MID-SEP 2019
MID-SEP 2019
Connect Palmer Inc. www.ConnectPalmer.org (907) 746-9675 Connect Palmer is a Christ Centered Training Center and Housing for Women located in downtown Palmer. Connect Palmer’s two primary programs are God’s Work Design, and LIFE Connect. We also have Sarah’s House, which a Safe and Caring place for ladies, without homes, to live while they participate in our back to work and life skills programs. We also offer different community assistant programs, such as The Locker, to provide personal care and basic house hold cleaning items and Scarlet Tapestries which offers basic sewing skills instruction. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
OTHER Mat-Su Health Services, Inc. www.mshsak.org (907) 376-2411 Dedicated to improving the health of our community, one person at a time – through affordable medical, dental and behavioral health care.The clinic is a Federally qualified Health Care Center and we accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most other third-party insurances. For those who qualify, there is a sliding scale payment, based on household income. We offer early morning and evening appointments appointment. You can also contact our 24/7 behavioral crisis intervention line by calling the main number: 376-2411.
MID-SEP 2019
Alaska Animal Advocates www.alaskaanimaladvocates.com (907) 841-3173 Alaska Animal Advocates is a non-profit group of dedicated volunteers who are devoted to enriching the lives of companion animals in Alaska. In order to do this, we will place homeless pets in loving environments, address medical concerns, spay or neuter, microchip, vaccinate, and offer training as is needed. We believe that every animal deserves a loving home, for his/her entire life and Alaska Animal Advocates will provide the resources to make this happen. In order to make this mission possible, we need the help of volunteers and foster homes.
Denali Family Services
Valley Arts Alliance
291 East Swanson Ave. Wasilla, AK 907-222-2331 or eolivares@denalifs.org Denali Family Services provides therapeutic foster care to Alaskan children with mental health needs. If you are committed to working with a team, receiving training and implementing positive interventions to schoolage children and teens, we need your talents and skills. We are in search of professional, therapeutic foster parents who are willing to make a commitment to the children of Alaska by providing a stable home environment. For more information, please call or email our Foster Care Recruiter, Ernestina D. Olivares, at 907-222-2331 or eolivares@denalifs.org.
www.ValleyArtsAlliance.com Valley Arts Alliance, bringing the community together through the arts... We are a place for both new and established artists of all types— painters, sculptors, musicians, and those involved in the performing arts—to network and to experiment with new ideas and media. We work with local libraries, schools, museums, art councils, and music and art groups to create more venues for the arts, and to help promote art related events. Join us at our informal weekly meetings, every Thursday @ 11 at Sophia’s Cafe, 9191 E Frontage Road, Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Check out our archives www.ValleyArtsAlliance.com
Mat-Su Health Foundation
healthymatsu.org (907) 352-2863 The Mat-Su Health Foundation offers financial and strategic support to well-managed 501(c)(3) organizations that offer services and practical solutions to significant health-related problems impacting the citizens of the Mat-Su Borough. The foundation also offers academic and vocational scholarships to Mat-Su residents who wish to pursue health and wellness related careers.
COMMUNITY: Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) Charitable Foundation www.mea.coop/mea-in-the-community/round-up meacontact@mea.coop 907-761-9300 Since 2011, the MEA Charitable Foundation has given grants to fund projects impacting libraries, playgrounds, seniors, veterans, recycling, at-risk youth, and much more. In 2019, MEA Charitable Foundation reached over $1,000,000 in contributions to the community with Operation RoundUp® Program! Organizational grants are capped at $10,000, individual grants are capped at $2,500. Please remember to check our website for requirements and submit your completed application — including financials!
Valley Community for Recycling Solutions www.valleyrecycling.org (907) 745-5544 RECYCLING: Be part of the solution. DROP OFF: The community recycling center is located at 9465 E Chanlyut Circle, next to the MSB Animal Shelter at the Central Landfill. Follow the smells. HOURS: Drive through drop-off is open Tues – Fri 10:30 to 6:00 and Sat 10:00 to 3:30. Recycle cardboard, aluminum cans, magazines, this newspaper and more. Remember to REDUCE, REUSE, and then RECYCLE! ONLINE: Visit our website for more details, follow us on Facebook. To learn more, visit our classroom. Volunteer opportunities available. Make a difference in your community!
