The People's Paper November 2019

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Contributed by Mark Austin After many decades of dreaming, years of planning and fundraising, and an incredible summer of building the Colony Barn at the Musk Ox Farm is ready to open its doors to the public. In 1986 the project moved onto the property that had originally been the Lentz family farm, just outside of Palmer. The Musk Ox Farm occupied the lower level of the original Colony barn where visitors have been welcomed to the property ever since. The hayloft above remained inaccessible, uninsulated, and partially exposed to the elements. The dream was to create warm, dry, year-round workshop, studio, and classroom space; what has been created is so much more. The gambrel roof was carefully removed from the old structure and set in the parking lot to be brought back into plumb and square after eight-and-a-half decades of wind, earthquakes, and frost heaving.

The building below had begun to show its age. The original log structure was deteriorating and the unreinforced concrete foundation that it had been moved onto at some point in its history was cracked and failing. The plans were to raze the space below to make way for an efficient 21st century building while planning for the old gambrel roof to resume its perch back on top. The new visitor reception, gift shop, and museum are a stunning sight to see. The space is open and airy, and welcomes visitors to spend some time exploring. The farm offices have moved inside this building as well where heating with wood will no longer be required-a huge leap forward in professional capacity. The crown jewel of the project remains the original hayloft of the Colony barn. Walking up the stairs or taking the silo ensconced elevator brings the visitor into this historic gem. Entering the hayloft is like walking back eighty-five years. The gorgeous old-growth Douglas fir

trusses and ceilings are truly awe inspiring. There are modern touches in the lighting, the siding on the pony wall, and the flooring, but the original beauty is absolutely captivating. Filtered light from the original barn wood walls enters the space through a full-length glass curtain wall, allowing the occupants to enjoy from the comfort inside. Step out onto the large deck and take in the beautiful pastures dotted with musk oxen stretching to the tree line with the majestic Chugach mountains framing the incredible view to the south. ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22, THE MUSK OX FARM WILL WELCOME THE COMMUNITY FOR THE FIRST PUBLIC PEEK AT THIS INCREDIBLE ADDITION TO THE MAT SU VALLEY. From 1pm until 7pm the doors will be open for all to come see. There will be a formal ribbon-cutting at 3pm with some brief words to commemorate the new, old, Colony Barn.

Prophetic Art Show at Humdingers Pizza MORE ON PAGE 9 OF MAKE A SCENE MAGAZINE

COMMUNITY Contributed by Ailis Vann, Greater Palmer Chamber of Commerce Join us the weekend of December 13th, 14th and 15th for Colony Christmas 2019. This spectacular celebration of both our winter holidays and our rich heritage is sure to bring a warmth of spirit that even a cold Palmer wind can’t beat! Stroll through our delightful winter garden, warm up with a hot meal at one of our fine local eateries, and take care of that pesky holiday shopping list with unique local gifts purveyed at our renowned craft fairs or any one of our amazing small businesses.

A variety of intriguing activities will be hosted throughout Palmer to entertain the young and the youngat-heart. Crafts? We have you covered. Concerts? You bet we have them! We’ll even have a 5ishk, so you can get your exercise in and justify all of the delicious holiday sweets you’ll find. And don’t miss your opportunity with Santa or the Matanuska Maid! Both will be in attendance, so don’t miss your chance to get a photo with either. We’ll have pony rides, horsedrawn carriage rides and reindeer appearances...oh my! Keep the spirit going at the 2019 Parade of Lights, powered by MEA, which will be full of the community’s

Originally built in 1964, the multiuse motorsports park will become a member of the Northwest Division. Alaska Raceway Park, owned and operated by Earl and Karen Lackey and Michelle Lackey Maynor, sits about 42 miles northeast of Anchorage, Alaska. As part of the track’s new agreement with NHRA, Alaska Raceway Park will be adding additional facility and safety features.

Contributed by Michelle Lackey Maynor, Alaska Raceway Park NHRA announced RECENTLY that Alaska Raceway Park, located in Palmer, Alaska, has signed on as a new Division 6 NHRA member track.

Contributed by Glenn Butts, “The Dude” The Toy Drive was designed by a group of caring BIKERS, from C.M.A. Midnight Son Riders ch801, also other awesome motorcycle groups, and

“The dragstrip has been there for 55 years, and we just opened the NASCAR track in 2016. NHRA is the top name in drag racing and NASCAR is the top name in oval racing, so it seemed like a good fit,” said Lackey Maynor. “We’re excited for the upcoming season. To get back to the fun part of racing. That track family atmosphere is kind of what we’re focusing on for this year.” With a season that runs from Mother’s Day weekend until Labor Day, the track will host a slate of NHRA Summit Racing Jr. Drag Racing League events during the year.

many local motorcycle shops around the Valley, and not forgetting the MANY other caring businesses that join the cause of The biker elves to help collect toys for all the different Christmas toy distribution places in the Valley.



best in all their creative glory. You won’t want to miss this chance to see what colorful and creative floats will pass by the grandstand. You’d think we’d cap the night there, but wait, there’s more! Stick around after the parade to feast your eyes on the dazzling fireworks display brought to you by BP. If you’re still craving fun, community and holiday cheer, join us at the MTA Events Tent for a 2-hour concert from Boogie Shoes. Make it a priority to bring the family to our cozy little town of Palmer and join us as we embrace the spirit of Christmas, and the spirit of our Colonists in a community celebration that’ll beat any winter’s chill. Find a schedule of events and the parade application on our website: or check out “Colony Christmas Palmer Alaska” on Facebook

Racers will also have the opportunity to compete against other racers in the division for a championship “Wally” (the official NHRA trophy) through the Land of the Leaders ET Challenge Series. “With one of the most beautiful settings a track could be located and a great group of racers, we’re very excited to have Alaska Raceway Park and its racers in the NHRA family,” said Matt Levonas, Division 6 director. As an NHRA sanctioned track, the facility will be eligible to offer racers a variety of racing opportunities, including the NHRA Summit Racing Series, the NHRA Summit Racing Jr. Drag Racing League, NHRA Jr. Street and the NHRA Drags: Street Legal Style presented by AAA. Additionally, the track will have the opportunity to host NHRA’s specialty events, including the National DRAGSTER Challenge, NHRA Summit King of the Track, and NHRA Summit Racing Jr. Drag Racing League Challenge.

