Maja Czesnik Portfolio 2015

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Due to the necessity stemming from the location on floodplains, as well as the object’s temporality, all tower components are divided into parts fit for transport and on-site assembling.

A temporary tower dedicated to an individually chosen idol - Kostya Koval, a dancer and choreographer. An area for observational, contemplative and recreational use, allowing the user to experience and feel a connection with the idol. At the users’ disposal are two dance floors, a retreat for contemplative and observational use, as well as a backroom with washing places and toilets and a changing room.

Idol´s tower

June 2014 individual project - bachelor thesis

The idea of the project resulted from the author’s correspondence with Kostya Koval, who summed up his letter with the words: “You shouldn’t write about dancing, dancing should be danced”. This sentence became the inspiration for the idea of the visitors exploring the object through dancing. The way up the tower is marked out by a serpentine, founded on the author’s own analyses of the artist’s dance movement sequences. He spins around the dance floor, allowing constant eye contact with the dancing and encouraging the viewer to join in.

Idol´s tower

June 2014 individual project - bachelor thesis

The system is assumed to be an integrated self-building structure. The centers are mainly built from

basic modules

at the heart of the country is an integral part of the system. The materials produced there are transported to the individual centers and are


assisting modules

recycled materials. The materials recovery facility


processed in technological halls

water The basic modules are plugged-in to the assisting modules, which provide necessary installations.


to final composites for building modules.

materials recovery facility

module connection possibilities

big entrepreneurship generators (with technological halls) small entrepreneurship generators transportation

Diagram of the production of panels produced from recycled plastic bottles. Among the materials produced in the facility are panels from recycled plastic bottles. Created as a result of pressing and heat treatment of used plastic bottles. Used as wall skin and for the production of furniture and partition walls.

Taking into consideration the requirements of the Warsaw investor it was decided to design two investment phases: 1.) Initial phase

2.) Maximum phase

63 basic modules 5904 m2 315 users meeting the current needs of the investment

124 basic modules 11594 m2 620 users presenting the capacity which a specific investor should not exceed (taking into consideration the system’s planning assumptions and the plot area)

The project’s aim is to create an appropriate working environment offering office space for rent for co-working and micro-companies. The object’s space should generate entrepreneurship, support people and companies starting up. Those subjects should be provided with basic working comfort at possibly low rental costs. Analyzing the growing popularity of entrepreneurship generators I decided there is a need to design a modular, constantly expandable system of such centers in Poland. The project’s idea was to design a universal module, which allows to create various types of space, business centers, which could adapt to every plot. A further assumption was the possibility to adapt the size of the centers to the demand on office spaces, creating a system of adding new modules and their dismantling when they cease to be needed.

Expandable modular system of entrepreneurship generators

January 2014 individual project

green roof (separate, mobile element)

Functioning principle for office space rental

steel grid roof/floor substructure (depending if a module above exists)

the client who wants to rent a space for his micro-company

working space rental (modules for micro-companies)

furniture, partition walls and other equipment rental

individual working space, flexible to the client needs

mechanical ventilation

electrical installations

Possibility of changing interior design The system of flexible, 90 cm wide partition walls enables changes of the interior design, adapting the space to specific client needs.

suspended ceiling

5 mins

Vertical extension plan

the system of flexible 90 cm wide partition walls (enables changes of the interior design)

wall composites: structure: steel pillars wall facings: plastic panels produced from recycled plastic bottles)

raised floor (supported by the steel grid of the module below)

electrical installations

Expandable modular system of entrepreneurship generators

January 2014 individual project

ground floor

1st floor

1. exhibition area 2. green terraces (final roofs of modules) 3. public kitchen 4. public canteen 5. gym 6. cafeteria 7. big, public terrace on the technological hall roof

coworking zone micro-companies public functions technological hall/ workshop area

1. main entrance 2. supermarket 3. paper shop 4. printing point 5. administration 6. entrance to coworking zone 7. cloakroom (lockers) 8. waiting room 9. boardroom 10. nap cabins 11. emergency exit 12. technological hall 13. workshops area

Expandable modular system of entrepreneurship generators

January 2014 individual project

Expandable modular system of entrepreneurship generators

January 2014 individual project

The project wishes to target developed countries whose waste is mostly shipped to underdeveloped countries or landfills. Resurrecture is a floating machine that recycles the daily waste of a region and checks the surrounding landfills and water bodies to produce fewer but efficient products which are sent back to the market. The cycle continues for a few years and a secondary permanent structure will be created (made from innovative recycled materials) to deal with the waste in that region in the future. The mother unit moves to various parts on the coast and repeats the again and again.

We are in a time where the problem of waste is looming large. It can be regarded as a human concept as there appears to be no such thing as waste in nature. The presence of waste is an indication of overconsumption and inefficient use of material, thereby reducing the Earth’s capacity to supply new raw materials in the future. Valuable resources in the form of matter and energy are lost during waste disposal, requiring that a greater burden be placed on ecosystems to provide these. The main problem is the sheer volume of waste being produced and how we deal with it. Resurrecture is an innovative system of factories of the future focused

on efficient recycling, reducing product output and producing clean energy.

