www. MAKEASCENEAK .com NOV 2016
Non-Profit Directory Families & Children: March of Dimes Alaska Chapter
Non-Profit Organization? Join our growing list for as little as $15.00/mo! Non-Profit’s Help Our Community! Families & Children: Family Promise Mat-Su (907) 357-6160 A community response for families without housing. Family Promise Mat-Su, “FPMS” uses area churches for shelter while providing meals and case management to help homeless families move back into housing and self-sustainability. In addition we provide state funds(BHAP) for homeless prevention.
OTHER Mat-Su Health Services, Inc. (907) 376-2411 Dedicated to improving the health of our community, one person at a time – through affordable medical, dental and behavioral health care.The clinic is a Federally qualified Health Care Center and we accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most other third-party insurances. For those who qualify, there is a sliding scale payment, based on household income. We offer early morning and evening appointments appointment. You can also contact our 24/7 behavioral crisis intervention line by calling the main number: 376-2411.
NOV 2016
Valley Fiber Arts Guild The Valley Fiber Arts Guild began in 1983. Our purpose is to provide educational and cultural enrichment for the community by promoting a greater interest in the fiber arts. Fiber arts include spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, dying, felting, lace making, and more! Monthly gatherings are held at the Palmer Public Library on the first Saturday of the month from September-April at 10am-11:30am. Tuesday is UnFinished Objects Night. Join us every Tuesday night 5ish-8pm at Vagabond Blues Cafe in Palmer! Come spin, knit, crochet, or visit while having some coffee and getting some free instruction! (907) 276-4111 Join the March of Dimes for our annual High Heels for High Hopes this fall. To become a model or participant, call 276-4111. The March of Dimes helps moms have fullterm pregnancies and healthy babies. And if something goes wrong, we offer information and comfort to families. We research the problems that threaten our babies and work on preventing them. About 4 million babies were born in the United States last year, and the March of Dimes helped each and every one through research, education, vaccines and breakthroughs. The March of Dimes: working together for stronger, healthier babies.
ARTS: Valley Arts Alliance Valley Arts Alliance, bringing the community together through the arts... We are a place for both new and established artists of all types— painters, sculptors, musicians, and those involved in the performing arts—to network and to experiment with new ideas and media. We work with local libraries, schools, museums, art councils, and music and art groups to create more venues for the arts, and to help promote art related events. Join us at our informal weekly meetings, every Thursday @ 11 at Sophia’s Cafe, 9191 E Frontage Road, Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Check out our archives
CONSERVATION: Mat-Su Health Foundation (907) 352-2863 The Mat-Su Health Foundation offers financial and strategic support to well-managed 501(c)(3) organizations that offer services and practical solutions to significant health-related problems impacting the citizens of the Mat-Su Borough. The foundation also offers academic and vocational scholarships to Mat-Su residents who wish to pursue health and wellness related careers.
Pets & Animals: Alaska Animal Advocates (907) 841-3173 Alaska Animal Advocates is a non-profit group of dedicated volunteers who are devoted to enriching the lives of companion animals in Alaska. In order to do this, we will place homeless pets in loving environments, address medical concerns, spay or neuter, microchip, vaccinate, and offer training as is needed. We believe that every animal deserves a loving home, for his/her entire life and Alaska Animal Advocates will provide the resources to make this happen. In order to make this mission possible, we need the help of volunteers and foster homes.
Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (907) 745-5544 RECYCLING – It’s not just for hippies anymore!! Everyone in the Mat-Su valley can recycle. Drop your stuff off Tues – Fri 10:30 to 6 and Sat 10:30 to 3:30. Recycle cardboard, magazines, this newspaper and more at your community recycling center. Remember to REDUCE, REUSE, and then RECYCLE! Your community recycling center is located at 9465 E Chanlyut Circle, next to the MSB Animal Shelter at the MSB Central Landfill. Volunteer opportunities available. Make a difference in your community! Check out our website for details, follow us on Facebook. - Call us at 907.745.5544 with questions or comments.
Families & Children: March of Dimes Alaska Chapter (907) 276-4111 The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. About 4 million babies were born in the United States last year, and the March of Dimes helped each and every one through research, education, vaccines and breakthroughs. The March of Dimes: working together for stronger, healthier babies.
