First-Friday Art Show in Palmer
The Danger of Split Second Decisions
Douglas Girard: Vale of the White Stag
Contributed by Kerry Nelson Winter at the Musk Ox Farm Did you know, winter is one of the best times to come and visit your local musk oxen? It’s the favorite season of these arctic beauties, and to see them in their true element here offers a glimpse into their lives out on the tundra. And we personally think it’s much easier to take a short drive to the Musk Ox Farm than hop on a plane to the wilds of Alaska. There’s another reason to come on out in winter – bulls! If you’ve ever been to the farm in summer, chances are our breeding bulls have moved to the back pastures, because they are in rut. While the rest of our herd is of course always worth seeing, there’s nothing like getting to see the incredible, hulking sway of an eight-hundred-pound bull musk ox in all of his glory. Bulls are moved up to the front pastures once they are no longer in rut, so you’re guaranteed to see them during the winter months!
Why Alaskans Should Visit Alaskans should come to the Musk Ox Farm because it’s a truly oneof-a-kind Alaskan experience, and our local communities should take advantage of the unique gem they have in their own backyards that people from all over the globe travel to visit. Musk oxen are an arctic animal that many will never get to see up close in their lifetime, and it’s a true gift to have them here. You get to come and experience these remnants of the last Ice Age, and leave having learned more about a musk ox than you ever thought possible. Oh, and did we mention musk ox babies? That alone is a reason to visit! Visiting us also helps support our organization. As a non-profit, our mission is to promote gentle musk ox husbandry and qiviut production, and to educate the public. We see our musk oxen as arctic ambassadors, and we strive to provide a connection to musk oxen that resonates with our visitors for years to come. When people care about musk oxen on our farm, they care about musk
oxen in the wild - and in turn, start to pay attention to other species and the issues they may be facing. So, how does supporting us make an impact? By visiting the farm for a tour, purchasing qiviut in our gift shop, or donating to our nonprofit - you are not only helping us care for our animals and maintain our facility, but you are also allowing our organization to remain strong enough to continue our work for years to come, and be a destination right here in the Valley. So, layer up like all Alaskans are experts at – and come on out for a visit this winter! To visit: We are currently booking tours by reservation, and we would love to have all of our beautiful local Alaskans come out to see us and our herd! Tour times and availability varies based on the season, and of course the ever-changing landscape of the pandemic. Book your tour online at - or call (907) 745-4151.
Wearable Art Display at Palmer Depot MORE ON PAGE 6 OF MAKE A SCENE MAGAZINE
Palmer Museum Photo of the Month
To donate: Visit donate.
Who Let the Girls Out?! 2021
Each of these (mostly) womenowned businesses maintains their autonomy, yet through non-coercive, peaceful cooperation, they come together with the sincere intention of shared success. I’m truly inspired by it, every year.
Contributed by Josh Fryfogle I remember going door to door in Downtown Palmer with Denise Statz, the founder and force of nature behind so many local events like “Who Let the Girls Out”, as we visited with local shop owners about this great idea she had - a spring fling to help pay the bills. Aimed at helping Downtown Palmer business owners pay the bills during a traditionally slow time of year, “Who Let The Girls Out” was Denise’s vision to fill that gap. An obvious nod to the 90s hip hop song, “Who Let The Dogs Out”, by the one-hit-wonder, Baha Men, Denise was playfully appropriating the braggadocios bravado of that song, and piggybacking on its meme-like popularity. It was an empowering move that was counterintuitive and provocative, and I remember thinking how Denise’s personality was reflected in her choice to call it that. She is no shrinking violet. And the fact that almost everyone involved, and in charge of the event, were adult and middle-aged women, it tapped into that quirk that we all find so engaging. We’ve weathered the storms, both literal and figurative, together through the years. Denise, along with a small army of local women, and a few guys like me, we’ve communicated like a community to make WLTGO an annual event that the community can count on.
This year, because of all of those previous years of visits, conversations, hugs and handshakes, we’ll be able to pull back from those same real-life interactions that are absolutely fundamental to events like WLTGO. I can’t help but wonder, had we had to do that first event under these modern circumstances, would we have? That’s really a question for Denise, but I can’t imagine doing what she did to start WLTGO over the phone, or email alone. The sometimes-chaotic cauldron of conversation between friendly neighbors was the means by which the creative process was engaged. The back and forth, the exchange of empathy and information, eye contact and embrace, led to so many great ideas that were the result of the community coming together literally, then figuratively. Two years ago, I was glad to take over the management of the event, when Denise decided to hand it off to me. I see it as a servant role, protecting her original creative vision, and serving the local business community along the way. We are still a group of mostly women, as is a true reflection of Downtown Palmer’s business community, and the event is really a cooperation rather than an incorporation. I don’t tell anyone what to do, although we all bring something to this annual potlatch that Denise made a tradition. Every business owner maintains control over what they do to contribute to the event, with good faith, remaining true to Denise’s original vision.
Last year, because of the major changes going on in April, we made the decision to shift to an online-only event. All of those independent businesses took their own precautions and created unique ways to serve the community during uncertain times. There’s no way that could have been managed from above, each business owner acted of their own agency, their own mind, and overcame the challenges that were affecting them all uniquely. My job last year was to use my camera skills to create videos for each of these local businesses, videos allowing the business owner to share those solutions with the potential customers who could shop from home. This year, we will do the online event, and the real-life event, and we will adjust accordingly. No one can predict the future, but we can adapt. And when we know a storm is brewing, we can prepare to adapt. For the time-being, we’re planning to do both, and to keep the online version of WLTGO as an additional option for community members to engage as they see fit. I am so inspired by local (mostly women) business owners in Palmer, each year coming together to make WLTGO a success. It’s an important reminder that a woman’s place is wherever she wants to be. But why do we keep repeating this quirky query, like the chorus to an ear worm: Who let the girls out? Well, it’s a rhetorical question. WLTGO 2021, April 23rd & 24th. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please call 373-2698 or follow WhoLetTheGirlsOut on Facebook.