Over the last many years, this cause has come down to only the TOYS FOR TOTS - Special Santa Program, because the others couldn’t continue running. And so has been strictly distributing the collected toys to the (Marines) TOYS FOR TOTS - Special Santa Program. There have been a lot of different “special” events for the toy drive over the years, the biggest and the one that is still happening - the FLY IN SANTA at The Denali Harley Davidson shop. Every year we are collecting Christmas Toys for the BIKER ELVES DRIVE - through the event that brings Santa in his personal helicopter for all the children, and then will (as long as conditions are safe) give the kids rides in the helicopter over the Valley. And they get to visit with Santa, pictures and all, plus lots of door prizes for the grownups as well. There’s always good food, great laughter, and a “TOTALLY AWESOME” time for all. And all it takes is the donation of some Christmas toys, by the parents - that will go to help other families with children in the Valley in need of Christmas gifts for their kids. This year, it will be Saturday, December 21st, from 11am-5pm. Please call DENALI HARLEY DAVIDSON for more details. So, look us up on Facebook at “BIKER ELVES TOY DRIVE” for a distribution spot near you, and help give a special moment to a child for the Christmas season. THANK YOU, AND MAY JESUS BLESS AND KEEP YOU AND YOURS SAFE IN ALL THE YEARS TO COME! - The Biker Elves Community


Contributed by Linda Meyers-Steele Community Pancake Breakfast 12/7/2019 - 9AM Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 501 E Bogard Rd. Wasilla Cost: $12 Per Person $30 Per Group of 3+ People

a good breakfast! The community pancake breakfast at Five Loaves Two Fish Kitchen Ministries of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is being served from 9:00am-12:00pm. Bring your cameras to take photos with Santa Claus between 10:00am11:30am. There will be cookie decorating activity for kids.

On Saturday, December 7th, start your Christmas shopping day with

Breakfast $12.00 each or $30.00 for three or more.

Contributed by Matthew Sheets

others. Having put this special dinner on for several years, Frontline has seen many volunteering families adopt this as a Thanksgiving Day Family Tradition. What better way to give back to the community than as a family providing a hot meal and serving others. More than 300 volunteers help make this event possible for our community.

Giving from the Heart Thanksgiving Dinner 11/28/2019 - 11AM Frontline Mission Menard Sports Center 1001 S Clapp St. Wasilla FREE Event “If we didn’t have Frontline Mission, we wouldn’t be in a good place,” said Sarah, a young mother and patron at Frontline Mission, as she shared about her family a month before the annual “Giving from the Heart Thanksgiving Dinner”. Each year, Frontline Mission holds a Thanksgiving Day dinner for anyone in the Mat-Su Valley. Many may be home alone this Thanksgiving or unable to afford a Thanksgiving meal for their family. Frontline strives to strengthen the Mat-Su Valley by being a connecting place between the less fortunate and compassionate. Frontline Mission’s Giving from the Heart Thanksgiving Dinner does just that! In 2018 Frontline Mission served almost 1,600 meals at the Menard Center in Wasilla on Thanksgiving Day, and is expecting even more to benefit from this meal in 2019. This year’s dinner will be from 11am2pm on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 28th. Through the Thanksgiving Dinner, Frontline is providing not only an opportunity for anyone in the community to have a place to go and spend time with others, but Frontline is also opening the door for people to come together as family and friends to volunteer and serve

Frontline Mission meets the needs of those in the community not only through events like the Thanksgiving Dinner, but in the day to day operations at Frontline. Every week, Frontline provides hot meals, showers, laundry, free clothing, opportunities for online job search, breakfast bags for children and food boxes for families. It is through the compassionate in the community that Frontline is able to do what they do, as they do not receive any state or federal funding. Businesses, foundations and local individuals give to Frontline Mission every month and by so doing make a lasting impact in the community. HERE IS PART OF SARAH’S STORY: John and Sarah, along with their little boy, Johnny, moved to Alaska from California just over a year ago to settle down on some land in a remote part of Alaska. Having only two suitcases and the clothes on their backs when they moved, they quickly fell on hard times. With no home on the property, John and Sarah were forced to seek a place to



All proceeds go toward the kitchen’s mission of feeding hungry people. Agencies currently being provided meals every week are MY House Teen Resource Center, Knik Houses-Men’s/ Women’s, and the Family Promise Program. We are in our sixth year of supporting homeless and people in of need of nourishment. Good food changes lives.