HOMELESS YOUTH: Mat-Su Youth Housing (MY HOUSE) (907) 373-4357 MY House is a homeless youth drop in center with two for-profit businesses that train and employ homeless youth. Gathering Grounds Cafe is a coffee shop with homemade soups, sandwiches, salads and baked goods. Steamdriven is a trendy thrift shop featuring Steampunk items made from repurposed donations by our youth designers. Fiend2Clean and Young People in Recovery offer support for substance abuse recovery with activities and events. We offer transitional housing for qualified 18-24 year olds, Outreach services to connect homeless youth, organizations and groups to services, and access to Public Health and NineStar job/education services on site.
SOCIAL ADVOCACY: Wasilla Homeless-Committee
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: Mat-Su Regional Adult Basic Education (Nine Star) (907) 373-7833 Mat-Su ABE provides basic education in math, language arts and English as a second language (ESL), aiming to raise student skills beyond the high-school level in order to pass tests like the GED, enter training programs or college, and advance on the job. Enrollment is open to all adult residents of Alaska, year-round. Youth Employment for ages 16-24 not in school -- get a job, keep a job, advance on the job. Nine Star 300 N Willow 373-3006 (in the MYHouse building) (907) 521-2949 Wasilla Homeless-Committee is a 100% volunteer organization funded by private donations and regular fundraising events. Our sole purpose is to assist the homeless, those at risk of homelessness, and others who do not meet the criteria for help that is required by other advocacy agencies in the valley. Wasilla Homeless-Committee provides case management, housing search assistance, move in assistance, job search assistance, clothing, furniture, help with transportation, and resource guidance for homeless and disenfranchised in the Mat-Su Valley. Visit our website for application, or call 907521-2949. Find us on Facebook wasillahomelesscommitteepage
BIKER ELVES TOY DRIVE November 1, 2016-December 25, 2016 – 12:50PM The Dude Mat-Su Valley Kids Cost: New Unwrapped Toy (907) 892-8099 Check us out on Facebook CHRISTMAS TOWNE, ALASKA November 17-December 18, 2016 Thursday-Sunday - 10AM Christmas Towne Alaska, Chugiak Cost: $10 Kids/$15 Adult (907) 227-2011
ALASKA CHICKS COMPANY: VINTAGE HOLIDAY MARKET November 19-20, 2016 – 9AM Alaska Chicks Company Raven Hall, Alaska State Fairgrounds Cost: $3 Saturday, FREE Sunday – (907) 841-9994 alaskachicksvintagemarket@ 6TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR 11/19/2016 - 9AM St. Michael Catholic Community St. Michael Catholic Church, Palmer FREE Admission (907) 745-3229
12TH ANNUAL BAZAAR 11/19/2016 - 10AM Palmer Family Church of the Nazarene FREE Event EXPRESS GRATITUDE IN ORIGAMI CARDS 11/19/2016 - 10AM Expressive Art to Enhance Well-Being Wasilla on Lake Lucille. Call for directions. Cost: $25 - (907) 460-8481 EnhancedWellBeingAK@ MOVING OUT OF STATE: LIQUIDATION LIVE AUCTION 11/19/2016 - 11AM Webb Auction & Appraisal 16767 E. Back Acres Ave, Palmer FREE Admission (907) 355-2561 CHRISTMAS DANCE PARTY! 11/19/2016 - 2PM Christmas Towne Alaska, Chugiak Cost: $10 Kids/$15 Adult (907) 227-2011 STORY TELLING EVENT 11/19/2016 - 7:30PM Talkeetna Historical Society & Arctic Entries Sheldon Community Arts Hangar, Talkeetna Cost: $5 MY HOUSE THANKSGIVING DINNER 11/23/2016 - 1PM MY House, Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 373-4357 HIP HOP WORKSHOP 11/25/2016 - 3PM Joshua Christian LA Dancer & Choreographer Sonja’s Studio of Dance,
MARA HAM RADIO MEETING 11/25/2016 - 7PM Matanuska Amateur Radio Association Fire Station 61, Wasilla FREE Event ELF: THE MUSICAL November 25-December 18, 2016 - 7PM Valley Performing Arts Tickets: $21 Students/ Seniors, $23 General Admission SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY 11/26/2016 - All Day American Express Downtown Palmer Check us out on Facebook OUT OF BOX SALE 11/26/2016 - 10AM Valley Fibers Art Guild Palmer Train Depot FREE Event 7.19 CELEBRATION 11/26/2016 - 5:30PM Palmer Family Church of the Nazarene Borough Gym, Palmer FREE Event - (907) 746-0252 BOOM TOWN DERBY DAMES MASH UP 11/26/2016 - 7PM Boom Town Derby Dames Menard Sports Center, Wasilla Cost: $12 www.boomtownrollerderby. org BURCHELL DANCERS CHRISTMAS SHOW 11/30/2016 - 7PM Glenn Massay Theater, Palmer FREE Event www.glennmassaytheater. com