last year to our crop and also utilize more of our land as well. Since we grow our hemp outdoors, we have the option to plant seedlings indoors or direct seed into the ground depending on our schedule and the weather. We hope to get an earlier start this year for a higher yield. Contributed by Ember Haynes Every year, I look forward to planning the garden and picking the variety of food and flower seeds we will be growing. Planning for hemp is similar to other field and garden crops when considering the strain to grow in your location. Believe it or not, there are quite a few options when it comes to the type of hemp to plant. In the Alaska Hemp Program, there a currently over 255 varieties listed. There are many things to consider before purchasing hemp seed in bulk, similar to choosing the right tomato or peony for your garden. A few key questions come to mind, I’m sure there are many other points to think about. Are you growing indoors or outdoors? If outdoors, are you prepared for light deprivation techniques? What is your microclimate? What are you trying to accomplish by growing hemp, and
what are you looking for in an end result? What part of the plant are you using and how will you process/use that material? How do you plan to harvest your crop, how and where will the crop be processed and stored? What attributes, terpene and cannabinoid profile are you hoping for? If needed, there is information and sources for hemp seeds available online with an Alaska Hemp Program license. Last year, my husband, Chris, and I grew two varieties of hemp. We grew Matterhorn CBG and an autoflower hemp, which both fit into our purpose and plan. We compared their pros and cons, then decided on varieties for this season. As expected for our style of field growing, the autoflower plants performed the best and we will be growing predominantly autos this season. We are eager to apply what we learned
Depending on the end-result purpose of the hemp, some outdoor growers utilize hoop houses or greenhouses that allow for light deprivation during the summer months and also extend the growing season. For us growing outdoors with an autoflowering variety that does not need light, it fits our plan and schedule for the most part. We made do with what we had last year, although we do have the goal of getting a greenhouse going this year... if time would only allow. The ultimate goal for our small acreage is to continuously improve our soil and achieve sustainability with the plants we grow. Hemp is just one of the plants we cultivate on our property. We have found that medicinal plants such as calendula, mint, and yarrow are happy companions to our hemp crop. This is our humble story and process. I look forward to seeing what Alaskan hemp farmers are able to accomplish this year and provide to our program’s knowledge base.
COMMUNITY Contributed by Bill Brokaw As of February 10th, the Palmer Vets & Pioneers home is now open to visitors. At this time all of the Home’s residents have received the 1st and 2nd vaccines.
Call 761-6530 to schedule visit.
Contributed by Debra McGhan
because we had some super skilled people with us that were able to help.” Otherwise, Mason said, he was sure he would have died. It happens far too often.
“The week had been absolutely stellar,” said Christian Mason, a sales representative for an outdoor safety company specializing in avalanche gear. He got to travel along on the journey to take photos. “The experience was amazing. We’d captured all the images we needed, and everyone was having a blast and feeling pumped. It was the end of the day when I made a split-second decision to tie up to a snow machine to get some turns in on my skis. That proved to be the dumbest decision I have probably ever made.” In the blink of an eye, Mason’s life changed forever. “Looking back, I realize there were some red flags I ignored,” he admitted. “The driver had never actually pulled a skier before. And we didn’t really have the right equipment for the task. We were improvising.” Mason gave his driver a few quick instructions. “I told him to keep his speed steady and look back now and then to check on me.” As they set out, the driver hit the throttle and failed to notice the slack rope. When he reached full speed, he still didn’t look back to see the rope go taunt and wrap around Mason’s ski, twisting his leg and jerking him off his feet. “It all happened in the blink of an eye,” said Mason. “I saw the rope drop between my skis and then I felt my leg snap as I was being drug behind this fast-moving snowgo. It was horrible.” When the driver finally realized the situation and stopped, the damage had been done. Mason suffered a life-threatening femur fracture. “Looking back, I know I was fortunate
vaccination. Unvaccinated visitors have to follow these rules: A scheduled private visit in secluded visiting area selected by staff. Visitors are screened and must wear a mask. No children under 12. Staff determine the number of visits.
These vaccinated residents may receive in-home visits from vaccinated visitors (visitors must still wear masks and be screened). Daily, 10am-5pm, visitors who were vaccinated must provide proof of
Spring sunshine flooded across the mountains as a group of backcountry travelers set out to film and capture stories in the wilderness of Alaska.
The home will be continuing weekly testing and any positive cases will lead to a cessation of visits.
It took more than seven hours to shuttle him to a hospital where he underwent surgery to pin and screw his leg back together. A year later, he was still undergoing intense physical therapy and struggling with constant pain. “It’s those last-minute decisions we make when we’re feeling really good and not thinking about the potential consequences that often get us in the most trouble,” said Mason. This pandemic has given all of us more than enough reasons to get outdoors away from everyone else and the stress of life. Just make sure your adventure is a round trip by being prepared and thinking ahead. Stop when you make decisions and consider the potential consequences of trying something risky, whether you’ve done it before or not. So many tragedies in life are moments you’ll wish you could rewind and do over. You can’t. Ask any educator who teaches backcountry safety awareness, “What is the most important thing people need to know when traveling in mountain terrain in the winter?” They will likely say, “Get the training, get the gear, get the forecast, get the picture and get out of harm’s way.” They also might say something like, “The most important tool in the backcountry is your brain. Educate it and use it.” So, what do you do if you’re out there having a great time and suddenly snowballs hit the fan, tumble down the mountain and everything goes wrong despite your very best efforts? You better have the gear. That means at the very least an avalanche transceiver, probe, shovel, food,
water and first aid. Alaska can be a harsh and unforgiving environment. On foot, skis, or snowshoes, you can be swallowed by the wilderness in no time. Climb into a car or aboard a snow machine, fat bike, ATV, boat, aircraft or helicopter and you can be in the most rugged of places within minutes. If something goes wrong, you could instantly find yourself in a life-or-death situation. I’ve never met anyone who survived a tragedy say they were sorry they over prepared. I’ve talked to plenty who had stories where being prepared was the only thing that saved their lives. Or it made them understand the critical importance and swear not to make the same mistakes in the future. Get the latest weather forecast for the area you plan to travel at the National Weather Service https:// Get mountain and snow conditions at where you can link to avalanche centers, training and a wealth of information from across the state, the nation and the globe.
Contributed by Linda Meyers-Steele Senior Ed is directed toward adults who are interested in keeping mentally active, curious, learning and having fun. No tests, no grades and no homework! At this time, classes are being presented virtually. The instructors volunteer their time. WASI (Wasilla Area Seniors
Contributed by Theresa Isaac MEFEC theme for February is “Preparedness”. Please join us for one or more of our FREE online classes!! Feb. 16th, 12pm-1pm: Trap Crops in the Home Garden - Instructor: Joey Slowik, IPM Technician Trap crops are an often-unused method to help keep garden pests in check. This class will briefly go over some of the trap crop species and techniques used with a focus on how they may be incorporated into a home garden. Hi there, Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Feb. 18th, 6pm-7pm: Preparing the Pantry for Emergencies - Instructor: Leslie Shallcross, Professor of Extension – HHFD This session will include how much food and food types to have on-hand.