live until they were able to establish enough resources to build a small home on their land. Having limited clothing and resources, they heard about Frontline Mission from a friend in the community. They have been helped by the free clothes and hot meals that Frontline serves every week. It was especially important for Johnny to get the nourishment and clothes he needed to develop as a healthy child. Sarah shared, “If we didn’t have Frontline Mission, we wouldn’t be in a good place.” Sarah spoke of the warm, friendly volunteers who graciously serve and make them feel welcomed at Frontline. When the family no longer needs some of the clothes they have received from Frontline, they look to give back in whatever way they can to help others who may find themselves in a similar situation. After some time, Sarah’s mom began to suffer from failing health and had no option but to move in with John and Sarah so they could help support her. John and Sarah express the value and importance of caring for family and the elderly in our community. John shared that Sarah’s mom has been able to get her needs provided for because of the services Frontline provides. Your support also helps provide services year round. If you want to know how you can support Frontline Mission, call 357-8600 or send an email at


Contributed by Lhing McNeal 4th Annual Peace & Love Community Christmas Celebration & Potluck 12/8/2019 - 5PM Kabayan Inc. Filipino-American Community of Mat-Su Raven Hall, Alaska State Fairgrounds 2075 Glenn Hwy. Palmer Tickets: $10 Early Bird, $15 @Door How would you like to experience the Philippines right here in theMat-Su? You don’t have to travel so far to have a glimpse of our culture. Join us for our 4rth Annual Community Christmas Celebration. It’s an event for the whole family. This year, we will be covering different traditional dress from three regions of the Philippines, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and see why each region have its own unique costumes to represent. We will also have cultural dances from Alaska Federation of Filipino Americans group base from

Contributed by Jessi Curtis The U.S. Census Bureau is launching a national recruitment effort to hire approximately 1,000 temporary workers to help conduct the 2020 Census in Alaska.“We need people to apply now, so they can be considered for part-time census taker positions next spring,” said Timothy Olson, Census Bureau associate director for field operations. “Recent high school graduates, veterans, retirees, military spouses, seasonal workers and applicants who are bilingual are highly encouraged to apply. It’s important we hire people that have ties to the communities in Alaska in order to have a complete and

Contributed by Ailis Vann, Greater Palmer Chamber of Commerce Have you ever heard the quote, “When you support a small business, you’re supporting a dream?” If not, we can promise it’s true. People who start businesses are passionate, community-minded and hard-working. The life of a small business owner is a never-ending roller coaster of emotions - constant ups and downs, good news, bad news, great sales days and not so great sales days. What helps these

Contributed by Eddie Ezelle, Mat-Su Food Bank What is a food bank? I have heard on several occasions recently that someone doesn’t think the MatSu Food Bank is a “food bank”. I wish to clarify more by using the description from Feeding America’s website. “A food bank is a non-profit organization that collects and distributes food to hunger-relief charities. Food banks act as food storage and distribution


Anchorage and a dance presentation from our little ones. Experience not just the culture, but also the food. As we Filipinos gather around food and that is why it’s a potluck, we are sharing ours and your special kind of cooking to the community. Filipinos here in the Valley came from different parts of the Philippines and every one has its own unique delicacies, so prepare your taste buds. This gathering is not complete without our traditional lumpia, pansit and roasted pig lavished with lemongrass and different spices. You better come hungry. This event will also be a platform of our fundraising drive, Kabayan Cares Scholarship Program. We will be drawing the winner of our fundraising gun raffle on this event. The purpose of this scholarship is to help and provide one-time educational assistance for currently-enrolled high school seniors in the Wasilla and Palmer area.

accurate count.” Census takers will be hired to work in their communities and go door-to-door to collect responses from those who do not respond to the 2020 Census online, by phone or by mail. In certain remote areas like parts of Alaska, census takers are the only way people can respond to the 2020 Census. These positions in Alaska pay $28.00 – $31.00 per hour, and offer flexible hours, paid training and weekly paychecks. The selection process for census taker positions begins in December 2020 and will continue through April 2020. Actual enumeration of non-responding households throughout the nation begins in May through early July. Check

entrepreneurs, more than anything, is your support. Looking for a way to help? Here’s how! The Greater Palmer Chamber of Commerce works hard to promote and highlight our small businesses. One of the ways that we do this is with our “Shop Palmer” event. 2019 is the second year of this three-week-long event.


All ticket purchased will be eligible for giveaways prizes drawing. Santa will be at the event. He will handout a goodie bag for children, ages 10 and under, so make sure you send us an email to register to have enough for everyone. Every parent will have an option to bring a gift for their children for Santa to give. Come and join us and experience Philippines! Mabuhay! This event is sponsored by: Mat-Su Health Foundation, Alaska Professional Construction, Viking Mechanical, The People’s Paper & Make A Scene Magazine, Valley Radio Q99.7, 95.5 The Pass KNLT-FM, Alaska Federation of Filipino Americans, MEA (Matanuska Electric Association) and Diversified Tires. TO REGISTER KIDS, PLEASE EMAIL KABAYAN.INC.MATSU@GMAIL.COM. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES. FOR TICKET INFORMATION, TEXT OR CALL, 907-232-2151 OR 907-707-7696

out to apply. “AARP knows that historically 50% of census takers are over the age of 50 and many are retirees,” said Dana Marie Kennedy, state director, AARP Arizona. “These folks tend to be reliable, dependable and they know their communities best. They bring with them years of experience and get the job done.” The 2020 Census officially starts counting people in January 2020 in Toksook Bay, Alaska. Most households in the nation will receive invitations in the mail to respond (online, by phone or by mail) in March 2020. The Census Bureau will begin advertising nationwide in

blocks on the Shop Palmer card. When you complete the card by spending $100, you can drop your card in a box at a participating business of your choice. From there, you can continue to fill cards - there’s no limit on how much you can support our local businesses!