BRING UP THE NIGHT December 2-25, 2016 – 4-9PM Alaska State Fairgrounds FREE Event - (907) 746-7153
HOMESPUN HOLIDAY BAZAAR 12/3/2016 - 10AM Butte Elementary School FREE Event
FREE HEARING SCREENING 12/3/2016 - 10AM Mat-Su Sertoma Club, Wasilla Wasilla Physical Therapy FREE Event - (907) 841-6565
WILLOW HOLIDAY STUDIO ART TOUR 12/3/2016 - 10AM Willow Creek Studio, Willow AK Pottery FREE Event - (907) 227-1027 BIG LAKE BIG CHRISTMAS 12/3/2016 - 10AM FREE Event
NOV 2016
SMALL BUSINESS TAX SET AND QUICKBOOKS SET-UP LUNCHEON November 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 2016 - 10AM Lizzy Bee’s Tax & Accounting Cost: $60 - (907) 315-9348
GLACIER VIEW ALLIANCE HOLIDAY MARKET 11/19/2016 - 10AM Glacier View Alliance, Palmer FREE Admission
Wasilla Cost: $25 - (907) 357-3933
MAT-SU SALMON SCIENCE & CONSERVATION SYMPOSIUM November 17-18, 2016 - 9AM Mat-Su Basin Salmon Habitat Partnership Palmer Train Depot Cost: $25 General, FREE Students - (907) 865-5713
Calendar of Events
Contributed by The Drunk Poets Alaskan Artist Chris Watkins and his band, The Drunk Poets, have released a new album titled “Lights All Askew”. Chris Watkins is an American musician-singersongwriter. Hailing from Alaska, Watkins is the founding member of the band, The Drunk Poets. He began playing the guitar at the age of ten, and by the age of sixteen he had formed the alternative band, The Drunk Poets, who in the 1990’s greatly influenced the Alaskan music scene. Watkins has continued to carry the band name with various members coming and going over the years. Some of Watkins’ influences have been Lou Reed, Talking Heads and Bob Dylan. Watkins is currently residing in Alaska where he continues to write and record music. His most recent album is “Lights All Askew”. SoundWaves Review Music Blog wrote, “Lights All Askew feels timeless, like it should already be a classic.” Chis Watkins is gaining international acclaim, as news of his music is spreading with countless excellent reviews and radio stations all over the world playing his music. The Eclectic Music Lover Music
Blog writes, “There are some singer/ songwriters whose music stays with you long after hearing it, drawing you back for another listen. Chris Watkins and his band, The Drunk Poets, make that kind of music, reminiscent of Bob Dylan, Shawn Mullins and Lou Reed – simple, pure and honest, but always with a compelling story. His smooth low-key vocals are incredibly soothing to the ear, yet at the same time quite powerful. Following up on their superb 2015 album “London Can Take It”, Watkins/Drunk Poets dropped their latest album “Lights All Askew” in July 2016, and it’s another work of musical art. Drunk poetry indeed!” You can contact Chris Watkins/ Drunk Poets online at: Twitter: Facebook: ChrisWatkinsDrunkPoets Website:
Contributed by Myke Bon What is it about the Native American-style flute that draws us in when we hear it? I’ve been making flutes for 28 years and am still learning its awesome power. It started as a spiritual journey and became part of my life.
I think the reason we are all drawn to the beautifully haunting sounds of the flute is because it helps us connect through sound, making us a part of the world around us rather a part from it. The flute is a magical instrument that is considered to be one of the oldest instruments in the world. No matter where your ancestral roots come from, there was undoubtedly a whistle or a flute connected to you somewhere in time. All my flutes are handmade in the traditional way coming from many sources: diamond willow, birch, cottonwood, cottonwood bark and spruce. The process involves finding the wood, locating the flute, splitting the wood with a knife and hollowing it out, all by hand. The flute is then joined with a fetish (the sound piece) and given a voice.
to all that are interested to join me and try the flute. Maybe you have picked up a flute somewhere on your journeys and just have not learned to play it. If that is the case, then join me at our local Flute Circle. I have several flutes for sale if you are looking to explore the world of the flute. Lessons are free! You can send an email to alaskaflutemaker@gmail. com to express an interest in the Flute Circle, and I’ll send you time and location.
