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portfolio maja persić mag. ing. arch.

Maja Persić

mag. ing. arch.

majapersic@gmail.com adress I Ive Marinkovića 24, Rijeka, Croatia telephone I +385915116211, +393474277930 date of birth I 27/07/1987


curruculum vitae


2 houses in crni lug crni lug, croatia, 2012


rethinking the archetype design guidelines for the area of the np risnjak I np risnjak, croatia, 2012


manzano recover redisign work and living I manzano, italy, 2011


040 reloaded recovery of the ex-hospital of the abandoned I trieste, italy, 2011


into the wild project for abbandoned alpine military base “zucchi� I chiusaforte, italy, 2011



work experience

occupation and employer activities and responsibilities

november 2013 - november 2014 architectural assistant I Tiora d.o.o. I Matulji (Croatia) providing architectural assistance in design, project management and consulting services

occupation and employer activities and responsibilities

january 2013 - september 2013 architectural assistant I Arhetip d.o.o. I Rijeka (Croatia) providing architectural services aimed at the condonation of unlawful construction in Croatia

occupation and employer activities and responsibilities

may 2012 - october 2012 tutor I Faculty of Architecture I University of Trieste (Italy) orientation, assistance and coordination of the students, administration of the Faculty

occupation and employer activities and responsibilities

occupation and employer activities and responsibilities

september 2010 - february 2011 intern I Department for Urban and Architectural planning I University of Trieste (Italy) cataloging, classification and evaluation of the architectural heritage in ownership of the University of Trieste, consisting in direct field observation and analysis, as well as historical research activities august 2010 junior architectural assistant I Banac i CimaĹĄ I Rijeka (Croatia) analysis of a site in Rijeka city centre (Beretich parking lot) with subsequent preliminary design of a mixed use, retail, office and residential, building on it


course name name of organization thesis title skills covered

title of qualification awarded name of organization thesis title skills covered

title of qualification awarded name of organization thesis title skills covered


april 2013 - june 2013 Design for All - diversity as a resource (higher educational course) POLI.design I Consortium of the< Politecnico di Milano I Milano (Italy) Genius loci - identity of the space mentors: A. Accolla, L. Bandini Buti principles of Design-a for All, holistic ergonomics, marketing, anthropometry, mass media october 2009 - december 2012 Master of Architecture Faculty of Architecture I University of Trieste I Trieste (Italy) Reevaluating the archetype: design guidelines for the area of the National Park of Risnjak mentors: prof. arch. G. Fraziano, prof. arch. G. Damiani architectural and urban planning, interdisciplinary planning, technology and construction october 2005 - october 2009 Bachelor of Science in Architecture Faculty of Architecture I University of Trieste I Trieste (Italy) Restoration and requalification project for the launching ramp of the “Torpedo� factory in Rijeka mentor: prof. arch. S. Pratali Maffei architectural and urban planning, conservation and restauration, technology and construction


skills languages native proficiency other

informatic skills operating system 2d, 3d and rendering graphic design other

croatian, italian english I advanced level proficiency french I beginner level proficiency german I beginner level proficiency

Windows, MacOS AutoCAD, Revit (basic), Sketchup (V-Ray), Artlantis Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)


architectural physical modelling


interior design, art, literature, music, typography, skiing, yoga



2 houses in crni lug masters degree thesis 2012, crni lug I croatia filip ćoso, maja persić




The project “2 houses in Crni Lug” in a certain way represents an example of concretization of the principles expressed in the book “Rethinking the archetype: design guidelines for the area of the National Park Risnjak”, a manifest for the “good manners” of construction, in the area of Gorski kotar. The project uses some characteristical elements of the houses of Gorski kotar, previously identified in the book, emphasizing some elements, and keeping them easily recognizable. The archetypal element of the roof takes the main role in both of the houses: for the first it remains high in the section, with a strong inclination, but slightly rotated and distorted, as to resemble a tent, and with an extensive green roof covering; instead for the second house the roof emphasizes another important element for the mountain houses - the dormer window, taking to extremes its form and position and making it the main motif of the project composition. The peculiar topography of the site, with its continuous uphills and downhills, allows to position the two houses to not interact visually one with the other. Besides, it allows to obtain underground spaces, that is an important compositive motif and a characteristic of both of the houses.