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: Mat-Su Regional Adult Basic Education (Nine Star) MatsuAdultEd@ninestar.com (907) 373-7833 Mat-Su ABE provides basic education in math, language arts and English as a second language (ESL), aiming to raise student skills beyond the high-school level in order to pass tests like the GED, enter training programs or college, and advance on the job. Enrollment is open to all adult residents of Alaska, year-round. Youth Employment for ages 16-24 not in school -- get a job, keep a job, advance on the job. Nine Star 300 N Willow 373-3006 (in the MYHouse building)
FAITH: Valley Interfaith Action (VIA) www.valleyinterfaithaction.org (907) 230-1006 To address quality of life issues for all residents of the Mat-Su Borough, utilizing the faith values of our members, developing community-wide interest and mobilization around quality of life issues. Through training, leaders address community problems by providing forums for discussion, researching alternative solutions, and working as facilitators with residents and leaders for institutional change.
HOMELESS YOUTH: Mat-Su Youth Housing (MY HOUSE) myhousematsu.org (907) 373-4357 MY House is a homeless youth drop in center with two for-profit businesses that train and employ homeless youth. Gathering Grounds Cafe is a coffee shop with homemade soups, sandwiches, salads and baked goods. Steamdriven is a trendy thrift shop featuring Steampunk items made from repurposed donations by our youth designers. Fiend2Clean and Young People in Recovery offer support for substance abuse recovery with activities and events. We offer transitional housing for qualified 18-24 year olds, Outreach services to connect homeless youth, organizations and groups to services, and access to Public Health and NineStar job/education services on site.
SOCIAL ADVOCACY: Wasilla Homeless-Committee www.wasillahomeless-committee.org (907) 521-2949 Wasilla Homeless-Committee is a 100% volunteer organization funded by private donations and regular fundraising events. Our sole purpose is to assist the homeless, those at risk of homelessness, and others who do not meet the criteria for help that is required by other advocacy agencies in the valley. Wasilla Homeless-Committee provides case management, housing search assistance, move in assistance, job search assistance, clothing, furniture, help with transportation, and resource guidance for homeless and disenfranchised in the Mat-Su Valley. Visit our website for application, or call 907521-2949. Find us on Facebook facebook.com/ wasillahomelesscommitteepage
THE WELL OF HOPE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Meetings on the First Monday of Each Month @ 5 PM Fairview Loop Baptist Church wellofhopeflbc@gmail.com HAPPY RUN Every Monday - 6 PM Active Soles Performance Footwear 642 S Alaska St. Ste. #209, Palmer FREE Event - (907) 746-0600 activesoles@mtaonline.net MAT-SU CIVIL AIR PATROL MEETING Every Monday - 6:30 PM Mat-Su Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol Church of Christ 1125 E Majestic View Cr. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 240-7888 605271@akwg.cap.gov 4TH MONDAY RECITAL/TALK The fourth Monday of every month Sally shares highlights from her 40 years of teaching. Hitchcock Piano Studio 950 W Edinborough Drive FREE EVENT (907) 745-3134 TOASTMASTERS PUBLIC SPEAKING EVENT Every Tuesday - 6PM Toastmasters International, Palmer MTA Sports Center 1507 N Double B St. Palmer FREE Event palmer.toastmastersclubs.org GEEKS WHO DRINK PUB QUIZ Every Tuesday - 7PM Tailgaters Sports Bar & Grill 161 W Parks Hwy. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 376-1314 www.tailgatersak.com tailgatersak@gmail.com HAZMAT DAYS Every Wed & Sat – 10 AM to 3 PM Mat-Su Borough Central Landfill Hazardous Waste Facility 1201 N 49th State St, Palmer (907) 861-7600 matsugov.us/services-andrates#Hazardous%20Materials MAT-SU VALLEY PEER SUPPORT NETWORK GROUP MEETINGS Every other Wednesday - 6 PM Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC) Lake View Professional Building 851 E Westpoint Dr. Ste. #306, Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 306-0041 PALMER COMMUNITY YOGA Every Wednesday - 7 PM Level Seven Spiritual Center 439 W Elmwood Ave. Palmer FREE Event - (907) 357-8614 levelsevensc@gmail.com levelsevensc.com VETERAN’S HOUR Every 2nd Wed of Each Month – 3 PM Primrose Retirement Community Gardenside Café 889 N. Elkhorn Dr 907-373-5500 WEEKLY PAINTING SESSIONS Every Thursday – 1 PM Valley Community Recycling Solutions (VCRS), Valley Arts Alliance Valley Community Recycling Solutions (VCRS) 9465 E Chanlyut Cir. Palmer FREE Admission valleyartsalliance.com