Playing in the wild, wolves will often howl back and I’ve had moose, other animals and birds come to listen and relax as well. The flute draws at our ancestral strings taking us to a place we humans have forgotten over time: how to be connected to the world around us.
I also offer a travel flute called the “Flippin’ Flute” that goes anywhere and quickly becomes a travel partner. Flippin’ Flutes are a great beginner flute and can be created in so many different expressive patterns.
NOV 2016
Part of my journey with the flute has been to make it available to everyone. I would like to offer the flute in the Matsu Valley, and would like to extend an invitation
Arts Contributed by Carmen Summerfield 9th Annual Ice Castles on the Green 12/10/2016 – 2PM-4PM Valley Arts Alliance The Palmer Green Area FREE Event Colony Christmas is an old fashioned three-day celebration of Christmas past and present in Palmer that features horse-drawn sleigh rides, reindeer, gingerbread houses and holiday carolers. As part of the celebration, on the second Saturday, December 10, 2016 the Valley Arts Alliance will be producing their 9th Annual Ice Castles on the Green! Ice Castles on the Green consists of unique winter ice sculptures created by some of the Valley’s best artists. Our sculptures will be constructed behind the Dahlia Street Market on the Palmer Green, the area in Palmer also known as the “quad” or “square” located between the Borough Office, the Colony Inn and the Dahlia Street Market.
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The Dahlia Street Market was built in the mid-1930s as the colony’s Trading Post and Post Office. Palmer’s Mayor, DeLena Johnson, and her husband, Steve, purchased the abandoned building a few years ago and restored it to glory. Now it hosts the Palmer City Alehouse (where everyone is invited in for a “warm up” on Saturday afternoon during the Ice Castles on the Green).
Our centerpiece at Ice Castles on the Green will be an ice sculpture based on the glass pyramids at the Louvre in Paris. But unlike the 4-sided pyramid at the Louvre, we constructed a 3-sided pyramid. Each side is an equilateral triangle with a base of 10 feet and a supporting structure to hold 16 triangular sheets of ice. To form the required 48 triangular sheets of ice, we made wooden molds, 30 inches at the base and one and a half inches thick, coated with an epoxy resin for strength and waterproofing. We have other remarkable ice sculptures lined up, but we’re always looking for other talented artists to help us create unique ice sculptures at Ice Castles on the Green! So bring your own ice, in any shape or form, and help us build! For inspiration, please visit our website Most of the ice sculpting will occur from 2pm-4pm, but visit us any time and watch the ice sculptures take shape! So join us (and join in) on the second Saturday, December 10th, as we create another wonderful Ice Castles on the Green!
As we enter the holiday season, the Palmer Museum is all about creating opportunities for you, your friends and family to get together and celebrate. From a traveling exhibit from the Lower 48 to seeing fire dancers on the museum lawn, the museum is definitely the place to be this winter! On November 26th, the museum will be joining over twenty other small businesses in Palmer to promote and celebrate Small Business Saturday.
Throughout the day, the museum will be offering those shoppers who make a purchase in the Museum Gift Store an opportunity to grab a marble from our secret giveaway bag for some fun free prizes. In addition to that, anyone who makes a purchase of $25 or more will be entered into a drawing for a free pair of Benjamin Schleifman raven earrings valued at $80! If that wasn’t enough, the museum will also be hosting its second annual Art Swap from 12PM–4PM where visitors can bring 1 to 3 pieces of art they own and no longer want, and exchange them for something new (to them). The idea is to try to recirculate old unwanted pieces so that they can refresh someone’s décor and be something new without incurring the cost. All types up artwork are welcome and value is not an issue. If you call it art, it’s art!
Featuring 51 vintage and contemporary examples, Apron Strings: Ties to the Past reviews the apron’s role as an emotionally charged vehicle for expression, with a rich and varied craft history that is still viable today.
program of Mid-America Arts Alliance. It will be on exhibit at the Palmer Museum beginning in December and will last through March of 2017. The museum has several related programs planned in accordance with the exhibit, so be sure to visit the Museum website at www. for further details. Finally, to finish out the holiday celebrations, the museum will once again be hosting its annual holiday open house ‘Twas the Night Before Colony Christmas on Friday, December 9th from 7PM– 10PM.
Featuring aprons dating from the 1900s through present, the exhibition chronicles changing attitudes toward women and domestic work. It also surveys the wide range of design and craft techniques apron-makers have used to express themselves, while still working within creative venues traditionally available to women.
