Why Is Fabry Perot Lasers So Famous? Fabry Perot Diode Lasers, which are the most popular type of diode lasers. They are especially single mode. Typical geometrical sizes of the laser chip are 1000µm x 500µm x 200µm (length x width x height). Depending on the bit length, Fabry Perot lasers operate longitudinally single- or multimode. Some customers in order to decrease the cost, so they select the FP Laser to make the 1.25G, 40km module. Engineers must adjust the output power rather bigger to meet the distance, but it will make the laser aging faster cause more issue. The Fabry Perot laser is the most common type of laser diode. Inphenix FP lasers are specially designed and characterized to fit your requirements. Since 2003, Inphenix Has been manufacturing FP lasers with excellent performance. They are used for security measures and range finding. In conjunction with an external cavity, they are ideally suited for gas sensing applications.
Inphenix design and manufactures all types of products like Superluminescent diodes, Swept Light Source, Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers, Broadband Light Source, Driver board, and many other products. Inphenix all this at its 100,000 square foot facility in beautiful Livermore, California. Inphenix having complete vertical control over the entire design and manufacturing process which allows Inphenix to drive innovation, maintain high quality and minimize costs. Inphenix designs and manufactures lasers and light sources that are critical in nature of the art applications in the medical, telecom, sensing and measurement industries. Inphenix is one of the most leading company in the USA which provides all product like Superluminescent Diodes, Swept Source Laser, Semiconductor Optical Amplifier, Driver Boards, Broadband Light source, and much other Light emitting products. Visit the Inphenix website "http://www.inphenix.com/en/" for more information and products and feel free to contact.