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S 07

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S 04



S 02

S 04 + 680,0

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S 02

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+ 681,5





rethinking the archetype study for the masters degree thesis 2012, np risnjak I croatia filip ćoso, maja persić



The characteristic elements of any touristic destination depend on various social and natural factors: geographical position, climatic conditions, soil peculiarity, local construction material, territory inhabitants, urbanization or ruralization of the site and the preservation of the traditional values or the disappearance of all of this elements. The Gorski kotar region and the National Park Risnjak have some important characteristics that have to be protected and developed. This book was written exactly with the intention to generate some rules and guidelines for the design, construction and renovation of the residential buildings of this region. This guidelines are a series of instructions useful for the sustainable development of the National Park Risnjak. Their intent is to stimulate the local administration and assure the obligation of compliance to a regulatory that will be as much responsible towards the historical heritage, as aware of its continuos (and indispensable) cultural and architectural evolution. The guidelines should be meant as a help for whatever designing activity on this territory, with the hope that they will implement an eventual developing plan, or maybe will be used as an inspiration for other similar initiatives. The final purpose is to create an enviroment in whom all the parts interested in executing their activities protect the territory as a precious resource.







manzano recover integrated design laboratory 2011, manzano I italy francesco cimolino, filip ćoso, luca maiello, maja persić










unità residenziali


DETTAGLIO A: SISTEMA COTRUTTIVO SEZIONE VERTICALE - SCALA 1:20 1. pavimentazione esterna in pietra 50mm, massetto di posa in sabbia 30mm, strato di ghiaia fine 50mm 2. magrone 100mm, strato di protezione della fondazione, plinto di fondazione, strato impermeabile in guaina bituminosa 3. tubo drenante ∅15 4. magrone 100mm 5. vespaio areato h:34+10/50x50cm, cls alleggerito per il passaggio delle tubazioni 40mm, barriera al vapore 4mm, strato isolante in lana di roccia 40 mm, catino riflettente in alluminio 8mm, pavimento radiante in anidrite 50mm 6. gocciolatoio metallico 7. finestra con apertura ad anta e parte superiore fissa con infisso in alluminio e vetrocamera 4/18/4 8. controsoffitto in pannelli di cartongesso 120x200mm 12mm, telaio di supporto in profili di alluminio a C 9. solaio prefabbricato alveolare in cemento armato 200mm 10. trave prefabbricata in cemento armato 25x25mm 11. scuro scorrevole con telaio in alluminio 12. tamponamento esterno: pannello OSB 35mm, barriera al vapore 4mm, fibra di legno x isolamento termico 80mm, pannello OSB 35mm, strato isolante in lana di roccia 60mm, membrana impermeabilizzante 4mm, perline in larice per il rivestimento esterno inchiodate su telaio in legno 20mm 120x2000 13. canale di raccolta delle acque meteoriche in lamiera di acciaio sagomata 4mm 14. impianto fotovoltaico: Il fissaggio delle lamiere di supporto dell’impianto avviene con avvitatura sul telaio in legno,una vite blocca il travetto (profilato in alluminio) al telaio in legno, e un’altra blocca la lamiera sul travetto, le lamiere sono collegate una all’altra dall’incastro a C, che le ancora al profilato in alluminio, la posa dei moduli fotovoltaici avviene attraverso delle piastre a gancio