Contributed by Kim Butler As a military veteran bearing first-hand witness to heroic accomplishments, often at the ultimate cost to our military veterans, I revere the term “hero” as most sacred. I do not use it loosely or apply it to people and their everyday accomplishments, even when those achievements are significant or selfless. However, I have another term for these everyday people and their good deeds since they deserve their own form of recognition: angels. Yes, angels. From my experience, angels are found throughout Alaska, and they step up in a variety of ways to make small and large difference in other people’s lives. And they don’t judge the darker color of my skin when our life paths intersect, despite the negative racial coverage you see in the news. I am an African American veteran with over 30 years of honorable service to the United States Navy. Before moving to Alaska in 2002, I lived in and visited numerous countries and states. My wife and I have four daughters and also a son who we adopted from Ethiopia. He
It will also include information about food preparation and safety during emergencies. Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Feb. 23rd, 4pm-5pm: Virtual Preparedness Jeopardy! Ages 14-18 Instructor: Ann Biddle, 4-H Program Coordinator We’ll talk a bit about disaster preparedness and emergency kits and then play a game of Jeopardy to test your knowledge! Geared for youth 14 - 18. Register in advance for this Workshop: 5?pwd=TWxENEZldUF0QlNsNGFhNFJt WGF5dz09 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Feb. 25th, 1pm-2pm: Soil Sampling
is 14 years old, and we both enjoy all the outdoor activities that Alaska offers, including hunting and fishing. Angels enter your life in the most unexpected ways; and this winter the door they walked through for me opened when my son and I were awarded two caribou permits by Alaska Fish and Game. In September 2020, we spent four days hunting caribou in the Cantwell area with a friend who is a highly experienced hunter. Due to slow migration, we saw very few caribou and those we did observe on this expedition were miles away or headed in the opposite direction. After four days of hunting, we broke camp and returned home empty handed. Over the next three months, my son and I drove 400 – 750 miles every other weekend with my wife or friends or other hunting buddies in search of the elusive caribou. The challenge of completing a successful hunt grew more intense as our permit expiration date drew close. A few days before it expired, my son and I ventured out once again, determined to find caribou in the Eureka and Lake Louise area and
Inc.) hosts the classes. Each class has a separate ID number and Passcode. For questions, contact WASI at 376-3104 or SPECIAL NOTE: Book Club meets the third Tuesday of the month and will be presented on the Zoom platform.
- Instructor: Steve Brown, AG/Hort & Natural Resources Agent Learn how to get a good soil sample and why it is important. Register in advance for this Workshop: qFEF_GTTg After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Feb. 25th, 6pm-7pm: Seed Starting Instructor: Marion Owen Marion Owen has enthusiastically gardened in Kodiak, Alaska since 1986. Known as the “Fearless Weeder” or “Compost Coach”, she has written weekly organic gardening columns for almost 25 years, which are published each Monday in the Kodiak Daily Mirror and on her blog, MarionOwenAlaska. com. (She takes the liberty to toss in plant-based recipes, photography tips and upBEET expressions along the way). Marion has been featured in Reader’s Digest, Better Homes & Gardens, Alaska Magazine, National Geographic Traveler and The Smithsonian, to name a few. And she connects with gardeners
bring them home. I made a reservation with Sheep Mountain Lodge, not knowing how much time would be required to fill our tags. Mark, the owner of the lodge, was extremely accommodating, and my son and I enjoyed a spotless and comfortable room for the evening of January 8th. On January 9th, we woke up early, energized by a good night’s rest and the prospect of a successful hunt, and drove to Eureka Lodge for breakfast. As two African American hunters in wilderness Alaska, I can honestly say that visually we stick out like two raisins in a bowl of rice. It mattered not at all. Both staff and guests, warmly greeted us, and several patrons generously offered us much welcomed advice on where the caribou were located, including specific directions to where they had been successful on their hunts. They all sincerely wished us luck. We left Eureka Lodge with high spirits, confident that it would be easy to find caribou after such a warm and encouraging send off. We hunted for several hours on a snow machine in the mountains behind Eureka Lodge without success, then
February 2021 Schedule: “I Read What I Want To Read” Book Club Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 2:00PM Facilitated by Andi Nations, Retired Educator Join Zoom Meeting ID: 856 7698 3955 Passcode: 792930
around the world through her Garden Shed Newsletter. Marion believes that gardening - even sowing a few seeds is more than an activity. It is a quiet and peaceful haven in these unusual times. Register in advance for this Workshop: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. MEFEC theme for March is Sustainable Living. Please join us for one or more of our FREE online classes!! Watch the Matanuska Experiment Farm Facebook page for additional info and registration links for the March classes: March 2, 12-1pm: Composting: One Part of Your Personal Sustainable Lifestyle - Instructor: Jodie Anderson, Center Director March 4, 12-1pm: Reducing Household Energy Use & the Utilization of Renewable Energy - Instructor: Art Nash, Extension Energy Specialist March 4, 6-7pm: AOC Nutrients, Foods & Habits to Help the Immune System - Instructor: Leslie Shallcross, Professor of Extension – HHFD
returned to our truck and drove to the Lake Louise area where we were warmly greeted by a young mother and her child who wished us well. Again, we hunted for several hours before deciding it was time to head out, but on our way back, a fellow hunter we passed reported that there were approximately 300 caribou near the trail he had just traveled. Of course, as unfulfilled hunters, we proceeded towards the caribou area only to find the herd had moved on. With darkness now upon us, we called it a day, loaded up the truck, and started the drive back to Sheep Mountain Lodge. It appeared the caribou had won this round. Due to snowy weather conditions, I was driving slower than the speed limit when suddenly four caribou were illuminated in our headlights. Directly in front of us. My attempts to steer the truck away from the collision and the colorful language I used could not prevent us from striking one of the animals. Immediately my Dodge Ram truck was sent into a 180-degree spin to the right before the truck and trailer ended up facing the opposite direction, partially in a ditch and buried up to the bumper in snow. We were fortunate that neither of us was injured – and just as fortunate that several angels were about to become part of our caribou hunt story. ARTICLES CONTINUES ONLINE:
POLITICS & OPINION Contributed by Josh Fryfogle Time Magazine tells the tale of covert corporate collusion to affect the 2020 election outcome No. Really. They admit it. Then they swear it’s a good thing, and not at all fascism. Consider this quote from Time Magazine’s recent February 2021 edition: “A second odd thing happened amid Trump’s attempts to reverse the result:
corporate America turned on him. Hundreds of major business leaders, many of whom had backed Trump’s candidacy and supported his policies, called on him to concede. To the President, something felt amiss. ‘It was all very, very strange,’ Trump said on Dec. 2. ‘Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted.’” “In a way, Trump was right.” Here they refer to Trump’s attempts to
new beginnings, thinning the lines. We have seen in time the scene is grimed; the screen needs cleaned. We were gonna scam the system for two weeks to flatten the curve.
