Bee Removal Johannesburg, Bee Removals Johannesburg...

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Bee Removal Johannesburg, Bee Removals Johannesburg Call or email us any time. We LOVE removing bees; day or night, 7 days a week, including all public holidays

Problem bee nest removal johannesburg in accessible places are removed to our beekeeping operation. Check out our site Bioafrica to see how happy the bees are once you have entrusted them to us.

Under normal circumstances this removal takes between 15 minutes to 45 minutes to complete the job.

Quite often bees choose an inaccessible place to nest. In such cases major home remodelling is not advisable, so we use a secret mix of organic essential oils to force the bees to abscond from their nesting site in your house or on your property. We try very hard NOT TO KILL BEES as we are beekeepers' and understand their value as Bees are a valuable natural resource that is dwindling throughout the world.

Because bees often leave honey behind when they abscond, it is normal to see other bees around the extracted site collecting the abandoned honey, but this should abate within 2 weeks.

All Bee Removals carry a 30 Day Guarantee. All jobs carried out to your satisfaction.

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