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List of Museu s
Museums of MDI
In these uncertain times, please call ahead and/or check the websites to find out hours of operation. Thank you for your understanding!
Abbe Museu Mt. Desert St., Bar Harbor The museum celebrates Maine’s Native American heritage. A permanent exhibition, Wabanaki: People of the Dawn, as well as changing exhibitions and educational programs. (207) 288-3519 abbemuseum.org
Abbe Museu t Sieur de Monts Springs Located in Acadia National Park off Rt. 3 A visit to the original Abbe Museum is a step back in time. Featuring exhibits on the archeology of Maine and the history of the museum. (207) 288-3519 abbemuseum.org
B r H rbor Historic l Society 127 West Street., Bar Harbor The Society holds an outstanding collection extending from Bar Harbor’s 1796 Incorporation through the Gilded Era to the present. (207) 288-0000 or (207) 288-3807 barharborhistorical.org
Frenc boro Historic l Society Long Island Old tools, furniture, household goods and local memorabilia are on exhibit in the Museum. Programs and other special events are offered. Library and craft shop. (207) 334-2924 frenchboro.lib.me.us
George B. Dorr Museu o N tur l History College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor The museum features dioramas of coastal Maine wildlife and a tide pool tank that houses a variety of live sea stars, hermit crabs, snails and other marine creatures. Visitors of all ages can touch, smell, listen and create while learning about the natural history of Maine. (207) 288-5395 coa.edu/nhm
Gre t Cr nberry Isl nd Historic l Museu Great Cranberry Island Museum, gardens, public trail, historic tiny cabin and cafe are open every day, 10-4, call ahead. A different display every year, plus Rachel Field’s Hitty. (207) 244-7800 gcihs.org
T e Gre t H rbor M riti e Museu Located in the Old Firehouse, NortheastHarbor The museum explores and celebrates local maritime history and promotes educational activities on the ocean. (207) 276-5262 greatharbormaritimemuseum.org
Isles ord Historic l Society Islesford Dedicated to researching and publishing the history of the Cranberry Isles. (207) 244-7893 cranberryisles.com/little/histsoc.html
T e M ine Gr nite Industry Historic l Society 62 Beech Hill Cross Rd., Mount Desert The largest collection of tools, photos, granite and books concerning an industry which built our nation’s historic buildings, bridges and fortifications all over the United States. (207) 244-0175 mainegraniteindustry.org
MDI Historic l Society’s Old Sc ool House & Museu Rt. 198, Mount Desert - Closed for the season The museum offers people of all ages an opportunity to step back in time. Exhibits throughout the year focus on themes in MDI’s history. Tues-Fri 10-4; Sat 1-4. (207) 276-9323 mdihistory.org
NE H Libr ry Arc ives Official repository for records of the Town of Mount Desert. (207) 276-3333 nehlibrary.org
Otter Creek Historic l Society & Museu Historical information pertaining to Otter Creek. (207) 288-2873
Se l Cove Auto Museu Rt. 102, 1414 Tremont Road, Tremont America’s premier collection of “Brass Era” automobiles. Car enthusiasts, as well as those who simply enjoy stories from the past, will delight in this unique museum. (207) 244-9242 sealcoveautomuseum.org
Sieur de Monts Springs N ture Center Located in Acadia National Park off Rt. 3 Explore the plant and animal life of the park. Discover how its diverse resources are managed by park scientists. (207) 288-3338 nps.gov
So esville Historic l Museu nd G rdens Route 102, Somesville New exhibits featuring Island history are installed each summer. The Selectmen’s building, picturesque bridge and the heirloom garden are in the center of the village. Tues-Sat, 1-4 or by appointment. (207) 276-9323
Sout west H rbor Historic l Society Harbor House, Southwest Harbor Dedicated to preserving the history of Southwest Harbor through publications, displays and monthly programs which are held at Harbor House on the third Wednesday, May through October at 7 P.M. swhhs.org
Sw ns Isl nd Lobster & M rine Museu Swans Island Ship models, photos, equipment, and stories represent two centuries of Maine commercial fishing and the lobster industry. (207) 526-4423 swansisland.org/lobstermuseum
Tre ont Historic l Society nd Country Store Museu 4 Granville Road, Bass Harbor (Across from Seafood Ketch) A 19th Century Country Store, with displays of local, historic artifacts and photographs; genealogical material available. Research room open by appointment. Open 1-4, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, July to Columbus Day, or call for appointment. (207) 244-9753 tremontmainehistory.us
Wendell Gilley Museu Southwest Harbor Discover where art and nature meet in Maine. The Gilley Museum’s diverse collection of over 200 bird carvings, touring art exhibits, and hands-on programs delight visitors of all ages. Carving workshops available throughout the year. Open year round; call for hours. (207) 244-7555 wendellgilleymuseum.org
Willi Otis S wtelle Collections nd Rese rc Center Collections pertaining to the Cranberry Isles and Acadia National Park. (207) 288-5463 nps.gov