What is a Green School? A Green School improves education through project based learning about the total educational environment (inside and outside the classroom). Components of a Green School may include waste reduction, energy efficiency, school gardens, or other frameworks that support a sustainable and healthy educational environment, and strengthen the s chool infrastructure by saving money on energy costs. Green Schools incorporate a whole team of teachers, administrators, parents and students carry out the program at each school. These teams work together to teach and create systematic programs about conservation and generation, creating school-wide energy conscience, and taking the message home and into the local community. Activities and programs revolving around Green Sc hool themes are developed and integr ated into the school curriculum and school culture. Students conduct research and learn to advocate for energy and environmental solutions. 1. Look for more information: Some Green Schools Resources The Green Schools Initiative http://www.greenschools.net/ The Top 10 Green Schools in the U.S., The National Geographic Green Guide 2006. http://www.thegreenguide.com/doc/115/toptenschools Sustaining Learning in Green Schools http://www.thegreenguide.com/doc/104/schools Green Schools 101 http://www.buildgreenschools.org/gs101/index.html Green Schools-Recycling and More http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/8803.html
2. Read and match with the correct word:
process for reuse: to process used or waste material so that it can be used again save for reuse: to save or collect used or waste material for reprocessing into something useful use again differently: to adapt or convert something to a new use
decrease: to become smaller in size, number, extent, degree, or intensity, or make something smaller in this way use something again: to use something again, often for a different purpose and usually as an alternative to throwing it out
3. Debate in class:
Take Care of Your Environment We are changing the climate and health o f the planet. All of us have a responsibility to take care of the environment. What can you do to show you care about the environment and contribute to its health and longevity? Lots. Here are just a few suggestions: · Buy home improvement materials that are safe. The solvents used in paint and v arnishes create potentially harmful fumes and cause damage to the ozone layer. Choose low solvent content or waterbased products to reduce the impact you make on your environment. Look for the EU eco-label on paints that are better for the environment and les s harmful to you. · Dispose of harmful materials properly. Used engine oil and vegetable oil, Paints, varnishes and solvents should never be poured down sinks or drains since they will pollute the water watercourse. Instead take used oil to your nearest recycling site. · Re-using or recycling things you no longer need. As well as glass, paper and plastics, many other materials, such as paint and oil can be used by someone else or recycled. Old furniture can often be re-used. · Turn off lights and electronic devices when you’re not using them. It’s important to turn off the lights when you leave a room to save energy. ALSO, turn off your T.V., radio, computer, etc. · Fix water leaks in the bathroom, kitchen, landscaping, etc. Protect our freshwater resources and save money by fixing those leaks! It’s another of many great ways to help the earth. · Plant trees in your yard and community. Planting trees can help the env ironment. Trees sequester (trap) CO2 emissions, minimizing the effects of global warming. They also have many other beneficial effects. Trees cool your home, reducing the energy used for cooling. Trees improve mental health. Trees increase property values. Trees reduce urban runoff and capture dust particles from the air. Trees reduce noise pollution. The list goes on and on! · The trees to plant are those native to your area. Native trees use less water, support native wildlife, and are better adapted to your area. You can plant nativ e trees in your yard or if you don’t have a yard, contribute to community tree planting effo rts.
4. In this list are things you can implement both indoors and outdoors to help save the environment. You can add to the list! Just try it!
5. Create a Green School bulletin board on what your school is doing to protect environment
6. We plant a tree, a native tree.
7. We are going to choose a play theatre about environment and … Let’s play it