Mainstream Magazine April 2015

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APRIL 2015










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26-31 Fatherless Youth: An Increasing Epidemic You Can Help Cure A Year-Round Guide to Beer and Wine Pairing

12-13 16



Rocky Mountain High









10 |








FATHERLESS YOUTH: AN INCREASING EPIDEMIC YOU CAN HELP CURE “I’m the backup parent, the understudy.” George Clooney’s famous line about his role as a father in the Oscar winning film “The Descendants” was good for a laugh at the time. But numerous studies and decades of statistics tell a far more serious tale about a father’s importance in the life of his children. Research shows that growing up without a father negatively affects virtually every aspect of a child’s life, and the impact continues into adulthood.


hildren growing up without a father or father

find guidance and support. Look for a Generation Outdoors

figure are more likely to live in poverty, are

mentorship chapter near you, or contact Scott Dahlstrom

less likely to finish high school or attend

by emailing Scott@GenerationOutdoors.Org to learn more

college, and are more prone to engage in

about starting a chapter in your community.

anti-social behaviors that can lead to de-

linquency and incarceration, according to a report in the

* Lend a hand. Getting involved doesn’t have to require you

online journal EducationNext by professors at Princeton

to sign up for an official outreach program. It can be as sim-

University and the Harvard Kennedy School. The study

ple as including someone in your family’s activities. Perhaps

points out that U.S. Census Bureau figures show nearly a

your child has a friend growing up without a father, or you

quarter of all American children younger than 18 live with

know someone in your neighborhood. Invite the child to

an unmarried mother.

share dinner or fun activities with your family so he or she can experience the warmth and love of a family unit.

“Decades of increased kids growing up in single-mother households have contributed to the misconception that

* Spread the word. It’s not always a popular topic, but it’s

fathers are ‘spare’ or ‘backup’ parents, but nothing could

important to talk about the increasing rate of children

be farther from the truth,” says Bill Blodgett, founder of

growing up in single-parent households, and the need to

Majesty Outdoors Foundation, an outreach program aimed

support them through mentorship. By raising awareness,

at helping children growing up without a father figure.

you may inspire others to get involved.

“Fatherlessness is a serious American epidemic that has far-reaching impacts on individual families and on society

* Help raise funds or donate. Everyone’s busy and giving

as a whole.”

your time isn’t always possible. You can still help financially. Even a small amount can help a nonprofit organization

Blodgett, raised by a single mother since the age of 2, cred-

provide scholarships, mentorship and positive experiences

its the mentorship of two friends’ fathers as the positive

to youth in need of an extra hand. Every dollar counts in

influence he needed to change the impact of fatherless-

helping to rewrite the fatherless story through mentoring.

ness in his own life. That experience, as well as his work as a couples’ counselor, convinced Blodgett of the positive

* Support a single mother. This can be as simple as just

power mentorship could have in helping fatherless children.

being her friend and including her and her children on out-

Blodgett founded the nonprofit Majesty Outdoors Founda-

ings with your family. You can also participate in support

tion, which provides fatherless kids with one-of-a-kind out-

programs that help single mothers further their educations,

door experiences to help them learn unique skills and the

learn and refine job skills, and manage their finances.

power of mentorship. Excursions on Majesty Outdoors TV are broadcast weekly on Destination America, Time Warner

“Our youth will lead this country forward and determine

Cable’s Sports Channel and Pursuit Channel.

the progress of our communities and lives,” Blodgett says. “Through mentorship and outreach, we can all work to-

Blodgett suggests simple ways you can get involved:

gether to help ensure that no child’s potential is cut short because of family circumstance.”

* Become a mentor. Many local and national organizations aim to provide mentors to young people in need. Your life

To learn more about Majesty Outdoors Foundation, visit

experience can be valuable in helping a fatherless child





DANCING WITH THE STARS* FINALIST AMY PURDY SHARES HER STORY TO HELP PROTECT TEENS FROM MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITIS World class snowboarder, Paralympic®** medalist and “Dancing with the Stars” finalist Amy Purdy and her mother, Sheri, have teamed up to launch Take Action Against Meningitis. The campaign encourages parents to take a pledge to talk to their healthcare providers about helping to protect their teens from meningococcal meningitis. One type of invasive meningococcal disease, meningococcal meningitis, is a bacterial infection, which causes inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. There are five common forms of the bacteria

the disease. “At first, it was hard to wrap my head around

that cause meningococcal disease -- A, C, Y, W and B.

the fact that I was losing my legs,” said Amy Purdy. “We all have challenges and many are surmountable. Whether

“Adolescents and young adults are the primary carriers

it’s competing in the Paralympics or on ‘Dancing with the

of the meningococcal bacteria, meaning they may harbor

Stars,’ I’m still finding new ways to challenge my own ideas

the pathogen in the back of the throat, even if it does not

about what I think I may be capable of accomplishing. My

cause them to get sick ,” said Dr. Richard Chung, Director of

mom and I are excited to work with Pfizer on this campaign

Adolescent Medicine at Duke University. “It’s important to

to challenge parents to talk to their healthcare providers

talk to your healthcare provider for more information about

about helping to protect their teens from meningococcal

meningococcal disease. There are vaccines available for


serogroups A, C, W and Y, and now serogroup B.” For each pledge, Pfizer will donate $1 - up to $20,000 - to Early symptoms of meningococcal meningitis can be mis-

Adaptive Action Sports, the not-for-profit organization Amy

interpreted as the flu. Invasive meningococcal disease can

co-founded to help create opportunities for individuals with

lead to death within 24 hours and, for those who survive, it

physical disabilities to get involved in action sports.

can cause permanent disabilities. Parents can learn more about Take Action Against Menin“I remember the day Amy called to tell me that she wasn’t

gitis and take the pledge to talk to a healthcare provider

feeling well,” said Sheri Purdy. “At the time, I didn’t think

about meningococcal meningitis protection by visiting

anything of it and thought it may be the flu. Within 24 hours, Amy was hospitalized with meningococcal meningitis and we were told she might not make it.”

* DANCING WITH THE STARS® is a registered trademark owned by the British Broadcasting Corporation.

At 19, Amy lost both of her legs below the knee as a result of

** PARALYMPICS® is a registered trademark owned by the U.S. Olympic Committee.




YOU CAN PREVENT CERVICAL CANCER If it weren’t for a woman named Sandy, Brenda T. might

of 21 and 65. If test results are normal, another Pap test may

have a very different story to tell.

not be needed for three years. If you are 30 years old or older, you may choose to also have an HPV test along with the

Two years ago, when Brenda was 50 years old, she didn’t

Pap test, every five years. You and your doctor can decide

have health insurance, and was going to a free clinic in

what is right for you.

Schenectady, New York. That’s where she met Sandy, a women’s health advocate. “Whenever I saw Sandy, she

“If I could say anything to other women, it is to get checked

asked whether I’d had my Pap test,” Brenda says. “She kept

for cervical cancer regularly,” says Brenda. “If I hadn’t gone

nagging me. So I finally did go.”

when I did, who knows what condition I would be in? There are screening services out there, whether you have insur-

Brenda, the mother of three and grandmother of two,

ance or not!”

learned she had cervical cancer. She needed surgery. “I was terrified. I was told that if I had been screened earlier, the

If you have a low income or do not have insurance, you may

cancer wouldn’t be so bad that I needed a partial hysterec-

be eligible for free or low-cost cervical cancer screening


through CDC’s National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.

