $66,121 $82,673 31 9/8 $42,680 $60,971 $68,287 $46,744 $65,036 $76,417 17 54/27 $37,500 $54,880 $75,365 $39,549 $58,476 $78,960 51 15/18 $44,291 $66,437 $79,282 $48,721 $70,866 $85,925 41 3/3
$41,615 $58,588 $72,495 $45,611 $62,975 $78,877 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$38,813 $54,516 $76,900 $41,400 $58,605 $82,668 21 13/9 $40,000 $53,237 $65,031 $42,500 $56,564 $69,096 18 80/76 $37,925 $52,191 $68,097 $41,500 $55,725 $70,536 20 56/40 $37,516 $47,764 $62,550 $40,936 $51,388 $66,173 20 98/101
$38,564 $51,927 $68,145 $41,584 $55,571 $72,118 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$40,101 $45,351 $45,351 $42,651 $50,151 $54,624 8 156/147 $37,500 $43,500 $48,900 $39,500 $47,000 $53,750 20 150/148 $37,500 $46,466 $46,466 $38,550 $48,986 $52,390 15 154/150 $37,500 $45,002 $46,802 $38,212 $48,440 $53,260 20 152/149 $37,500 $44,700 $52,400 $38,500 $47,600 $57,200 20 145/140 $38,833 $44,973 $58,333 $41,333 $47,543 $60,833 22 126/121 $38,750 $45,235 $52,498 $41,750 $48,348 $56,000 21 143/143 $40,998 $47,017 $58,861 $44,661 $50,680 $65,457 22 123/106 $38,617 $48,271 $59,028 $40,823 $50,202 $61,235 21 122/125 $37,500 $43,900 $43,900 $38,500 $46,300 $49,500 15 157/155 $38,000 $46,699 $58,049 $39,500 $48,382 $60,869 21 128/129 $37,500 $42,000 $60,627 $40,000 $45,100 $60,869 24 109/108 $37,500 $43,900 $50,900 $38,500 $44,900 $51,900 21 148/151 $39,379 $47,320 $57,749 $40,616 $49,547 $60,867 21 129/130
$38,370 $45,310 $52,847 $40,224 $48,084 $57,054
Augusta Fayette* RSU 02, Hallowell RSU 11, Gardiner RSU 18, Oakland RSU 38, Maranacook RSU 49, Fairfield Waterville* Winslow Winthrop
Appleton Five Town CSD Hope Knox Region 8 RSU 07, North Haven RSU 08, Vinalhaven RSU 13, Seacoast RSU 28, Camden St. George
AOS 93 - Bristol AOS 93 - Great Salt Bay CSD AOS 93 - Jefferson AOS 93 - Nobleboro AOS 93 - South Bristol AOS 98 - Boothbay AOS 98 - Edgecomb AOS 09 - Georgetown AOS 98 - Southport RSU 12, Windsor RSU 40, Waldoboro Wiscasset
RSU 10, Rumford RSU 17, South Paris RSU 44, Bethel RSU 56, Dixfield
AOS 94 - SAD 46, Dexter East Millinocket Glenburn Greenbush Hermon Medway Milford Millinocket Orrington RSU 19, Newport RSU 22, Hampden RSU 26, Orono RSU 31, Howland RSU 63, Holden* RSU 64, Corinth RSU 67, Lincoln RSU 87, Carmel RSU 89, Patten Southern Penobscot Region 4 Veazie
Foxcroft Academy* Greenville RSU 41, Milo RSU 80, Guildford
RSU 01, Bath RSU 75, Topsham West Bath
$40,058 $46,642 $69,304 $42,856 $49,900 $74,146 28 38/35 $37,500 $46,396 $59,560 $38,322 $47,896 $61,060 22 117/128 $39,360 $44,990 $63,210 $44,120 $50,430 $70,855 23 93/66 $39,149 $48,149 $65,202 $41,303 $50,798 $68,880 23 78/80 $39,000 $44,540 $69,529 $41,000 $46,540 $71,529 29 37/60 $39,800 $45,571 $64,038 $41,800 $47,571 $66,038 31 86/103 $39,000 $45,754 $68,045 $41,000 $49,234 $71,596 27 57/59 $37,500 $46,628 $71,353 $39,275 $49,130 $75,182 34 27/29 $38,433 $48,568 $75,010 $40,384 $51,033 $78,817 30 18/19 $38,500 $47,156 $57,006 $41,000 $50,112 $60,238 21 133/134
$38,830 $46,439 $66,226 $41,106 $49,264 $69,834 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$40,000 $56,424 $62,558 $43,000 $59,424 $65,558 14 97/105 $43,082 $59,269 $76,932 $46,698 $62,884 $80,548 21 11/13 $38,250 $49,395 $63,849 $41,250 $52,395 $66,849 21 90/99 $39,914 $50,890 $66,523 $43,414 $54,390 $70,023 22 65/72 $43,163 $54,412 $66,784 $45,843 $57,090 $69,464 22 64/74 $39,201 $51,521 $70,000 $40,701 $53,021 $71,500 26 32/61 $40,225 $53,225 $68,425 $43,325 $58,325 $71,825 20 48/55 $43,082 $59,269 $76,932 $46,698 $62,884 $80,548 21 12/14 $40,750 $52,815 $71,288 $42,326 $55,284 $73,753 20 29/39
