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We Are MEA
We Are MEA
MEA is proud of all its members and appreciates you each day. Here are a few members we would like to recognize as we close out the school year.
Kelsey Boucher, Androscoggin Heather Anderson, Aroostook Matthew Bernstein, Cumberland Stacey Augustine, Franklin Seth Mitchell, Kennebec Bethany Goding, Knox Tracy Stover, Lincoln Ashley Bryant, Oxford Emily Albee, Penobscot Nycole McEwen, Piscataquis Kathleen Clark, Sagadahoc Alyssa Stephens, Washington Melissa Luetje, York Superintendent of Kennebunk Schools, Dr. Terri I. Cooper, members of RSU 21 featured with US Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona and US Representative from Maine Chellie Pingree.

RSU 21
Thank you to the bus drivers and employees in RSU 21 who met with US Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona to explain the difficulties drivers are facing. Bus drivers explained how they used federal funds to entice drivers to apply and stay on the job, including giving them bonuses. MEA members shared ways the regulations for bus drivers can change to help make it easier for people to apply and stay on the job, including creating new training manuals that only include lessons needed to drive a bus; and removing regulations that don’t pertain to bus drivers can help increase candidates for openings around the state and country.

(Left): Hillary Hoyt (EA 22). (Right) Jamie Karaffa (RSU 16 EA). Hillary Hoyt & Jamie Karaffa
Congratulations to MEA Members Hillary Hoyt (EA 22) and Jamie Karaffa (RSU 16 EA) for winning the Maine Milken Award!
Karl Kruetz
Congratulations MEA Member Karl Kruetz (AFUM) on being named one of three UMaine 2022 Presidential Award winners!
(Left): Carter Bennett with Hero Adam
Scarpone. (Right) Anna Demshar with
Hero Melissa Hosington.
Photo credit: Portland Sea Dogs "My Hero Works" at School
Essay Contest Winners
Congratulations to our two winners of the "My Hero Works at School" Essay Contest.
Student: Anna Demshar Kingfield Elementary School, Hero: Melissa Hoisington (Mt. Abram TA)
Student: Carter Bennett Maranacook Middle School Hero: Adam Scarpone (Maranacook Area Schools Assoc.)
Maine Association of School Libraries Awards
Congratulations MEA Member Iris Eichenlaub (Megunticook TA) on being named the 2022 Walter J. Taranko Maine School Librarian of the Year!
Congratulations to MEA member Elizabeth Lu Detwiler (Lewiston EA) who won the 2022 Maine Association of School Libraries (MASL) Support Staff of the Year!