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Main & Luxe Magazine - Wonder
Issue 3 | December 2021
Wonder of the season
This month we dedicated the issue to the wonder of the season. That wonder is incredibly powerful; everything is possible. We put children on the cover to remind us of what to focus on with this issue and the season. The wonder in their eyes is a sweet sight and makes us think of finishing the year with all the exuberance of these children.
The first real blanket of snow on the ground. The orange-yellow first light in the morning. A perfectly decorated (and clean) living room before anyone else wakes up. The unencumbered expectations and excitement of meeting a new friend. Genuine conversations and connections. These are the things that bring the holiday spirit to me during the season.

We have a young son who sees everything with fresh eyes. He will say “hi” to anyone and everyone. He gets excited rediscovering a toy hidden in his toy chest, a random bus driving down the road, and for whatever reason begs to go “Inside!!” Sur la Table whenever we pass. He teaches me about patience and listening far more than I teach him. It is through his eyes that wonder is in my life daily.
Extending beyond my home life, we have incredibly warm friends and neighbors. My neighbor Mary always invites my husband and me to community and philanthropic events. Supriya calls me to take a walk and talk with her when she is having a stressful day. Lisa checks in to see how the magazine is coming along. These genuine people are simply looking for the connection to other passionate people. We have simple relationships, and it feels very much like my childhood friends. Like my son, we are just looking for someone to say “hi” back. Isn’t that what we all want? We take an approach of acceptance and curiosity on all our pieces here at Main & Luxe. It is the same as how a child might approach a new situation. We are optimistically curious about all our interactions. We are excited to learn and thrilled for the connection. We have an interview/conversation approach and bring in the human side to each of our stories. We want to know more than just what is on the menu at the restaurant; we want to know the backstory behind it and what leads to the offerings.
After pulling three issues together, I have found that there is so much wonder wrapped into each of our stories. When I was interviewing Qiana for the dine section this month, I found myself hanging on her every word on how to host a party. She was mentioning references from when we were kids and sharing ideas for how to make any event special for everyone in attendance. We were laughing nonstop about having a gingerbread making contest while hosting wine night with your neighbors. Cara shared her history with volunteerism. And Dani tells us about her inspiration behind Tinker. The wonder and spirit of the season is contained within each page.
How are you experiencing the wonder of the season?
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