Contributed by Robert Lyons Some flew the coop, blew the nest, showed their best side as they tried to stand… It got out of hand. Sad really, but what is expected? Life’s been hectic, a lot of anger crept in, septic thinking. Turn your back from sinking in a quagmire. It’s time to look at mama and go get hired. Screw this hobbit in the shire business, who is listening? I’m pissing in the wind.
Now we’ve been taken to the curb, lives lost because of systemic stupidity. Let’s rid the cities and towns of these clowns whose houses shine like castles as we get blasted and called out. Sometimes we gotta shout, but remember the doubt when old men got took out. What was it March? When the fists beat geriatric and the Target store got blasted for 50-inch screens. Fantastic… Meanwhile Moms n Pops got food stamps and elastic masks, so they gasped in fear as the last 30 years of reality turned to tears.
Alaska Proposed Individual Income Tax Bills H.B. 9 & H.B. 37: Are They Unconstitutional? Why? The short answer: Errors, Omissions, Inaccuracies and Fraud. Recently discovered documents in 2020 show what happened to the U.S. Codes, and why it might affect Alaska individual income tax bill HB 9 and HB 37 before Juneau. In 1919, a group of well-educated and prominent men were brought in to straighten out the U.S. Codes. Col. E. C. Little and Professor William Burdick (both lawyers) brought in the “American Bar Association”. (Now what could go wrong here?) In fact, a lot did go wrong. Three times, the lawyers tried to have the U.S. Codes pass; but each time the Senate shot them down because of too many errors, omissions, inaccuracies and fraud. The American Bar Association was kicking an empty can down the road. In the 1st volume of “The Code of Laws of the United States of America” is of a general and permanent character in force December 7, 1925. When you open the first book of the U.S. Codes 1926 go to the “PREFACE” page just inside the front cover. At the bottom of the second paragraph and last sentence, you will read that the
reverse the results of the election, but later in the article they will admit to a concerted conspiracy to stop the reelection of Trump. No, Time Magazine literally called it a “conspiracy”! Check this out: “There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain... ...–in which the forces of labor came together with the
It’s okay though, because failure just means slow. There isn’t a winner I know who didn’t get up from below. Now the whole world knows what’s going on and it isn’t long that the next chapter will be written, never look with misgivings. I read about Grant as a lad and I thought how proud I was of my dad, fighting for freedom like many big men had. I know this, “We the People” have faced much in the past, history never lasts. It just keeps going to the next task. Ben Franklin knew the risk we had taken when he said swinging is what they might be facing. Washington knew two parties would do exactly this to our nation, and with enormous patience the General tried to warn.
Notice that in the preceding quote from the Time article, in the second sentence, the writer says that it was an “informal alliance” between left wing activists and powerful corporations. But then, in the third sentence, Time Magazine tells us that they “formalized” this conspiracy through a little-noticed joint statement from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO unions. Wow. Just... wow. ARTICLE CONTINUES ON PAGE 6
withered by bloody war. It doesn’t have to be you know? Work the pyramid how it was meant to be… What does Washington DC know about me? Upside down they turned it on us, things teetering on a single name? Really insane to not start at home, local politics to create a foundation of true representation to send to the nation. People should know the school boards names, their council members should be the same, instead of the politics of fame. Put energies into creating the system, it’s yours you know, your GOP and Democrat parties. I hardly see the fighting between us, like the TV shows our so-called leaders as they deceive and steal liberty. Ya, UNITY.
House passed it three times, but failed of action in the Senate. On June 30, 1926, the U.S. Codes were “prima facie” only; if the law was challenged, recourse must be had to the original Statutes.
one thousand (1000+) errors, omissions and inaccuracies just on the U.S. Codes that were corrected.
Was this by design of the ABA?
The Federal Register Act of 1935 sections 5 states laws not in the Register only apply to the federal agencies or persons in their capacity as officer, agents or employees thereof.
So, now we have 2 Title 26s? Yes. U.S. Code Title 26 what could have 100s of errors, omissions, inaccuracies and fraud. Title 26 IRC with what could have 100s of errors, omissions, inaccuracies and fraud. So, just what are all of the errors, omissions, inaccuracies and fraud in Title 26? And will we ever find out?
After 86 years, Title 26 USC is still not in the Federal Register. The Immaculate Deception USC to IRC: In my research to find out what happened to the U.S. Codes, I came upon some writings by a gentleman called Richard J. McKinney, Assistant Law Librarian, Federal Reserve Board, Board of Governors for the LLSDC Law Librarians Society program, Washington, DC, which is a regional chapter of the AALL American Association of Law Libraries in Chicago IL. One of the several ways Mr. McKinney describes of what happened to the USC and the IRC, he states it this way: “In 1939, the Internal Revenue Code was enacted (53 Stat. 1) and was recodified by the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (63 A Stat. 3) and renamed as the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 by Tax Reform Act of 1986. As Title 26 USC exactly mirrors the IRC, Title 26 is in essence positive law.” (No, it is not law.) Mr. McKinney also states that well over
Title 26 USC (Internal Revenue Code) has never been corrected.
forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.”
Torn our nation has been before, even
Or is it just beginning? I’m leaning to
Contributed by Joseph Anthony Mazut, Jr.,
Every time the IRS has changes to their IRC, they only add on more errors, omissions, inaccuracies and fraud.
Was the American Bar Association trying to hide something?
By challenge, the prima facie of the USC and the IRC of the State of Alaska would have to bring forward all the following documents: The proceedings and debates of the House and Senate on all hearings on every section/subsection… etc… of the USC and the IRC. Which would show the original intent of Congress. All Statutes at Large related to the USC and the IRC. All sections of the U.S. Codes. All sections of the Internal Revenue Service’s Codes.
Did any of the errors, omissions, or inaccuracies have to do with the American Bar Association/lawyers?
Why did H.B. 9 and H.B. 37 write it this way: 26 U.S.C. ### (Internal Revenue Code)
The USC’s and IRC’s are only prima facie and can be challenged at any time. The ABA wrote the U.S. Codes. The ABA messed up the U.S. Codes.