Resurrecture - in top 5 IAAC awarded projects

June 2015 group project

Movement of material is a crucial aspect in the factory. Resurrecture is a one day machine. where material entry and matter exit happens within 24 hours. Waste enters our factory via trucks and submarines, then follows a linear path through recycling via pipes which start twisting to enable crossings for the placement of material research, design & prototyping cells. This creates exhibition spaces below. Quality checking, warehouse spaces and a shop have also been integrated. The waste that cannot be recycled is sent to the energy generator. To induce a sense of consciouness and awareness to the visitors, we have created a path that mimics that of the waste dotted with information centres.

Resurrecture - in top 5 IAAC awarded projects

June 2015 group project

The Perfumery´s Interior

June 2012 individual project

The task consisted of designing the interior decoration of a luxurious and elegant perfumery with a height of 8 m and an area of 120 m2. The project’s idea was inspired by the construction of a medieval groin vault. I decided to modify this vault by changing its materials. The construction consists of steel rods attached to slender steel pillars. The assembly technique works on the principle of a tent. The expandable rods are passed through eyelets sewn into fabric. The thus obtained vault is light and delicate. The perfumery’s walls are made of shiny MDF boards, which reflect the vault creating

an impression of a never-ending interior.

The Perfumery´s Interior

June 2012 individual project

Station of themodular Volunteer Fire Brigade Expandable system of entrepreneurship generators

December 2011 individual project


1st floor 1 garage 2 social room (fire-fighters & village events) 3 cloakroom 4 bathroom 5 terrace 7 administration room 8 boiler room

ground floor

An analysis of the non-urbanized surrounding of the area of Lanckorona resulted with the choice of an austere form contrasting with the wild nature. The building refers with its form to a typical village barn. It distinguishes itself from it through material and detail. The silvery, shiny sheet metal made of stainless steel softly reflects the greenery surrounding the station. The entrance leads over the terrace. To reach it one has to go over the ramp along the building, taking in the beautiful view of the garden and river, surrounded by the high frame of greenery. A color feature outside the building is the red steel tower used to dry the hoses. The interior is open and single-spacious. The gable walls are entirely glazed. The landscape seems to pervade the whole room. There are no superfluous partitions. A concrete module stands in the middle, containing all technical rooms.

Station of the Volunteer Fire Brigade

December 2011 individual project

The idea behind the project of a house with a view of the forest is the introduction of the landscape into its interior, the creation of a strong bond connecting its residents with the surrounding nature. Apart from the qualities of beauty, serenity and harmony, the forest surrounding the house, constituting an unbroken surrounding, gives a sense of intimacy in the glazed interior. The building’s wood-covered façade highlights the houses unity with the forest, placing it with ease in the surrounding, becoming an integral part of it.

A house with a view for the forest - awarded school project

June 2012 individual project

Dance hall

From the south side it is completely glazed, open to the landscape. The north wall is covered by a mirror, which reflects the forest. Apart from the effect of optical enlargement, it also creates an impression of dancing

in the open among the trees.

Entrance faรงade

The entrance to the building leads through a dark corridor, at whose end opens up

a panoramic view of the forest.

A house with a view for the forest - awarded school project

June 2012 individual project

Making a plant react to our touch has been a trick since the Theremin was invented. In our project of interactive facade we show it is possible to do this with an Arduino board and Processing mapping. If two objects are conductive you can measure the capacitance between them. By connecting a capacitance sensor to a plant we can detect if people are touching it and convert their touch into signals for changing the mapping movement. When you touch the plants gently the projection changes its color, while when you touch them with the whole hand it freezes in the touched place.

Capacitive Touch - interactive wall prototype

February 2015 group project

Components and joints

Components evolution related to the light intensity

copper wire

bending plywood

Different forms of components


double curved

single curved

The task was to build a 2 m lamp with a use of plywood and copper. We decided to use blended plywood as the main material and copper wire for the connections. We designed a smooth, dynamic form of the lamp and we used 3 different types of components to achieve the desired design. We laser cut all elements, soaked them to achieve more flexibility, bended them into the components and connected them with copper wire.

Digitally Fabricated Lamp Prototype

December 2014 group project

I designed a small, mobile shelter for volunteers working on the Tibetan plateau. The object’s structure works similar to a tent and is intended for the temporary stay of one resident during the summer season. The inspiration for the creation of the shelter’s form was the Japanese art of origami. I drew the principle of the expandable roofing from the classic origami model. The object is a self-supporting construction, attached to the ground with a steel rod led around its circumference. After folding it becomes a belt with a width of 0.5 m that can be easily transported. The inside consists of four modules, containing tanks for water and waste, as well as expandable furniture. All elements are folded to a cube. The roofing is made from 2 mm laminated paper (fully recyclable (after use), covered with a transparent, waterproof membrane.

Volunteer shelter

June 2011 individual project

Portrait Studio Photography

December 2013 individual artwork


10.2013 individual work

Drawing and Watercolour

2012 individual artwork

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