Apron Strings: Ties to the Past was curated by Joyce Cheney, an independent curator based in St. Louis, Missouri. It was adapted for travel by ExhibitsUSA, a
Although the event is free to the public, the museum encourages attendees to participate in its holiday tree trimming fundraiser by becoming a holiday angel by making a donation and receiving a handmade ornament by a local artist in exchange. All donations will be used to help support the museum’s 2017 programs and events. So, come celebrate with the Palmer Museum this holiday season. There will be plenty of merriment, excitement and laughter to go around! For more information about any of the Palmer Museum’s exhibits or events, please visit the museum website at or contact a member of the museum staff at 746-7668. About PMHA: The Palmer Museum of History and Art is a non-profit museum that serves the community of Palmer in preserving and sharing the history and art of the Palmer region.
Elaborately embroidered aprons of delicate cotton, for example, were worn by well-heeled women of the 1920s. In contrast, the Depression and war years of the 1930s and 1940s inspired sturdy, calico bib aprons. The post-war 1940s and 1950s - the June Cleaver era - stand out as the acknowledged heyday of the apron, when commercial and intricately handdecorated aprons flourished as symbols of family and motherhood. Today, artists continue using aprons to explore cultural myths and realities, as well as their individual experiences with American domesticity. Though not as widespread as they once were, aprons remain as functional and protective garments for men and women alike.
All those interested in participating in the wine tasting must have a valid Alaska I.D. present at the time of the event.
The museum’s collections contain items that best depict region’s art history, exploration, settlement, agriculture, and trade, cultural and social development.
The event is free to the public and includes a free wine tasting hosted by Bear Creek Winery, food catered by Denise Statz of NonEssentials, live music and an all age show/special performance by the AK Fire Circus (from 8:30PM9:30PM).
During the summer, May 1st through September 30th, the museum also serves a Palmer’s Visitor’s Center and is open seven days a week from 9AM-6PM. The museum also operates during the winter months from October 1st through April 30th, Wednesday through Friday, 10AM-5PM and second Saturdays of the month, 10AM-6PM.
NOV 2016
Beginning in December, the museum will begin its holiday celebration with the introduction of a new traveling exhibit called Apron Strings: Ties to the Past. Although taken for granted by many social and art historians, the apron
is the subject of a fascinating reevaluation in this popular ExhibitsUSA exhibition.
To encourage holiday shoppers to spend their money locally, businesses throughout Palmer will be holding special sales, promotions and opportunities to make your holiday shopping brighter. The Palmer Museum is no different.
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Contributed by Nan Potts Celebrating the Joys of Christmas 12/11/2016 – 4PM Mat-Su Community Chorus St. John’s Lutheran Church Tickets: $5 General, FREE Seniors/Students
expression or display of gladness, or the state of happiness. The latter two definitions caught my attention: an expression or display of gladness and the state of happiness.
With the tricks and treats of Halloween behind us and the festive gatherings of Thanksgiving and Christmas looming, someone asked me, “What’s your greatest joy of Christmas?” My mind went blank for lack of an answer.
Several days later, my routine took me to rehearsal for the Mat-Su Community Chorus. Having sung with many choirs over the years, the music of Christmas has always been my favorite and caroling is especially enjoyable. Then it struck me, singing is a joy of mine! Yes, but it didn’t answer the question of the “greatest joy of Christmas”.
Many times, November and December have broadsided me with cannonades of self-imposed tasks and expectations which The Season demands. Joy? I thought, who has time? With shopping, preparing for festivities, coordinating schedules, crafting personal gifts, etc., is there time revel in true joy?
As practice continued, we sang of good tidings, a winter wonderland, believing, families gathered by the fireside, the hope for peace and prosperity for mankind, the heralding of angles announcing the arrival of the Christ Child and many other holiday accessories.
Of course, Christmas activities are fun and it is the season of celebrating Christ’s birth. However, I asked myself, where does the joy in Christmas lay for me?
Then I recalled teaching Christmas carols to my children, the excitement of the anticipation of Santa, the gleeful squeals of young voices, the smiles, kindness and kindred of heart and mind of friends and family, the camaraderie of my fellow singers, and the presence of love, hope and peace. There was my answer.
I got the notion to look up the definition of the word, joy. I came across a variety of meanings, depending on the dictionary I referenced. All basically agreed upon the noun - the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying, keen pleasure, elation, a source of keen pleasure or delight, the
The spirit of Christmas was my greatest joy of the holidays and the music, its inspiration. The message is very audible in the librettos and experienced through the enduring melodies.