January 2020 to increase awareness about the importance and benefits of participating in the 2020 Census. The U.S. Constitution mandates that a census of the population be conducted once every 10 years. Census data are used to determine congressional representation in the states and how billions of dollars in federal funds are distributed to states and local communities every year for critical public services and infrastructure, including health clinics, schools, roads and emergency services. For more information on the 2020 Census, visit

person will win a $500 VISA gift card. On December 20th, we will gather up the cards again and do another drawing for a $1000 VISA gift card. It’s a win for you and a win for our small businesses. Do your part to support the dreams and our local economy this holiday season. Shop local and shop Palmer!

Here’s how it works: Come to Palmer to shop between November 30th and December 20th. Every time you spend $10, you get a stamp. There are 10

We will be doing twice weekly drawings on Wednesdays and Fridays, rotating through the dropboxes of each participating business for a $25 gift card to that business. On December 11th, we will drop all of the completed cards in a box. We will pick one card and that

depots for smaller frontline agencies; and usually do not themselves give out food directly to people struggling with hunger..”

members. But, one thing all food banks have in common is that they rely on donors and volunteers to carry out their day-to-day operations.

a great job of feeding your neighbors in need by helping other agencies and using our own Pantry to get food to families in need.

(We still maintain the Food Pantry of Wasilla.)

If you put MatSu in front of “food bank” in the above quote, it describes exactly what we do. Our statistics show from January 2019 to October 2019, we have given other agencies here in the Valley 442,260 lbs. of food. This does not count the 22,000 people served, conservatively, 704,000 lbs. of food in the same time through the Wasilla Food Pantry. So, I am not sure where the comments about not being a food bank is coming from or based on, but we do

If you don’t understand what we are doing, then I encourage you to investigate, study it and ask questions before repeating rumors about things unknown.

Food banks in the U.S. are very diverse, from small operations serving people spread out across large rural areas to very large facilities that store and distribute many millions of pounds of food each year, and everything in between. A variety of factors impact how food banks work, from the size of the facility to the number of staff


If you do not understand what we do, then come see us and find out for yourself. We welcome volunteers! Eddie Ezelle, Executive Director of Ma-tSu Food Bank




Pioneer Peak. Photo by Debra McGhan.

A popular ski run in Hatcher Pass. Photo by Debra McGhan.

A Popular Ski Run in Hatcher Pass. Photo by Debra McGhan

Recreation access to Archangel and Goldmint. Photo by Debra McGhan.

Contributed by Debra McGhan

has avalanche information centers. The Alaska Avalanche Information Center is run by dedicated, skilled mountain practitioners who are providing regular snow forecasting in Valdez and Haines, plus a host of educational opportunities all across Alaska from Fairbanks to Ketchikan.

November, the month we all hear so much and talk so much about being thankful. But 33 years ago, I felt anything but thankful. A lot has changed in my life since then and today, I have so much for which to feel glad-i-tude. It is true that we do not get stronger when things are easy. We only grow and gain strength when things are hard. I learned that lesson when my husband was killed in an avalanche of snow and dirt the night before Thanksgiving in 1986. He was 33 years old. It wasn’t a big mountain, Just a small hill. Enough to kill him. I learned that day, you should never underestimate the power of nature on any scale. My daughter likes to remind me that every challenge is good news. It brings the opportunity to gain strength, exert greatness and be so much more than we were before. Losing someone you love in a sudden tragedy at the peak of their life is one of the greatest challenges. For everyone who has faced disaster, or knows a friend or family member who’s been impacted, it’s important to know and believe that this too shall pass. What matters is how we respond to the challenges. There are those who believe they have no power to overcome what’s happened. And there are others who

take the kick to the gut, pick themselves up and push forward. They fight back. They rise above and refuse to let something they do not have control over shape their life into misery and failure. As I’ve heard it said so often, “We are free to make choices. We are not free from the consequences of those choices.” After my husband was killed, I chose to get up and fight. I could not change what had happened. I could not bring him back. But I could be a good role model for my children and my community by using my experiences and lessons to help shape a safer future. For 15 years, I dedicated my life to sharing the lessons of avalanche and mountain safety in Alaska. I spent hours late into the night struggling to figure out the pieces and parts needed to run a successful non-profit organization that could support outdoor safety, especially winter, cold weather and avalanche safety. My front seat journey in the avalanche world ended in July when the board recognized they needed to slow down, reorganize and get back to a slower speed; a pace at which the teams of people who are dedicated and willing to donate the time needed, can find ways to sustain all that has been created. While some have chosen to pull their specific location teams closer and drop all support for a statewide effort, others are growing stronger together and knuckling down to make sure no matter what the future brings, from weather to basic services, Alaska

They have strong support from dozens of individuals and key sponsors including the Alaska Department of Public Safety, The City of Valdez, Alaska Community Foundation, Rasumuson Foundation, Kendall Toyota and AARP Alaska to mention a few. You can find a host of information and links to other educational resources at All of this is possible thanks to a core of dedicated individuals who do this from the heart. They know that losing someone you love hurts. They also know getting outdoors to soak up life is critical for a happy, healthy planet. There is nothing more amazing or energizing than standing on the top of a mountain and having the skill and knowledge to come back home and live to do it over and over. All the people behind this effort understand that. I’ve learned to appreciate every day and every step forward that results in progress. I’m so proud to see this community of people continue forward while I have the opportunity to take a back seat and cheer everyone on. This year on Thanksgving instead of grieving, I’m celebrating all the good things that life has given me the