$40,852 $54,136 $69,255 $43,695 $57,300 $72,230 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$40,432 $57,033 $67,738 $42,463 $59,898 $71,140 16 59/64 $43,818 $55,696 $71,295 $45,818 $57,696 $73,295 21 28/43 $40,250 $52,690 $66,512 $43,750 $56,190 $71,000 21 66/65 $40,000 $56,424 $62,558 $42,000 $59,245 $65,686 14 96/104 $40,000 $52,217 $66,435 $42,036 $55,575 $70,706 19 68/67 $39,286 $52,797 $74,450 $41,069 $55,193 $77,763 22 19/21 $47,245 $61,969 $70,971 $49,245 $64,592 $73,976 16 31/37 $39,103 $54,759 $75,338 $41,169 $56,909 $77,489 21 16/23 $41,742 $55,568 $71,659 $46,960 $62,514 $80,617 19 25/12 $37,505 $48,590 $64,245 $40,555 $51,640 $67,240 24 84/93 $40,867 $50,461 $69,555 $43,356 $53,534 $73,791 24 36/38 $37,500 $41,842 $71,653 $40,000 $44,342 $74,153 29 26/34
$40,646 $53,337 $69,367 $43,202 $56,444 $73,071 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$40,000 $54,810 $68,331 $43,000 $58,920 $73,455 18 50/41 $40,014 $48,414 $61,014 $42,238 $50,638 $63,238 23 104/111 $37,477 $47,499 $63,755 $41,901 $50,372 $67,116 23 91/95 $40,000 $54,810 $68,331 $43,000 $58,920 $73,455 18 52/42
$39,373 $51,383 $65,358 $42,535 $54,713 $69,316 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$37,500 $46,171 $68,300 $41,250 $49,921 $72,050 29 54/53 $37,500 $41,589 $60,250 $39,500 $43,589 $62,250 27 111/117 $38,500 $50,100 $67,025 $40,500 $52,100 $69,025 20 63/77 $37,500 $49,427 $58,334 $38,800 $50,727 $59,634 17 125/138 $38,800 $48,800 $65,052 $40,800 $50,800 $67,193 23 79/94 $37,500 $44,816 $53,559 $39,100 $46,416 $55,159 20 141/145 $38,873 $45,400 $66,452 $40,473 $47,040 $68,052 23 67/84 $38,500 $44,000 $60,000 $40,000 $45,500 $61,500 41 114/123 $38,582 $47,546 $56,806 $43,245 $51,401 $61,490 21 135/124 $37,847 $46,006 $68,850 $40,997 $49,156 $72,000 25 45/53 $39,043 $49,731 $68,666 $41,543 $52,231 $71,896 24 47/72 $38,000 $48,750 $73,150 $40,000 $50,750 $75,150 25 22/30 $37,500 $42,000 $60,000 $37,500 $44,000 $62,000 25 115/120 $37,500 $43,750 $49,750 $36,500 $45,250 $51,250 17 149/153 $37,500 $46,175 $62,385 $39,500 $48,175 $64,385 24 99/109 $37,500 $42,000 $61,000 $38,000 $42,500 $63,000 31 105/112 $37,500 $47,500 $60,500 $39,200 $49,200 $62,200 24 110/118 $37,500 $41,100 $64,500 $40,500 $44,100 $67,500 26 83/90 $37,500 $47,217 $59,128 $37,500 $49,355 $62,691 20 119/115 $37,500 $51,066 $72,075 $39,500 $53,066 $74,075 19 24/37
$37,907 $46,157 $62,789 $39,720 $48,264 $66,125 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$37,500 $47,756 $62,941 $38,110 $51,217 $67,502 21 94/89 $40,029 $54,585 $69,141 $45,306 $59,862 $74,418 31 41/31 $37,500 $45,817 $64,197 $39,500 $47,817 $66,197 36 85/100 $37,500 $44,140 $59,080 $39,500 $46,140 $61,080 29 120/127
$38,132 $48,075 $63,840 $40,604 $51,259 $67,299 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$37,569 $54,479 $78,760 $41,326 $58,236 $82,286 21 4/7 $40,500 $58,700 $73,260 $45,000 $63,200 $77,760 19 21/22 $37,550 $55,341 $78,033 $41,305 $59,096 $80,062 21 5/10
$38,540 $56,173 $76,684 $42,544 $60,177 $80,036 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA)
AOS 94 - Harmony Athens RSU 53, Pittsfield RSU 54, Skowhegan RSU 59, Madison RSU 74, Anson RSU 82, Jackman* RSU 83, Bingham
Islesboro Lincolnville Northport RSU 03, Unity RSU 20, Searsport* RSU 71, Belfast Waldo Region 7
A0S 77 - Alexander AOS 77 - Charlotte AOS 77 - Eastport AOS 77 - Lubec AOS 77 - Pembroke AOS 77 - Perry AOS 90 - Princeton AOS 96 - Jonesboro* Cutler East Range CSD* Machiasport RSU 37, Harrington* RSU 94, Danforth*
