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and was subsequently replaced by Rishi Sunak. The reason why Javid resigned was because Johnson told him that he could keep his post under the condition that he fires all his advisors, a condition that Javid said no minister would accept.
New Emergency Terror Law Passes in UK House of Commons
In response to the latest terror attack in Streatham, south London, the House of Commons have debated and passed a new emergency terror law which would stop the release of those accused of terrorist offences from being released
Boris Johnson Undertakes Major Cabinet Reshuffle, Sajid Javid Resigns from Treasury Post
tary and Brandon Lewis replaces Julian Smith as Northern Ireland Secretary. Some familiar faces have remained in their posts, Matt Hancock is still the For the first time since winning the De- Health Secretary, Michael Gove is still cember 2019 general election, Prime the Chancellor of the Duchy of LancasMinister Boris Johnson has conducted ter, Dominic Raab is still the Foreign a major cabinet reshuffle. New faces in Secretary, and Priti Patel is still the the government include Anne-Marie Home Secretary. The most surprising Trevelyan who replaces Alok Sharma change happened after Sajid Javid reas International Development Secre- signed as Chancellor of the Exchequer
halfway through their sentences. The law passed unopposed and will apply to England, Wales and Scotland, it has now moved on to the House of Lords for debate. Under the new law, those convicted of terror attacks would only be released if they served at least twothirds of their prison sentence and with the agreement of the Parole Board.
First Coronavirus Case Hits London
A GP surgery in Islington, London has been closed this week as it being disinfected after a woman who contracted the coronavirus came to seek treatment. This follows two similar closures in Brighton and one in Taunton, Somerset. The woman arrived at the practice in an Uber, however the driver is not considered to be at risk of having the virus since the journey only lasted 15 minutes.