Even though cervical cancer can be prevented and treated successfully, every year about 12,000 women in the U.S. are

“I’m happy and healthy now. I get checked regularly and

diagnosed with it and 4,000 women die from it, according

make sure my daughter does, too,” Brenda says. “When

to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

my grandkids are old enough, I want them to get the HPV vaccine - it can prevent cervical cancer. I’m proud to say

But there is good news: you can prevent cervical cancer,

I’m cancer-free and in great health. And I’m very thankful to

with regular screening tests and follow-up. Two screening

Sandy for being so persistent. She may have saved my life!”

tests help prevent it or find it early. The Pap test (or Pap smear) looks for precancers - cell changes on the cervix that might become cancer if they are not treated. The HPV test looks for the virus (human papillomavirus) that causes most cervical cancers.

To learn more, call 1-800-CDC-INFO or visit for information on cervical cancer. For information on the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, visit www. To learn about HPV vaccine, visit vaccines/vpd-vac/hpv/default.htm. And check out CDC’s Inside Knowledge: Get the Facts About Gynecologic Cancer Campaign at

The Pap test is recommended for women between the ages MAINSTREAM




A YEAR-ROUND GUIDE TO BEER AND WINE PAIRING When you hear the phrase “pairing tips,” do you instinctively grab your wine opener and pull out stemmed glasses? Wine is divine, but over the past few years there’s no denying that craft beers are trending and getting foodies everywhere excited to re-think pairing possibilities. Artisan and handcrafted beers are no longer just an afterthought on the drink menu they’re standing tall next to your favorite red and white wine varietals, proving to be just as food-friendly. Whether you’re an aspiring sommelier or a beer enthusiast, it’s time to pour a glass of something new and see how the other side pairs. Get started with these tips from renowned foodie expert and blogger Brian Samuels of “A Thought for Food.” Samuels recommends the acclaimed, handcrafted wine varietals of Bridlewood Estate Winery along with your beer of choice. For more information visit www.BridlewoodWinery. com.

Food: Burger with caramelized onions Beverage: Pinot noir or English IPA Why: Burgers and beer always seem like a natural pairing, but have you ever tried pairing it with a glass of wine? Next time you’re lighting up the grill, pull out a bottle of Bridlewood Pinot Noir. A slight char on the burger pairs beautifully with the hint of black pepper in the wine. For the brew lovers in the group, serve an English IPA. The caramel notes that come through in the beer pair perfectly with burger toppings such as grilled red onions. Food: Lobster roll Beverage: Chardonnay or Pilsner Why: There are few things more enjoyable than sitting outside on a blazing hot summer day with a tall beer or a glass of wine. Pilsners and chardonnay are lighter options that pair with a variety of foods. For heavier dishes, like a lobster roll, the vanilla notes of a chardonnay go perfectly with the natural sweetness of the lobster meat. If craft beer is more your thing, try a Pilsner. The slight bitterness (from the hops) and sweetness (from the malt) flavors, as well as the fizziness of the beer, help cut through the richness in the creamy lobster roll. Food: Roasted vegetables with Gorgonzola and fresh herbs Beverage: Brown ale or cabernet sauvignon Why: Traditionally cabernet pairs best with meat, but what about a dish for vegetarians? Roast up cold weather favorites such as carrots, parsnips and turnips to bring out their natural sweetness. These satisfying flavors will shine when sipping on cabernet sauvignon with its subtle notes of chocolate and molasses - or try a glass of brown ale, which embodies caramel and nutty flavors. Food: Chocolate truffles Beverage: Red blend or stout Why: End the feast with a plate of decadent chocolate truffles and serve with the Bridlewood Blend 175, loaded with jammy notes. For the beer lovers at the table, a stout, which is rich in chocolate and coffee notes, is another natural accompaniment.

Be a super shopper: where to splurge and save at the grocery store

Smith-Ransome recommends spending your money on

Every time you walk into a grocery store you are hit

get good items.

fresh vegetables, by going someplace where you can actually see the fruit and vegetables. When you buy fruit in a big bag, it may be cheaper, but when you get it home you may find items that have bad spots on them. When picking out individual pieces, you will really take care to

with a barrage of options: fresh, frozen, canned, store brand, name brand, organic. Even with your shopping


list in hand, the choices can be overwhelming.

“I don’t find much difference between brands of milk

Knowing when you should splurge and where you can

and cream,” says Lane. It’s worth the extra money to buy

save can make all the difference in your grocery store

cheese that is really cheese. Smith-Ransome explains


that you don’t want the product to say “cheese food” or “cheese product” - indicators that these are processed products with added ingredients to look like cheese. Lane


adds that it is worth the money to buy the real imported

“The one thing that you really want to not scrimp on is your

cheese. For instance skip the “Spanish-Style Manchego”

meat,” says chef Odette Smith-Ransome of The International

cheese and opt for the real Manchego cheese from Spain.

Culinary School at The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Up to

The same goes for Parmesan cheese: the real imported

15 percent of the contents of cheaper and frozen meats

cheese will taste much better than the stuff in a can.

can actually be water or stock. When it comes to chicken, Smith-Ransome adds that the higher priced chicken is

Be careful when purchasing butter or margarine, because

probably a younger chicken. “When they harvest the

the less expensive brands are usually less expensive

younger chickens, they’re more tender with a better flavor

because they are adding water to the product, says

to them.”

Smith-Ransome. Read the labels and keep on the lookout for water in the list of ingredients and also the word

With regard to seafood, chef Nathan Lane of The

spread. The addition of water can throw off tried and true

International Culinary School at The Art Institutes


International - Kansas City says that you can tell the difference between wild caught and farm raised seafood,

Lane says it’s worth it to splurge for a better ice cream.

and believes the wild caugåht is worth the extra money.

Cheap ice creams can have air blended in so you want to look for a heavier product than another in the same sized

Smith-Ransome says that if you are able to get your meat from a farmers market or farm where you can see that the animals are being raised correctly, it is worth the extra money.


CANNED GOODS “A lot of times you can find some happy discoveries


when you look at canned goods,” says Smith-Ransome.

Lane encourages you to try farmers markets for produce.