It’s to intentionally confuse you.
The ABA wrote the IRC with all the same errors, omissions and inaccuracies as the USC. Who owns the IRS? The American Bar Association? On July 9, 1953, the Internal Revenue Service was created. On August 16, 1954, the Internal Revenue Code was enacted.
Are the taxing codes constitutional that have errors, omissions, inaccuracies and fraud in them? As for Alaska proposing two individual state income tax bills with reference to the USC and IRC, the State of Alaska is taking on the burden of proof that the USC and the IRC are true, correct, complete, not misleading, not concealing material facts, not falsifying evidence and have passed both the House and Senate without any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or fraud still in place.
POLITICS / OPINION Contributed by Doug Ferguson Are we now being led by third-world rulers? That was the gist of the headline above award-winning author/lawyer and commentator Joel B. Pollak’s recent article. He listed nine reasons why he believes the new Biden Administration is off to doing exactly that. Looking at the huge stack of executive orders that our new president signed in his first few days in office and the bunch of initiatives now being immediately pursued by the new Democratcontrolled Congress, including the impeachment of a former president, he lists them as follows: Rule by executive order Putting a predecessor on trial Censorship of opposition Attacking the private sector Exploiting identity politics Challenging judicial independence Purging former officials Encouraging a slavish media Military in the streets In each one of these, he presents a very plausible case with the evidence being the actual orders signed and initiatives introduced in congress. Many of these are currently being challenged in the courts and in the legislature by states, businesses, the now minority Republicans and even some Democrats. Some of these efforts may succeed in slowing what appears to be the new administration’s efforts to gain total control of all three branches of our federal government. However, for our unique American “check and balance” system of government to be restored in the long run, only our republic’s democratic process of uncorrupted elections by the
A MATTER OF TIME ARTICLE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 Then, in the last sentence of that same paragraph, they say they did all of this conspiracy and collusion to stop “Trump’s assault on democracy.” But they already admitted that Trump was right. What was he right about? They tell us that, too. That there was indeed a conspiracy to affect the outcome of the 2020 election. Each paragraph reads like this: They admit that they did all of these things of which they’ve been accused since November 2020, but then invert it, projecting exactly what they themselves have just admitted to doing onto the ones they did it to. This appears to be a hamhanded, obvious attempt at narcissistic gaslighting. It feels desperate. Damning Admission They wouldn’t admit to any of this, on the record, except that they’re trying to steer the narrative around this information that will inevitably seep into the public conversation. They are framing the narrative, because they know that the evidence can’t be suppressed through the power of suggestion forever. Now, you might say that I’m the one assigning intent to their words, by saying that they would conspire to control the information, except they said that, too - in paragraph 8: “They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used datadriven strategies to fight viral smears.” Again, this paragraph admits to their actions, but frames it not as abusive of the public system, but somehow
people can recover this “takeover” of our free society. This begs the question: Was the recent election really stolen? At the expense of being called a “conspiracy theorist”, a “far-Right militant radical” or worse, a “racist” that anyone who asks this question is labeled, I will say, along with millions of other Americans, it is definitely possible and, unless proven otherwise, it sure looks like it. There are many problem areas to look at, but two key ones need to be recognized. Long before COVID and the 2020 election, the “progressive” movement initiated many things that made our elections less secure. Among these was pushing to eliminate the need for IDs that we use for almost everything else and also “mail-in” voting without independent certification. Both of these allow non-registered ineligible people to cast ballots as had not been the case previously. Also, years before this past election, there were many technical experts in the field of election security raising questions about the increasing reliance on electronic technology and software for voting systems. One of the most well-known is Harri Hursti, a Finnish genius and data security expert. Hursti is considered one of the foremost authorities today on election computer security. Back in 2005, not long after he had sold a security software company he co-founded and had thought he was “retired”, he was called back into the security business. This was in the aftermath of the 2004 U.S Presidential Election when the punched card “hang-
protecting it. There is a reason why abusers use these same tactics when they’re caught. And there’s a reason the corporate media would use theses tactics now. Because they’re caught. “For Trump and his allies were running their own campaign to spoil the election.” While they claim that Trump was planning his “own campaign to spoil the election”, they’ve tacitly admitted that this is also what they were doing. Their accusation against Trump’s intentions are just that, an accusation, but also, yet another admission of their own conspiratorial intentions. Not that it was necessary, since the whole article seems devoted to doing just that. Again, they wouldn’t be doing this pre-emptive damage control if it weren’t their only option. This paragraph follows the mold of the article, to admit to their conspiracy, but wrap that admission in accusations against the object of their conspiracy. “This is the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election, based on access to the group’s inner workings, never-before-seen documents and interviews with dozens of those involved from across the political spectrum. It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation came to disaster. ‘Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,’ says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan rule-of-law advocacy group. ‘But it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not selfexecuting.’”
ing chad” controversy emerged in the close election recount in Florida. At that time there was a big push to do away with paper ballots and use more “advanced” electronic voting technology. As part of a team of experts he showed that the Diebold machines being used were easily “hacked” and compromised, also going on to prove auditing hand marked ballots remain the only way to verify election integrity. The “official” line is that this is “fake” news, but other experts have repeatedly verified Hursti’s “proof of hackability” effort on all systems. Diebold finally renamed and eventually sold the division that made voting machines. After a very complicated process including a 2010 antitrust ruling against the buying company, it was eventually sold to Dominion, the company at the center of controversy this past election cycle. Ownership of voting machine companies has been very murky to say the least! After the Florida situation, Hursti came out of retirement and for the past fifteen years has focused entirely on election security. Last year he was the featured subject of the HBO documentary, “Kill Chain” that followed him around the United States interviewing people and showing how easy it is to compromise voting systems. He was a key factor in starting an ethical “Hacker’s Village” to demonstrate voting machine vulnerabilities as part of the annual Hacker’s convention (Def Con) held in Las Vegas in 2017. He allows that most of the people involved in the voting process at the state level are honest, well meaning people who are totally unaware of how easy
(Side note: democracy is, literally, selfexecuting. Democracy literally means ‘government by the People.’ The hubris of this cabal is astounding. No, really, they called it a ‘cabal’, too. Keep reading.) Again, they admit to conspiracy, but they frame it as noble, and that their victims - the People of this nation who deserve an honest election - that we need them to conspire, without our knowledge, to make sure some ‘disaster’ didn’t come to pass. If you don’t believe that there is any outcome where Trump should win, if Trump winning itself is the danger you describe, then you are the one interfering in an election. The pattern of couching their admissions in accusations continues. It seems clear that they’re trying to steer the narrative, because they know they can’t keep it secret forever. Here’s how they spin that in the Time article: “That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.” They admit now that this was literally a “cabal”. Time magazine calls it a cabal of well-funded, powerful people working to change laws and rules, steer media coverage and - get this - control the
it is to corrupt the system. The reason for this, Hursti says, is because the vast majority of the states don’t have true and qualified IS personal to support election related systems including keeping them up to date, making them very vulnerable to mistakes and being compromised externally. What’s the takeaway from all of this? With information such as Mr. Hursti and others have found, along with all the recent strange, un-investigated and un-audited election night incidents that occurred, no wonder millions of our citizens are questioning the outcomes, especially when we see the draconian actions being made to suppress any questioning and auditing. The giant propaganda spin on the January 6th debacle at the capital has only further obscured election integrity questions. To have a truly democratic process of electing the people that will honestly represent us in local, state and federal government, we must have a secure and openly auditable system of voting that all Americans believe in. What can you do? For one thing, be sure to watch the HBO Special “Kill Chain”. Then contact your local and national leaders and push them to investigate, make auditing mandatory, fix the system and get our “Check and Balance” democracy back! Your honest vote needs to count! Doug Ferguson is a retired engineer living in Palmer, Alaska who has had a lifelong interest in science, computer technology, history and, of course, politics.