WOMEN’S CELEBRATE RECOVERY 12 STEP GROUP Every Thursday – 6:30 PM Celebrate Recovery Church on the Rock 619 E Scott Road, Palmer (907) 982-0400 THAI CHI Every Thursday - 6:30 PM Level Seven Spiritual Center 439 W Elmwood Ave. Palmer FREE Event - (907) 357-8614 levelsevensc@gmail.com levelsevensc.com MAT-SU COMMUNITY CHORUS REHEARSAL NIGHTS Every Thursday - 7 PM Mat-Su Community Chorus Wasilla High School’s Choir Room 701 E Bogard Rd. Wasilla Cost: FREE Admission, $45 Long-term Membership Fee matsucommunitychorus.org CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP Every 3rd Thursday Each Month Primrose Retirement Community 889 N. Elkhorn Dr (907) 746-3413 OULA DANCE FITNESS Every Friday - 7:30 AM Level Seven Spiritual Center 439 W Elmwood Ave. Palmer FREE Event - (907) 357-8614 levelsevensc@gmail.com levelsevensc.com OULA.ONE (YOGA-DANCE-FITNESS) Every Friday - 9 AM Level Seven Spiritual Center 439 W Elmwood Ave. Palmer FREE Event - (907) 357-8614 levelsevensc@gmail.com levelsevensc.com DEPOT VENDOR MARKET Every Friday – 10 AM Depot Vendor Market Palmer Train Depot 610 S Valley Way, Palmer (907) 232-4129 NATIONAL RECOVERY MONTH Sept 1-30, 2019 MY House (907) 841-2794 NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTH Sept 1-30, 2019 MY House (907) 841-2794 ALCOHOL INK PUMPKINS 9/17/19 – 7 PM - 8:30 PM Paint Nights with Sara Four Corners Lounge 8000 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy, Palmer $50 Per Person paintwithsara.com 2019 WRITERS AND ILLUSTRATORS CONFERENCE Sept 20 & 21 Friday 8 AM - 6 PM Saturday 8 AM - 4:30 PM SCBWI, AWG, and RWA BP Energy Center 1014 Energy Court, Anchorage alaskawritersguild.com/writers-conference
FREE CLOTHING GIVEAWAY Sept 20 & 21, 2019 – 9 AM Wasilla Community Church 701 S Seward Meridian Pkwy, Wasilla (907) 376-1565 wasillachurch.org MYTH, MEANING AND MAGIC BULLETS IN ATTACHMENT THEORY 9/21/19 – 8 AM Alaska Attachment & Bonding Associates Mat-Su Resort-Everett’s 1850 E Bogard Rd, Wasilla (907) 376-0366 www.akattachment.org SCBWI JURIED ART SHOW 9/21/2019 – 8 AM Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators BP Energy Center 1014 Energy Court, Anchorage alaska.scbwi.org/2019-juried-art-show-andportfolio-display 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! 9/21/19 – 11 AM - 5 PM Wood & Wire Guitars & Music 101 W Arctic Ave #7, Palmer Door Prizes, Live Music & More! Find us on Facebook! @woodandwiregandm NORTHERN LIGHTS VALLEY KNITTERS GUILD MEETING 9/21/2019 – 1 PM Northern Lights Valley Knitters Meridian Point Building 865 N. Seward Meridian Pkwy (907) 795-9275 MEMBERSHIP MEETING EVERYONE IS INVITED! 9/21/2019 – 2 PM Alaska Rock Garden Society Eagle River Elks Lodge 17111 N Eagle River Loop Rd, Eagle River (907) 354-5660 akrockgardensociety.org NERVIS REX LAST SHOW OF SUMMER 2019! 9/21/19 – 7 PM - 10 PM Nervis Rex Palmer Alehouse 320 E Dahlia St, Palmer FALL PREVENTION DAY 9/23/2019 – 10 AM Wasilla Area Seniors Inc Wasilla Area Seniors Inc. meeting room 1301 S Century Cir, Wasilla (907) 376-3104 wasillaseniors.com ADVANCED KNITTING CLASSES SERIES 9/24 & 10/08, 2019 – 2 PM Senior Education Wasilla Senior Center 1301 S Century Cir, Wasilla ANCHORAGE’S PREMIER FASHION SHOW! 9/27/2019 – 6 PM TrendAK 2019 Ted Stevens International Airport- Alaska Railroad Terminal 5000 W. International Airport Rd., Anchorage (651) 212-969 trendak2019.ticketleap.com/trendak2019/ EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXPO 9/28/2019 – 10 AM - 3 PM Mat-Su Local Emergency Planning Committee Menard Sports Center 1001 S Clapp St, Wasilla (907) 861-8316 matsugov.us/departments/emergency-services