Brand names aren’t always going to be the best for your

Not only are you supporting local farmers, but you are also

purpose. She recommends trying out several brands to

getting things that are fresh and in season, and he finds it to

find one you like. The sweetness, amount of salt and taste

be comparable to a grocery store or a bit cheaper on most

from one brand to another can be very different. It all

items. The items that may cost a bit more are definitely

comes down to personal preference. Once you decide on

worth it. Lane says organics are not always worth the extra

a brand of canned good you like, Lane suggests buying

money, but, “it’s important to treat your body with respect

fruits and vegetables that are canned whole. These items

and know that what you’re putting into it is coming from

will be more versatile.

reputable sources.” MAINSTREAM




BETTER KNOWLEDGE, PRODUCTS MAKE ‘AGING GRACEFULLY’ EASIER THAN EVER Did your grandmother age gracefully? She might have thought growing older with poise meant accepting agerelated changes in her skin and overall health, or that costly cosmetic surgery was the only way to look her best as she grew older. Today, better health knowledge and leadingedge products have revolutionized the concept of what it means to age gracefully. Growing older is inevitable, but looking and feeling old don’t have to be. Here are five important actions women of any age can take to ensure they stay healthy and looking good throughout their lives. * Get and stay active. Health authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recommend healthy adults get at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (such as brisk walking) every week, and engage in muscle-strengthening activities at least two days a week. The benefits of exercise are many, including helping with weight control, lowering the risk of heart disease, improving cardio-vascular health and even supporting brain health. It’s never too late to become active, so talk to your doctor about an exercise routine that works for you. * Take care of your skin. It’s the body’s largest organ and the one that protects all the others. Skin also directly affects how we look and how we feel about our appearance. Fortunately, the latest skincare technology makes it possible to care for your skin while visibly reducing the signs of aging. For example, glo therapeutics Cyto-luxe Hydration+ uses plant stem cells to help deep hydration while instantly smoothing and refining the skin’s surface. Triple Action Serum combines Hydroquinone, Retinol and Glycolic Acid to improve skin texture and tone while lightening hyperpigmented areas. Some products, such as glo therapeutics Line Smoother, work in as little as 30 minutes to smooth and tone fine lines and wrinkles. * Protect against sun damage. Sun exposure is the leading 18



cause of premature aging of the skin and can even lead to skin cancer. Always wear sunscreen to protect all exposed skin - even hands and feet. Choose a broad spectrum product with an SPF of 30 or more. Many sunscreens can do double duty to enhance your appearance while protecting your skin. Moisturizing Tint SPF 30+ from glo therapeutics is perfect for lightweight broad-spectrum sun protection while offering a sheer hint of color. * Make good nutrition a lifestyle. Proper nutrition throughout life impacts overall health, including weight and the health of your muscles, digestive system, bones and brain. It also affects the appearance, clarity and elasticity of skin. Be sure to follow a balanced diet. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Pyramid is a good guideline for nutrition. For help understanding nutrition, talk to your doctor or a certified nutritional counselor. * Take care of your bones. Osteoporosis - the gradual loss of bone mass over time - is a concern for women as they age. Bone health is essential for overall health, and directly affects a woman’s ability to maintain mobility and posture later in life. The National Osteoporosis Foundation says you can support your bone health in many ways, including ensuring you get plenty of calcium and vitamin D - either in your diet through lean dairy products or through supplements - engaging in bone-building exercises, choosing foods that are good for bone health like fruits and vegetables, avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption to just two or three drinks a day. Growing older doesn’t mean you have to feel and look “old.” Empowered with knowledge and the right products, it’s possible to age gracefully, stay healthy and look your best.





IDENTIFYING PAIN MEDICATION ADDICTION IN YOUR FRIENDS; YOURSELF If you’ve ever taken them, you know prescription opioids can provide a clinically safe and effective solution to pain management. They can also be very addictive, however, and protecting against addiction requires vigilance on the part of the patient as well as his or her doctors, nurses, caregivers, pharmacists and benefits providers.

A Nation in Pain, Express Script’s comprehensive report on painmedication usage in the United States, shows that while the number of Americans using prescription drugs like codeine, hydrocodone or OxyContin has declined, the use of potentially dangerous high doses and medication combinations, and other risky usage patterns are all on the rise. If you believe someone you love is abusing pain medication, it’s important that you act immediately. Addiction to prescription opioids can be fatal. In fact, death from prescription drug overdoses is more common than cases of cocaine or heroin-related deaths combined. If you or a loved one uses prescription pain medications, be aware of these signs that could indicate a dependence on or an addiction to the medication. Suspicious behavior

This can include a wide array of options, such as: * Seeking or obtaining prescriptions from multiple prescribers and filling at multiple pharmacies, especially ones that are not in close physical proximity. * Using pain medications to “feel good” rather than to treat discomfort * Frequent claims that the pharmacy didn’t provide enough medication or 20



that medications have been lost * Avoiding doctor appointments because the office counts pills or performs urine drug screens

such as nausea, diarrhea, muscle pain, sweating and agitation. These are all signs of a body’s dependence on prescription opioids.

Mood changes

Where can you get help?

A prescription drug addiction can drastically alter the user’s mood. Look for the following warning signs in yourself or your loved one: * Bouts of anger or depression * Increased alcohol use or abuse * Feelings of anxiety * Displays of aggressive behavior toward the doctor, pharmacy or caregivers related to opioid medications

If you identify with any of these signs or symptoms or you recognize them in a loved one, notify the prescribing physician immediately. The doctor can alter the pain therapy to a less addictive option or begin to safely withdraw the patient from the medication. Patients should not try to abruptly discontinue any medication without a physician’s supervision.

Increased medication use One of the most conclusive ways to determine if you or someone you love is addicted to opioids is to look for abnormalities in the medication’s use. These abnormalities could include: * Taking more pills or taking medicine more frequently than prescribed * Seeking early refills of opioid medication * Using opioids with other high-risk medications, like muscle relaxants and anti-anxiety medications that increase euphoria * Use of additional medication to treat severe side effects (such as stimulants to combat drowsiness, sedatives to regulate sleep patterns, etc.). * Experiencing withdrawal symptoms,

There are many resources for parents and caregivers concerned with opiate dependence/addiction. The patient’s physician can refer counseling services and addiction treatment as needed. Support groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous, offer counseling and other services for patients dealing with addiction to pain medications. In addition, many employers offer free, confidential assistance programs to help employees, or their dependents, who are trying to overcome an addiction or other personal concerns. The one thing you can’t afford to do is wait. Addiction to pain medication is an illness, not a crime, and your immediate intervention could save a life.


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22 | M A I N S T R E A M





STYLE IN SCOTTSDALE Wardrobe Stylist and Style expert Shannon Campbell shares her top trends for Spring Style in Scottsdale.....​these are the looks you will see fashionistas all over town stutting their stuff in.....

SHIRTDRESSES In an anything-but-tame turn, designers reimagined this classic shape with drop waists, double high slits, and more. It’s like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, but for your closet. ​

YELLOW Before you scoff and say “not for me,” hear us out. From amber and canary to saffron and marigold, trust that there is a shade of yellow for everyone. The trick is figuring out your skin’s undertone, then finding the hue that best complements it. ​

GINGHAM Fall may have brought us proper plaids, but for spring it’s all about the tiny check. The best part? It has a sexy, swingy vibe—not a touch of Pollyanna in sight.

​ ont be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and have fun! D Check out Shannon Campbell’s style tips on Fox 10, and Arizona Midday! Or check out her website at Also her looks grace the cover and fashion spread for this Months issue of Mainstream Magazine!