$37,500 $46,500 $59,500 $40,000 $54,000 $72,200 32 118/49 $37,500 $42,193 $52,956 $42,000 $49,225 $61,782 25 142/121 $37,500 $47,725 $62,369 $41,736 $51,621 $66,984 26 100/97 $39,150 $47,950 $68,950 $42,350 $51,150 $72,150 33 42/51 $40,208 $52,120 $64,032 $43,208 $55,120 $67,032 32 87/96 $37,914 $46,747 $55,987 $39,138 $48,921 $67,400 26 137/91 $37,096 $50,534 $64,029 $39,983 $53,422 $66,916 20 88/98 $37,500 $53,720 $62,840 $42,135 $60,360 $70,607 17 95/69
$38,046 $48,436 $61,333 $41,319 $52,977 $68,134 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$41,673 $53,923 $66,173 $45,143 $57,393 $69,643 21 69/73 $41,970 $50,643 $68,671 $45,470 $54,143 $72,171 22 46/50 $38,567 $54,465 $65,348 $41,232 $57,130 $68,013 16 77/85 $38,500 $47,500 $59,050 $42,000 $51,000 $62,550 22 121/116 $37,500 $50,601 $60,959 $37,764 $52,896 $63,254 16 106/110 $37,500 $51,775 $66,000 $39,700 $53,975 $68,200 16 73/83 $40,920 $50,555 $55,909 $43,072 $52,707 $58,081 16 138/139
$39,519 $51,352 $63,159 $42,054 $54,178 $65,987 BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Steps (BA/ MIN STEP 10 MAX MIN STEP 10 MAX MA) BA MAX/MA MAX (OUT OF 157)
$37,500 $54,400 $60,800 $39,500 $56,400 $62,800 15 107/113 $37,500 $52,600 $58,200 $39,500 $54,600 $60,200 15 127/135 $37,500 $54,400 $57,600 $39,563 $56,600 $59,800 13 130/137 $37,500 $54,400 $60,800 $39,500 $56,400 $62,800 15 108/114 $37,500 $53,950 $60,150 $39,500 $55,950 $62,150 15 113/120 $37,500 $52,600 $59,600 $39,000 $54,100 $61,100 16 117/127 $40,000 $53,500 $57,550 $42,700 $56,200 $60,250 14 132/134 $37,500 $41,119 $50,919 $37,500 $41,619 $51,419 25 147/152 $37,500 $42,000 $48,300 $37,075 $44,075 $51,075 25 151/154 $37,500 $48,000 $57,000 $37,500 $525,000 $61,500 17 134/122 $37,500 $42,500 $51,000 $38,500 $44,125 $54,750 31 146/146 $35,515 $42,559 $52,419 $36,567 $44,464 $55,517 25 144/144 $37,500 $40,791 $46,791 $38,210 $44,960 $56,210 26 153/141
$37,540 $48,678 $55,471 $38,817 $87,269 $58,429
YORK COUNTY School District
Acton Biddeford Dayton Kittery RSU 06, Buxton RSU 21, Kennebunk RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach RSU 35, Eliot RSU 57, Alfred RSU 60, Berwick Saco Sanford Thornton Academy Wells-Qgunquit CSD York
$39,505 $52,505 $65,505 $42,351 $55,351 $68,351 21 76/82 $38,172 $57,258 $64,892 $41,989 $61,075 $70,618 16 81/68 $39,091 $52,935 $65,601 $41,377 $55,180 $67,603 20 75/88 $44,364 $58,458 $67,304 $47,624 $61,719 $73,072 16 61/45 $40,723 $52,280 $66,000 $43,723 $55,280 $69,000 26 42/20 $44,235 $58,755 $77,062 $47,912 $61,824 $82,033 31 8/11 $37,550 $54,072 $63,985 $40,854 $57,376 $67,290 17 89/93 $45,008 $58,358 $71,128 $49,509 $64,194 $80,441 17 30/16 $41,000 $52,750 $67,150 $44,386 $56,136 $70,536 23 62/70 $37,500 $51,000 $66,000 $40,500 $54,000 $69,000 20 72/79 $39,088 $54,449 $69,224 $42,137 $57,733 $72,508 20 40/46 $40,042 $53,709 $69,236 $43,050 $56,718 $72,562 20 39/45 $38,442 $57,633 $61,476 $42,265 $61,476 $76,845 19 103/26 $51,366 $66,999 $81,739 $55,833 $71,465 $86,205 24 1/1 $49,520 $63,966 $76,967 $54,471 $70,361 $84,661 20 10/4
$41,707 $56,342 $68,885 $45,199 $59,993 $74,048 $39,195 $51,134 $65,236 $41,946 $56,712 $69,323
*BA min was below state approved wage. + Portland does not have a traditional salary schedule. These values are the closest comparison possible. There are 31 steps for initial placement on the schedule, then 10 steps once the employee is placed on the schedule.