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH Oct 1-31, 2019 MY House (907) 841-2794 BULLY PREVENTION MONTH Oct 1-31, 2019 MY House (907) 841-2794 PALMER ALEHOUSE OctFEST 10/05/19 – 12 PM - 10 PM Palmer Alehouse 320 E Dahlia St, Palmer Find us on Facebook! @palmeralehouse THE GREAT ALASKA BEER TRAIN 10/05/2019 – 4 PM Alaska Railroad Historic Anchorage Depot 411 W 1st Ave, Anchorage (800) 544-0552 alaskarailroad.com/ride-a-train/event-trains/ great-alaska-beer-train STRIDE Fundraising Event: ‘Margaritas and Mustangs’ 10/05/2019 – 6:30 PM Southcentral Therapeutic Riding Chepo’s 731 W Parks Hwy, Wasilla (907) 373-7716 stridealaska.org CHILI CHILI BANG BANG CHILI COOK OFF 10/11/2019 – 6 PM Valley Republican Women of AK Palmer Train Depot 610 S Valley Way, Palmer (907) 841-6604 HOLIDAY MARKET 10/12/2019 – 10 AM Good Shepherd Lutheran Church WELCA Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 501 E Bogard Rd, Wasilla (907) 376-3522 goodshepluth.org ALASKA DAY DINNER 10/12/2019 – 6 PM Wasilla-Knik Historical Society Palmer Elks Lodge 2600 N Barrys Resort Dr, Wasilla (907) 376-2005 wkhsociety.org NORTHERN LIGHTS VALLEY KNITTERS GUILD MEETING 10/19/2019 – 1 PM Northern Lights Valley Knitters Meridian Point Building 865 N. Seward Meridian Pkwy (907) 795-9275 LIPGLOSS & LEADERSHIP 10/21/19 – 10 AM – 6:30 PM Alaska Businesswomen’s Network Settler’s Bay Lodge 5801 S Knik Goose Bay Rd, Wasilla alaskabn.com/members
Contributed by Sam Dinges, Executive Director of Palmer Museum of History and Art Untold Stories returns October 27th, and we need you to share a story! Our theme this year is “Blue tarps, xtratufs, and duct tape: stories of hunkering down, wading through, and patching up.” For most, the experience of living in Alaska creates these stories organically, and we are excited to provide a platform to share!
Held quarterly, Untold Stories is a program hosted by the Palmer Museum of History and Art to capture and share local stories. Seven storytellers each share a seven-minute tale on a theme chosen by our storytelling committee. Stories to make you laugh, cry, and reflect on good times gone by. Interested in sharing a story? Submit yours at www.palmermuseum. org/untold-stories. The deadline for submissions is the end of September. Storytellers selected are required to
attend two rehearsals on the evenings of October 16th and 23rd. Each event typically features a mix of veteran and novice storytellers, and we love the diversity! So, whether you’re a longstanding campfire bard or a newcomer with a tale to tell, send us a brief outline for a chance to take the stage in October! Tickets for this event will be available starting October 1st at Fireside Books, B Bella’s Salon, and the Palmer Museum.
Community Pipes & Drums and is regarded by the band as a fun way to “get this party started,” at the beginning of our performance season.
Contributed by Richard Christiansen
MID-SEP 2019
‘The Rumbledethumps Concert’ promises to deliver yet again a brilliant evening of entertainment by an award-winning local Pipe Band, with piping and drumming from the entire ensemble, as well as solos, and smaller groups of pipers and drummers within the band. What a great way to spend an Alaska autumn evening! Based in Eagle River, Alaska Celtic Pipes & Drums are very active in the greater Anchorage area, the MatanuskaSusitna Valley, and throughout SouthCentral Alaska, and have great fun teaching, performing, and competing. ‘The Rumblethumps Concert’ is one of several community concerts presented throughout the state by Alaska Celtic
Prepare to be amazed! If you love bagpipes or pipe bands this Concert is a must-see! The band are prior winners in Pipe Band Competition at the Alaska Scottish Highland Games, and several members have won solo awards in piping and drumming, both here at home, and internationally! Admission is free, but donations are always sincerely appreciated, with proceeds to benefit Alaska Celtic Pipes & Drums’ Education Fund, and the church youth group. Contact the band via email at jungstensgericht@yahoo. com , or phone at 907-315-9838. Phenomenal! Mark your Calendars – Alaska Celtic Pipes & Drums present ‘the Rumblethumps Concert’ at 7:00 PM on Saturday, October 5th, at St John Lutheran Church, 440 E. Elmwood Avenue, in Palmer (on the corner of Elmwood and S. Eklutna St; 3 blocks East of the Palmer Library).