BLACK AND WHITE The trend’s not groundbreaking, but black and white is everywhere. What makes this season’s take on the classic color combination interesting, though, are the various textures, patterns, and silhouettes. ​

KIMONO-STYLE TRENCH COATS Slouchy, lightweight trench coats—belted just so—were spotted all over the runways this season. We’re fans, and why wouldn’t we be? They’re a comfortable, stylish mix between a robe, a proper coat, and a kimono.

HEAD-TO-TOE WHITE At this point, it isn’t about the rules of when you can wear all-white; it’s about how you wear it. New styling tricks include mixing textures, layering multiple pieces, and teaming various shades.​

ONE-SHOULDER CUTS Believe it or not, your shoulders have become the sexiest part of your body overnight! Show them off in these one-shoulder tops and dresses (a twist on spring 2014’s off-the-shoulder ones) that are perfect for date night. ​

POLO-STYLE SHIRTS Designers found a fun way to continue playing with sporty themes this season. Get ready to pop that collar and channel your inner prep. ​

THE FANCY APRON Finally, a new layering trick for the more daring fashion gal. Rock a skirt, whether short or long, over a dress for a visually stimulating look with an extra dose of coolness. ​


Chadwick Fowler


Josh Metzgner


Shannon Campbell


Morgan Teresa ​​ AJ Crimson Beauty Oribe Hair


Dillards Fashion Square Hay Hay Couture Mia Marcelle Toxic Sadie Sexpot



DJ STEEL It’s been seven years since we caught up with DJ Steel when he was featured in our April 2008 issue of Mainstream Magazine. A lot has changed for him since then. In 2008, you were working at American Junkie here in Scottsdale and traveling the country as a one of the first video DJs or VJs. Tell us what’s happened since then.

STEEL: The biggest thing that happened in my life was getting married, and after that I stopped traveling to spend more time with my new wife and my family. Video didn’t take off like I thought it would, and I was surprised by the direction it ended up going. Seven years later, I expected that all DJs in clubs would have to include a video show, and that’s not at all the case. I still do videos, but while I was working in Las Vegas, I had a friend, DJ Sinner, who was the DJ at Revolver, a local country bar, and he planted a seed in my head: country music was coming back with a vengeance. I was raised on country music, but I never saw it as something I’d ever be able be to play in front of large crowds. Well, I learned as much as I could as fast as I could, and now I’m playing country full time and have never been happier. MM: That’s a huge change. What sort of events are you doing now? Is there anything fun or interesting coming up in the near future? STEEL: I’m working for Riot Hospitality Group at the very first Whiskey Row in old town Scottsdale, and they have plans for more Whiskey Rows coming very soon that I will be a part of. Coming up if the month of April, I’ll be at Country Thunder DJing at Kamp Korrupt. Whiskey Row has partnered with the Sidewinder Music Festival, which I’ll be playing at as well. So a lot of fun exciting things are happening all the time. MM: Wow, you are really busy. We are excited to check back with you in another 7 years and see what you’re up to.


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Every music enthusiast has a story about a band they saw performing at some obscure venue before they were discovered and before a press pass was needed to let the

band know how much their music is appreciated. Patrons of The Underground at the Nile Theater in Mesa and at the Yucca Tap Room in Tempe who have heard Eclipses for Eyes perform will soon have their own stories to share as Eclipses for Eyes has the musical talent, the intelligent song writing skills and pure motives to capture the attention of audiences world-wide.





Eclipses for Eyes is an alternative rock band that formed

Eclipses for Eyes won the 2014 Battle of the

in January of 2012 in Tempe, Arizona when Lexi Salazar

Band competition.

(vocals, lyricist) and Cameron Dartt (guitar, music composition) began collaborating on music. The band set

Along with bandmate Allan Zettel (guitar), Eclipses for

out to write songs that are honest and personal with the

Eyes began performing in small bars that were so “dive”

hope that they will inspire others. They write songs that

that they no longer exist today. In a short time they have

encourage their listeners to follow their dreams and to

progressed to being one of a select list of local bands to

believe that they are worth the effort.

perform in Phoenix as part of the Vans Warped Tour. They have performed across the country as part of various tours

Eclipses for Eyes has a number of A-list songs, including

and plan on heading out on the road again this year after

“Sharks” and “Letters” that would fit nicely into anyone’s

the release of their third digital EP. Lexi and her bandmates

music collection. The songs are energetic, full of passion,

like their shows to be entertaining and engaging, and

emotion and poetry that can be uniquely interpreted

they sincerely want everyone to feel welcomed. Lexi

based on the struggles and triumphs of each listener. They

wholeheartedly believes that the people who attend their

change pace and pitch throughout, causing the listener

shows are family.

to anxiously await and celebrate the next twist or turn. The passion in Lexi’s voice rises and falls, intoxicating the

Local audiences aren’t the only ones showing love for

listener with her emotion. There is a rough edge to the

Eclipses for Eyes. They have been featured on a number of

songs, yet at a level that draws you in rather than sending

internet sites including,,

you away. and This has helped Eclipses for Eyes develop quite an internet following. You will want

When you hear their music, you will find yourself raising

to catch them around town soon, because their rise in

your fist in the air feeling like you are fighting a battle on

popularity could eclipse our valley of the sun!

behalf of your best friend, and you will understand why

Written by Glen Abramowski – A.K.A. G-Note MAINSTREAM






Let’s start by saying Josh Snyder, sometimes known as Super Snydes is hands down the best damn male bartender in town! No offense to those we don’t know but seriously Snyder is the man. He has been bartending for 15 years and he is one of the few who can do it all. This guy can do Flare Bartending High Volume and of course our favorite mixology. We caught up with Snyder at his latest location, which he is not only a bartender but he doubles as the General Manager. The location is named Good Wood Tavern. You might know the place as the old Shotgun Betty’s. Talk about transformation, they did it right. Good Wood is the perfect mix of class and chill. It has a Great Gatsby feel but for some reason it still feels really chill. The music is casual, there is never a cover. It’s a place where a celebrity would hang out or honestly any random person. You can go in there dressed up or relaxed and not catch a dirty look either way. It’s going to be the Cheers of old town! They also have a great menu, we went with the double burgers, but the menu had a great selection and the burgers were great! The best part is the kitchen is open till close! The menu comes from the big name master chef known as Aaron May and Quinn Goldberg out his touch on it too. We had a chance to catch Snyder for a few minute during his busy shift. The guy is so easy to get along with which is why we wanted to feature him as Mainstream Magazine’s Bartender of the month! A little known fact about Snyder is he actually graduated from ASU with a Computer Science Engineering Degree. He also led his frat Sigma-Fi Bpsilon! Q. We hit him with a hard question up front. What’s the worst thing that’s happened to you as a bartender?

record in sales for the night so the rest is history. As far as the mixology goes I had a few great mentors, one of them was Alex Mundy. He really took me under his wing.

A. Haha! Well, two situations come to mind. The first one is me attempting to pour a long island ice tea and I had four bottles upside down when it hit the corner of the bar and all four of them broke and went into the crowd! I’m talking glass and booze everywhere! The second is when I was swinging my bottle opener around and it went flying and caught this poor girl right in the lip and forehead. I felt horrible, but she ended up being ok and staying for more drinks to ease the pain.