DETTAGLIO E: SISTEMA COTRUTTIVO SEZIONE VERTICALE - SCALA 1:20 1. pavimentazione interna in resina epossidica autolivellante 2mm, massetto di posa 50 mm, p nello isolante 100 mm, barriera al vapore 4 mm, solaio in calcestruzzo 100 mm armato con rete elettrosaldata su elementi plastici 400 mm 2. magrone 100mm, strato di protezione della fondazione, plinto di fondazione, strato imperme in guaina bituminosa 3. tubo drenante ∅15 4. magrone 100mm 5. rivestimento della parete con due pannelli in cartongesso 12.5 mm, telaio in profili a C e sca in acciaio fissati alla muro in mattoni, pannello isolante 65mm 6. controsoffitto formato da pannello fonoassorbente 8 mm con finitura liscia e pannello isolante acustico 25 mm su pannello in cartongesso 12.5 mm, pannello isolante 65mm, telaio in profili a scatolari in acciaio fissati alla trave secondaria 7. trave in acciaio a sezione scatolare 300x300 mm 8. pavimentazione interna in resina epossidica autolivellante 2mm, massetto di posa 20 mm, p nello isolante 50 mm, barriera al vapore 4 mm, solaio in lamiera grecata con getto di calcestruz collaborante 30mm, trave secondaria di acciaio a sezione scatolare 200x200 mm 9. copertura in lastre di acciaio inox unite ad incanstro con staffe, profili omega di supporto in a io inox 50x50 mm, membrana impermeabilizzante, massetto di appoggio in pendenza 1%, pan isolante 65 mm, sottostruttura della copertura in travi di acciaio a sezione scatolare 200x200 m 10. canale di raccolta delle acque meteoriche in lamiera di acciaio sagomata 4mm 11. lastra monocamera in policarbonato 16 mm, camera d’aria con sistema di connettori in allum di profillo H 40 mm, lastra monocamera di policarbonato 10 mm, telaio in alluminio a profilo sca re 10x20 mm 12. copertura in lastre di marmo 30 mm, membrana impermeabilizzante, massetto di appoggio pendenza 1%, pannello isolante 65 mm, sottostruttura della copertura in travi di acciaio a sezio scatolare 200x200 mm 13. controsoffitto formato da pannello fonoassorbente 8 mm con finitura liscia e pannello isolan acustico 25 mm su pannello in cartongesso 12.5 mm, telaio in profili a C e scatolari in acciaio fi alla trave secondaria

scheletro portante: fondazioni + elementi verticali

scheletro portante: copertura + elementi orizzontali

chiusure orizzontali

chiusure verticali


involucro globale

DETTAGLIO B: SISTEMA COTRUTTIVO SEZIONE ORIZZONTALE - SCALA 1:20 1. controparete in pannelli di cartongesso 120x200mm 12mm, telaio di supporto in profili di alluminio a C, tamponamento esterno: pannello OSB 35mm, barriera al vapore 4mm, fibra di legno x isolamento termico 80mm, pannello OSB 35mm, strato isolante in lana di roccia 60mm, membrana impermeabilizzante 4mm, perline in larice per il rivestimento esterno 20mm 120x2000 inchiodate su telaio in legno

DETTAGLIO C: SISTEMA CO SEZIONE ORIZZONTALE - S 1. controparete in pannelli di 120x200mm 12mm, telaio d in profili di alluminio a C, tam esterno: pannello OSB 35mm vapore 4mm, fibra di legno x termico 80mm, pannello OSB to isolante in lana di roccia 60 brana impermeabilizzante 4m grecata in acciaio per il rivest no fissata su telaio in montan sezione scatolare 40x60mm