flow of information. They’ve basically taken everything that Trump accused them of, admitted it, but then in the same paragraph call it “fortifying”, not “rigging the election”. Abuse and intentional misuse of language is the hallmark of Totalitarians everywhere. Good thing they clarified, because it sounded exactly like an admission that they’d rigged the election. Exactly. Until they told us that it’s not. Good that they cleared that up. The article goes on and on, nearly 7000 words. The bulk of it is a stunning admission of ‘conspiracy’, ‘well-funded cabal of powerful people’, ‘vast crosspartisan campaign’, ‘extraordinary shadow effort’, ‘coalition of operatives’, ‘touch[ing] every aspect of the campaign’, ‘recruit[ing] armies of poll workers’, ‘pressur[ing] social media companies’, ‘monitor[ing] every pressure point’, ‘influenc[ing] perceptions’, and my absolute least favorite of all the admissions, and the crux of my point: “...working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.” As I’ve asserted throughout this article, and as is made clear in the preceding quote, there has been a concerted effort by the establishment to skew the outcome of our election, through covert means. They’ve admitted it, over and over, in Time Magazine. They had to control the narrative, then and now, because a conspiracy of this scope could never be kept quiet for long... It was only a matter of time.
POLITICS & OPINION Contributed by Stuart Thompson Please consider our constitutions explaining “People Power” for the coming times ahead. 1) The focus of civic participation (which includes peaceful assembly and petitions) is described in US Constitution’s Preamble; the Constitution’s various clauses concerning election of public officials by the People, and its 1st, 9th and 10th Amendments. It is more thoroughly described in Article 1, Sections 1, 2, 6, 8, 11,16 and 24; in Article 11, Section 1 and 8; in Article 12, Section 14; and in the entirety of Articles 5 and 13 of the Alaska Constitution: (AK)Article 1, Section 1. Inherent Rights--This constitution is dedicated to the principles that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of the rewards of their own industry; that all persons are equal and entitled to equal rights, opportunities, and protection under the law; and that all persons have corresponding obligations to the people and to the state. (AK)Article 1, Section 2. Source of Government---All political power is inherent in the people. All government originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the people as a whole. (AK)Article 1, Section 6. Assembly;
Contributed by Wes Keller Loss of election system credibility is going to sink our ship unless we recover from political shock quickly! Continued exposure to lies, abuses of power, criminal allegations and election fraud have left us with our heads spinning. Many unanswered questions remain after the pretentious inauguration celebration. Assimilation of what was revealed by the 2020 presidential election disaster will take time because we are understandably “in shock”. Why the continued military occupation of Washington DC? Why the brazen censorship of conservatives by tech giants? Why the unanswered Biden crime allegations? Why all the fake news? Why the second impeachment? Why the unanswered challenges and first-hand observations of voting/ election fraud? Why the new level of hatred and partisan polarization? (Reflect on one of our patriotic “boasts”: “E pluribus unum”?) Healing will take a lot of answers and time, but immediate damage control is needed! As the source of constitutional authority, we have an immediately press-
Petition---The right of the people to peacefully assemble, and to petition the government shall never be abridged. (AK)Article 1, Sections 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 24 (covering aspects of trials by juries made up of Alaskan citizens and the opportunity for jury questions on points of law and fact) (AK) Article 5---Suffrage and Elections: entirety of the article (AK) Article 11 Section 1. Initiative and Referendum---The people may propose and enact laws by the initiative, and approve or reject acts of the legislature by the referendum. (AK) Article 11, Section 8. Recall---All elected public officials in the State, except judicial officers, are subject to recall by the voters of the State or political subdivision from which elected. Procedures and grounds for recall shall be prescribed by the legislature. (AK) Article 12---General Provisions: Section 14 Approval of Federal Amendment to Statehood Act affecting an Interest of the State under that Act. (AK) Article 13---Amendment and Revision [re the Constitution and holding constitutional conventions]: entirety of the article 2) Important Definitions Assembly, right of: 6th Edition of Black’s Law Dictionary: Right guaranteed by the First Amendment, U.S. Constitution, allowing people to meet for any purpose
ing civic duty: Fix our election system! It is an open question whether our presidential votes will ever mean anything again unless we restore the credibility of the vote of respective States, starting with our own. State action must overwhelm the US House Democrat majority initiative to control elections – as revealed in their HR1! HR1 reveals congressional insanity. It pours gasoline on the crisis when we need rational deliberation. It is time for State action. State legislatures are the essential key if we want to cast a “vote of confidence” in our constitutional values. The Constitution cannot stand if we do not have credible elections, and credible elections are maintained by State laws and policies. It would be difficult to overstate the need for immediate action. The cost of total federal rejection of the constitution is unthinkable. This puts us in a real bind because we have perhaps less confidence in our Alaska State Legislature than we have in congress! I am appealing to you to ignore your understandable distaste for the job and immediately do something to repair (or initiate) your relationship with state legislators - even if you suspect, or know, they are not good!
