Contributed by Debra McGhan Access to prime riding in Hatcher Pass could soon be a thing of the past. But not if Rob Uphus and the volunteers and members of Hatcher Pass Snow Riders (HPSR) have anything to do about it. “I can’t stress enough how important these access trails from Hatcher Pass are if you want to get out and ride,” said Uphus. “The state has limited funding from the SnowTrack grant and State Parks informed us they will not facilitate or apply for any funding after this season. Grooming this year will be minimal as they only have about $7,000 from Snowtrack for this season. With all this snow we’re getting, if we don’t start shaping and packing the trails now, we’re going to lose access.” Club volunteers from both Hatcher Pass Snow Riders and the Hatcher Pass Avalanche Center (HPAC) have stepped in to make sure that doesn’t happen. They have been putting in countless hours of volunteer time to organize, plan and execute the operations of grooming and avalanche safety and research. Today, my friend and I had the chance to check out the pass and were thrilled by the condition of the trails, both motorized and non-motorized. If you appreciate these trails like we do, we all owe them a big thanks. It always fills my heart with joy to see
happy, healthy people out playing in the snow. We saw smiling sledders, back country skiers, Nordic skiers, riders, boarders and snowshoers, all glowing with vitality from the youngest still in diapers to the oldest. This is the sign of a truly healthy community. If we want to preserve this opportunity and keep it safe for everyone, it will take an army of community support and volunteers.
School and Alaska Avalanche Information Center began to fill the public avalanche education needs providing more than 75 classes each year across Alaska with support from the Alaska Department of Public Safety. A portion of the funds BAART still held after their 501c 3 non-profit ceased operations have now been donated to HPSR specifically for snow machine education.
“We are meeting with the Alaska State Parks superintendent, Stuart Leidner, soon and hoping the Snow Riders Club will be able to step in and get all the required permits and support necessary to take over the grooming of Hatcher Pass trails,” said Uphus.
“Those funds were designed to educate riders in Hatcher Pass,” explained Uphus, “And that’s what we’re going to do.”
A lofty task indeed. The good news, community support has already started flowing in. Wes Coyne, former director of BAART (Backcountry Avalanche Awareness Response Team) donated $5,000 to the Snow Riders to help in the effort. BAART came to be in 1999 after Keith Coyne of Wasilla was caught in a fatal avalanche in Hatcher Pass on December 26th. The pain and frustration this family experienced, along with the family of Aaron Arthur who was killed in early 1999 in Turnagain Pass, provided the fuel to do something about the deficit of avalanche safety information in Alaska. BAART ceased operations a few years ago when the effort finally proved too much and the Alaska Avalanche
The HPSR will be joined by the HPAC, State Parks and numerous other supporters on January 11th in Hatcher Pass for the annual Avalanche Awareness Workshop.
John Gould: An Eye for the Camera
This event typically attracts more than a 100 riders, skiers, boarders and sledders who want to sharpen their skills and knowledge about avalanches. “We also have our annual Easter Egg Hunt fundraiser in the spring planned,” said Uphus. “These two events help raise awareness and bring in much needed dollars to keep this effort going.” If you and your family recreate in Hatcher Pass, Uphus encourages you to get involved and support your local avalanche center. “It’s going to take all of us to keep access open so everyone can get out and ride safely.”
Musk Ox Farm: Cheers to 25 Years!
COMMUNITY Contributed by Marilyn Bennett I have to admit that I am a bit of a chocoholic. For when the holiday season comes around, it always turns my taste buds to salivating for chocolate. For me, there is something sexy about seeing a box of chocolates sitting beside my favorite lounging chair. Chocolate is different than other candies or treats. For the true chocoholic, just thinking about chocolate can evoke a pleasurable response. It always makes me think back nostalgically to when my special
boyfriend gave me my first box of chocolates. We sat in my living room sharing the most delicious cheap chocolates I had ever tasted. I still find it hard to relive that special taste sensation. Perhaps it can only be experienced by youth in the throws of first love. However, I love looking at that box sitting there and reliving that wonderful taste sensation of long ago. In the United States, the F.D.A. mandates that a product can’t legally be labeled as chocolate unless cocoa butter is part of the formula. But in 2006, because of draught and violence on the Ivory Coast, the major source of cacao beans, the price of cocoa butter had skyrocketed. Apparently the French established the first cocoa bean plants in Africa during their occupation around 1880. Today, roughly two-thirds of the entire world’s cocoa is produced in West Africa. (Who knew?) In any case the shortage prompted some of the major chocolate makers to lobby the F.D.A. for a change that would let them substitute cheaper ingredients such as vegetable oil and dried milk for cocoa butter and still call their products chocolate. Hearing of the proposed change, a group was formed calling themselves “Don’t Mess With Our Chocolate”, they denounced the proposed change as a “mockolate conspiracy” and bombarded the F.D.A. with protest letters and e-mails. As a result, the F.D.A. pulled back and they did not change the current standard of a product marketed as milk chocolate.
is up to us chocoholics to make sure that our chocolates remain chocolate. Since moving to Alaska I knew that I had to find where to find the superior chocolate products that I had come to expect in the Lower 48. So, imagine my joy when I discovered the 20-foot chocolate waterfall at Alaska Wild Berry Products in Anchorage. It is so amazing to see the chocolate spill over the edge of a copper kettle into another and another kettle until it settles into a large chocolate pool. Wow, that is impressive. Then I discovered Sweet Chalet Alaska in Anchorage. They make a chocolate that is unique to Alaska. The one of a kind Alaskan Aurora bonbons, inspired by the Aurora Borealis. Each one is hand-painted and handcrafted. They look fantastic, like tiny solar systems and taste great. You really have to check these out. They are definitely a must to send to relatives and friends in the Lower 48. However the most fun could be creating your own chocolate dipping fountain at home. My daughter decided to have a Willy Wonka Party for my granddaughter’s seventh birthday. She purchased a chocolate fountain kit and filled it with warm chocolate. It was a great hit as everyone enjoyed dipping fresh strawberries into the chocolate fountain. She then dressed as Willy Wonka and gave out clues on how to find the golden tickets. Little crazy, but lots of fun. She let me help dip strawberries for the younger crew. I only ate what I would call the “Grandmothers share”.
It states that a product must contain at least 10 percent chocolate liquor, at least 3.39 percent milk fat, and at least 12 percent milk solids. Just goes to show though, that we as consumers, must keep a close eye on our government to make sure they stick to the current standards. After all, it
Now having made myself salivate over chocolate I am headed into Downtown Palmer to get some chocolates to tide me over. It should last me until my honey gets the hint and sets a box of chocolates near my favorite lounging chair.
Contributed by Lying McNeal
I can say that this is probably the biggest potluck gathering in the Valley. The uniqueness of this event in doing a potluck is in order for us to share Filipino authentic food in the community, so we have two roasted pigs on the menu, lots of lumpia (fried spring rolls, but it’s never enough) pansit (rice noodles), chicken adobo, leche flan and of course, rice.
The Kabayan Inc. 4th Annual Peace & Love Community Christmas Celebration event was a huge success! Almost 400 guests attended the event, including Palmer Mayor Edna Devries, Representative Colleen Sullivan-Leonard and Alaska Job Corps Center Director Malyn Smith. Our featured presentation was a song from Ms. Arianna Wedekind, AFFA INC dancers presented a cultural dance, the youth bamboo dance was fascinating to where at the end of the dance the youth dancers ask the audience participation to teach guests who are willing to learn the steps. The Kabayan Inc. little kids also did a Christmas dance and the highlight of the presentation was the array of different traditional dresses from 3 regions of the Philippines Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Kabayan Inc. Dancers did the Senorita and Git Up to end the presentation.