the pioneer spirit of Alaska that built our State was still alive and well, as vendors gladly assisted each other whenever needed. Most didn’t even know the person they were helping at times. Although each vendor had his or her own work to finish, no one was ever too busy to turn away a neighbor in need. Then as the Fair entered full swing, vendors encouraged each other daily in the morning when they saw their neighbor was tired or a little discouraged from the long hours of work with little sleep. Even Fair employees were wonderful and encouraging. Many vendors encouraged Fair employees too. Contributed by Sharon Aubrey
As booths were set up, unforeseen problems arose from broken support beams to wind-torn awnings around the Fair. It was heartwarming to see
Often times our nation gains a glimpse of its pioneer spirit when our independence and strength combine in unity to aid those in need after a natural disaster or a massive attack, but rarely do we get to view the gentle workings of this spirit on a daily basis for weeks without a substantial negative external force motivating our response. The beauty of quiet collaboration without demand was beyond encouraging. It spoke to the core of Alaskan society, where people are genuinely filled with integrity,
friendship, and a sincere willingness to help each other thrive. This more than anything else has given me a deeper appreciation of what the State Fair means to Palmer and Alaska in general. Beyond the fun, food, music and new sights to see or experience, there is a link in our community exemplified by the Fair. We have a bond of respect for each other and our diversities that is not easily broken. What a beautiful gift the Fair offers Alaskans, a chance to come together in celebration of all that we are. Yes, the Fair is a lot of work and often traffic can be annoying, but its benefits far outweigh any inconvenience. If you haven’t been to the State Fair in a while or think that the Fair has the same old things, I challenge you to come and see it next year. Fair employees like Alice, who handles recycling, or Darlene, who cleans the women’s restroom, will change your mind, or maybe you will have the blessing to meet one of the many gardeners who tend the
grounds with love and great attention to detail or the administrators who carefully cultivate the positive atmosphere among employees, vendors, entertainers, and patrons. Wherever you look, the State Fair is filled with the Pioneering Spirit of Alaska and is encouraging. The Alaskan Book Booth was honored to have been part of the 2019 State Fair. Sponsored by Alaska Magazine, Best Beginnings & Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, and Relevant Publishers LLC, our Book Booth had thirty-five different Alaskan authors share their books representing a variety of genres. We extend a big thank you to everyone involved, from Fair employees to our fellow vendors to all the visitors who attend. THANK YOU! We are eagerly looking forward to the blessings the 2020 Fair will bring our community.
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Like many Alaskans, I’ve attended the State Fair in Palmer for decades, and about two decades ago also worked it as an employee. However, this year I had the honor to host the Alaskan Book Booth at the Fair and experience new insight into the amazing intricacies and collaborations that make up this visiting tiny village. Long before the walkways are packed with happy children and excited adults, State Fair employees have been hard at work for months to bring us creative products, events, and music. This year, the Fair had a variety of new vendors like myself, who were able to participate alongside veteran vendors like Tammy and Bill of the Antique Shop and Susan of the Arctic Pups Dog Gear booths beside us. We are so thankful for the long-term vendors who help us newbies out.
After the Fair, when people were worn out the most and tearing down their booths, vendors continued to extend kindness, generosity, and a helping hand towards others. I witnessed several people rush to the aid of a fellow vendor when his grill fell halfway off a trailer or when others needed an extra hand to load something or borrow a tool. The spirit of unity permeated the Fair more refreshing than the mountain winds blowing around us.
Contributed by Garry Forrester Say the name MAMMA MIA and most people are immediately familiar with the very popular movie, its very successful sequel, and the original stage version. MAMMA MIA is the story of an independent hotelier in the Greek islands that is preparing for her daughter’s wedding with the help of two old friends. Meanwhile Sophie, the spirited bride, has a plan – she secretly invites three men from her mother’s past in hopes of meeting her real father and having him escort her down the aisle on her big day. Surprise reunions and funny reactions galore are a hallmark of this very popular musical production.
MID-SEP 2019
Valley Performing Arts’ brings the Broadway sensation to the Valley in a big way. Over forty talented local vocalists, artists and musicians will bring this acclaimed musical to the Glenn Massay Theater on the Mat‐Su College Campus. With wonderful
scenic designs, including digital backdrops, and colorful costumes galore, you’ll believe that you’ve been transported to the Greek Isles to enjoy some fun in the sun. All of the best‐ loved ABBA songs are there as well…” Dancing Queen”, “S.O.S.”, “Mamma Mia” and much, much more! On the sea or on the beach, this show is one you won’t want to miss. Mamma Mia opens September 20th and runs through October 6th. Ticket prices are $25 Regular Admission, $23 Seniors 65+/Students 18 and younger. The production will be at The Glenn Massay Theater on the Mat‐Su College Campus, 8295 E. College Drive, off of Trunk Road in Palmer. Call VPA at 373‐0195, visit our website www.valleyperformingarts.org, or come by the office, Monday through Friday 9AM to 3PM to purchase your tickets. Be sure to follow us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/Valley‐Performing‐ Arts. #valleyperformingartsAK
Contributed by Carmen Summerfield
sionally broadcast live by Radio Free Palmer on 89.5 FM.