opportunity to seize; The 14 years I did have with Bruce, a healthy, happy family, beautiful home, great friends and a stable job that allows me to help my community while supporting myself. We live in such a tumultuous time, that it’s important to focus on self and inner healing. Get outdoors. Experience the power and beauty of the mountains. Just be wise and get educated before you go. Each of us has the power to heal ourselves and our planet if we make choices that lead us down the path of education, kindness and wellness. That’s real happiness, and for me, true wealth and the best reason to be thankful. SIDEBAR: Are you beeping? I met a lot of people along the outdoor safety journey who share my passion because they too have lost someone they love. One mother, Janet Tally Walsh, and I share a particularly special bond. Like Bruce, she lost her son, Dr. Liam Walsh, the day before Thanksgiving in an avalanche when he was just 33. Her stories of Liam, so like my Bruce, were of a man who lived life with ferocity, compassion for others and an unquenchable thirst for adventure. Janet and her friends and family took a positive step by donating funds for the “Are You Beeping” project in Hatcher Pass. And thanks to a group of dedicated volunteers, there are now three signs installed and maintained in the Hatcher Pass State Recreation area today. You can help ensure project like this continue by lending your support to your local avalanche center.




ADULT PIANO LESSONS Hitchcock Piano Studio ........ 745-3134 APPAREL & CLOTHING All Seasons Clothing ........ 357-0123 D’s Tuxedo ........ 707-6585 Mila’s Alterations ........ 830-8339 ART & CRAFTS Artists Uncorked… 982-2675 The Gallery ........ 745-1420 BOOKSTORE A Black Sheep Shop ......... 376-8198 Black Birch Books ...... 373-2677 Fireside Books ........ 745-2665 CAFÉ & COFFEE Alaska Artisan Coffee ........ 745-5543 Gathering Grounds ........ 376-4404 Vagabond Blues……..745-2233 CANNABIS RETAILER Matanuska Cannabis Co. ...... 745-4211 CLEANING SERVICE Liz’s Cleaning Service ......... 982-9545

Contributed by Linda Myers-Steele Senior Education is a program for those 50+ years who want to keep active and continue lifelong learning. Classes are offered free (except for occasion supplies as needed). The fun part is there are no tests, no grades, no homework. Wasilla Senior Center, 1301 Century Circle, Wasilla, hosts the classes at no charge, and all of the presenters are volunteers. Volunteers who are experts in their field! Please join us. No registration required unless noted in the class description. NOVEMBER SCHEDULE: BOOK CLUB “I READ WHAT I WANT TO READ”

Tuesday, Nov. 19th, 3pm - 4pm ALASKA WILDBIRD REHABILITATION CENTER Tuesday, Nov. 26th, 3pm - 4pm AWRC will care for any wild bird in need, whether injured, sick or orphaned. Kind-hearted members of the public find injured birds and either rescue them or ask for advice. When a bird arrives at the center, its needs are evaluated and their experience to care for the bird is done in the best way possible. Presenter is Jill Parsons, WildBird Rehabilitation Center Volunteer. DECEMBER SCHEDULE: AUTHOR of the BOOK SERIES, “AUNT PHIL’S TRUNK” Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, 3pm - 4pm An Alaskan historian’s collection of treasured talents. You will find author,

Laurel Downing Bill, interesting, fun and entertaining as she relays the stories of her Aunt Phil’s early life in Alaska, beginning in 1912. And, we’ll have a little Christmas party to celebrate the season. BOOK CLUB “I READ WHAT I WANT TO READ” Tuesday, Dec. 10th, 3p.m.-4p.m. JANUARY SCHEDULE: THE BEGINNING of a SERIES of WRITING CLASSES Tuesday, Jan. 7, 3pm - 4pm Have you thought of writing your autobiography, memories of your family, about something that interests you, but you don’t know where to start? This is the class for you. A talented instructor, Tara Wreyford, will help you draw those thoughts out and put them to paper.

CREATIVE ENTERTAINMENT Artists Uncorked ........ 982-2675 EDUCATION Learning Essentials ........ 357-3990 FOOTWEAR Northern Comfort ........ 376-5403 HEALTH & WELLNESS All About Herbs ........ 376-8327 Just Botanicals ....... 414-3663 Lone Wolf Aura ........ 631-0482 HOME DÉCOR Peak Boutique ........ 746-3320 PIZZA Humdingers Pizza ........ 745-7499 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES Valley Phlebotomy ........ 376-6435 PRINT SERVICES The UPS Store ........ 746-6245 REPAIR, RESTORATION Comtronics ........ 373-2669 S&S Drilling ...... 746-0225 The Powdercoat Shop .... 841-1300 SPECIALTY GIFTS Alaska Midnite Scents ........ 357-7364 Non-Essentials ........ 745-2258 The Boardwalk Shop ........ 357-8980

Contributed by Stephanie Allen, United Way of Mat-Su United Way of Mat-Su is pleased to announce its FY2020 Community Impact Grant recipients. These agencies meet the health and human services needs of the Mat-Su community in impactful and innovative ways. Projects funded by Community Impact Grants address issues of education, financial stability and health, the building blocks of a strong, vibrant and healthy community. This year’s grant recipients are: Access Alaska, Essential Health Access Program: $5,000 Alaska Center for Resource Families, Adopt-A-Palooza: $2,000 Alzheimers of Alaska, Alzheimers and Dementia Support Program: $5,000

THRIFT SHOPS Steam Driven Boutique ........ 376-4404 Turn-A-Leaf Thrift Stores ........ 376-5708 TOYS Just Imagine Toys ........ 357-1543 Learning Essentials .......... 357-3990