Santa was there too, handing goodies and gave gifts to the kids. We draw the winner of our Fundraising Raffle: First Prize: Rifle - MSRP $ 1,100 Second Prize: Diamond Back Binoculars worth $280 Third Prize: $50 Gift Card Adult Raffle: $50 Walmart Gift Card Kids Raffle: Birthday Package from Alaska Club worth $290 And we have drawn lots of doors prizes. Congratulations Darian Cabales, Kabayan Inc. 2019 Scholarship Recipient. We would like to thank all the people that supported our event. In behalf of the Kabayan Inc. Filipino- American Community of Mat-Su, we wish you all a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.
COMMUNITY Contributed by Paula Nance
Last summer, a small Chickadee was caught in my greenhouse. It took about 15 minutes to finally catch the frightened bird in my hands, and I took it to the greenhouse door to release it into the air. With perfect timing, my Australian Shepherd Lexie, caught the little bird just as it was soaring to leave like a ball. I screamed at Lexie and told her to let the bird go. Amazingly, Lexie opened her mouth and the Chickadee flew away. All that to say, we all get second and third chances, and now it’s yours! Take the challenge and JUMP!
Hello! My name is Mitchel Howell and I’m the founder of the 49th Meal Podcast. I have worked in different kitchens for about a decade and have gotten very curious about what ingredients I’m using and where they came from. So, I started talking to everyone I could and fell in love with the podcast at the about the same time I moved to Alaska. After getting settled here in Alaska, I went to work on the Alaska Railroad and
The “frosty” plunge is set for Saturday, February 22, 2020, and is sponsored by the Mat-Su Sertoma Club. The event will be held at the Everett’s again this year.
Mat-Su Polar Plunge 2/22/2020 Mat-Su Sertoma Club Everett’s 1850 E Bogard Rd. Wasilla Admission: TBA
Contributed by Mitchel Howell, 49th Meal Pocast
All funds raised stay right here in the Valley. This year, our Summer Camp Scholarship winner, Malia Batchelder will be attending the Gallaudet University Summer Youth Camp. Funds raised will also be used for free ASL classes planned for the community in 2020. Take the plunge, get a group together now and be part of the “Original Valley Dip!” Pledge sign-up sheets and online pledging can be found on our website. Check out www.matsuhearing. org or for further information.
found myself talking to guests about all the unique food and beverage options we have here. One thing led to another and decided to start a podcast on all local food and beverage makers In Alaska. I travel the state to talk with as many people I can about their businesses and what challenges and advantages they have being in Alaska. If you make a food or beverage and want to tell the world your story, please reach out to us at 907-738-2256.
Contributed by Justin Giles Wasilla Christmas Friendship Dinner 12/25/2019 - 11AM Christmas Friendship Dinner The Menard Center 1001 S Clapp St. Wasilla FREE Event Alaska is nationally known for quite a few things, many of them bad. Crime, unemployment and crooked politicians seem to dominate the dreary local news cycle. One local event, however, shines as an example of good to the rest of the state, and even the nation. The Wasilla Christmas Friendship Dinner is a tradition that was started by Bob and Judy Bowers and a few close friends nearly 30 years ago. It has steadily grown into, we believe, the largest event of its kind in the United States! About 600 volunteers prepare around 800 pounds of ham, 150 turkeys, hundreds of pies and enough fixings to serve over 5,000 meals. A fleet of buses picks up people in need of rides and brings them to the Menard Center. Hundreds of meals and gifts and more importantly visitors are delivered to the lonely home bound. The logistics of this completely volunteer-run event are massive. Organizational meetings begin in February. Hundreds of volunteers
donate their whole Christmas Day to make this happen. Many donate dozens of hours helping prepare and clean up. Some, like Bob and Judy Bowers, donate many hundreds of hours throughout the year. Our final preparatory push this season involves securing additional turkeys and all ages gift bag items such as socks, hats and gloves along with small entertainment items, including coloring books and crossword puzzles. If you’re able and willing to donate to this great cause please drop off items at Matsu Line-X on the Palmer Wasilla Highway just on the Palmer side of Trunk. Our biggest need, however, is YOU! That’s right! The kindness and friendship so many of us take for granted is lacking in the lives of so
many. Come make a friend, be a friend, and be a part of one the the nation’s greatest community events! When: December 25th from 11am3pm. Where: Menard Sports Center, Wasilla. What: Community party, free meal, music and brotherly love. The Christmas Friendship Dinner is the feel-good event of the year here in the MatSu. The event is far more than just the sum of its considerable parts. Jesus taught to give to the poor, visit the lonely and love one another. You can do all three every Christmas at the Menard, and help shine a little light into a dark world. For more information, find Christmas Friendship Dinner on Facebook or call (907)354-6115.
Travels with Glenn and Mendenhall Contributed by Helen Hegener Among the articles in the Nov.-Dec. issue of Alaskan History Magazine is a look back at the Matanuska Valley in 1898, when Captain Edwin F. Glenn was the officer in charge of explorations in Southcentral Alaska. His assignment was to explore the territory north of Cook Inlet and discover a route from the coast through the Alaska Range to the Tanana River. Captain Glenn was charged with collecting and reporting on all information that was considered valuable to the development of the country, so his descriptions of the expedition are a fascinating look at one of the earliest official government incursions into the Cook Inlet and Matanuska regions and northeast into the Copper River Basin. Captain Glenn kept a diary of his travels, which is available to download or read free online at the UAA/UPC Consortium
Library website. His writings illuminate the many trials which beset the expedition, but they also give voice to a keen observer of the world around him. “We reached Knik Inlet finally, cast anchor, and waited for the vessel to go aground before attempting to unload. We were deeply impressed with the appearance of everything in this inlet. The weather was much more mild than in the lower part of the inlet, and the season more advanced than at Tyoonok or at Ladds Station by at least three weeks. The trees were in almost full leaf, and the grass a sort of jointed grass resembling the famous blue grass of Kentucky was abundant and at least a foot high. The length of this arm is about 25 miles. Coming in at the head of it were the Matanuska and Knik rivers, the former from the east, the latter from the south. The valley there is quite flat and about 20 miles across. In fact, the valleys of both streams are in full view from just above the trading station.” Geologist W. C. Mendenhall, a member of Captain Glenn’s expedition who would go on to a distinguished career, made the first rough geological survey of the Matanuska Valley and the routes followed by Glenn. Mendenhall’s explorations covered the western shore of Prince William Sound and a route extending from Resurrection Bay to the head of Turnagain Arm, through Crow Pass to Eagle River and Knik Arm, up the Matanuska Valley, and then northward to the Tanana River. Mendenhall’s report described what they found: “The Matanuska Valley is at present reached from Knik, which is the head of navigation on Cook Inlet, and to which vessels of shallow draft can go at high tide. There is a good horse trail from Knik to the upper end of Matanuska Valley, and the character of the ground and of the vegetation is such that this trail could be made into a wagon road at comparatively slight expense. It takes horses from one to two days to reach Moose Creek, depending on the load, and ... a day and a half to go from Moose Creek to Chickaloon River.”
Contributed by Kim Prayner 36th Annual Wasilla Gun & Outdoor Show January 18-19, 2020 - 10AM Wasilla High School Hockey Booster Club 701 E Bogard Rd. FREE Admission Kids (Ages 0-5) $7 Reg. Admission
Contributed by Jeanette Tingstrom The Wagon Wheel Marketplace (located in front of Carrs Wasilla), is offering gift wrapping to help raise money for a non-profit organization. You can get your gifts wrapped at the marketplace all year long, but during the Christmas season you are encouraged to bring all your gifts to The Wagon Wheel Mar-
The 36th Annual Wasilla Gun and Outdoor Show will be held on Saturday, January 18th, from 10am to 5pm, and Sunday January 19th, from 10am to 4pm, at Wasilla High School, 701 E Bogard Road, Wasilla, AK. The event is sponsored by the Wasilla High School Hockey Booster Club. This
ketplace. The donations you give go to Guiding Influence. An Alaska-registered non-profit organization, Guiding Influence provides opportunities for youth to attend camps and other life-enhancing programs. Guiding influence raises funds through a variety of fundraising options, including gift wrapping at The
year’s event includes over 200 vendors. If you are amongst the 1st 200 attendees each day, you are automatically entered into a drawing for a gun, so come out early.