The following are the maximums for the job classifications submitted by local associations. To see the minimums, please visit maineea.org/mea-salary-guide
Bus Driver Mean
Minimum Maximum Rank School District $17.68 $21.25 Max
1 Wiscasset 2 RSU 12, Windsor 3 Saco 4 RSU 21, Kennebunk 5 Brunswick 6 RSU 05, Freeport 7 RSU 51, Cumberland 8 Falmouth
$25.61 $25.20 $24.75 $24.50 $24.38 $24.13 $24.10 $23.85 9 Cape Elizabeth $23.47 10 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach $23.42 11 RSU 24, Sullivan $23.25 12 St. George $23.22 13 Ellsworth $23.17 14 Great Salt Bay CSD $23.14 15 RSU 28, Camden $23.13 16 RSU 40, Waldoboro $22.99 17 Scarborough $22.98 18 RSU 75, Topsham $22.88 24 Maine Educator | Spring 2022 19 Dayton 20 RSU 13 $22.71 $22.70
21 RSU 15, Gray 22 Edgecomb 23 RSU 71, Belfast 24 RSU 38, Maranacook $22.55 $22.21 $22.00 $21.85
25 RSU 02, Hallowell
$21.50 26 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $21.45 27 Waterville $21.39 28 Blue Hill $21.23 29 Westbrook $21.08 30 RSU 20, Searspor: 2021-2022 BCFST $21.04 31 Fayett: 2021-2022 BCT $21.03 32 Hermon $21.00 33 Lisbon $20.90 34 RSU 61, Bridgton $20.85 35 Woodland $20.84 36 South Portland $20.50 37 Bar Harbor $20.43 38 RSU 74, Anson $20.41 39 Vassalboro $20.39 40 RSU 50, Southern Aroostook $20.30 41 RSU 78, Rangeley $20.19 42 Pembroke $20.10 43 RSU 09, Farmington $19.98 44 RSU 11, Gardiner $19.92 45 Madawaska $19.72 46 Harmony $19.63 47 RSU 10, Rumford $19.57 48 RSU 56 - Dixfield $19.38 49 RSU 67, Lincoln $19.17 50 RSU 80, Guilford $19.14 51 Caswell $19.00 52 RSU 18, Oakland $18.95 53 Eastport $18.73 54 RSU 19, Newport $18.50 55 RSU 33, St. Agatha $18.48 56 RSU 83, Bingham $18.41 57 East Machias $18.19 58 Machias $17.55 59 Athens $17.07 60 RSU 58, Phillip $17.03
1 Yarmouth 2 York 3 Gorham
$23.54 $23.13 $21.25 4 Northport $20.82 5 Wells-Ogunquit CSD $20.61 6 Brooklin $20.38 7 RSU 51, Cumberland $19.99 8 Sedgwick $19.95 9 Bar Harbor $19.93 10 RSU 38, Maranacook $19.91 11 Gorham $19.86 12 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach $19.86 13 Westbrook $19.17 14 Wiscasset $19.10 15 RSU 75, Topsham $19.02 16 Vassalboro $18.83 17 RSU 15, Gray $18.80 18 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach $18.79 19 RSU 13, Seacoast $18.70 20 Cape Elizabeth $18.69 21 Deer Isle-Stonington CSD $18.68 22 RSU 12, Windsor $18.64 23 Appleton $18.62 24 RSU 85, Lubec $18.60 25 RSU 71, Belfast $18.53 26 Yarmouth $18.48
Custodian Mean
Minimum Maximum Rank School District $15.64 $19.59 Max
1 York 2 Saco 3 SCarborough 4 Yarmouth 5 Acton
$24.26 $24.00 $23.98 $23.70 $23.53 6 RSU 05, Freeport $22.68 7 Wells-Ogunquit CSD $22.59 8 Brunswick $22.40 9 Gorham $22.26 10 Five Town CSD $21.98 11 RSU 28, Camden $21.98 12 Northport $21.97 13 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach $21.61 14 RSU 75, Topsham $21.57 15 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $21.45 16 Cape Elizbeth $21.42 17 Falmouth $21.25 18 Appleton $21.00 19 RSU 19, Newport $20.99 20 Waterville $20.87 21 RSU 34, Old Town $20.78 22 RSU 22, Hampden $20.77 23 Wiscasset $20.77 24 Edgecomb $20.72 25 RSU 51, Cumberland $20.67 26 RSU 15, Gray $20.60
Ed Tech I Mean
Minimum Maximum Rank School Distrcit $14.05 $18.02 Max
1 York 2 West Bath 3 Cape Elizabeth 4 RSU 05, Freeport 5 Acton $23.79 $21.86 $21.77 $21.73 $21.59