Q. How many venues have you worked for we would

Q. You said you have been doing this for 15 years!

A. Not much, but when a guy or a girl snaps or claps

What a great run and from what we can see there is no slowing you down. Did you start as a bartender and did you teach yourself mixology?

to get my attention that get’s to me. There are better ways.

A. Actually I started as a door guy, moved up to a bar back and finally convinced ACME Scottsdale to give me a shot as a guest bartender. They did, I set a

recognize? A. Wow, so many… Some of there are long gone but Cream, ACME, PCL, The Lodge, Mables, Saltys, Mickeys Hangover, Firehouse, Martini Ranch, Loco Patron, Crown Room, Giesha, and more…

Q. Does anything customers do really piss you off?

We highly recommend you check out Snyder at Good Wood and tell him you saw the write up in Mainstream Magazine. I’m sure he will get a smile out of it.





ROCKY MOUNTAIN high Thinking about visiting Colorado for a Rocky Mountain high? If you plan ahead you can find flights for as little as $100-$125. We interviewed one of Colorado’s most recognized primetime recreational shops called The SPOT! It’s Southern Colorado’s largest recreational marijuana dispensary and has been open since February 2014. Let’s start by saying it’s overall impressive. The Spot runs like a well oiled machine. We talked to the owner, Robert Lucero, to find out more about the situation and become educated on marijuana in general.


Q. In which states is marijuana currently legal for recreational use? A. Right now it’s legal in Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and Colorado. Q. When do you think this train is coming to Arizona? A. It’s only a matter of time before Arizona and many other states are on board. Q. Why do you say that with such certainty? A. Well, there are great benefits for the state such as creating new jobs, tax revenue and crime rate reduction. Colorado has collected $76 million in taxes and fees. There have been over 1600 new jobs created because of it, not including jobs such as accounting, law, construction, and tourism. The crime rate has decreased overall in a big way. Q. Do you think it has hit its peak? A. No, this is just the beginning. The industry regulations have been ever changing and are finally settling down some which is allowing for businesses to focus on fine tuning their efforts and focus on efficiency and growth. There were a lot of dynamics at first that created some uncertainty but ultimately were needed in order create a stable industry with regulations that maintain emphasis on public safety and health which is very important. All eyes are on Colorado and The SPOT are advocates to make sure we do this right! Q. How many different kinds of marijuana are there? A. There are many different kinds, or what we would call strains but essentially there are two types and those are Indica and Satvia. There is also a hybrid which is a mix of the two and can be either predominantly Indica or Sativa. Indica is known as the type to relax someone and often joke about referencing Indica as, “In Da Couch” because that’s where an Indica will tend to put you. They can calm anxiety, help with sleep disorders, and seizures among other things. Even though both have medical utility, Indica seems to be more recognized as the healing type. Sativa on the other hand is more for the head high known to energize people and get them uplifted. The truth of the matter is that it is very exciting because there are so many strains to each of these types. Some of our most popular strains that keep the enthusiasts coming back are Light Of Jah, Durban Poison, Chem Dawg, Afgahani and DJ Short Flo. Many of the strains we carry are Cannibis Cup winners and test much higher

in THC than most other strains. We also have some very exclusive strains that are harder to keep in play and they are Louis XIII and Blackberry Kush…they literally fly off the shelf! Honestly I can go on and on. We also have a lot of our customers who prefer edibles so we carry one of the largest and most diverse selections of edibles in southern Colorado to keep everyone happy. Everything from sodas and other drinks to chocolates, hard candies, and baked goods like brownies and cookies. We are working on lining up a vendor to even carry marijuana infused ice should be big a hit! Q. What age group are most of your customers? A. Believe it or not most of them are older. They come from all over the US as a last resort for medical reasons, and it works! It feels really good knowing the products we sell can truly help make people feel better. Mainstream is thankful for the interview and truly impressed with the people, store, and knowledge coming from The Spot! When you plan your trip to Colorado be sure to visit them and even grab some of their clothing to commemorate the trip out. Q. What do you think makes The SPOT one of the more recognized dispensaries in Colorado? A. The best way for me to answer that question would to be repeat what we hear from loyal customers and new customers alike, “THIS IS THE SPOT!” Our customers tell us they love the vibe here and feel welcomed and relaxed and that there is an energy about the place that they don’t get at other dispensaries. We have loyal customers that continue to come here from all over the country! It makes us feel really good to know we have created such an atmosphere because it’s a lot of work to be in this business, it’s a tough business and to make it all click is very stressful. Hearing these comments makes us realize we succeeded at the most basic component of being successful…making customers happy. We place a lot of emphasis on our employees and business model to help ensure this. They are open 7 days a week from 9am to 9pm and located at: 748 E. Industrial Blvd, Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 Phone: 719-547-8011 Email: Web:


This 30-minute check could increase your retirement savings


hen is the last time you checked in on your retirement plan? A month? A year? Can you even remember? If you can’t, you’re not alone. Many people find the idea of reviewing their retirement plan intimidating, so they put it off. You can’t avoid reviewing your plan forever, though, and there are some real benefits to doing so right now. “Many people put off looking at their retirement plan because they think they don’t have the time or the expertise to do it effectively,” says Sandra Cullen, a Boston-based wealth management advisor with financial services company TIAACREF. “But there are some simple ways you can have a real, positive effect on your retirement plan without spending more than half an hour.” So if you’re ready to revisit your retirement plan and see just how easy it is to enact positive change, give these ideas a try:

retirement look like to you? Do you plan to travel the world or stay close to home so you can focus on hobbies and family? Statistically, retired households spend about 80 percent of what they did during their working years, but your retirement plans could affect that figure.

quate paycheck later.

The TIAA-CREF Retirement Calculator can help you determine what retirement looks like for you. You can use the calculator to:

2. Spend 5 minutes paying attention to the little things

1. Take 10 minutes to visualize what your retirement looks like

* Track your retirement savings.

Before you focus on the numbers, start with the dreams. What does

* Determine how much money you may need now to generate an ade-




* Determine how long it will take you to reach your goal. You can also adjust the calculator’s retirement date and/or amount until you find the figure that works for you.

If the calculator shows you’re not where you need to be in your retirement preparations, consider saving a little more each month. Even the smallest increase in your contribution can have a big impact


when compounded with interest. For example, by adding just $25 more a week to your contribution, you could earn an additional $46,000 in retirement savings over 20 years at 6 percent return. 3. Consider which IRA is right for you for five minutes Traditional IRA or Roth IRA? They both have their benefits, but which is right for you? You can contribute $5,500 to your IRA annually, $6,500 if you’re 50 or older. Traditional IRAs are taxed when the money is withdrawn, while Roth donations are not tax deductible when you contribute. And, Roth IRAs have income limitations. Still not sure which IRA is right for you? The online TIAA-CREF calculator can help you compare one with the other. 4. Analyze your risk tolerance for 10 minutes Every investor has their own risk tolerance and understanding yours is important when you’re trying to determine what investment plans are right for you. While investing aggressively could lead to higher returns in the long run, some investors don’t want to deal with the ups and downs along the way. On the other hand, a more conservative approach ensures your money will

grow; that growth, however, may not keep pace with inflation. Many investors opt for a mix of both, and TIAA-CREF’s Asset Allocation Evaluator tool can help you determine the right portfolio for you, based on your risk tolerance and financial needs. By spending just 30 minutes and completing each of these steps, you can have a better understanding of where your retirement plan stands and what you can do to improve it. And this process has probably raised a few questions as well. To get your questions answered and find the information you need, it’s best to meet with a professional financial advisor. Your advisor can help you use the 30 minutes that you spend thinking about retirement to create the financial foundation for the 30 years you may enjoy in retirement. Editor’s note: The example is based on a hypothetical rate of return and does not reflect the returns of any specific investment product. It may not be used to predict or project investment performance. Charges and expenses that would be associated with an actual investment are not reflected. Withdrawals are subject to ordinary income tax and a federal penalty may apply prior to age 59 1/2.