“The principal trading and mining centers are Sunrise, Hope, Tyonek, and Knik, and in these camps or the mining regions adjacent to them most of the whites may be found. Two small parties this year (1898) succeeded in getting nearly across the Copper River Plateau, and a few hardy traders or prospectors in previous years have reached the interior, but they have left no records.” Mendenhall described the Valley as an access route to interior Alaska: “From the head of Knik Arm the Copper River Plateau and all of the interior accessible from it is reached by way of the Matanuska Valley. For the greater part of the way from Palmer’s store on Knik Arm to Tahneta Pass, at the head of the river, travel is easy. A sharp climb of 1,000 feet after crossing Chickaloon Creek, a little rough work in getting across the canyon of Hicks Creek, and a short steep climb out of the valley of Caribou [Creek], are the principal obstacles. The Tazlina River heads east of this gap, and by following it the Copper will be reached a few miles above the new town of Copper Center. This route has been followed by the Copper River Indians for many years in their annual trading trips to the stores on Cook Inlet.” Mendenhall wrote of their guide, Mr. Hicks, who had been prospecting in the area for three years: “Among the prospectors at the head of Cook Inlet but one was found who was acquainted with the Matanuska country. This gentleman, Mr. H. H. Hicks, Captain Glenn was so fortunate as to secure as a guide for the expedition, but neither he nor anyone else could give us any definite idea of the character of the interior beyond the head of the Matanuska.” An expanded version of this article is available at the website for Alaskan History Magazine: https://alaskanhistory.wordpress. com/2019/11/22/1898- matanuskavalley/.
Guns, ammo, knives, gun safes, jewelry, food just to name a few! All proceeds from this event support the Wasilla High School Hockey Team.
Admission is $7 per person, free parking, kids 5 and under are free! There is a little something for everyone.
Wagon Wheel Marketplace. The staff at The Wagon Wheel say to bring gifts, no matter where you purchased them, and they will wrap them in pretty paper, bows and ribbon. A suggested donation of $3.00 to $8.00 a gift is recommended. You can drop your gifts off and return later in the day to pick them up.
The youth that have attended Guiding Influence’s Camp Iron Sights have been provided with tools and skills to help overcome life challenges. You can learn more about these opportunities and other ways you can become involved at and www.campironsights. com
COMMUNITY Contributed by Sammy Taylor, Mid Valley Recycling The average American household saves 75% of its trash bill by recycling and composting. But what about businesses that have the potential for huge waste bills? One local small business proves that the percentage of savings is fairly accurate for profit enterprises as well as families. Affordable Catering near Big Lake has been recycling and sending its food waste to a farmer for four years. As owner Andrea Thistle says, “We have just one Earth, so we need to keep it healthy.” “I’m not a bunny hugger; I’m a bunny eater,” she says, showing her understanding that clean water, air and land keeps our food and us healthier. To that end, Andrea does what she can by buying local, keeping her overhead low and by reducing waste. She buys local meat, wild fish and produce in season. Her food waste is kept separate in a small container, stored outside at the end of each day and picked up by a
Contributed by Jen Burkmire, Compassionate Directions Compassionate Directions (CODI) is proud to announce that Dr. Stewart McDonald has accepted the position of executive director. Dr. McDonald was chosen from a field of qualified applicants to join them in their mission of “healthier families, stronger kids, and a continuum of services that can support families in need.” Dr. McDonald has dedicated his career to serving the needs of Alaska’s most vulnerable students. In the past 27 years, Stewart has been a special education teacher, grant and assessment administrator, assistant superintendent and superintendent of schools. He has lived and worked across Alaska, including Kodiak, Soldotna and the North Slope Borough. Dr. McDonald most recently served as the North Slope Borough School District superintendent. Prior to that, Dr.
Contributed by Randi Perlman Yes, ‘tis the season of holiday parties and homecomings to plan, of making new memories as we gather with clan, of family traditions and recipes to share, of shopping and wrapping and toasting good cheer! It’s a time to be thankful for all that we have, to pay homage to the richness of life, and to treat all those around us with kindness and love. I began writing this with the desire to proclaim my gratitude once more for all those folks who pitched in to assist with, and be supportive of, our two recent fundraising events: the Recycle Revival Music Festival at Settlers Bay Golf Course in late September and the Mat-Su Orchestra’s Veterans Day Concert at The Glenn Massay Theater in November. At Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS), we
local pig farmer. She separates what can be recycled at the Big Lake transfer site for free on weekends, not far from her Parks Highway location. Those efforts alone have reduced her weekly trash fees to the cost of one or, at the most, two bags. Andrea says once her employees (one to three part- or full- time employees depending on the season) are familiar with her setup they embrace recycling and food waste separation. She emphasized that it is essential to wash recyclable items. Without cleaning they can create a nuisance (and a potential health hazard) for her business as it does in our homes. Now that she knows she can take glass and other recyclables not taken by VCRS to Target, she may save even more! After eight years of operating, Affordable Catering Andrea knows her customers appreciate her conscientiousness. She provides them with recyclable food containers whenever possible. She uses drink
McDonald served as the superintendent for the Kodiak Island Borough School District for 9 years. “Through his experience leading in Alaska’s schools, Stewart understands the importance of collaboration across diverse agencies to better serve children,” says Jen Burkmire, Board President. “This understanding will strengthen Compassionate Directions as we continue our commitment to partnering with our schools and other nonprofits,” she adds. “My first and most enduring love of service has been for students with emotional and behavioral needs. Mental health is both an evidencebased practice and a relationship-based people business,” McDonald said of his passion and alignment with CODI’s mission. Dr. McDonald holds a Doctor of Education with a specialization
can’t thank everyone enough for the incredible turn-outs at both events, for the remarkable display of talent, and for the generosity of spirit and funds that helped create two superbly successful events! As I wrote, my mind kept drifting to the bigger picture. I couldn’t help but think of the multitudes of nonprofit organizations in our Valley, the meaningful missions and visions of each and every one of them, and the way our Valley community never fails to dig deep to help support them all. It was then that I realized it was time for a ‘BIG PICTURE THANKS’ to our entire Mat-Su community for rising to the occasion whenever needed; for reaching out to help those less fortunate, for welcoming with open arms the new and the different, for
dispensers of #1 and of #7 plastic. Often the #7 compostable ones must be doubled for extra strength but at least her customers don’t have to throw them in a dumpster when recycling is preferred. She has even purchased some plates made of sugar cane waste, but the cost is prohibitive for some applications. Andrea looks forward to the future of recycling, sustainability and responsible waste management in the future. “The benefits are beyond the saving of money and I’d recycle regardless.” She would like to see all of us get involved. She feels that the most effective means to encourage more recycling is through regulations and incentives. The Mat-Su Borough government could provide leadership in this regard. Perhaps the government could even provide tax incentives for the local remanufacture of recyclables. This will probably require regulations regarding recycling so all the recyclables that currently end up at the landfill can be channeled into a
in educational leadership and management from Capella University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a Masters of Arts in Educational Leadership from the University of Alaska, Anchorage, and a Bachelor of Arts in Special Education, Severe Emotional Disturbance, and Specific Learning Disabilities from University of North Florida. Bringing a wealth of experience and a passion for service, Dr. McDonald started in his new position on December 2nd. Dr. McDonald replaces Aaron Clements who led Compassionate Directions for six years. Under Mr. Clements’s leadership, CODI’s team and programs have expanded and their commitment to children and families has deepened. “We recognize the positive impact Mr. Clements has had in the lives of our clients and our staff,” says Ms. Burkmire. “We want to thank Aaron for his dedication to Compassionate Directions.”