6 Gorham 7 Eastport 8 Madawaska 9 Yarmouth $21.46 $21.45 $21.00 $20.94
10 RSU 01, Bath
$20.85 11 Scarborough $20.74 12 Wells-Ogunquit CSD $20.61 13 RSU 71, Belfast $20.60 14 Waldo Region 7 $20.45 15 RSU 75, Topsham $20.34 16 RSU 20, Searsport $20.29 17 RSU 60, Berwick $20.29 18 Waterville $20.05 19 Saco $20.00 20 Auburn $19.91 21 Westbrook $19.89 22 Edgecomb $19.82 23 RSU 19, Newport $19.80 27 RSU 22, Hampden $18.45 28 Westbrook $18.44 29 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $18.40 30 RSU 61, Bridgton $18.32 31 Woodland $18.31 32 RSU 89, Patten $18.30 33 RSU 20, Searsport $18.26 34 RSU 67, Lincoln $18.23 35 RSU 50, Southern Aroostook $18.07 36 St. George $18.07 37 Winslow $18.02 38 Brewer $18.00 39 RSU 59, Madison $17.93 40 Blue Hill $17.91 41 Augusta $17.82 42 Hermon $17.80 43 South Portland $17.80 44 RSU 38, Maranacook $17.76 45 Pembroke $17.70 46 Lisbon $17.59 47 Lisbon $17.59 48 Sanford $17.55 49 Kittery $17.54 50 Caswell $17.50 51 RSU 16, Poland $17.50 52 Great Salt Bay CSD $17.45 53 Greenville $17.37 54 RSU 60, Berwick $17.30 55 Sanford $17.30 56 Madawaska $17.21
27 RSU 21, Kennebunk $20.57 28 RSU 71, Belfast $20.54 29 Dayton $20.53 30 Augusta $20.50 31 Brooklin $20.38 32 Great Salt Bay CSD $20.35 33 Millinocket $20.30 34 RSU 61, Bridgton $20.08 35 RSU 40, Waldoboro $20.02 36 RSU 09, Farmington $19.98 37 Bar Harbor $19.93 38 RSU 83, Bingham $19.80 39 RSU 06, Buxton $19.77 40 RSU 20, Searsport $19.71 41 RSU 13, Seacoast $19.70 42 RSU 38, Maranacook $19.60 43 South Bristol $19.52 44 Woodland $19.37 45 East Millinocket $19.36 46 Westbrook $19.29 47 Vassalboro $19.20 48 Pembroke $19.10 49 RSU 85, Lubec $19.05 50 RSU 02, Hallowell $19.00 51 Auburn $18.97 52 RSU 18, Oakland $18.95 53 RSU 89, Patten $18.91 54 South Portland $18.78 55 RSU 16, Poland $18.77 56 RSU 59, Madison $18.74
24 RSU 22, Hampden 25 Brooklin $19.71 $19.66
26 Kittery 27 RSU 02, Hallowell
$19.26 $19.25 28 RSU 15, Gray $19.25 29 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach $19.23 30 Lewiston $19.10 31 Wiscasset $19.10 32 Ellsworth $19.07 33 Lisbon $18.74 34 Dayton $18.73 35 RSU 41, Milo $18.73 36 RSU 51, Cumberland $18.73 37 RSU 12, Windsor $18.64 38 Appleton $18.62 39 Woodland $18.62 40 South Portland $18.57 41 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $18.46 42 South Bristol $18.42 43 RSU 35, Eliot $18.40 44 RSU 11, Gardiner $18.33 45 RSU 06, Buxton $18.29 46 RSU 40, Waldoboro $18.28 47 Sedgwick $18.20 48 RSU 61, Bridgton $18.13 49 RSU 57, Alfred $18.12 50 RSU 59, Madison $18.05 57 Winthrop 58 RSU 05, Freeport 59 RSU 74, Anson 60 RSU 83, Bingham 61 RSU 02, Hallowell 62 RSU 06, Buxton 63 East Machias 64 Machias 65 RSU 19, Newport 66 Lewiston 67 Five Town CSD 68 RSU 28, Camden 69 RSU 18, Oakland 70 RSU 19, Newport 71 Veazie 72 Greenville 73 RSU 33, St. Agatha 74 Waterville 75 Cutler 76 Harmony 77 RSU 74, Anson 78 RSU 29, Houlton 79 RSU 80, Guilford 80 RSU 78, Rangeley 81 Athen 82 Millinocket 83 Glenburn 84 Lewiston 85 Auburn $17.21 $17.17 $17.15 $17.13 $17.10 $17.03 $17.00 $17.00 $16.95 $16.91 $16.69 $16.69 $16.65 $16.62 $16.40 $16.19 $16.00 $15.88 $15.75 $15.55 $15.52 $15.37 $15.24 $15.19 $15.00 $14.80 $14.77 $14.01 $13.23
57 Blue Hill