Contributed by Wes Keller We likely all agree there is a general tendency for powerful people to be selfish and abusive. Curiously, this ancient bit of wisdom seems to require being periodically “re-discovered” in societies… perhaps because we shrink from looking too closely at the ugly side of human nature. We tend to avoid consideration of what ailed the kings of old, the contemplation of whether there are moral absolutes we might use to judge ourselves and others. America’s founders were either better educated or less fastidious… They knew the fallen nature of man must be addressed when constructing a government. I believe we have failed to learn, evaluate, understand, and teach the values of the founders and their impacts on what America is. Prohibition against “establishment of religion” is not violated by a study of historical reality. Understanding the fatal flaw in human nature was certainly why the founders installed the extravagant checks and balances in our government. In the mid-1800s, John DalbergActon encapsulated the perspective the founders held in his well-known statement reveal the problem: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.”

American Red Cross of Alaska, Disaster Response: $5,000 Big Brothers Big Sisters, Match Support/ Personnel: $4,500 Boys & Girls Club Mat-Su Clubhouse: $5,000 CCS Early Learning, Early Head Start/ Head Start: $5,000 Family Promise, Shelter Program: $5,000 Mat-Su Food Bank, Eggs & Margarine: $7,500 MY House, STAY Suicide Prevention Program: $5,000 Nine Star, Fuel Cards for Youth: $2,500 Nugen’s Ranch, Work Therapy Program: $2,500 Palmer Senior Center, Senior Programs: $7,500 Salvation Army Mat-Su Corps, Food Pantry: $7,500 Sunshine Community Health Clinic, Chronic Care Management Program:

$2,500 Sunshine Transit, Transit Services: $5,000 The Children’s Place, Counseling Services: $10,000 Upper Susitna Seniors, Meals on Wheels Program: $5,000 Mat-Su Coalition on Housing & Homelessness, Project Homeless Connect: $1,000 Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc., Senior Nutrition Program: $7,500

It rationally follows, any human given authority to govern is in danger of indulging his or her selfish nature, which in turn, leads into an escalating abuse of the power they are entrusted with! Every elected public servant is in danger of being unable to discipline himself or herself to humbly accept and embrace checks and balances on their fundamental self-interest.

True, we delegate governing authority to elected representatives, but we keep our higher authority and the liability! If Alaska or America fails, it will be an indictment of “We the People” who have inherited the power to ensure justice endures! It may not be the “absolute power that corrupts absolutely” because the power and liability is equally distributed to all citizens, but it can still destroy us.

Our human nature can be overcome, but not without rational consideration of things often presumed “religious”, an endeavor over which government has expressly been given NO authority! (Freedom of Religion). Good government can only come from application of “religious” values imposed by free citizens, to be applied by their elected governing authorities. If, in the process, we violate too many of the values in our constitutional premises, the constitution becomes meaningless. The implications of this tension are both exciting and unsettling! Anyone who has read the Old Testament has likely noticed that kings always abused their human sovereignty. Even David, the king “after God’s own heart” used his authority to do evil things. We don’t have a king, but we do have human sovereignty. You likely do not think of yourself as having the same kind of power (authority) of a king, but in a sense, you are simply wrong! If you are a citizen of the United States of America, you were born into, or adopted into, a royalty order similar to kings of old! “We the People”, under God, is where the buck stops related to governing authority! History reveals tyrant after tyrant who began to think of himself or herself as the source of their authority and eventually came to ruin. Like ancient kings, and unlike most people in history, as American citizens, we have authority, rights, and responsibilities.

In total, $100,000 in community grants was distributed to support programs that are helping build a better Mat-Su. For more information on the UWMS Community Grants program, visit

Four out of five don’t bother to vote. If you are one of the four, or have not considered serving as a citizen policy maker on one of our State Boards or Commissions services/boards-and-commissions/,or refuse to seriously consider running for public office yourself, you are demonstrating corrupt selfishness similar to that of corrupt kings of the past. Choosing to not vote amounts to abuse of authority. Even worse, if your engagement into politics is limited to merely complaining about the “fools” (whether so-called or factual) already elected), you are totally missing the reality of the honor and responsibility of your sovereign birthright of being an American citizen, and you may become liable in a default. You are just as human as every elected official, they are no more important or immoral, than you. He or she cannot be in office without being voted into the position. If you don’t believe you are up to the job of being a politician, then the very least you ought to do as an American citizen is to learn about your area representative, get to know them, support him or her in getting elected, and be a heard voice in helping them make decisions. Continued on the blog: Wes Keller |




manufacturing facility in Indiana to achieve zero-landfill status in 2004. One of the starting points that the Indiana plant undertook to work towards its zero-landfill status involved conducting waste audits, literally, dumpster diving, which provided a way to determine what kind of waste the plant was generating. Contributed by Jill Farris, Valley Community for Recycling Solutions Recycling can be confusing! Fortunately, there is a global and national movement to fix our problem. The mission of standardizing recycling labels on bins across the US is gaining traction, from Denali National Park to schools, businesses, and sports stadiums. The easier it is for people to “recycle right”, the faster recycling becomes a solution to creating a less wasteful economy. At least that’s what we’ve learned on the job at Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS), the local non-profit focusing on partnerships and training plus advocacy in order to reduce waste in this great land. Education holds so much value when it instructs how to save our natural resources and shows what happens to reusable materials. Get the most bang