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“Americans recognize how prevalent tech has become in everyday life,” says Ed Walker, marketing manager. “These findings demonstrate that society has warmed to people who are the most capable at fixing and improving the devices we rely on,

Are you the family member or friend who is always called when

both in our personal and professional lives.”

someone’s computer breaks or starts acting up? Do you have a person on speed dial whenever you need a website created or

It’s not just that people want to be friends with tech geeks - they

program updated? The old stereotype of a computer geek who’s

want to become one themselves, the survey found. A majority of

always wearing a pocket protector and glasses with taped-

men and women are interested in improving their personal tech

together frames is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

savviness, even if it’s so they don’t have to constantly bug a friend for help. And while the percentage of people who claim to be tech

These days, men and women who are able to speak “tech” and

savvy is heavily male, a significant number of women are showing

fix those pesky computer programs are in high demand, both

interest, too, making the term tech geek more gender neutral.

professionally and among friends and family. One reason is that more than 80 percent of American households have a computer,

There’s a good chance you have a tech-geek friend, both in your

according to the U.S. Census Bureau. When those computers don’t

personal life and at the office. In fact, you might have several at the

work, who are you going to call?

office. Most industries these days rely on technology to survive, and survey respondents say job candidates with tech skills have a

When someone calls a person a tech geek these days, it’s meant

stronger resume than those who don’t.

to be a compliment, according to a new survey conducted by GMI Research and commissioned by

Having a strong list of tech geeks handy is important if you are not

Are you single and trying to promote yourself on dating sites? You

one yourself. So the next time someone is introduced to you as

might want to advertise that you’re a tech geek, according to the

being a tech geek, be sure to get his or her number! And if you can

Tech-Know Meter Survey. One in three women say they prefer

call yourself a tech geek, wear the title like a badge of honor - and

their significant other be tech savvy.

depending on how popular you want to be, protect your number!





7 BIG (BUT EASY) WAYS BUSINESSES CAN REDUCE EMPLOYEE ABSENTEEISM An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - especially for small businesses grappling with the high costs of worker absenteeism. Employee time lost to health issues costs American businesses $84 billion a year. For U.S. businesses, helping workers stay healthy costs far less than the financial impact of having them miss work for illness or injury. With cold and flu season in full swing, HR directors and other business leaders should take steps to help employees stay healthy and on the job. Here are seven steps your small company can take to help reduce worker absenteeism:

1. Encourage healthful habits. Simple factors such as getting enough sleep and frequent hand washing can go a long way toward keeping people healthy. While you can’t make workers get seven to eight hours of sleep, you can spread the word on how it’s done. Key tricks? Turn off the electronic devices an hour before bedtime, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and go to bed at the same time every night. Employers can more directly encourage other healthful habits, such as hygiene. Create mini-health stations throughout the office and include hand sanitizer, fresh tissues and a covered receptacle nearby. Post signs with proper hand-washing guidelines in company restrooms. You can promote a healthy diet by providing healthful options such as trail mix and water in vending machines. Distribute healthy recipes (try the spaghetti squash!).

2. Provide 24/7 support through a wellness program. Businesses that offer employee wellness programs like the health and wellness solutions provided by Provant can lower their medical costs and offer a spectrum of additional benefits, including reduced absenteeism. Customized workplace wellness programs give employees round-theclock access to valuable information, health professionals and advice, live or via technology, that can help them stay healthy. Plus, these programs can help employees manage diseases, assess their health and set personal wellness goals.

3. Reward well-being actions. Sometimes inertia is all that stands between employees and improved health. You can inspire employees to be healthier by offering, say, an exercise class at lunch. Provant health incentive programs such as reimbursement for gym 46



memberships, health challenges for most miles walked in a month, insurance premium reimbursements, or rewards points (good for merchandise) for healthful habits have seen marked increases in engagement and significant health risk migration for those rewarded for their healthy choices. 4. De-stress the workplace Stress is part of having a job, but you can help workers stay healthy and be more productive by helping them manage that stress. Give them chances to get up from their desk how about making that next meeting a walking one? Offer a workshop on relaxation techniques, and make sure your health plan offers an Employee Assistance Program for mental health help. Have a de-stress zone in the office. 5. Provide auxiliary benefits. Auxiliary benefits such as dental or vision coverage support employees’ overall health maintenance and value-adds such as partnerships with local farms for vegetables, drycleaning drop-off service, and onsite fitness classes create a convenience factor that encourages healthy engagement. In addition to supporting employee health, they are a low-cost way to round out a benefits package without increasing monthly premium costs. 6. Tell them to stay home. Despite their best efforts, employees will get sick. When that happens, it may be best to encourage them to stay home. Workers suffering with a virus like the flu or a bad cold could spread the illness throughout the office if they come to work when sick. And those with non-communicable illness or injuries may extend the total amount of time they miss from work if they push themselves to return too soon or don’t take the time they need to make a full recovery. 7. The obvious - Get a flu shot. Sometimes the answer is right under your nose. Make it easy to get flu shots. You can even bring nurses right to your workplace or offer a remote flu program, making it convenient for individuals to get vaccinated. To learn more about wellness programs that can help reduce employee absenteeism, visit