Would you like to hear stories about the best, the worst, and the silliest of everyday living in Alaska?
So, mark your calendar! The Wasilla episode of the Valley Arts Alliance “Alaska Home Companion – A Frontier Variety Show!” will be broadcast at 7pm on Saturday, October 12, 2019, at the Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry in Wasilla. Tickets are $15 and are available at the door. A cash bar will be open during the event.
Coming to you Saturday, October 12, from the historic Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry (MATI) next to Wasilla International Airport, the 2019 Premier Episode of “The Alaska Home Companion – A Frontier Variety Show!” MATI is our favorite Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry, and “The Alaska Home Companion – A Frontier Variety Show!” is the Valley Arts Alliance rendition of a live radio broadcast from the golden age of radio, with skits, music, and dance acts, similar to the popular Prairie Home Companion radio show on NPR.
The Sutton episode of the Valley Arts Alliance “Alaska Home Companion – A Frontier Variety Show!” will be broadcast at 7pm on a Saturday in November (stay tuned for the exact date) at the Sutton Public Library. Suggested donation is $15. To see exciting scenes of these episodes, visit our Archive Pages at www. ValleyArtsAlliance.com.
For those of you who haven’t seen or heard one of our episodes, “The Alaska Home Companion – A Frontier Variety Show!” features interesting stories by Alaskans about the best, the worst, and the silliest of everyday living in Alaska. In previous episodes, we heard from The Roving Reporter, Mom and Louie, and Guy d’North, as well as news from Lake Willowa, Mukluk Radio, and Coffee Talk. MID-SEP 2019
The 2019 season is our seventh year producing “The Alaska Home Companion – A Frontier Variety Show!”, and we will continue with new music and dance acts, occasional impersonations of local celebrities, and will be occa-
Contributed by Greg Wade Little Blue Suitcase was a Mother-son acoustic duo from Alaska, that sang old favorites and originals. Patricia toted her music in a little blue suitcase for over 45 years, which inspired the name of our group and the title track of our one and only studio album. The music was recorded in 2008, but not released online until August 17, 2019, on what would’ve been my mom, Patricia’s 74th birthday. My name is Greg Wade. I’m Patricia Wade’s firstborn. My beloved mother passed away in July of 2014 and she is missed more than words can express. I know she was so proud of this album. She’d tell me how much she enjoyed listening to it in her car as she traveled back and forth from Palmer to Anchorage. She especially liked playing it for her one and only little grandchild while driving her around. Mom and I would sing together for fun from as far back as I can remember. It was always fairly brief and sometimes years in between, but definitely fun and enjoyable each time we had the chance to get together. A few years before we decided to devote much time and energy to our “Little Blue Suitcase” duo, mom and I recorded several songs on my tape recorder, from song books she had created of old songs, especially used for our family sing-alongs from when I was a child. (and in hopes to help the kids in the Ya Ne Dah Ah School learn the songs better).
years later we would actually work-up a good amount of songs and perform around at different venues, then go into the recording studio and record our own album. Those most certainly were big dreams come true. From about 2006 to 2010, we had great fun performing our music at local venues in Anchorage, Wasilla and Palmer. Those are such special memories that I will cherish forever. This album had been kept in storage for many years. But after much contemplation, the decision was made to finally put this CD online. I’d like to think mom is pleased and smiling real big to finally have our music out in the world. I was so pleasantly surprised and very grateful to see that the CDBaby staff picked our CD as one of their favorites! You can find the CD here: https://store. cdbaby.com/cd/littlebluesuitcase. Thank you, everyone! – Greg In Loving Memory of My Wonderful Mother, Patricia Mae Wade August 17, 1945 - July 31, 2014
MID-SEP 2019
We recorded songs such as, “Michael, Row the Boat Ashore,” “The Sound of Silence,” “Cool Water” and “Puff, the Magic Dragon,” just to name a few. Back then I never imagined only a few
MID-SEP 2019
Poetry & Prose
Almost immediately upon hearing that many of my friends, a few ‘fans’, and associates whom I’ve garnered over 41 years of performing along Alaska’s road systems (especially the Parks Highway) had lost their homes or business or were about to, I HAD to jump into high gear once again and try to figure out HOW to possibly help. A musical fundraiser is always first in mind, as some people would prefer to attend an event instead of just sending money somewhere. And putting together such an event to HELP someone is a natural instinct in me, a force of the universe, a divine intervention that overtakes my current personal situations and somehow manages to guide me to gather the posse of people needed to help pull it all together, especially in a short amount of time.