$18.73 58 Waldo Region 7 $18.71 59 RSU 50, Southern Aroostook $18.67 60 RSU 25, Bucksport $18.65 61 RSU 12, Windsor $18.64 62 RSU 24, Sullivan $18.30 63 RSU 67, Lincoln $18.23 64 Alexander $18.20 65 Madawaska $18.18 66 Hermon $18.05 67 Deer Isle-Stonington CSD $17.95 68 Greenville $17.71 69 Machias $17.55 70 RSU 33, St. Agatha $17.48 71 RSU 11, Gardiner $17.40 72 Eastport $17.38 73 Machiasport $17.25 74 RSU 74, Anson $17.17 75 RSU 56, Dixfield $17.16 76 East Machias $17.00 77 RSU 58, Phillips $16.79 78 RSU 78, Rangeley $16.45 79 Ellsworth $16.43 80 Athens $16.18 81 Glenburn $15.94 82 RSU 80, Guilford $15.85 83 Cutler $15.75 84 Harmony $15.55
51 RSU 53, Pittsfield $18.04
52 RSU 74, Anson
$18.01 53 Fayettee $17.99 54 Deer Isle-Stonington CSD $17.95 55 Five Town CSD $17.91 56 RSU 28, Camden $17.91 57 RSU 44, Bethel $17.88 58 Alexander $17.87 59 Winslow $17.82 60 Vassalboro $17.77 61 RSU 85, Lubec $17.70 62 RSU 13, Seacoast $17.70 63 SAD 27, Fort Kent $17.53 64 RSU 38, Maranacook $17.47 65 Greenville $17.44 66 RSU 39, Caribou $17.30 67 Winthrop $17.29 68 Great Salt Bay CSD $17.28 69 RSU 10, Rumford $17.28 70 RSU 89, Patten $17.28 71 RSU 18, Oakland $17.26 72 Charlotte $17.25 73 Machiasport $17.25 74 RSU 21, Kennebunk $17.15 75 RSU 83, Bingham $17.13 76 RSU 33, St. Agatha $17.11 77 RSU 49, Fairfield $17.08 MAINEEA.ORG 25
Ed Tech I Continued
78 RSU 50, Southern Aroostook $17.02 79 Machias $17.00 80 RSU 54, Skowhegan $16.94 81 Hancock $16.85 82 Lamoine $16.85 83 RSU 56, Dixfield $16.83 84 Harmony $16.79 85 RSU 24, Sullivan $16.75 86 RSU 25, Bucksport $16.75 87 Blue Hill $16.70 88 Hermon $16.60
Ed Tech II Mean
Minimum Maximum Rank School District $15.39 $19.94 Max
1 RSU 17, Paris 2 York 3 Augusta 4 South Portland 5 RSU 01, Bath 6 West Bath 7 Brunswick 8 Acton 9 Saco $27.44 $24.98 $24.44 $24.15 $23.86 $23.84 $23.80 $23.53 $23.50
10 RSU 49, Fairfield 11 Cape Elizabeth 12 Waldo Region 7 13 RSU 75, Topsham 14 RSU 02, Hallowell 15 Yarmouth 16 Gorham 17 Waterville 18 Westbrook 19 Madawaska $23.07 $23.03 $22.90 $22.88 $22.82 $22.78 $22.63 $22.55 $22.51 $22.37
20 RSU 71, Belfast
$22.36 21 Eastport $22.34 22 RSU 20, Searsport $22.03 23 Wells-Ogunquit CSD $21.99 24 RSU 15, Gray $21.95 25 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $21.92 26 Falmouth $21.90 27 Scarborough $21.75 28 RSU 05, Freeport $21.73 29 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach $21.67 30 RSU 12, Windsor $21.51 31 Auburn $21.43 32 RSU 19, Newport $21.33 33 RSU 22, Hampden $21.27 34 RSU 60, Berwick $21.10 35 Wiscasset $21.04 36 Fayettee $20.78 37 RSU 51, Cumberland $20.71
Ed Tech III Mean
Minimum Maximum Rank School District $16.92 $21.59 Max
1 RSU 01, Bath 2 West Bath
$28.48 $28.46 3 RSU 17, Paris $28.03 4 Wells-Ogunquit CSD $27.99 5 Acton $27.40 6 York $26.29 7 Waldo Region 7 $25.77 8 Cape Elizabeth $25.31 9 Saco $25.25 10 Augusta $25.12 11 Brunswick $25.11 12 RSU 71, Belfast $25.01 13 Waterville $25.00 14 RSU 20, Searsport $24.64 15 Biddeford $24.53 16 Eastport $24.24 17 Falmouth $24.16 18 South Portland $24.15 19 Appleton $24.10 20 RSU 21, Kennebunk $23.90 21 RSU 51, Cumberland $23.84 22 Yarmouth $23.72 23 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $23.62 24 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach $23.56 25 RSU 54, Skowhegan $23.56 26 RSU 12, Windsor $23.49 27 Madawaska $23.47 28 RSU 19, Newport $23.40 29 RSU 44, Bethel $23.37 30 RSU 75, Topsham $23.27 26 Maine Educator | Spring 2022 89 Millinocket 90 St. George 91 RSU 80, Guilford 92 Veazie 93 Sanford 94 SAD 46, Dexter 95 RSU 87, Carmel 96 RSU 58, Phillips 97 Pembroke 98 Calais 99 RSU 67, Lincoln 100 Cutler $16.60 $16.60 $16.56 $16.40 $16.30 $16.20 $16.13 $16.10 $16.00 $15.93 $15.90 $15.75