Contributed by Noel Crowley-Bell On October 1st, last year, the Smokefree Workplace Law was enacted to protect the health of all Alaskans by reducing exposure to secondhand smoke. As someone who appreciates smokefree indoor workplaces and public places, I want to say thank you to everyone in our community for supporting the Alaska Smoke-free

for your buck! Turn waste products back into useful materials instead of burying reusable resources in a landfill. An efficient circular economy is achieved without extra costs or losses. The standardized labels on bins help teach consumers how to “recycle right”. As part of the National Park Zero Landfill Initiative, the non-profit Recycle Across America (RAA) is fixing the crisis at federal and community levels with their solution; society-wide standardized labels for recycling bins. We use (RAA) standardized recycling label system in the VCRS drive through bay and in our classroom, thanks to a generous grant from Subaru of America. Also, attendees at the Alaska State Fair had a chance to see the great work of RAA in action, and to appreciate the huge, nationwide impact a simple label change can have to improve recycling effectiveness. This summer, RAA staff members brought us new signage on their way

to Denali National Park, enhancing major improvements to recycling recovery. The Zero Landfill Initiative, a pilot program, was introduced by the National Parks Conservation Association and Subaru of America with the goal of reducing the total amount of landfill-bound waste in three parks. After upgrading systems at Denali National Park’s recycling facility, up to 46% of waste has been diverted. Along the road to recycling, VCRS is one of the many partners working to make this program sustainable. We aim to help pave the way for more participants to take the extra step to find a recycling bin. We have been given a great opportunity to spread this message, pushing it forward from our rural back yard into the growing population of Mat-Su community schools, homes and businesses. The commitment to doing all they can to preserve global natural resources resulted in the first Subaru

Workplace Law. I am thrilled to see that our community is free from secondhand cigarette and marijuana smoke, as well as aerosols from electronic smoking devices.

disease or lung cancer. The Smoke-free Alaska Law protects employees and the public from the dangerous health effects associated with secondhand smoke.

There aren’t a lot of things one can do to save lives, but smoke-free indoor spaces is one of those things that quickly improves the health of our Alaskan communities. Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke at work are more likely to develop heart

Smoke-free workplace laws have been proven to reduce the incidence of heart attacks and improve pulmonary function, encourage quitting and preventing kids from starting. This new law may not end our problem with cancer and heart disease, but it will

Contributed by Barbara Vardy We are excited to announce, Santa is coming to Creekside Plaza on Saturday, December 7th from 11:00am to 1:00 pm. Bring your Little Ones to visit and take a picture with Santa , ride “The Reindeer Train” and pet Santa’s Reindeer. We are hosting a Toys for Tots toy drive this year.

“I think it’s important to dumpster dive because you actually see what is in there. You can’t get rid of it if you don’t know what it is,” said Denise Coogan, environmental partnership manager at Subaru of America. “We went around everywhere in the [Indiana] plant, we tipped over the dumpsters, and we asked, ‘What are we generating?’ All roads lead back to good inventory, so you must know what you’re generating before you can ever realize how you’re going to get rid of it.” Continued efforts to nurture the culture will help the Matanuska Valley become zero-waste in 2049 by building relationships with partners who share the same beliefs. “The future belongs to those who understand that doing more with less is compassionate, prosperous and enduring, and thus more intelligent, even competitive.” - Paul Hawken

eliminate a known health hazard for nonsmokers who want to enjoy or work in our community’s businesses. I am proud of our community’s willingness to make healthy workplaces and spaces a reality for the Mat-Su Borough. It is this willingness and support that has helped the Smoke-free Workplace Law be such a success in this first year.

Please bring a toy to donate and partner with our military give back to the community. We are located at: 1830 Parks Hwy, Wasilla. We hope to have a great turnout to our annual event! Visit our over 20 shops in the Mall for any last-minute gifts. We look forward for seeing you all there!

PETS & ANIMALS Contributed by Angie Lewis, Alaska Animal Advocates All too often, when a rescue dog is adopted, the new guardians expect a perfect relationship immediately. This dog needs love and you are determined to give him the best life possible. You envision long walks in the woods, snuggle time on the couch and fun camping trips with your canine. It is not always that simple. Here are some issues that may arise to complicate life: Your new dog may have a lot of pent up energy because he hasn’t been provided with an opportunity to get ample exercise. He may have spent a great deal of time in a crate or kennel and is excited to be moving his body. He is most likely going to be super excited to be in your company. It typically takes a dog at least two weeks to settle down and become accustomed to his new home.

Contributed by Angie Lewis, Alaska Animal Advocates Bella has a lot of spunk for a 6-yearold gal. She is an AKC-certified German Wire-Haired Pointer. She has many wonderful qualities: She knows basic commands, does good with other dogs and children, and is house-trained. Bella has a few less than thrilling habits and is a counter surfer and likes chickens and other birds a bit too much. All workable issues. Bella will require a good enclosure because she has jumped her fence and has figured out how to get past a perimeter fence.

Your puppy might be afraid of the changes in his life, even though they are an improvement. It can take a long time for a dog to warm up and feel comfortable with a new family and home – some dogs take longer than others. Try to give your dog quiet time, away from the people who are anxious to meet him. Again, a few weeks of peace and quiet might be necessary for him to adjust. Just because a dog has not been around a cat or children does not spell doom and gloom. Your dog may grow to love them in time. Hopefully, you will be provided with a thorough history of your new dog’s past to learn about his preferences. If that is not possible, try to provide introductions with your cat or child, to see how the dog interacts. Your dog may need time to adjust to these other family members. When not directly supervising, separate everyone until they are clearly comfortable with each other.