e aCe


acciannello mm

minio atola-

o in one

nte fissati

DETTAGLIO D: SISTEMA COTRUTTIVO SEZIONE VERTICALE - SCALA 1:20 1. pavimentazione esterna in lastre di cemento liscio 5/ 50/ 200 cm, massetto di posa in calcestruzzo allegerito 50 mm, membrana impermeabilizzante, massetto di posa in calcestruzzo allegerito 100 mm armato con rete elettrosaldata, strato di ghiaia 170 mm, terra 2. magrone 100mm, strato di protezione della fondazione, plinto di fondazione, strato impermeabile in guaina bituminosa 3. tubo drenante ∅15 4. magrone 100mm 5. pavimentazione interna in resina epossidica autolivellante 2mm, massetto di posa 50 mm, pannello isolante 100 mm, barriera al vapore 4 mm, solaio in calcestruzzo 100 mm armato con rete elettrosaldata su elementi plastici 400 mm 6. rete metallica saldata 7. profilo scatolare in alluminio 100/ 100/ 4 mm 8. facciata vetrata a tutta altezza con telaio in alluminio e vetrocamera 6/ 12/ 6 mm 9. controsoffitto formato da pannello fonoassorbente 8 mm con finitura liscia e pannello isolante acustico 25 mm su pannello in cartongesso 12.5 mm, telaio in profili a C e scatolari in acciaio fissati alla trave secondaria 10. trave in acciaio a sezione scatolare 300x300 mm 11. copertura in lastre di acciaio inox unite ad incanstro con staffe, profili omega di supporto in acciaio inox 50x50 mm, membrana impermeabilizzante, massetto di appoggio in pendenza 1%, pannello isolante 65 mm, sottostruttura della copertura in travi di acciaio a sezione scatolare 200x200 mm 12. canale di raccolta delle acque meteoriche in lamiera di acciaio sagomata 4mm 13. lastra monocamera in policarbonato 16 mm, camera d’aria con sistema di connettori in alluminio di profillo H 40 mm, lastra monocamera di policarbonato 10 mm, telaio in alluminio a profilo scatolare 10x20 mm

OTRUTTIVO SCALA 1:20 cartongesso di supporto mponamento m, barriera al isolamento B 35mm, stra0mm, memmm, lamiera timento esternti di acciao a


redesign work and35living




040 reloaded architectural design laboratory 2011, trieste I italy filip ćoso, maja persić, francesco zugna



The project tries to answer to the needs of a classic, strictly residential neighborhood with high population density with lack of aggregation centers. The intervention wants to create a meeting point with a series of active services useful to different categories of users in order to cover as much people as possible. The intervention wants to be as less invasive as possible for the private properties here nearby, so one of the main charateristics is to minimize expropriations. The project is developed in two distinct volumes. The first volume is a former-hospital, “Ospedale degli Abbandonati�. It is rethinked considering the new planning needs. It is developed in two main, completely distinct blocks, both architecturally and functionally. The first one is assigned to a residence hotel of about 2000 mq, 30 rooms surrounding an internal court. The second one contains the spaces of the mediateque and the one of a conference room; also the last one surrounds an internal court that acts like an open air cinema. The two blocks contain a stretched place surronded by restoration services that constitute the food court, that is basicaly the center of the complex. The second one is an ex-novo volume that replaces the existing sport field. It is a dance center, configured in a semi-underground building; on its cover, the actual sport field is reallocated. The main thread of the entire projectual system becomes the place that has a diversified nature that adapts itself to the content.







into the wild urbanistic design laboratory 2010, chiusaforte I italy filip ćoso, maja persić



The project intends to requalify the area of the former-barrack “Zucchi�, as a stop area nearby the highway. This area is very strategic for the town of Chiusaforte. Our proposal foresees an industrial-artigianal area (a part of the space is ready for this purpose), a commercial area (as a big attractive for the big highway flow and as an immediate exposition space for the local products), a residence area (for who wants to stay for a long term stop and enjoy the wide offer of the zone), enriched by a sport area, useful also for the local population. We decided to exploit the altitude gap between the highway and the barrack area to create buildings with a double function: parking-roofs with needed services for a short stop and commercial spaces there below. In this way we obtain a division between highway flow and local traffic, where the users can benefit of the same services. The project foresees new constructions but also the conservation of some existing buidings, requalified and restructured to the new functions.






Copyright © 2014 Maja Persić. All rights reserved.

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