Contributed by Andrea Noble, Chief Executive Administrator Alaska Arts and Culture Foundation
be awarded to individual artists working in visual art, film, digital and media arts. The fellowships are funded through the Connie Boochever Endowment and the Alaska Arts and Culture Foundation. The Connie Boochever Fellowship was established in 2001 by her family to honor and reflect the spirited passion of the arts Mrs. Boochever consistently demonstrated. Connie Boochever was an avid performer, director, and producer of community theatre and a lifelong patron and advocate of the arts. Her crusading efforts gave the arts a voice in Alaska’s government and she played a key role in advocating for passage of legislation that created the Percent for Art in Public Places program. Connie’s legacy can be seen in art installed in public buildings around the state.
We DO get by with a little help from our friends, even if we haven’t met them yet. THAT is the theme of this event I believe, the ‘Heart of Alaska’ coming together through the unforeseen adversity to put out the flames and put on the love gloves and get busy!
The Alaska Literary Awards were established in 2014 by the Alaska Arts and Culture Foundation, through a generous gift from Peggy Shumaker and Joe Usibelli, to recognize and support writers of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, playwriting, screenwriting, and mixed genres. A select number of $5,000 awards will be awarded this year. Any Alaska writer over the age of 18 who is not a full-time student is eligible to apply. Quality of the work submitted is the primary consideration in determining who receives the awards. The Alaska Arts & Culture Foundation strives to develop resources and provide services to support the arts in Alaska and advance the mission of the Alaska State Council on the Arts. https://www.akarts.org/ (907) 269-6605
MID-SEP 2019
The Alaska Arts and Culture Foundation, in partnership with the Alaska State Council on the Arts (ASCA), is pleased to announce the application period is now open for the 2019 Connie Boochever Artist Fellowship and the Alaska Literary Awards. The deadline for both applications is Friday October 11, 2019 at 9:59pm AKDT. Applications are on www.callforentry.org The Connie Boochever Artist Fellowship awards recognize and support Alaska emerging artists of exceptional talent. Every other year the fellowships alternate between the performing arts and the visual arts. In the 2019 cycle, a select number of $2,500 fellowships will
Those ‘forces’ become sources that escalate into a magnitude of incredible humanitarianism though the network of pure and honest devotion to helping someone without expectation of return favors or profit. I was grateful beyond words and emotion when I was graced with the generosity of many Alaskans, starting with Josh Fryfogle & Make A Scene Magazine, who put together a special benefit over 9 years ago for me when I was enduring hip replacements without having insurance, along with living alone and going through a divorce, and many Alaskans jumped on that bandwagon and traveled many miles to help and participate! I still feel the ongoing support and love, and many of those people are already involved with helping with this upcoming “Fun-Raiser” to help generate a few more dollars for the fire victims so close to winter time.
Contributed by LuLu Small
When I put the word out on my Facebook page, almost immediately people started responding, starting with Michele Stevens from the Petersville Community non-profit, who has been doing a LOT of ‘footwork’ including but not limited to securing the building, and gathering MANY other major corporate donations, along with traveling even more miles to get the word out. I have called upon my musical pals in the valley (and a few from Anchorage) who are more than happy to donate their time on a Friday night. Visiting relatives of Alaskans have even offered to help, as well as the plethora of volunteers already signing up!
Contributed by Drewcilla Holifield ‘Frightfully Delightful’ Concert 10/12/19 – 7:30 PM Mat-Su Concert Band Glenn Massay Theater 8295 E College Dr, Palmer $20 general admission & $5 for students Children under 5 FREE The Mat-Su Concert Band will bring the spooky soundtrack of October to the stage at a fall concert that combines popular favorites with scary-sounding classical pieces.
MID-SEP 2019
The “Frightfully Delightful” concert is at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12 at the Glenn Massay Theater at Mat-Su College. Tickets are $20 for general admission and $5 for students. Children under 5 get in free. Tickets can be purchased online at www.matsuconcertband.org. The concert goes to the movies with “The Complete Harry Potter” arranged by Jerry Brubaker, which incorporates themes from all eight movies about the boy with special powers from the series of popular fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling. The music, composed by John Williams and others, evokes the world of magic and wizarding. The band will also play music from Danny Elfman’s soundtrack for “The Nightmare Before Christmas”, a stopmotion animated dark fantasy that incorporates the worlds of Halloween Town and Santa Claus. The soundtrack incorporates lyrical melodies with jarring themes. It was nominated for
a 1993 Golden Globe for best original score. A selection in a more classical vein, “Danse Macabre” by Camille SaintSaens was written in 1874 as a tone poem for orchestra based on a dark French superstition about the dead beckoned from their graves to dance while Death fiddles in a frenzied waltz before they vanish at dawn when the rooster crows. Another classical piece from the program is “Night on the Bare Mountain” by Modest Mussorgsky. Many are familiar with the ominous swirling runs of notes from a version performed in the 1940 Disney classic “Fantasia.” A witches’ Sabbath was the inspiration for Mussorgsky’s creation, completed in 1867. Other selections scheduled to be performed include “March of the Trolls” by Edvard Grieg; “Abracadabra” by Frank Ticheli; “October” by Eric Whitacre; and “March Diabolique” by Brian Balmages. Mat-Su Concert Band got its start in 1984 as the Mat-Su Community Band, formed by Matanuska Music owner Hank Hartman. Other directors have included Neil Long and Phil Munger. Current director, Gleo Huyck, is a retired music educator and private instructor. Under Huyck’s baton, the band performs a wide-ranging selection of challenging music. The band this season numbers about 70 amateur musicians who assemble every Monday night for rehearsals at Teeland Middle School.