connected with government; it encompasses meeting to protest governmental policies and actions and the promotion of ideas. Contrast with definition of Assembly, Unlawful which hinges on proving that the congregating of people resulted in anti-social behavior of the group. Duty (obligation): 6th Edition of Black’s Law Dictionary: A human action which is exactly conformable to the laws which require us to obey them. Legal or moral obligation. An obligation that one has by law or contract. Obligation to conform to legal standard of reasonable conduct in light of apparent risk. Obligatory conduct or service. Mandatory obligation to perform. Petition: 6th Edition of Black’s Law Dictionary: A written address, embodying an application or prayer from the person or persons preferring it, to the power, body, or person to whom it is presented, for the exercise of his or their authority, in the redress of some wrong, or the grant of some favor, privilege, or license. A formal written request addressed to some governmental authority. 3) The focus of free speech is described in US Constitution’s 1st Amendment and more thoroughly in Alaska Constitution’s Article 1 Sections 3 and 5: US Constitution, Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging
As a retired legislator, I promise you they are human and cannot ignore you if you communicate with some humility. Don’t hesitate to speak even if they respond with disrespectful silence. Speak through legislative staff— they get the “face time” stolen from you by the imposed remote “government island”. If you invest in real communication, you cannot be ignored for long because you really do “own” them – they work for you. If you cannot get past your disdain, we may lose a very critical battle and maybe the war! At least three legislators seem to share this concern. The election system must be essentially re-certified. Because your vote put them there, we should be able to move the majority of 60 Alaskan legislators to action. Sen Shower, Sen Hughes, and Rep Rauscher have introduced SB39, SB43 and HB23. Senator Shower’s (SB39) is getting hearings. Sen Shower (my Senator) clearly explained his intent to restore the credibility of the Alaska voting system in the first public hearing — precisely the point of this editorial! Again, this may be the most significant issue before us at the moment, the one we can do something about! If you think not, please review the previous paragraphs. This issue supersedes our unsustainable spending bills, the COVID chaos, and even the PFD! I am pleading with you to help Sen Shower force SB39, or a similar bill, onto center-stage for passage. America’s Republic depends upon counting legal votes with integrity! SB39 suffered partisan attack before it was even heard. Sen Shower publicly invited everyone to participate in shap-
the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peacefully assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (AK)Article 1 Section 3. Civil Rights---No person is to be denied the enjoyment of any civil or political right because of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin. The legislature shall implement this section. (AK)Article 1 Section 5. Freedom of Speech---Every person may freely speak, write, and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right. Important definitions Defamation: 6th edition of Black’s Law Dictionary: An intentional false communication either published or publicly spoken, that injures another’s good name. …Includes both libel and slander. …Statement which exposes person to contempt, hatred, or ridicule. …The unprivileged publication of false statements which naturally or proximately result in injury to another. …To recover against a public official or public figure, plaintiff must prove the defamatory statement was published with malice. Malice as used in this context means that it was published either knowing that it was false or with a reckless disregard as to whether it was true or false. … Bearing False Witness: Christian Bible(10 Commandments): Knowingly lying or telling half-truths ---intending to result in mistreatment of another’s reputation, or peace of mind, or property, or mental grasp of accurate reality. Respectfully compiled by: Stuart Thompson
ing this bill to put our elections above reproach. He was forced to waste introduction time refuting knee-jerk lies and ignorance about the bill. In just a few short weeks, SB39 will be either essentially “dead” (stuck in committee because of lack of demands for hearings) or it will have moved to Finance or Rules Committee indicating it has “legs” (driven by the passionate engagement of Alaskans – you). By the time you read this there should be committee votes and comments on the record to give you something to speak about. Please do your magic and invest in this. Educational Note: To find the comments on record, search for “Alaska State Legislature” (or simply type; then click on “Bills and Laws”; then click on “Bills”; then click on “Subject Summary”. There you will find “elections” among many other subjects. ( Subject/32?subject=ELECTIONS) A parting shot at one ignorant partisan attack— the blanket denial that we have a problem! This is so childish and obviously motivated by some perceived self-interest. It was clearly parroted, on the record, against SB39. No, you do not need proof that we have a problem in order to engage in a transparent, bi-partisan positive confirmation of our voting system! Legislators of both parties NEED only to act quickly to ensure our legal votes count to retain our right to our electoral vote. Wes Keller |
The ideology Orwell describes is not condoned by our Constitution or any other philosophy except one — Karl Marx wrote it. Contributed by Nan Potts We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence [defense], promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. — Preamble to the United States Constitution That sounds pretty good to me. An American Credo, drafted in 1787 and ratified in 1789, the United States Constitution. A justifiable credo that gives American citizens (if not the World) a beacon towards successful living. Is It perfect? No. Can anyone show anything different that has proven to work better? Not yet. With assistance from knowledgeable mentors and well written literature and history, my understanding and appreciation of the Founding Fathers’ reasoning behind the construct of the Constitution is increasing. It boils down to two things: their understanding of Human Nature and their grasp of which governing ideals have benefited society and which have not. In 1986, Robert Fulghum, author and retired Unitarian minister, published his first book, All I Needed To Know I learned In Kindergarten. In it he states, “ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduateschool mountain, but there in the sandpile at Sunday School.” In the book, he begins with his Credo (here are a few beliefs): - Share everything. - Play fair. - Don’t hit people. - Put things back where you found them. - Clean up your own mess. - Don’t take things that aren’t yours. - Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. - Wash your hands before you eat. - Flush.
Contributed by Marilyn Bennett On day 1, Joe Biden signed an executive order stating that any educational institution that receives federal funding must admit biologically male athletes to women’s teams and be eligible for women’s scholarships. That is a new glass ceiling for girls. I grew up with three brothers in a neighborhood of boys. We played basketball in our driveway, baseball and tennis in the park and I was never left out. However, in high school, I could only be a cheerleader while my brothers had the full range of sports. It never seemed fair to me. After I graduated from college, I got involved with the feminist movement in the 60s partly because I felt that girls should have the same opportunities to participate in sports as boys. It was believed at that time that women were too fragile to be in competitive sport. AFTER much lobbying in 1965, the State of Minnesota Committee on Girls Sports reported that medical experts believed that there is no negative impact upon females who play sports (DAH)! Four years later in 1969, the MN Assembly adopted the bylaws and the rules for girls’ interscholastic athletics. Then in 1972, the United States govern-
- Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. - Live a balanced life—learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some . . . The list goes on — I recommend the book.
treated as — if You don’t, I’ll call the cops on You. - Flush, implies — (see above). - Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you, suggests — if You eat that, I’ll fat-shame You. - Live a balanced life, really means — I can do what I FEEL like, it’s up to you to take care of Me.