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Change of Service fee will apply if you cancel the Protection Plan during the first 6 months. DIGITAL HOME ADVANTAGE: EQUIPMENT: All equipment remains the property of DISH at all times and must be returned to DISH within thirty days of account deactivation or you will be charged an unreturned equipment fee ranging from $100 to $400 per receiver. Lease Upgrade fees are not deposits and are non-refundable. Maximum of 6 leased receivers (supporting up to 6 total TVs) per account. You will be charged a monthly equipment rental fee for each receiver beyond the first, based on model of receiver. WHOLE-HOME HD DVR: Monthly fees: Hopper, $12; Joey, $7, Super Joey, $10; second Hopper, $12. First Hopper HD DVR receiver and up to 3 Joey receivers available for a one-time $199 Upgrade fee. $199 Upgrade fee waived at time of service activation with subscription to America’s Top 120 and above or DishLATINO Plus and above. 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On Demand availability varies based on your programming subscription. Requires Android OS 4.0 or higher to watch on an Android device and iOS 7.0 or higher to watch on iPhone or iPad. Select DVR recordings cannot be transferred. ALL OTHER RECEIVER MODELS: Lease Upgrade fee(s) will apply for select receivers, based on model and number of receivers. Monthly DVR and receiver fees may apply. Digital Home Advantage offer is available from DISH and participating retailers for new and qualified former DISH residential customers in the continental United States. You must provide your Social Security Number and a valid major credit card. Participating retailers may require additional terms and conditions. The first month of DISH service must be paid at time of activation. Number of channels may decline. Local and state sales taxes and state reimbursement charges may apply. Where applicable, monthly equipment rental fees and programming are taxed separately. Standard Professional Installation includes typical installation of one single-dish antenna configuration, typical hook-up of an eligible receiver configuration and equipment testing. More complex installations may require additional fees; other installation restrictions apply. Prices valid at time of activation only; additional fees will apply to upgrade after installation. 0 Any unreturned equipment fees will automatically be charged to your DISH account or credit or debit card provided to DISH. DISH shall determine eligibility for this offer in its sole and absolute discretion. Programming and other services provided are subject to the terms and conditions of the Digital Home Advantage Customer Agreement and Residential Customer Agreement, available at or upon request. Blackout and other restrictions apply to sports programming. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. ©2015 DISH Network L.L.C. All rights reserved. HBO®, Cinemax® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. HBO On Demand® and Cinemax On Demand® require compatible HD DVR receiver model. HBO GO® and MAX GO® are only accessible in the US and certain US territories where a high-speed connection is available. Minimum connection of 3 Mbps required for HD viewing on laptop. Minimum 3G connection is required for viewing on mobile devices. Some restrictions may apply. SHOWTIME and related marks are registered trademarks of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company. STARZ and related channels and service marks are property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. ESPN GamePlan, NHL Center Ice, NBA League Pass, ESPN Full Court and MLS Direct Kick automatically continue at a special renewal rate each year provided DISH carries this service, unless you call to cancel prior to the start of the season. ESPN GamePlan, NHL Center Ice, NBA League Pass, ESPN Full Court and MLS Direct Kick are nonrefundable, nonproratable and nontransferable once the season begins. NHL, the NHL Shield and Center Ice name and logo are registered trademarks and The Game Lives Where You Do is a trademark of the National Hockey League. NHL and NHL team marks are the property of the NHL and its teams. © NHL 2015. All Rights Reserved. NBA, the NBA logo and team identifications are the exclusive property of NBA Properties, Inc. © 2015. All rights reserved. © 2015 NFL Enterprises LLC. NFL and the NFL Shield design are registered trademarks of the National Football League. MLS Direct Kick is a trademark of MLS. Sling is a registered trademark of Sling Media, Inc. All new customers are subject to a one-time processing fee.







t’s a common piece of advice from effective home-based workers: start each day as if you were going to work in an office outside your home (translation - take a shower and don’t work in your jammies). The philosophy behind this tidbit is easy to understand. By dressing professionally, you’ll feel more professional and your productivity and quality of work will keep pace. The same axiom can apply to your home office. Is it tucked in a dark corner of the spare bedroom? Is your desk beside a bed covered in old toys? Is your filing cabinet stuffed in the closet under clothes that no one has worn since the first Bush presidency? If your home office doesn’t feel professional and uplifting, how productive and happy will you be spending eight or more hours a day there? Decorating your home office isn’t an art, but following some basic principles of office design can help create an organized, effective and productivity-enhancing space.

Choose a wall color that facilitates focus. Even if your home office will be in the guest room that you just painted last year, it may be a good idea to repaint. Not only does a fresh coat of paint make a room feel energized and new, repainting gives you the opportunity to put a color on the wall that’s office-appropriate. In an interview by Chris Bailey of the blog “A Life of Productivity,” color psychologist and author Angela Wright suggests that your home office color scheme needs to match the type of work you do because different colors create different effects. For example, Wright says, blue might be

stimulating if you do a lot of mental work in your home office. Additionally, yellow could encourage creativity, and green might be soothing if your work is particularly stressful and balance is important.

Luxuriate in light. “You are stuck in your office - albeit at home - all day, working and slaving away, staring at the same wall and some bland office furniture you got at a garage sale,” writes Herman Chan in Home Business Magazine. “Spending all those hours in the same spot, it would behoove you to splurge on one luxury piece.” Chan suggests an inspiring piece of furniture, but you can also create a luxe effect - with only a modest “splurge” - by decorating with lighting elements such as a skylight. “The mental and physical health benefits of natural light and fresh air are well documented,” says Ross Vandermark of VELUX America, makers of Energy Star-qualified skylights. “Energy efficient venting skylights not only make your home and your home office feel more open, airy, bright and productive, they can help you control heating, cooling and lighting costs, too.” Add a solar-powered fresh air skylight and an energy-efficient solar-powered blind to your home office and the products, as well as the installation, can be eligible for a 30 percent federal tax credit as a green home improvement. Ground-floor offices can benefit from SUN TUNNEL tubular skylights. Visit or to learn more about energy-efficient skylights. If your home office happens to be located in a renovated attic space, roof windows, which are very much like skylights but are in-reach, can offer

natural light and fresh air plus access to the roof for debris removal, maintenance or for emergency egress.

Organize with attractive storage. If your idea of home office storage includes the cardboard boxes you used to transport files from the last job you had outside your home, it’s time to revisit your organizational plan. A cluttered, disorganized home office can cause you to misplace important documents and can make you feel overwhelmed. As more people have begun working from home, office furniture manufacturers have branched out from the sterile-looking metal storage units ubiquitous in workplaces across the country. Today, it’s easy to find attractive storage options that fit with virtually any home office decor. If you just can’t find a file cabinet that speaks to your soul, why not try some alternative storage options? Move that beautiful sideboard you inherited from grandma - that just never fit anywhere else in your house - into your home office and use it for filing. Not in love with any of the desk options available at your local office store? Hit an antique shop and find an antique desk or even a dining table that you adore. Remember to keep furnishings and storage solutions size-appropriate for the room so your home office doesn’t feel crowded. Working from home offers many advantages, including the opportunity to decorate your home office the way you want. By following some basic steps and incorporating your own personality, you can create a home office where you’ll be productive and happy throughout the work day. MAINSTREAM




CONGRATULATIONS TO TOMMY MELLO AND A1 GARAGE DOOR SERVICE! They are the first small business recognized in our new small business of the month spread. Tommy and his team deserve this. Tommy is an ASU grad and a U of A Masters grad. He has strong ties to Arizona and he’s always out to help. Tommy often gives to local charities. In fact, that’s why Mainstream thought to feature him because we saw him holding up one of those big checks donating to charity (Banner Kids Hospital). We caught up with Tommy to congratulate him and ask him some questions.




Q. What made you get into this business? I’ve always wanted to be my own boss, I also always wanted to be the biggest and best at whatever I do. My specialty is marketing, and in a blue collar industry like garage doors it was easy for me to gain market share. Doing business right and having my hardworking honest mid-west mentality has allowed me to do this at a rapid pace.

Q. What’s new and exciting about this industry people might not now know? Lots of new technology that makes it easier to control when your garage door is open or closed at any time. Also, there are several new wood looking doors that are made of metal, these doors are much more affordable and far less maintenance.