donating over and over again to the many fundraising auctions that run throughout the season, for cooking and baking to provide goods for others to enjoy while raising money for the many organizations that work so hard for others, and for happily supporting the missions and causes most meaningful to each one of us. Many communities, indeed hopefully most, around the country and the world pull together in times of need or tragedy to do what they can for each other. From wildfires to earthquakes, high winds to flooding, and from one end of this enormous borough to the other, our huge slice of paradise has had its share of unfortunate situations in recent years. But our own, mighty Mat-Su community is there for each other all year round. The large, diverse, intriguing group of unique characters
reliable supply for any remanufacturing effort. Andrea knows that this would make everything more sustainable and even provide local jobs. . (Currently, Thermokool in Palmer is the only user of local recyclables.) Staff at Valley Community for Recycling Solutions has gotten calls from those re-manufacturers looking to start a business in the Valley. However, the current supply of materials falls short of their needs. So more recycling is needed. In the meantime, Andrea continues to do her part by keeping Affordable Catering recyclables and food scraps out of the landfill. Thank you, Andrea! Here’s a tip she provided: “If fruit flies are bothering you near your compost or food waste containers, add a bottle with a little yeast, sugar and water. The flies can’t resist, but don’t get out.”
About Compassionate Directions: Compassionate Directions is a familyoriented nonprofit agency that provides compassionate care to the Mat-Su Borough. Based in Palmer, Alaska, CODI’s staff works with children from infancy through 21 years old and their families. They pursue their mission through diverse programs and services, including onsite therapy services for children and their families, parenting programs, case management and in-community, one-on-one behavioral health support for children. Founded in 2001 as Co-Occurring Disorders Institute, CODI changed its name to Compassionate Directions in 2018. Compassionate Directions is accredited through the Council on Accreditation. Address: 11921 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy Palmer, AK 99645 Phone: (907) 745-2634 Website:
that we embody, all of us who call the Mat-Su Valley home, rises to any occasion, be it to celebrate or console, with a steady, strong show of support & encouragement, to help our friends and neighbors grow and spread their wings, and to lift each other up when we stumble. The holiday season is a time to be joyful, and hopeful that life will continue to get only better. This year, as we gather with loved ones to celebrate good tidings with group hugs, it’s okay for each of us to give ourselves a little hug, as well, for being part of the BIG PICTURE and creating a caring, loving and supportive community, one of unbounded strength, love and indomitable spirit; it’s a community I feel blessed and proud to be part of. Thank you to ALL for making it so, and happy, merry whatever holiday[s] you celebrate!
ADULT PIANO LESSONS Hitchcock Piano Studio ........ 745-3134 APPAREL & CLOTHING All Seasons Clothing ........ 357-0123 D’s Tuxedo ........ 707-6585 Mila’s Alterations ........ 830-8339 ART & CRAFTS Artists Uncorked… 982-2675 The Gallery ........ 745-1420 BOOKSTORE A Black Sheep Shop ......... 376-8198 Black Birch Books ...... 373-2677 Fireside Books ........ 745-2665 CAFÉ & COFFEE Alaska Artisan Coffee ........ 745-5543 Gathering Grounds ........ 376-4404 Vagabond Blues……..745-2233 CANNABIS RETAILER Matanuska Cannabis Co. ...... 745-4211 CLEANING SERVICE Liz’s Cleaning Service ......... 982-9545 CREATIVE ENTERTAINMENT Artists Uncorked ........ 982-2675 EDUCATION Learning Essentials ........ 357-3990 FOOTWEAR Northern Comfort ........ 376-5403 HEALTH & WELLNESS All About Herbs ........ 376-8327 Just Botanicals ....... 414-3663 Lone Wolf Aura ........ 631-0482
Contributed by Linda Meyers-Steele Senior Education is a program for those 50+ years who want to keep active and continue life-long learning. Classes are offered free (except for occasional supplies as needed). The fun part is there are no tests, no grades, no homework! Wasilla Senior Center, 1301 Century Circle, Wasilla, hosts the classes at no charge and all presenters are volunteers. Volunteers who are experts in their field! Please join us. No registration required unless noted in the class description. ( JANUARY 2020 SCHEDULE A Series Of Writing Classes Tuesday, January 7, 14, (skip 21st), 28, 2020 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Book Club “I Read What I Want To Read” Tuesday, January 21, 2020 3:00pm - 4:00pm (NOTE: Book Club will meet monthly every third Tuesday until May 2020.) Participants will be given an opportunity to share a summary of their book of interest with others. Learn from others about books that might interest you. Facilitator: Andi Nations, Retired Public School Educator/NonProfit Facilitator FEBRUARY 2020 SCHEDULE Continue Writing Class Tuesday, February 4, 2020 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Have you ever thought of writing about memories of your family or even your own autobiography or about something that interests you, but you don’t know where to start? This is the class for you. A talented instructor, Tara Wreyford, will help you draw those thoughts out and put them to paper.
De-Clutter: Free Living! Tuesday, February 11, 2020 3:00pm - 4:00pm It’s silent. It’s sneaky. Suddenly, clutter is there! Clutter is all around us and is a growing problem. Let’s explore what clutter is, how it occurs and emotions involved. Learn declutter techniques, downsize strategies, clutter buster ideas and paper clutter control. Facilitator: Julie Cascio, Home Economist, Cooperative Extension
Contributed by Brenna Rath
When Angie Wellborn took her young daughter for a treat at Vagabond Blues in Palmer, she had no idea that it would lead to her daughter requesting a lot more than cocoa and cookies.
I have several donations coming in but, could use some more ideas (and maybe some donations?) to make this Christmas wish come true!