If you are anxious to meet Bella, please call Alaska Animal Advocates at 841-3173, ask for Angie OR email us at


Some dogs have had horrendous past lives and will need patience and compassion. You may not know what the dog has experienced – neglect and abuse. You do know that every dog wants to be loved and be part of a loving family. Take things slowly, do not force your dog into situations that will traumatize him. Let him go at his own pace. Build his confidence by gradually allowing him to have positive experiences. Utilize positive training opportunities to build confidence in your dog. Some other issues to consider when adopting a dog. Don’t be afraid to adopt an older dog, they are slower and need less exercise. Most likely, potty training and puppy proofing will not even be an issue. Older dogs can be ideal companions. Remember that your dog is an individual regardless of his breed. Knowing your dog’s breed is important and can provide some information


about typical qualities inherent in various breeds, but is by no means a guarantee of what to expect from your pup. Personality is far more important than the label given to dogs of a particular breed. Think about the unfair treatment of pit bulls as a result of these misconceptions. So many people do not give their new pet an opportunity to settle in and allow for his true colors to shine through. If he is not perfect immediately, or he needs more time to get along with your current cat or dog, chews up some things, or has a few potty accidents, don’t assume that he won’t work out in your home. Be patient and allow him to develop and become a part of your life. You will never regret your decision to give this being a chance to blossom and love you more than anything in the world. Love like this is precious and hard to find!




Contributed by Marilyn Bennett This time of year, everyone seems to be talking about “Termination Dust”. Being new to Alaska, I was curious as to how such a negative term came about, so I looked it up in the wiktionary and this was their definition: “Noun. Termination Dust (uncountable) (US) In Alaska, a light, high-altitude snowfall that indicates the end of summer. The miners hurriedly prepared for winter as the termination dust settled on the slopes above them.” Not sure if that was correct, I then checked out the web page “Learning to Speak Alaskan” and they stated the following: “Termination Dust: The construction workers during the building boom in the 1940s called the snowfall each year “termination dust” because it meant their jobs would be terminated for the season. Now, it is used to refer to the first snowfall signaling the end of the summer season.” I guess that whether the term came from the early miners or the construction workers of the 40s, it doesn’t matter much anymore. No matter what, the origin of the term does mean the end of fall and the beginning of winter. Legend has it that snow will fall on the valley floor within 6 weeks of the first showing of snow on the mountain peaks. So, I guess the countdown began back in October. Either way, winter is on its way and since we’re Alaskans, we are going to make the most of it! I also discovered that there is a band that started out in Anchorage by the name of “Termination Dust”, and it was voted Best Indie Band in Anchorage Press Picks 2017.

Their music seems to convey a very positive message, which is great in our world of too much negativity. Unfortunately, they left Anchorage in 2018 for the worst of reasons, money. They are playing with Modest Mouse and touring the Lower 48 states. Hope to see them back here soon. Also the Anchorage Hockey Association has a Termination Dust Tournament each year. However, even more interesting is that the Midnight Sun Brewery has both Termination Dust Belgian-Style Barley Wine and in 2015, came out with Midnight Sun Termination Dust Beer. This is a specialty woodaged beer 13.0% ABV, pretty strong beer. It apparently has a dark brown, almost black color and the consensus seems to be that it is a great shippable beer and one of the best to come out of this brewery. Not being a beer drinker I cannot attest to it, but with a name like Termination Dust it’s worth a try at this time of year. Just be careful, as you wouldn’t want to terminate

your driving privileges by sipping too much before heading home. This is also the time of year that we have a termination of daylight savings time. We ‘fell back’, and now 6PM feels like midnight. I will be glad when days begin to get longer again. Now that the lovely autumn leaves are gone, we all need snow to cover the boring brown landscape. I do enjoy looking at the snow on the mountains, as it makes me contemplate painting pictures or creating poetry. Others may think about winter sports and wonder when they can get out to the slopes. Winter does have its pleasures and compensations. There are so many activities in Palmer between now and the end of the year, that it is just a matter of deciding what suits your particular fancy. Termination Dust is our first sign of the beautiful snow cover yet to come and the quickest way to terminate winter blues is to get out and enjoy the season, or hunker down inside with a good book or hobby. Enjoy!




artisans and crafters to showcase and sell their one-of-a-kind and Alaska-made creations.

Contributed by Karen Wichert, Meadow Lakes Market Opening Meadow Lake Market is Judy Hunter’s way of filling a need for herself and the community. As an artisan herself, she has spent the last five years developing and selling her brand of Jingle Jellies by taking them on the road to local bazaars and farmer’s markets. Her days and many weekends have been dedicated to this means of getting her product out there. With her Veteran husband, Rex, Judy started

looking for a permanent venue for her Jingle Jellies with a commercial kitchen as part of her dream. Finding a 30-by-40-foot building in the Valley was an answer and the beginning of her dream. Rex and Judy have spent the last year updating and remodeling their building. They opened on September 21st of this year. To be able to share this space with local crafters and artisans became a real possibility. With room to spare, Judy has fulfilled her need and extends it to the community by offering a year round space for local

Giving back to veterans and their families is included in their sharing. Veterans get a 5% discount on all purchases. Their first community event was a Car Seat Clinic, held in the parking lot of Meadow Lakes Market, located at 7575 W Parks Hwy. Wasilla on November 16th, from 1pm to 5pm. This free clinic was being provided to help you keep your children safe in the car. People brought their car, kids and car seats for safety help, one-on-one, from technicians, Brittany and Christi. Each inspection took approximately 20 minutes.

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