As I confront the turn of the calendar page to December, Christmas day is circled and so is another: Sunday, December 11th. St. John’s Lutheran Church in Palmer, will host the Mat-Su Community Chorus’ winter concert, Celebrating the Joys of Christmas at 4:00pm. Anna Crowther, Conductor. Tickets will be $5.00 at the door and admission is free to seniors and students. The chorus is familiar to many, especially living in the Valley. Having its origin in the 1960’s and extant today, the chorus represents The Valley’s Musical Ambassadors, performing throughout the borough. You’ll even find them caroling around Downtown Palmer during Colony Christmas. If your calendar is similar to mine, it has a multitude of circles adorning it. You might wonder, how to fit in one more thing? Well, that’s where you ask yourself, “What is the greatest joy of the holiday season?” Whether you feel Scrooge-ish or not, you must admit Christmas is a special time. Why not make the time to experience one of the many joys this season holds? As for me, the joy that Christmas delivers is a gift I will graciously accept. Please come and join the chorus in this celebration and enjoy the warmth within winter’s tenure.
Activism PRESS RELEASE CONTRIBUTED BY THE MUSIC GARDEN Spoonguy, along with his wife, Lindianne Sarno, stage name Lindianna at the Piana, recently moved from Homer to the Matanuska-Susitna Valley. Mike Glasgow, a carver born in Fairbanks and famed in Alaska as Spoonguy for vending hardwood spoons from his signature tandem bicycle, will be marketing his carvings and jewelry and her books, CD’s and wool boot socks at Bill Webb’s Christmas Arts and Crafts Emporium at the Dena’ina Center in Anchorage, November 1920.
For the past three years, Lindianna at the Piana played every weekend at AJ’s Oldtown Steakhouse in Homer, offering three hours of romantic dinner music, taking diners down memory lane into country, Americana, folk, spirituals, blues, jazz, Beatles, waltzes and originals. She looks forward to playing at pianos in the Mat-Su Valley and Anchorage. Mrs. Sarno teaches piano, violin, viola, guitar, songwriting, composition and music theory. She is currently composing music for Jean Aspen and Tom Irons’ film, Arctic Daughter, due to be released in 2017. She is known for writing newspaper commentaries on controversial subjects including genetically modified foods, cannabis clubs, human manure composting and unconstitutional government behavior. Her book, The Alaskan Woodcarver’s Wife: A Tale of Pot, Patriots, Passion and PTSD, tells the story of Spoonguy’s encounters with unconstitutional courts and police in Arizona, California and Alaska. As a civil liberties violation investigator who calls police, courts and corrections officials on unconstitutional behavior, Spoonguy gained notoriety in 2016 when a dog attack case brought him toe to toe with Homer police officer, Stephen Smith, over issues of warrantless arrest and probable cause, and nose to nose with Kenai Judge, Charles Huguelet, over issues of ineffective representation and sentencing the mentally disordered to incarceration rather than treatment. The couple co-founded the Citizens of Alaska Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission to provide a community forum for citizens to report unconstitutional acts by police, courts and state agencies.
Contact: For information visit and
NOV 2016
Entertainment Contributed by Hillary Saffran
Ah, the holiday season...
Whether you honor a particular faith or no religious viewpoint at all, the holiday season has descended upon you nevertheless. This is the season for gifts, food, friends, family and for many, stress.