Service Book Club “I Read What I Want To Read” Tuesday, February 18, 2020 3:00pm - 4:00pm Communicating For Better Listening & Talking Tuesday, February 25, 2020 3:00pm - 4:00pm Are people mumbling more often? Are you interrupting others by speaking when they are without realizing it? Are you frustrated by feeling you’re not being heard? Learn tips for listening and talking regardless of your hearing abilities. Facilitator: Dr. Joyce Sexton, Doctor of Audiology, Northern Hearing, Wasilla & Anchorage
HOME DÉCOR Peak Boutique ........ 746-3320 PIZZA Humdingers Pizza ........ 745-7499 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES Valley Phlebotomy ........ 376-6435 PRINT SERVICES The UPS Store ........ 746-6245 REPAIR, RESTORATION Comtronics ........ 373-2669 S&S Drilling ...... 746-0225 The Powdercoat Shop .... 841-1300 SPECIALTY GIFTS Alaska Midnite Scents ........ 357-7364 Non-Essentials ........ 745-2258 The Boardwalk Shop ........ 357-8980 THRIFT SHOPS Steam Driven Boutique ........ 376-4404 Turn-A-Leaf Thrift Stores ........ 376-5708 TOYS Just Imagine Toys ........ 357-1543 Learning Essentials .......... 357-3990
On December 5th, she shared the following on Facebook: “It started as a lovely treat at Vagabond with my precocious 1st grader. We were discussing her brother, who is stationed on the USS America, would not be able to come home for Christmas and how most of the service men and women may not be able to fly home. Her already saddened face turned to concerned when she, suddenly, perked up with, “I know, maybe, we can send all the sailors a Christmas card?” I’m pretty sure I bit off more than I can chew when I agreed! I proceeded to message the Commander and her teachers at school. Monday, her teacher told me that they set some time aside this Friday (half day) to have their classes help us accomplish this endeavor. Tuesday, I reached out to the commander, a second time, to obtain permission and verify details. The commander responded and informed me that there are over 1000 service men and women aboard and they would need to be mailed by Tuesday, the 11th to get there in time for
Contributed by Katherine Bishop, VIA Board Chair Valley Interfaith Action (VIA) is a nonprofit in the Mat-Su whose mission is to address quality of life issues for all residents of the Mat-Su Borough, utilizing the faith values of our members, developing communitywide interest and mobilization around quality of life issues. Through training, leaders address community problems by providing forums for discussion, researching alternative solutions, and working as facilitators with residents
Thank you for reading this all the way through.” Angie commutes daily to her full-time job and supports her kids at home on their activities. She juggles all the other day to day tasks we all do. Gathering 1,000 or more cards in a week seemed unlikely. Bolstered by her daughter’s spirit of generosity, she never faltered in her belief that as a community, we could reach this goal. My kids had already written a few cards, but one comment on Angie’s Facebook post, from a local service member, motivated all of us to write more. He wrote, “Angie, I’ve been carrying this around at work everyday for almost 15 years now. It was in a package I received on my second trip away and it’s been with my ID and other credentials ever since. Maybe not to all, but to a great many of us it really does mean a something to get a message like this. Soon it will be going back over with me and another round of holidays and birthdays will be missed and I’ll unfold it, read it and refold it as I have many times before. So let your first grader know what
and leaders for institutional change. VIA's members are local congregations which include Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, and United Methodists from Palmer to Willow. The VIA Board of Directors is currently searching for an energetic person to be the next executive director and lead community organizer. The director will be responsible for day-to-day nonprofit administration and organizing in communities of faith throughout the borough. A willingness to be trained in VIA’s model of congregation-based
lasting impressions she is having on those she is about to impact in a big way this Christmas” He also included a photograph of the child’s drawing and letter he received, both with permanent creases and a little tattered after more than a decade of being carried in his pocket. It inspired one of my kids to write longer letters on paper, tucked into the cards, so sailors could fold them and keep them if they wanted. My youngest helped by decorating blank stationary and signing his name, letting me write letters around his art. Friends who visited would fill out a card. My brother, my mom, my grandmother - all added inscriptions to a card or helped the kids write notes. Though seemingly small, if these letters can boost morale, they’re more than worth the time taken to write them. We’ll be handing them off to Angie, but the memory of participating in this community effort is exactly the kind of Christmas spirit I hope my children carry with them forever. I’m proud of Angie for following through, and glad to live in a community that joined her effort. On Tuesday, December 10, she mailed over 1,600 cards and letters. If you’re bummed that you didn’t hear about this project in time to contribute, I’ve got glad tidings for you: Writing to service members isn’t just a Christmas thing. There are always service members who would love to hear from you!
community organizing is essential for any candidate interested in the position. The position will begin on February 1, 2020. Applications should be submitted before Jan 8, 2020. Additional inquiries will be accepted if the position is not filled. For job description, see our website at www. Send a cover letter and resume to
COMMUNITY Contributed by Robin Minard, The Mat-Su Health Foundation Betsy Smith has been selected as the new director of R.O.C.K. Mat-Su (Raising Our Children with Kindness). R.O.C.K. Mat-Su is a collaborative of community members, including individuals and organizations, joining together to promote family resilience and reduce child maltreatment. It works to build social supports, eliminate silos and influence systems that affect kids and families throughout the Mat-Su Borough, all in support of achieving the goal of ending child abuse in Mat-Su. The MatSu Health Foundation (MSHF) provides ongoing staff and financial support to the collaborative, and R.O.C.K. Mat-Su has also received additional funding from local, regional and national philanthropic organizations. “We’re thrilled to see Betsy Smith move up to the director role at R.O.C.K. Mat-
Su,” said MSHF CEO Elizabeth Ripley. “After an extensive hiring process, a statewide search and several rounds of competitive interviews, the R.O.C.K. Mat-Su Hiring Committee unanimously chose her as the best candidate. She brings experience, a dynamic leadership style, solid professional relationships and the vision needed to lead R.O.C.K. Mat-Su into its next chapter of mission-critical work.” Since its founding in 2014, R.O.C.K. Mat-Su has grown to be a collaborative of over 30 cross-sector partners engaging in 18 strategies spanning the public health prevention spectrum. R.O.C.K. Mat-Su strives to achieve its goals by changing the systems that influence the lives of children and families in the Mat-Su Borough. The collaborative embraces a spectrum of strategies that impact families both universally and through targeted interventions. Some highlights of the work of R.O.C.K. Mat-Su include
developing the Palmer Families with Infants and Toddlers (FIT) Court, partnering with the Mat-Su Borough School District to bring traumainformed practices to 30 schools, and collaborating with the Office of Children’s Services to improve the experience of family contact for parents with children in foster care. Smith began her work with R.O.C.K. Mat-Su in 2017 and most recently has been serving in two part-time R.O.C.K. Mat-Su positions: Upper-Su Community Coordinator and Trauma Sensitive Schools Fellow. She served as executive director of Northern Susitna Institute from 20142018 and prior to that held a variety of positions in program management and environmental education. Smith earned a Master of Education degree in environmental education from the University of Minnesota and a Bachelor of Arts in biology from College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University.
About The Mat-Su Health Foundation: Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF) is the official business name of Valley Hospital Association, Inc., which shares ownership in Mat-Su Regional Medical Center. In this capacity, MSHF board members and representatives actively participate in the governance of MatSu’s community hospital to protect the community’s interest in this important healthcare institution. The MSHF mission is to improve the health and wellness of Alaskans living in the Mat-Su and the tools it uses include grantmaking, convening of local partners and policy change. The foundation’s work has resulted in significant improvements in systems that support the health of Mat-Su residents in areas such as behavioral health, child welfare, crisis response, community connections, workforce development, transportation, housing and senior services. More information is available at
POLITICS & OPINION Contributed by Senator Shelley Hughes The sound of the crowd is at fever pitch. The intensity is explosive. Reduce the budget versus find new revenues is the fierce tug-of-war battle underway in Alaska. On the “New Revenue” end, rope fibers fray as two players struggle for the lead while audience members break into factions, some fans of “Raise-Oil-Taxes”, others cheering “Raid-the-PFD”, and some ecstatic because of the potential windfall for government if both win. Simultaneously, a bass sound rumbles as a wave in the stands rises and chants boos in unison. The “Hands-off-Our PFDs” crowd boisterously bellows against the “Raid the PFD” challenger. Another thunderous wave picks up from the “Bad-Unfair-Tax” crowd, railing against the “Raise-Oil Taxes” contestant. Meanwhile, on the “Reduce the Budget” end of Alaska’s tug-of-war rope, a tall player with scissors in his pocket checks the tension on the rope as teammates, also carrying scissors, rotate to give a good, strong tug. The uproar on this end isn’t so confusing. It’s just two groups. The “Wailing-and-Gnashing-of-Teeth” crowd sobs incessantly that life in Alaska as we know it will end if these guys win. The
“Necessary-efficiencies-everyone-duh” crowd rolls their eyes at the wailers, followed by gleeful shouts when they notice their team’s scissors sparkle in the sunlight. What a scene. Without an emerging victor in sight, could there ever be a more fractured crowd or more opposing forces? This tug-of-war has been underway for five years. That’s right: five years. Ever since oil prices dropped. Here’s the good news: The tug-of-war has to end soon. Why (and this is the bad news)? Savings have dwindled. Incoming revenues don’t match spending. This is catapulting us to a crossroads; we have no choice but to act. So, must one team simply pull harder, cause painful rope-burns and break the stalemate? That could happen but it’s unlikely – if the last five years mean anything. At this crossroads, I believe it’s time to ask: Is there a better way? Is it possible for this to end well? The answer to both questions is yes. It’s time to let go of the rope, everybody. Set it down. What we need now is factual budget information to know whether and where we can reduce and whether and
where state services are lacking. We don’t need political responses. We need apolitical, unbiased answers.
and efficiencies, we can also root out fraud and abuse. How is this not a good thing?
