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Dear Stakeholders,
2020 has been an extraordinary year partners, suppliers and the communion all levels. The Covid-19 pandemic ties where we operate – is not only our has caused an unexpected crisis duty as an active part of society, but it
“SOLUTIONS FOR REAL, for communities, families, busi- is part of our responsibility to ensure WIDESPREAD AND nesses and civil society around the sustainability of the business in the SHARED WELL-BEING AND SECURITY CAN ONLY BE BUILT WITH JOINT, the world. Despite this, being ready for such a difficult challenge was of fundamental importance for us and something that coming years and contribute to the socio-economic opportunities of future generations. SOLID AND MULTI- is a source of pride. A solid busi- We have learned a lot from this turning
STAKEHOLDER EFFORT” ness, built on lasting foundations point. Solutions for real, widespread but capable of adapting over and shared well-being and security can time and to changing contexts is the only be built with joint, solid and multiresult of an evolutionary path built by stakeholder effort that also focuses on the entire Maire Tecnimont Group, in elements that lie at the margins of the our domestic markets as well as in system. We must face the challenges more remote areas. This is based on ex- towards sustainability that we might tensive teamwork at all levels, team- encounter up to the crucial milestone, work that is always proactive and not 2030, with the same impetus. merely reactive in the face of an emergency. Such a complex start to the new decade highlights even further the magnitude of the challenges that the economic system will have to face at international level to manage the global objectives of sustainability. The spread of the pandemic was indeed a powerful accelerator of change as well as a trigger in critical situations. Our role at such an alarming time was, above all, to make sure our people were safe, and then to secure the value that, thanks to them, we create all over the world. We listened with even greater attention to the needs our stakeholders expressed during this period of exceptional stress. An efficient use of resources and inclusive development are the prerequisites for the real creation and retention of economic, social and environmental value for us and our ecosystem. Being there for our stakeholders – above all our employees, business
Fabrizio Di Amato
Maire Tecnimont Chairman and Major Shareholder