Here you are, at the big holiday table, trying to make pleasant conversation with people that can’t stand you. (Memories of my brief married life in Anchorage 24 years ago, but who’s counting?) You (This is fiction, right?) are so uncomfortable (and are obviously unskilled in covering up this discomfort) that even a root canal without anesthesia sounds more appealing. The last thing you want to do is to choke down another piece of dry turkey in this atmosphere. (You suspect that your piece is poisoned anyway, and it just might be the last thing that you do.) What a perfect time for Self-Care Tip #11 – For Family Stress:
Say A Prayer: It’s one of the most potent antidotes to stress. Connecting with a higher power helps you gain strength and clear your mind. Now, I don’t mean prayer acting on negative emotions such as, “Please Lord, smote these people now!”, “I pray they will be tortured in the zombie apocalypse.” or “Can they at least fall into a big hole in the living room that goes straight to hell, and then can you make the hole disappear, like something in the Twilight Zone movie?” Prayer actually can be healing and to the point. Some of my most intense prayers are one word such as “Help!” This can certainly be embellished to “Please Help!” Prayers of thanks work well too. We can always find something to be grateful for, and that can be very uplifting. I’ve heard the expression, “an attitude of gratitude” can work wonders for you. However, always be aware of your evil inclination. Come on now, we all have it. So prayers of revenge are not recommended: “Thank you Lord that schmuck has just developed some heinous disease,” or “Thank you for answering my prayer so that I don’t have to share my life with Drunken Vicious anymore,” is probably
not going to benefit you or the object of your disaffection. One thing I’ve learned is to never pray for patience. I’ve learned that life is a series of lessons, and that going through tests builds character (Lord, I never asked for this much character!) Praying for patience is a way to ask for the strength of Job and I really don’t want to go there, though at times I think I have. Prayer can happen anywhere. There’s phone prayer, car prayer, cubicle prayer, meal prayer, even fishing prayer. I’m sure I’ve even seen email power point with music prayer. Whatever works for you and remember, it’s free. You can have people pray with you or for you. Prayer is all about perspective. So whatever stress you might be going through this holiday season, be comforted with the fact that you are probably not alone. There are healthy ways to decrease your anxiety, and remember – stress spelled backwards is desserts. Yum and Happy Holidays! Inserting Self-Care Tip #11 - For Family Stress, and not #1, is my sneaky yet creative way of shameless promotion so you’ll be so intrigued to find out what the other 49, or the first 10 self-care tips are that you’ll want to buy my book. See, I slipped in the fact that there are 49
other self-care tips! Forget about the first ten that you just missed – now you’re practically salivating to buy this book to find out about all those 49 other necessary and informative stress busters! What was that? You were wondering if this book is designed as a gift item? Of course it is! I think I’ve actually created shameless holiday gift plug #2 to buy this book! What was that? I’m too obvious and honest about my shameless book promotion attempts? You’re right. This is why I am not involved in politics. My name is Hillary Saffran, and I approve this message. Hillary Saffran is the author of Laughing in the Rain – Self-Care for the Storms of Life. If this shameless promotion of the sale of her book for an awesome holiday gift item intrigues you, please reach her at 907-707-7556 or at
NOV 2016
Calendar of Events BIG LAKE LIONS CHRISTMAS BAZAAR December 3-4, 2016 - 11AM East Lake Mall, Big Lake FREE Event - (907) 982-7268
BIG LAKE PARADE AND TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY 12/3/2016 - 4:30PM Big Lake Chamber of Commerce Big Lake Elementary School FREE Event - (907) 892-6109
36TH ANNUAL TALKEETNA BACHELOR AUCTION 12/3/2016 - 7PM The Denali Arts Council Tickets: $25
JON VAN ZYLE ART SHOW 12/3/2016 - 1PM Town Square Art Gallery, Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 376-0123
GLOBAL FAT BIKE DAY 2016 12/3/2016 - 5:30PM Valley Mountain Bikers & Hikers Wendt Road Trailhead FREE Event - (907) 746-6010
MEMORIES OF CHRISTMAS PAST 12/3/2016 - 7PM Cantora Arctica Women’s Choir St. John’s Lutheran Church, Palmer Tickets: $10 - (907) 315-4904
360 ALLSTARS 12/3/2016 - 7:30PM Alaska Junior Theater Alaska Center for the Performing Arts, Anchorage Cost: $14-$36 - (907) 272-7546 MAT-SU OPIATE TASK FORCE 12/6/2016 - 4PM - FREE Mat-Su Opiate Task Force New Iditarod Elementary School
WILDLIFE WEDNESDAYS 12/7/2016 - 7PM FREE Event BIG LAKE ELEMENTARY BAND CONCERT 12/8/2016 - 6PM Big Lake Elementary School FREE Event
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THE ALASKAN NUTCRACKER December 8-10, 2016 - 7PM Glenn Massay Theater, Palmer Tickets: $12 Youth/$19 Adults
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE 12/9/2016 - 7PM Palmer Museum of History & Art FREE Admission - (907) 746-7668
COLONY CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION December 9-11, 2016 - All Day Greater Palmer Chamber of Commerce Downtown Palmer FREE Admission (907) 745-2880
PANCAKE BREAKFAST 12/10/2016 - 9AM Five Loaves Two Fishes Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Wasilla Cost: $15 Individual, $30 for 2 (907) 376-3522
SANTA DASH 12/10/2016 - 10:30AM Christmas Towne Alaska Chugiak Cost: $10 Kids/$20 Adult (907) 227-2011 BARBARA LAVALLEE ART SHOW 12/10/2016 - 1PM Town Square Art Gallery, Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 376-0123
COLONY CHRISTMAS PARADE 12/10/2016 - 5PM Greater Palmer Chamber of Commerce Downtown Palmer FREE Admission (907) 745-2880
9TH ANNUAL ICE CASTLES ON THE GREEN 12/10/2016 – 2PM Valley Arts Alliance The Palmer Green Area FREE Event
PALMER WINTER TRIATHLON 12/11/2016 - 11AM Mat-Su Health Foundation The Palmer Pool FREE Event - (907) 745-2880
A CHRISTMAS CAROL December 12-14, 2016 - 7PM Glenn Massay Theater, Palmer Tickets: $15 Each, $50 Family Rate
Calendar of Events
NOV 2016
Contributed by Zaz Hollander
Mat-Su Band Holiday Concert December 16-17, 2016 – 7:30PM Mat-Su Concert Band Glenn Massay Theater, Palmer Tickets: $5 Students, $10 General
Holiday classics on the program include “Russian Christmas Music” by Alfred Reed, a piece commissioned in 1944 for a concert to improve Soviet-American relations that’s become a staple of the symphonic band holiday repertoire for good reason: The 15-minute composition is a lovely yet haunting piece of music that evokes the northern forest and the strength of its people.
