Reliable heat conductor
• Getting hot water from your hot water heater to your running shower can sometimes be a problem because it can take so long. The distance the water has to travel from point A (water heater) to point B (you in the shower) can be frustrating and most of the time we blame the poor water heater for failing us. The fault in most cases is not that of the water heater but the pipes used to transport the water from the heater to you and for exactly this reason copper tubing can help a lot.
• If the pipe transporting the water does not conduct heat very well than your water will not be hot until enough of it has gone through the pipe to heat the pipe up. If on the other hand, the pipe used will conduct heat readily than the water will be hot almost as soon as the heater gets the message that you need hot water. The diameter of the pipe is also a factor. The thinner the pipe and the smaller the diameter the faster the water will flow through it. Copper tubing is a good conductor of heat and is thin enough to absorb the heat and transport the water to your shower quickly.
• Copper tubing is not just for plumbing and could be used in your garden as well. You can build a trellis using copper tubing or use it as ornamental artwork in and around certain flowers and trees. Before you build your copper garden be sure to make a sketch of what you will need than get the pieces along with copper bonding glue.
• If you are adept at soldering than you may want to solder the pieces together. Copper is either rigid or soft and for the garden application the soft copper, although a little more expensive, would be best. Soft copper can be bent to whatever shape you would need to build your garden. • Whether you use it for plumbing or ornamental artwork for your garden or home copper tubing can be a reliable heat conductor for hot water or a beautiful piece of garden artwork or both.
• Get to know more about difference usage of copper at home @ as Maitree Industries one of the Copper tube manufacturers in Mumbai mainly famous for producing and supplying a wide range of copper products. • For more details call now 020-41230308