Q. How many employees do you have? Describe the feeling it gives you to provide jobs for other. 50 employees right now. We are in the process of expanding to Milwaukee, Houston, and Las Vegas. Hopefully quadruple this year. It feels great to know that there are so many people that believe in me and this business. I’m really trying to make the whole company feel more like an amazing place to work by offering benefits and plenty more internal benefits this year.

Q. How long have you been in business? Since 1998.

Q. Where do you ranked compared to your competition?

As far as residential, I would have to say we are at the top of the market. We dominate the mailers as well as the internet. In fact, I would say that we are on the top of 60% of most searches done on the internet. The thing that differentiates us from our competitors is A rated BBB, 5 stars on yelp, several angieslist super service award, and the fact that we care about our customers. One thing I know, not a lot of large companies are receiving over 30% of customers through referrals.

Q. What’s next for you? We are branching out into new territory. Me personally am working over 10 businesses that I believe will all be huge companies. The one that I have the most hope in is my software ideas. It’s the gift that keeps giving.

Q. How do you market your business? How are people aware of your business? There is nothing that we do not do…. I’ve done everything and for the most part do everything: Craigslist, SEO, deals of the day, Mailers, networking, TV, radio, stickers, etc. I believe you can’t advertise to much, if you can keep your acquisition cost down. On average I recommend 85% direct response, and 15% should be dedicated towards branding.

Q. Where do you see your business in the next year? In the next five years? I believe we will be in 5 large metro areas in the next year. In the next five years we will be the largest residential garage door company in North America, I know this sounds like a large goal, but this whole year

has been focused on processes and procedures with job roles that allow us to expand at a rapid rate.

Q. Do you plan to compete in the global market place? Yes, I think once we have proven that we are the best in North America, I think Australia would be a GREAT market.

Q.What are the biggest issues for running this business? In Arizona the hard part is finding quality workers that will work hard and have morals. We do background checks and drug tests now, which has helped.

Q.What services do you offer? We do everything from repair to install. If there is anything at all you may have a question about, call us, you will see the difference. I know this may sound cliché, but we really do care about our customers. They are the people who put food on my table as well as every one of my employees.

Q.We noticed on your website you offer a college scholarship. Can you tell us about it? We are looking for students that know how to market, who can share with us a great campaign to run in the service industry. We are going to award one lucky student with a $1,000 scholarship once every six months. I believe that some great ideas will come from this venture, and we will have the opportunity to give back to the community at the same time. If you need any of the services mentioned in Tommy’s interview please call 602-753-2005 MAINSTREAM




5 UPGRADES FOR UNDER $5,000 TO PUT YOUR HOME AT THE TOP OF EVERY BUYER’S LIST It’s a sobering truth of real estate that sellers often have to spend money to make money. Even if your home is relatively new, you still face costs associated with getting it ready to show, such as repainting interior rooms or hiring professional cleaners and stagers. If your home could use some TLC and updating, spending as little as $5,000 on key upgrades could improve its appeal for buyers - and ensure a speedier sale at a better price. Here are five upgrades you can make for under than $5,000 to help put your home at the top of every buyer’s must-see list this spring. 1. Upgrade your entryway - Replacing an old, dated or worn entry door can be a cost-effective way to ensure buyers get a good first impression when they walk in your house. Whether you choose a fiberglass, wooden or steel model, installing a new entry door can cost a few thousand dollars, yet the return on investment at the time of resale can be significant. A fiberglass entry door returns about 72 percent of its investment, while a steel door recoups more than 100 percent of its value, according to Remodeling Magazine’s Cost vs. Value report. Enhance your new door with attractive plantings, fresh paint and clean windows around the entryway to create a memorable, attractive entry for just a few thousand dollars. 2. Increase natural light - More buyers are becoming aware of the mood- and productivity-enhancing benefits of natural light, and homes with big, bright windows have always been in demand. Adding windows to a room can be a costly, time-consuming affair. Not so with adding a skylight. For well under $5,000 and in just a day or two, a professional can install an Energy Star qualified, solar powered no-leak fresh-air skylight, like those from Velux America. Professional installation costs nationally ranges from around $900 to $2,325, with an average of $1,400, according to The low installation cost will leave you plenty of budget to enhance the skylight upgrade even further with energy efficiency-boosting solar-powered blinds. The skylight and blinds are operated by remote control and the blinds are available in designer colors and patterns to enhance your décor. The products, as well as installation costs, are eligible for a 30 percent federal tax credit to further reduce the cost of the improvement. The most popular rooms in the home for fresh air skylights are baths,

where they provide privacy in addition to natural light, and kitchens, where they vent cooking odors and humidity naturally while brightening this much-used workspace. Visit to learn more. 3. Beautify a master bathroom - Bathrooms and kitchens sell homes. Making a few cosmetic upgrades to even a small master bath can help increase a home’s appeal and value. For less than $5,000 you can easily repaint, upgrade faucets, replace old cabinet hardware and add decorative touches like designer towels. If you’ve already done all that, take a look at the floor or countertops - two cost-effective upgrades that can wow buyers. Since counters don’t make up that much square footage in most bathrooms, replacing them with granite can cost just a couple thousand dollars. Tile flooring is also a relatively inexpensive way to improve a bathroom’s look and usability. 4. Heat things up in the kitchen - Kitchen remodels can offer high ROI for sellers, but a full remodel may be outside your budget. If you’ve already done the obvious - like repainting and decluttering - it’s time to look for a few more cost-effective improvements that will appeal to buyers. Just as in the bathroom, swapping old faucets and cabinet hardware with new designer options can enhance the appeal of a kitchen. Shabby, outdated appliances can hinder a speedy sale, so consider replacing them with new ones. You don’t necessarily need to install top-of-the-line, high-priced appliances to make a good impression, either. Newer, Energy Star qualified appliances represent savings for buyers down the road. 5. Lavish landscaping No single aspect of your home has a greater impact on a buyer’s first impression than the landscaping. A great front yard sets the tone for the rest of the home, appealing to buyers on a number of levels, including beauty, practicality and savings. With $5,000, you can accomplish a lot in terms of landscaping. You can sod a small front yard, add decorative planting beds to a lush lawn, or even install shade trees that will both beautify the yard and enhance the home’s energy efficiency in summer. Decorative concrete stamping of walkways and driveways is another costeffective way to improve a home’s curb appeal. Whether it’s a buyer’s market or a seller’s market, no one wants to see their home linger long before selling. A few simple upgrades can help ensure your home gets plenty of attention this spring selling season.


SCOTT BOWER 480-331-4165







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The Bomber by Stealth Electric Bikes displays phenomenal acceleration and hill climbing ability in any terrain. Combining 4.5kW of electrical output with as much mechanical input as the rider is capable of. Pedal power is transmitted via its unique 9 speed sequential gearbox, with stopping taken care of by progressive 6 pot hydraulic disc brakes. Heavy duty long travel suspension soaks up the hits and allows the rider to maintain high speed stability leaving the Bomber electric bike in a class of its own.

2011 Stealth Bomber shown with select options. Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. BomberTM, FighterTM and HurricaneTM are trademarks of Stealth Electric Bikes USA Š 2012



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