What Alaska needs now is a state auditor who is independent and objective, neither beholden to the legislature nor to the governor, but is accountable to the people. State services are for the people and revenues are derived from the people. Who better to hold this position accountable?
The result: We will have a budget baseline which can be adjusted annually for inflation. This will give us assurance to address the spending cap that’s over-inflated and outdated in the state constitution; we’ll have confidence that the adjusted cap will be enough, but not too much. We will sleep at night knowing we’re not going to sink the next generation.
We can bicker along majority/minority or party lines. We can fight over our most, or least favorite programs. We can pit one special interest group against another. But wouldn’t it be better to get factual data, to get expert recommendations? With the effectiveness, efficiencies, statute requirements, constitutional obligations of each program factored into the equation? From someone who has no skin in the game, abides by approved standards and principles, has a team that can get into the weeds? Yes, this would be better. This concept has worked on a small scale. Our legislative auditor annually reports on limited items, such as licensure boards. Her recommendations are well-accepted across the political spectrum. It works beautifully. This is what we need now, budget-wide. Along with improved effectiveness
there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased”.” Luke 2:13-14 Contributed by Wes Keller Do you exist in “a state of quiet or tranquility [with] freedom from disturbance or agitation”? If so, Webster’s 1828 defines you to have as one who owns “peace”. To use modern terms, if you are typically “stressed out”, you don’t have “peace”. When our nation is at war with other nations, when we are in turmoil because of bad presidents or elected politicians, when we have civil war, when we are entangled in private quarrels, law suits or are agitated by fears, terror, anxiety… we are not experiencing peace! To stop and reflect on what peace actually means, raises us above the average passing greeting, with no real meaning or value in a well-wishing. I
Contributed by Kelly Malidore, True Colors Painting, LLC. When you open a small business, you want to do everything correct. Depending on your business you pick your location, choose your vendors, and develop your marketing plan. You may also contact a bookkeeper or accountant to handle the “business” side of things for you. While you may have a business that you are passionate about, most people are not passionate about crunching numbers or doing payroll for their business. It can be intimidating so you hire someone whom you believe to be competent in this area to take care of this portion of your business for you. If you hired Lizzy Bee’s Tax and Accounting like we did, you would end up with a rude (and expensive) awakening. She presented herself as a CPA and an EA, as being very knowledgeable, and she answered every question we had. This gave us a false sense of security and trust with her. We hired her to handle the bookkeeping and payroll for True Colors Painting LLC. By late 2018, I had finished college and was working as a bookkeeper. Lizzy was
grew up when peace was the cool word to use as a greeting… and I watched it become like the parrot’s hello as it became over-used and annoying. Different cultures and races use variations of peace as a common greeting: “As-Salam-u-Alaikum” (Arabic for peace be unto you) the ancient “kiss of peace” or the two-fingered symbol has become a form of dismissal. We throw the term “peace” around a lot, even as we are totally immersed in a passionate, frenzied society. We innately hunger, for the quietness of mind, tranquility, calmness, and a clear conscience that define peace. While we all approve of the harmony, reconciliation and public tranquility associated with peace. Christmas is the Holy Day (holiday) of the holidays! This holy day was introduced by angels:“And suddenly
handling our payroll for us, but we were not getting our payroll on time. It would be 3pm on payday and Nick still had no idea how much to pay his employees. He would have to call me at my office to run his payroll, so he could pay his employees. When Lizzy would contact Nick, she would explain that the server had been down all day, or she had been on the phone with support all day. This happened numerous times within a two-month time frame. We informed Lizzy that we would be moving the bookkeeping and payroll over to where I worked as of January 2019. We still needed Lizzy to complete our business return for 2018, which she agreed to do since we had paid her monthly to input income/expenses into our books. Business returns are due to be filed with the IRS by March 15th, every year. In February, I touched base with her and was assured she was almost done with our business return. On March 12th, I texted Lizzy again and she replied on March 16th with, “I am wrapping them up now, I will email them to you this weekend.” I never received anything from her in either mine or my husband’s email. I and my husband texted and called her repeatedly for weeks and received no reply. I hired another accountant on April 8th. Our accountant looked over our 2017 business return
Christmas is recognition of ancient, anticipated prophecies. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.” Isaiah 9:6-7 When Christ foretold his death, he told His disciples, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” John 14:27 The Christmas proclamation is not exclusive or racist in any way. “He (Jesus) came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.” Ephesians 2:7
(which was prepared by Lizzy) and told us it was woefully incomplete nor done correctly. We fired Lizzy Bee’s with a “Cease to Work” letter and informed her that we would be having our 2018 business return completed by our new accountant. On May 17th, Lizzy finally responded to both the new accountant and myself in an email promising to deliver our 2018 business records so that we could complete our business return. She also attached proof that she had filed an extension with the IRS of our 2019 business return (the very same return that she had stated was complete and she would be emailing to us on March 16th). We ended up having to amend our 2017 business return and our 2017 personal returns. We had to recreate our business income/expenses for our 2018 business return since Lizzy failed to return our business records to us (I guess you cannot return something that you never created in the first place). We had to pay thousands of dollars to correct or recreate everything that we had already paid Lizzy to do for us. We had trusted Lizzy to do the job we were paying her to do so we could concentrate on building our business.
Very importantly: This will allow us to know annually if we need new revenue or not. With our small population, it’s vital to know our budget baseline. We simply do not have enough people to carry an over-sized budget on our backs. Tax spigots rarely are turned off or down. A baseline that’s too high and increases that exceed inflation would be harmful for the economy and hard on Alaskans (undoubtedly spurring outmigration, leaving fewer backs to bear the burden). I’ve spoken about this state auditor concept with Alaskans since oil prices dropped. The reception has been warm and welcoming. I think the time is now. If you think so too, please inform your elected officials. Senator Shelley Hughes District F – Chugiak/Palmer
Peace was made available to the Jews and to any race or people. My desire with this editorial is to wish you a very merry Christmas with a sincere desire (wish) for you to experience the peace offered to all mankind several thousand years ago this Christmas. I intend no offense by referencing Jesus, the Prince of Peace as I know Him. I realize, mention of His name is anything but peaceful to some who have a negative reaction to Him, but that does not mean I cannot personally wish Peace for you in His name. I do desire you to enjoy genuine peace, and I can vouch for the only source I trust and know. Our society tends to refrain from use of traditional Christmas greetings in a nominal attempt to not offend anyone who may reject the message of Jesus, the incarnation of God. My wish is that you will see past this and experience real peace this Christmas season. Wes Keller |
How many people and businesses did she do this to? I began researching Lizzy Bee’s Tax and Accounting looking to see if this was just a one-off with our business or if there were more clients of hers that she had done this to. I was in for a second rude awakening when I dug beneath her “professional” image. She is not, nor has she ever been a CPA or an EA (Enrolled Agent). She never completed college, nor did she have any degrees despite what she had told everyone. I continued to looking for instances of her deceptions and came across multiple business owners that she had also caused financial harm to, in most cases much worse than what was done to us. I spoke with these business owners and the story was always the same. The same lies, deceptions, sidestepping, promises, and excuses as to why something had not been done on her end. I did not know what to do with the information that I had gathered as well as the proof of her deceptions. Then Lizzy decided to run for Mat-su Borough Assembly in District 2 and I knew that I had to make her deceptions and lies public in order to make sure she did not get elected.