38 Five Town CSD 39 Lewiston 40 RSU 28, Camden 41 RSU 11, Gardiner 42 Kittery 43 RSU 40, Waldoboro 44 Edgecomb 45 Brooklin 46 RSU 44, Bethel 47 Dayton 48 RSU 06, Buxton 49 RSU 89, Patten 50 Winthrop 51 Ellsworth
$20.62 $20.62 $20.62 $20.48 $20.45 $20.45 $20.43 $20.38 $20.38 $20.29 $20.24 $20.20 $20.16 $20.11 52 Woodland $20.04 53 RSU 50, Southern Aroostook $19.99 54 Bar Harbor $19.93 55 RSU 54, Skowhegan $19.92 56 South Bristol $19.89 57 Biddeford $19.86 58 RSU 41, Milo $19.77 59 RSU 13, Seacoast $19.70 60 St. George $19.70 61 RSU 10, Rumford $19.66 62 RSU 56, Dixfield $19.66 63 Great Salt Bay CSD $19.65 64 RSU 74, Anson $19.64 65 RSU 18, Oakland $19.61 66 RSU 53, Pittsfield $19.53 67 RSU 61, Bridgton $19.53 68 RSU 16, Poland $19.52 69 RSU 21, Kennebunk $19.45 70 Sanford $19.34 71 RSU 35, Eliot $19.32 72 RSU 38, Maranacook $19.29 73 RSU 59, Madison $19.29 74 Lisbon $19.25 75 RSU 85, Lubec $19.10 76 Hermon $19.10 77 Harmony $19.07 78 RSU 57, Alfred $19.00
31 RSU 89, Patten 32 Westbrook
$23.26 $23.22 33 Scarborough $23.18 34 Gorham $23.16 35 RSU 50, Southern Aroostook $23.10 36 Auburn $22.95 37 RSU 15, Gray $22.95 38 RSU 05, Freeport $22.86 39 RSU 22, Hampden $22.83 40 RSU 40, Waldoboro $22.70 41 RSU 74, Anson $22.60 42 Dayton $22.54 43 RSU 60, Berwick $22.48 44 Wiscasset $22.45 45 RSU 28, Camden $22.25 46 St. George $22.24 47 Kittery $22.12 48 Lisbon $22.12 49 Winthrop $22.00 50 Woodland $21.91 51 RSU 67, Lincoln $21.90 52 Ellsworth $21.80 53 RSU 49, Fairfield $21.80 54 RSU 38, Maranacook $21.75 55 RSU 13, Seacoast $21.70 56 RSU 56, Dixfield $21.70 57 RSU 10, Rumford $21.68 58 RSU 06, Buxton $21.40 59 Lewiston $21.31 60 Fayettee $21.18 61 Sanford $21.06 62 RSU 18, Oakland $21.03 63 RSU 18, Oakland $21.03 64 RSU 29, Houlton $20.97 101 RSU 34, Old Town
$15.65 102 RSU 78, Rangeley $15.41 103 East Machias $15.33 104 RSU 09, Farmington $15.26 105 Athen $15.00 106 Glenburn $14.77 107 Limestone Community School $14.70 108 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $14.66 109 RSU 29, Houlton $14.58 110 Medway $13.68 111 East Millinocket $13.29
79 Appleton 80 Alexander 81 Vassalboro $18.96 $18.92 $18.81
82 SAD 27, Fort Kent
$18.77 83 Sedgwick $18.76 84 RSU 67, Lincoln $18.70 85 Deer Isle-Stonington CSD $18.68 86 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $18.51 87 RSU 83, Bingham $18.51 88 RSU 39, Caribou $18.50 89 RSU 87, Carmel $18.44 90 Blue Hill $18.33 91 RSU 70, Hodgdon $18.32 92 Machiasport $18.31 93 Winslow $18.12 94 RSU 33, St. Agatha $17.95 95 Hancock $17.94 96 Lamoine $17.94 97 Greenville $17.92 98 RSU 24, Sullivan $17.85 99 Millinocket $17.80 100 Machias $17.77 101 RSU 34, Old Town $17.59 102 Veazie $17.57 103 Charlotte $17.50 104 RSU 25, Bucksport $17.50 105 SAD 46, Dexter $17.49 106 Pembroke $17.47 107 RSU 29, Houlton $17.17 108 RSU 78, Rangeley $17.17 109 Limestone Community School $17.00 110 RSU 09, Farmington $16.84 111 RSU 58, Phillips $16.75 112 RSU 80, Guilford $16.71 113 Cutler $16.53 114 Athen $16.32 115 East Machias $16.07 116 Glenburn $15.94 117 Medway $14.38 118 East Millinocket $14.08
65 Bar Harbor 66 RSU 11, Gardiner 67 Edgecomb 68 RSU 61, Bridgton 69 RSU 41, Milo 70 South Bristol 71 Five Town CSD $20.93 $20.85 $20.84 $20.84 $20.81 $20.62 $20.62