For the first time in its history, the MatSu Concert Band will play two holiday concerts to give everyone the chance to hear this always-popular event. The band will play concerts Friday, Dec. 16th and Saturday, Dec. 17th at the Glenn Massay Theater at Mat-Su College. Both concerts will begin at 7:30 p.m. The program features a variety of traditional Christmas and holiday songs and carols, as well as a range of festive pieces that highlight the sounds of the season. The concert will also include a special performance from the band’s virtuoso trumpet section: “Bugler’s Holiday” by Leroy Anderson, a perennial favorite with a bright, fast-paced cornet trio perfect for the season.
NOV 2016
The audience is invited to join in a singalong of familiar tunes. The concerts have an intermission. There will be a small admission fee at the door. Tickets are $10 each, but $5 for students and children under five get in free. Tickets can be purchased online at www.
“March of the Toys” from the 1903 operetta “Babes in Toyland” by Victor Herbert is a fun, seasonal classic based on a musical comedy about two children who escape a miserly uncle to the splendor of Toyland, where Mother Goose holds sway. The music evokes the stiff-legged movements of the dolls and the joy of a fairytale Christmas. The audience can try to guess the holiday classics embedded in a mournful cloak in “Minor Alterations: Christmas Through the Looking Glass” by David Lovrien, a medley of traditional tunes transposed from major to minor keys and further disguised to create a musical game of holiday hide-and-seek. The band will perform several more contemporary holiday works. CONTINUES ON THE NEXT PAGE
Among them is “Primavera: Beautiful Mountain Winds”, a 2008 work by Japanese composer, Satoshi Yagisawa, that evokes the wintry breezes of the season with brilliant arpeggios interspersed with expressive passages.
The band got its start in 1984 as the Mat-Su Community Band, formed by Matanuska Music owner, Hank Hartman. Other directors have included Neil Long and Phil Munger. Current director, Gleo Huyck, is a retired music educator and private instructor. Under Huyck’s baton, the band performs a wide-ranging selection of challenging music. The band this season numbers about seventy amateur musicians who assemble every Monday night for rehearsals at Teeland Middle School.
Theatre ELF: THE MUSICAL November 25-December 18 - 7PM Valley Performing Arts, Wasilla Tickets: $21 Students/Seniors, $23 General Admission Drama Directed by Garry Forrester
Elf: The Musical opens November 25th and runs through December 18th, 2016. Ticket prices are $21 for students/seniors and $23 for adults. This wonderful family Christmas musical will be appearing at Valley Performing Arts, 251 W. Swanson Avenue, Wasilla. Call VPA at 373-0195, visit our website or come by the office, Monday through Friday 9am to 3pm to purchase your tickets.
NOV 2016
Buddy, a young orphan mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported to the North Pole. The would-be elf is raised unaware that he is actually a human, until his enormous size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the truth. With Santa’s permission, Buddy embarks on a journey to New York City to find his birth father and discover his true identity. Faced with the harsh reality that his father is on the “naughty list”, and his stepbrother doesn’t even believe in Santa,
Buddy is determined to win over his new family and help New York remember the true meaning of Christmas. Based on the 2003 hit film “Elf”, this Broadway musical is a modern holiday classic and is sure to make everyone from 8 to 80 embrace their inner elf.
“Festival Fanfare for Christmas” by John Wasson is a modern take on a number of well-known Christmas melodies including “O Come, All Ye Faithful” and “Joy to the World” that once again highlights the trumpet section.
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