POLITICS & OPINION and tripling their budget. I’m tired of hearing Edgmon talked about we need to take control of our budget crisis and taking our PFD. Contributed by Jessica Wright I’m tired of hearing we have fiscal crisis, and then our state government doubling
I’m tired of hearing Von Imhof’s vision for our state and planing to use our PFD for her expensive government programs. I’m tired of seeing Alaskans get defeated the last four years all because Walker/AKLEG wanted our PFD. I’m tired of legislators using caucus
biding rules as excuses for not voting on a full PFD. I’m tired of seeing politicians lying to us by telling us that they would not touch our PFD and ate their words after the election like Walker and Giessel did. I’m tired of knowing state of Alaska had the highest state budget expenditure in the nation near $20,000 per capita in 2018 and cried we had budget deficit.
I’m tired of seeing our effort of seeing thousands of emails, phone calls, testimonies been wasted because the legislators are falling deaf ears. I’m tired of seeing legislature act like they are super legislators and they can determine our budget and the fate of our PFD as they see fit because they think they are the rulers and we are the subject. Alaska, are you tired too?
Grill in the meeting room at the back, 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Speaker will be announced later on Facebook page and website. Contributed by Sandy May The first thing that popped in my mind was, “Non-stop campaigning! Who is ever ready for that?!” But then, somebody’s got to do it, right? That is the political process. We hear all of the ads, over and over again for months! Each candidate tells us that they are the perfect person for the position. It’s odd how most of them do sound worthy of our cherished vote. However... This is big… Many of the candidates will tell us exactly what they know we want to hear, even though they already know that they will not honor their promises. Want twenty bucks an hour to work at McDonald’s? “Sure thing!” they say with a flashy smile. It is time to start preparing ourselves for the political campaign onslaught! T.V., radio, mailbox, social media, cell phones ringing with information to vote for a ton of candidates. Oh my gosh; and the commercials! No wonder so many people bury their head in the sand and decide to not vote for anyone. “I’m staying home! My vote doesn’t count anyway!” Ummmm… Oh yes it does. Every vote counts. Recently the Palmer
Contributed by Huhnkie Lee Greetings, this is Lee, running for Alaska State Senate in District D in 2020. I have an idea to eliminate crimes and homelessness. I first thought that the Mat-Su needs a borough-level police department. Then I learned that it would raise property tax to fund the new police department. How about we change the state law so that we give Alaska National Guards (“ANG” hereafter) the police power? I understand Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of federal military personnel to assist local police, but we are talking about activating state military personnel. So, let us assume that state legislators manage to make a law that endows police power to ANG so they work with local police. Then the sky is the limit. ANG has the man power, are trained in combat and weaponry, and they have rifles, ammunitions, bulletproof jackets and helmets, tactical vehicles, everything that they need to fight off crimes. If I were an Alaska Senator, I would go even one step further: I would convince our two U.S. Senators and U.S. Congressman so that they propose a House/Senate Bills to abolish Posse Comitatus Act. Then, we can supply
Mayor, Edna DeVries, won by TWO votes. So, if you and your neighbor had stayed home and one other friend as well, Mayor DeVries would have lost by ONE vote. We need to encourage everyone to GET OUT AND VOTE in 2020! Not only are there elections for president a vice president, Senator Dan Sullivan and Congressman Don Young (he is the youngest older gentleman we’ve ever met and can run circles mentally and physically around any Congressman/woman in D.C.!). The Alaska representatives all have to seek office again for another two year term and some Alaska senators are having to run for their new 4-year term. The current Mat-Su Borough representatives and senators are the stalwarts who stick to the Republican Party Platform (Google it if you are not familiar with it. It will be worth it!) and to the reasons we here in the Valley elected them to do. They took a lot of brutal abuse from the democrats that call themselves Republicans in the House and Senate. Those people would not allow the true Republicans’ bills or amendments to even be heard. What happened that Alaskans have hated during the last sessions, is
manpower to the state/local police/ firefighters with federal military personnel and equipment. Imagine we come up with a technology of a missile that is equipped with fire extinguishing chemicals. Upon a wildfire in Alaska, U.S. Airforce jets from JBER can fire the ‘fire-extinguishing’ missiles to that burning forest. The possibilities are endless. Regarding the homeless, we will have to change the laws so that police can escort them so that they live in a place that we may call, “Institution of Improvement”, or IOI. The idea is, we should get back to the basics, hence the name 101. Why do crimes and homelessness exist? It is because not everyone has good parents like we did. We, law-abiding and hardworking citizens were fortunate enough to have parents, teachers, mentors, role-models who taught us, disciplined us, loved us, strengthened us. But there are people who never had such nurturing environment and some of them become homeless and criminals because they can’t contain anger, or they are not strong and patient enough to handle the stress and pressure at work. As long as criminals stay criminal, it is us whose lives and limbs are in danger. If we allow the homeless live in parks and street corners, our neighborhood will be filled with human wastes, needles,
the result of the Democrats and the Republican-turned-Democrats. Then along with their own stories and the liberal news sources, they put out those lies mentioned in the first paragraph. If you do not participate at town halls or events where candidates are, you will never get the true information nor be able to meet these folks or ask them questions. Be prepared. There will be many opportunities to hear candidates. Our Mat-Su Republican Women’s Club Est. 1947 is planning on hosting events and our monthly meetings for Republican candidates. When the time comes, we will do our part to help form an informed electorate in our borough and will host candidates at events and our monthly meetings. We invite you to come and meet, listen, ask and decide for yourself who is the best person for the job. Our meetings are the third Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Palmer Sunrise Grill across from the Visitors Center. You can follow us on our Facebook Page and find information on our website. Our next meeting will be held January 18, 2020 at the Palmer Sunrise
fleas and bedbugs. It is time that we, Republicans and Democrats, come together and solve this problem. With partisan politics like ideological warfare, we cannot achieve anything. So, the idea is that we change the laws so as to allow ANG and federal military personnel to work with state/local police to imprison criminals and escort the homeless to IOI. Or for simplicity, we may just put them all in jail and rename the prison as IOI. In those correctional facilities, we will make them work. First kind of work for prisoners will be sorting out trash in landfills. We should coordinate with trash collection companies to achieve this. Working with trash serve both liberal and conservative purposes. Inmates will learn to work, and get disciplined. The proceeds from recycling will help pay for the operation of the prisons. Reducing the trash will save the environment. Everybody wins. If inmates refuse to work, then we will discipline them. We can reduce their daily portion from 3 meals a day to 2 meals a day; take away gym-usage/ visitation privileges; or even reduce the room temperature heating level by 1 degree in winter; solitary confinement, etc. We will educate inmates just like our parents educated us when we were children. If inmates prove themselves in recycling in landfills, we will give them a better job, which is the second kind
Here are a few excerpts from the Alaska Republican Party Platform to stir your thoughts in closing: “We affirm — as did the Declaration of Independence: that all are created equal, endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We believe in the Constitution as our founding document. We believe the Constitution was written not as a flexible document, but as our enduring covenant. We believe our constitutional system — limited government, separation of powers, federalism, and the rights of the people — must be preserved uncompromised for future generations. We believe political freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. When political freedom and economic freedom are separated — both are in peril; when united, they are invincible. We believe that people are the ultimate resource — and that the people, not the government, are the best stewards of our country’s God-given natural resources.” We wish each one of you a very healthy, prosperous and safe new year!
of money-making prison job. Again, we will have to work with federal and state legislators to change laws to achieve this. The idea is, to farm Alaskan wild animals in prison. Let the well-behaving inmates raise bears, moose, etc. Instead of killing bears that live in Eagle River or letting moose becoming road-kills in Glenn Highway, we sedate them and send them to prisons. The IOI animal farm will be open to public so the citizens would come with their left-over food to feed bears, moose, etc. Inmates will clean the farm/zoo/safari and take care of the animals. Such prison safari system will satisfy both conservatives and liberals. Animal activists will love this because we are saving the animals. Conservatives will like this because inmates will be working and prison will pay for its operation without state fund or taxpayer’s money. How? Inmates will carve farm animal bones, tan bear hides and sell them. We can even have them process slaughtered bear gall bladders and sell them to Asian countries. We will be farming them with latest biotechnology so that the animals can reproduce in captivity. The prison farm/ safari will be big, as Alaska has big lands. If you elect me as Alaska State Senator next year, I will make the projects above my personal and professional mission.