72 RSU 53, Pittsfield 73 RSU 59, Madison 74 RSU 57, Alfred
$20.60 $20.53 $20.52 75 RSU 85, Lubec $20.50 76 RSU 09, Farmington $20.50 77 RSU 16, Poland $20.48 78 Brooklin $20.38 79 Great Salt Bay CSD $20.35 80 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $20.35 81 RSU 35, Eliot $20.29 82 RSU 83, Bingham $20.25 83 Harmony $20.16 84 SAD 27, Fort Kent $20.01 85 Alexander $19.98 86 Blue Hill $19.96 87 RSU 39, Caribou $19.86 88 RSU 87, Carmel $19.78 89 Hancock $19.60 90 Hermon $19.60 91 Lamoine $19.60 92 Winslow $19.59 93 Greenville $19.59 94 Vassalboro $19.55 95 Machiasport $19.50 96 RSU 24, Sullivan $19.50 97 Deer Isle-Stonington CSD $19.41 98 RSU 78, Rangeley $19.39
Ed Tech III Continued
99 Sedgwick 100 RSU 70, Hodgdon 101 Pembroke 102 Millinocket 103 RSU 33, St. Agatha 104 SAD 46, Dexter 105 Charlotte $19.25 $19.07 $18.93 $18.80 $18.77 $18.76 $18.75
Secretary Minimum Maximum Rank School District Mean $15.79 $20.24 Max
1 York 2 Saco 3 RSU 01, Bath 4 West Bath 5 Appleton 6 Yarmouth 7 Waldo Region 7 8 Falmouth 9 Sanford
$28.96 $26.50 $25.80 $25.70 $24.48 $23.93 $23.84 $23.66 $23.54 10 Acton $23.53 11 RSU 51, Cumberland $23.41 12 Wells-Ogunquit CSD $23.31 13 Brunswick $23.18 14 RSU 39, Caribou $22.93 15 RSU 60, Berwick $22.80 16 RSU 34, Old Town $22.73 17 Gorham $22.71 18 RSU 05, Freeport $22.49 19 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach $21.91 20 RSU 22, Hampden $21.87 21 RSU 02, Hallowell $21.73 22 RSU 13, Seacoast $21.70 23 Waterville $21.65 24 RSU 15, Gray $21.25 25 Augusta $21.14 107 East Millinocket
$18.68 108 Machias $18.55 109 Limestone Community School $18.50 110 RSU 80, Guilford $18.16 111 RSU 25, Bucksport $18.10 112 RSU 58, Phillips $18.02 113 Athen $17.73
26 Kittery 27 Greenville 28 RSU 19, Newport 29 RSU 17, Paris 30 RSU 61, Bridgton 31 RSU 17, Paris 32 Millinocket $21.04 $21.03 $21.03 $20.94 $20.94 $20.85 $20.80
33 Five Town CSD 34 RSU 28, Camden 35 RSU 71, Belfast 36 Bar Harbor
$20.62 $20.62 $20.60 $20.43 37 RSU 20, Searsport $20.29 38 RSU 38, Maranacook $20.23 39 RSU 12, Windsor $20.22 40 Auburn $19.91 41 Winslow $19.89 42 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $19.71 43 RSU 18, Oakland $19.63 44 Wiscasset $19.58 45 RSU 10, Rumford $19.50 46 Winthrop $19.42 47 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $19.37 48 Lisbon $19.25 49 Pembroke $19.10 50 RSU 85, Lubec $19.05 51 RSU 24, Sullivan $19.00 52 Eastport $18.98 53 RSU 83, Bingham $18.93 54 RSU 44, Bethel $18.81 114 Cutler 115 Calais 116 RSU 34, Old Town 117 Glenburn 118 Medway 119 East Machias $17.68 $17.61 $17.59 $17.24 $17.24 $16.81
55 RSU 29, Houlton 56 RSU 67, Lincoln 57 Blue Hill $18.77 $18.70 $18.33
58 RSU 78, Rangeley 59 Ellsworth $18.32 $18.29
60 RSU 06, Buxton 61 Great Salt Bay CSD 62 SAD 46, Dexter 63 South Bristol
$18.29 $18.27 $18.12 $18.05 64 RSU 25, Bucksport $18.00 65 Calais $17.87 66 RSU 09, Farmington $17.79 67 RSU 04, Sabattus $17.66 68 Alexander $17.62 69 Veazie $17.57 70 Machias $17.55 71 Charlotte $17.50 72 RSU 33, St. Agatha $17.47 73 RSU 80, Guilford $17.42 74 Machiasport $17.25 75 RSU 16, Poland $17.10 76 Limestone Community School $17.00 77 Harmony $16.79 78 Cutler $16.75 79 Athen $16.59 80 RSU 73, Jay-Livermore $16.46 81 Glenburn $15.07
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