Contributed by Janice Downing Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska’s Memory Café is a place where you can listen to music, enjoy a cup of coffee, laugh and relax. This environment is part of our Neighborhood Memory Café. Nationwide Memory Cafés help people living with dementia, their care partners, family and friends to feel appreciated, have fun, and enjoy happy memories in an enriching environment. Music and other forms of art have a way of bringing people together and create a sense of connection and community which is often missing in our lives. At our Memory Café, time is spent socializing and enjoying the talents of local artists. There are few things that stimulate the brain the way music does. Research suggests that listening to or singing songs can provide emotional benefits for people living with dementia. Musical memories are often preserved
Community because key brain areas linked to musical memory are relatively undamaged by the disease. People living with dementia may lose the ability to express themselves verbally, but may sing with great joy upon hearing a familiar song. Music also benefits care partners by reducing stress and increasing relaxation and socialization. The best part of a café is that it offers something fun for care partners to do with their loved one. It is also beneficial for Personal Care Attendants and Home Health Aides to participate in these activities with their clients who have dementia. It is always heart-warming to see café guests holding hands, smiling and singing along.
Our Neighborhood Memory Café meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 1:00 – 2:30 at the Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc. located at 1301 S. Century Circle in Wasilla. We are very grateful for the use of their facility. Our organization also has a new Memory Café in Anchorage. They meet at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center every 2nd Thursday of the month from 1:00 – 2:30.
Music makes magic happen! Please come and join us!
charge for kids 12 and under. Bring your whole family and all your friends for an opportunity to dance the day away. Enjoy many fabulous lunch and dinner choices at The Albatross Restaurant and at the same time, help sustain YOUR local recycling center, while listening to some of the best music the Valley has to offer.
events occur, such as equipment failures. With its building and new baler, VCRS is ready and able to handle much more cleaned and sorted material than the amount it now collects – so it can meet the demands of the Valley’s rapid growth for years to come, making it a great investment in our community’s economic future as well as its environmental health and beauty!
VCRS recently launched the Sustain Campaign to raise money that will serve as a financial safety net, covering operations when the markets experience a downturn (as they are right now), as well as when unexpected
Visit our website at valleyrecycling. org for more information, find us on Facebook, and feel free to share this information far and wide. This is truly a Music Festival for the long-term good of all…
If you are a local artist or band and would like to contribute your talents – We would love to hear from you! For more information about our Neighborhood Memory Café please contact Janice Downing at Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska (907) 864-3408 or by email: jdowning@alzalaska.org
Our door is open to guests who have not been diagnosed, do not accept their diagnosis, or simply need a break from thinking about it. I call it a “safety bubble place” because as a rule of thumb we don’t raise the topic of dementia unless asked.
Music Contributed by Randi Perlman Recycle Revival 09/28/19 – 12 PM - 9PM VCRS - Sustain Campaign Settlers Bay Golf Course 7307 S Frontier Dr, Wasilla Admission: $15 Kids 12 & Under Free
On Saturday, September 28, stop by the Albatross Restaurant at scenic Settlers Bay Golf Course for a full day of local music while supporting the Sustain Campaign of Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS). This all-day Music Fest will feature a plethora of beloved local talent, including Diana Z, Denali Cooks, Braided River, Forest Never Sleeps, Roland Roberts Trio, Super Saturated Sugar Strings, and more! The music will play from noon to 10pm, so come by anytime. Admission to this day-long event is $15 – no
MID-SEP 2019
Fall is in the air! Cool, colorful days beckon us on a walk along our beautiful Valley trails, crisp, tasty apples beg to be baked into delectable goodies, and the scent of wood smoke begins to waft from chimneys. What better time to gather for a celebration of great music AND recycling in the Mat-