Clementine was found outside in a ditch in the heat of summer on the verge of giving birth. Rescue was called and she survived and gave birth to a litter of lovely kittens. Now it’s Clementine’s turn to have a loving family. She is a sweet girl who likes to be pet. But, she is easily stressed by too much chaos. If overwhelmed, she will respond with a nip. So a quiet home without so many other pets would be best. A place where she can go outside safely to feel the relief that the natural world allows us all, and a place to hunt.
Contributed by Kelleigh Orthmann, Clear Creek Cat Rescue Clementine is a special girl: she’s orange; most orange cats are male. She’s a young adult with a beautiful coat and extra toes; she’s polydacty!
She will be a great family cat in a settled understanding home where she will protect the home from invading rodents and add beauty and purrs on the long dark winter evenings. She would be best with adults who understand the pressures of too much activity and noise. Her ideal home would be one with no other critters and no children, although one other mellow cat who is not in her face would be just fine. She’s in Wasilla. Call 980-8898.
His person has this to say about him, “While he is a wonderful and joyful dog at home, when nobody is around, his separation anxiety can be quite severe. I have gone through three kennels in the 6 months I’ve had him, as well as replaced a garage door opener he broke off the wall.”
Contributed by Angie Lewis, Alaska Animal Advocates Celebrating the holidays can be such a wonderful experience for many of us. The smells, foods, decorations and gifts make this time of year very enjoyable. Being surrounded by our pets is a true joy this time of year. However, the holiday season can be very dangerous for your pet if you are not cautious. Let’s start with the Christmas tree. If you use a real tree, make sure the water in the stand is covered so that your pet cannot drink it. The pine sap is not safe for ingestion. Also, it is best to turn off the lights on your tree when you are not home. Pets might chew on the cords and get electrocuted. Pets can get tangled up in the cords as well. Do not use tinsel, ribbon or other glittery items, as these can be very enticing to pets, particularly cats. Ornament hooks can be swallowed and cause damage to intestines. Decorating the bottom part of your tree with ornaments made of wood or plastic, that won’t break, can prevent intestinal blockages. Gifts that contain human food can present problems for your pets as well.
“Other than the anxiety, he is a very smart and very well-behaved dog. He keeps very close by my side when I am home, listens to every command closely and obeys, knows to wait until told to go through doors, as well as eat and drink. He is potty trained and always lets me know when he needs to go outside.”
Contributed by Angie Lewis, Alaska Animal Advocates This is Archer, born 11/04/2015. He is half shepherd half husky, has been neutered, and is up-to-date on all vaccines.
Although plants add to the ambiance of our holiday celebrations, there are more than 700 plants that are toxic to pets. Poinsettias and mistletoe are dangerous to animals. So, keep these plants out of reach of your four-legged companions or buy artificial. Burning candles can be a concern this time of year. Put these candles in areas that are not accessible to your pets. Do not leave the house with candles lit at any time. There are battery-operated candles that can be used with safety in mind. So, if you are feeling as though there are too many restrictions on you holiday experiences, just imagine this time of year, or any time of year, without your faithful companions at your side. This will make the decision to be safe an easy one. Enjoy the holidays with your animal friends!
Guess who’s ready for his forever home?! POWDER! This boy was found as a stray with a horrible wound on his neck. He started out super shy; but as you can see, he’s not so much anymore thanks to our amazing volunteers and all their hard work with him!
“Archer is also very attentive to his surroundings, and will let you know if there is anything he wants you to look at without barking. He does not beg for food, nor does he make much noise at all unless left home alone. He also loves going for car rides, though his legs haven’t quite figured out the balance yet.” If you’d like to meet Archer, call Angie at 841-3173.
Chocolate, raisins, onions, coffee, tea and alcohol are delicious to us humans, but are quite dangerous for animals. Foods such as yams, sweet potatoes and canned pumpkins (minus the spices) are safe for your pets to eat.
Contributed by Kelleigh Orthmann, Clear Creek Cat Rescue
Powder is about 4 years old, neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. He has been sprinkled with love and wrapped in awesomeness for his new home! Powder has done well with other cats; as for dogs, we are not sure how he will do. He has done excellent with men as well! If interested, please call 980-8898.
Contributed by Kerry Nelson, Musk Ox Farm Membership & Communications Director This year’s season of thanks could not have come at a more appropriate time for us here at the Musk Ox Farm, as we settle into our newly renovated Colony Barn & Education Center – a project that has successfully breathed another 85years into its old bones, beautifully intertwining the past with the present. The list of what we have to be thankful for will surely only continue to grow as the fresh reality of what it means to be moved in to this incredible, functional, plumbed, heated space after the very long, highly anticipated wait sinks in. We held our Colony Barn Renovation Grand Opening & Building Commemoration before the Thanksgiving holiday, opening our very new doors to the public while highlighting the rich history of our organization as the Musk Ox Farm and the original Lentz colony family residing here before us. The event was a smashing success, with an incredible turnout and showing of support from local media, local leaders and community members.
A giant ribbon was cut, toasts were made, and smiles were had as visitors made their way around the new space to satisfy their curiosities. We would love to extend an enormous thank you to all who were able to come out and show your support. We are so grateful to our wonderful community and the love you have shown us over the years. This project is as much for all of you as it is for our organization. Those who were not able to attend were on our minds as we celebrated this unforgettable milestone in our history. Special thanks to Wolf Architecture, H. Watt & Scott, Pipit Construction, Mat-Su Convention & Visitors Bureau, Barbara LentzThomas and the Palmer Chamber of Commerce for helping us commemorate the building, and for sharing your thoughts and experience of the project. It made the day truly special, and we are tremendously lucky. As we bask inside the glow of our shiny new building, we welcome the holiday hustle and bustle with open arms, ready to take advantage of the years of hard work that went into this project and finally share it with all of you. We’ve eagerly begun the next
phase of designing an interactive musk ox museum, and cannot wait to launch educational programming for the benefit of all. Come out for a visit to truly take in this next chapter of our organization, of your Musk Ox Farm. See an incredible piece of Palmer history, and of course – say hello to the musk oxen! WINTER HOURS: Wednesday – Saturday, 11am – 4pm, with farm tours running at 12:30pm and 2pm. Tours can be booked online at www. or call 907-745-4151. Continue to shop locally with us this season for unique holiday finds! Our gift shop is filled with loads of qiviut yarn & garments and a variety of musk ox-inspired gifts made by local artists. The Musk Ox Farm is also proud to be a participating business in Palmer Chamber’s Shop Palmer this year! Every time you spend $10 with us, you get a stamp. Spend $100 and you get entered to win a $1000 VISA gift card – drawing to take place on Friday, December 20th. BONUS: One skein of qiviut or one qiviut garment will fill up your whole card. It’s a win-win!