Being raised in the 1950s and 1960s, I related to his conclusions stemming from his stories. Many Baby Boomers can recall similar experiences and may agree with him. My children, now in their thirties, loved reading his works when they were teens because they too related in similar fashion.
I could say more but then my cynicism becomes overwhelming!
Today, we live in a much different world than my childhood. Times change and with it technology and ideals. Even Fulghum confesses his credo fluctuates, “The Credo has grown shorter in recent years—sometimes cynical, sometimes comical, and sometimes bland—but I keep working at it.” The word cynical, caught my attention. Why? I wondered. I’ve had similar experiences and arrived at similar conclusions. I’ve laughed and cried, rejoiced and felt defeated, loved and been angered, felt excited and bored, but cynical? I hadn’t really thought about cynicism in my credo. Then, it hit me. All the things I learned in kindergarten; the do’s and don’ts, rights and wrongs, values, morals and ethics are, over the past couple of years, unravelling before my eyes. Thus: - Share everything, now means — you owe Me your things. - Play Fair, has now become — change the rules for Me to win. - Don’t hit people, attaches — unless they disagree with Me. - Put things back where you found them — doesn’t apply to Me. - Clean up your own mess — doesn’t apply to Me. - Don’t take things that aren’t yours, links — unless I need them. - Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody, couples — unless I want to hurt them. - Wash your hands before you eat, is
ment implemented Title 9, a law stating that any federally funded program cannot discriminate against anyone based on their sex. This made a dramatic difference for women in sports. In 1971, fewer than 300,000 girls participated in high school varsity athletics. In 2018-19, that number IS 3.4 million, or 42.9% of all varsity athletes. In 1971, there was no such thing as an athletic scholarship for girls. Now, 43% of students with sport scholarships are female. Both of my daughters participated in a wide range of sports in high school and two of my daughter’s teammates qualified for the Olympic Team in downhill skiing. While two of Doug’s daughters got sport scholarships to play field hockey in college. These opportunities for Olympic tryouts and scholarships for women could now be in jeopardy because of the Transgender Movement. Most experts say that the average testosterone production for biological females ranges between 0.52 to 2.8 nanomoles/litre. The International Olympic Committee requires a male-born transgender to suppress and maintain testosterone production at 10 nanomoles/litre. As you can see her male-born competitor would have just over three times as
Why have these ideals and morals taken such a turn? Cancel Culture came to mind. I went to the dictionary for its definition — there was none. Wikipedia was next: “Cancel culture (or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles - either online on social media, in the real world, or both. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to be ‘canceled.’ MerriamWebster notes that to cancel, as used in this context, means ‘to stop giving support to that person’, while, in its pop-culture dictionary, defines cancel culture as ‘withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive.’ The expression ‘cancel culture’ has mostly negative connotations and is commonly used in debates on free speech and censorship. The notion of cancel culture is a variant on the term call-out culture and constitutes a form of boycott involving an individual (usually a celebrity) who is deemed to have acted or spoken in a questionable or controversial manner. For those at the receiving end of cancel culture, the consequence can lead to loss of reputation and income that can be hard to recover from.” I imagined the impact of ostracizing or eliminating people, censoring voices and boycotting individuals one disagrees with. If left unchecked, it would lead to a disaster for a society. If you’d like an analogy, the book 1984 by George Orwell, gives a vivid representation. If you have read it, I suggest a re-read!
much testosterone as a biological woman, which gives the transgender athlete an inborn advantage. Men naturally have a larger bone structure, higher bone density and muscle density than women. These traits, even with reduced levels of testosterone, do not go away. These biological benefits are given to boys at birth. They also have an advantage over girls because they inherited a larger heart and a greater lung capacity as well as stronger bones. This greater lung capacity helped a biological male, Rachel McKinnon, to win the Female Cycling World Title in 2018 at the UCI Masters in Los Angeles. Two transgenders beat out all the girls on the Connecticut State Track Championships. Transgender, Terry Miller, broke the state record in girls’ 100-meter dash. All told, these two males have taken 15 women’s state championship titles (titles held in 2016 by 10 different CT girls). The new Connecticut State WOMEN’S Track Records are now held by individuals born as male. In 2014, a transgender female, mixed martial arts fighter gave a female opponent a concussion and a broken eye socket. A transgender female has a larger bone structure that comes with birth, bigger hands and larger shoulder joints. In boxing and wrestling, those differences matter. It isn’t discrimina-
Like a cancer (Cancel Culture), misinformation is fed to cells (people) where it replicates itself and feeds upon the host (society). If undetected and allowed to grow malignantly, it draws the life (motivation and values) from its host until the host succumbs and dies. With nothing to feed on, the cancer starves, succumbs and also dies. As with many cancers, the results are pain, suffering and death. What starts this cancer? If you research into its credo, there’s selfishness, ignorance (no information or misinformation) and malice (an evil intent created out of fear for survival or power): Selfishness + Ignorance + Malice = Cancel Culture Can this cancer be stopped? Only if the host (society) says, “That’s enough!” When the knowledgeable are able to win over people willing to make changes that truly improve society by following a workable credo, this can result: selfishness becomes selflessness, ignorance gives way to knowledge and following a viable actions, most malice departs thus paving a way for a mainly harmonious and productive society: Selflessness + Knowledge + Workable Credo = Productive/Thriving Society Idyllic? No. After all, it is only an idea. Workable? Yes. However, this is where it becomes tricky and complex — enter Humans. The last time I checked, I have flaws and I’m not alone! If errors or flaws (corruption/irresponsibility/fear/lies) creep into a formula (credo), does the formula achieve the expected result? Probably not. So, I’m rethinking the valuable lessons I learned in kindergarten and re-reading our U.S. Constitution for a better understanding of its workability. In the end, I know these will continue to define my values, concepts of right and wrong and of an acceptable society versus a sociopathic one. Cancel Culture happens to be the latter and it needs a course correction, quickly, if our society is to prosper.
tion on the basis of “gender identity” for women to want to avoid wrestling or boxing with biological males. Girls deserve to compete on a level playing field. Women fought long and hard to earn the equal athletic opportunities that Title 9 provided. Allowing boys to compete in girls’ sports reverses nearly 40 years of advances for women. We shouldn’t force young women to be spectators in their own sports. This is about biology and should not be political. Whatever a person wishes to identify as, is his or her own private decision. Most of us want everyone to be able to live their life, however they want, but when one individual’s decision impacts others, it deserves a second look. What I have a problem with is when a biological male holds the school track record for women. When a biological woman invests her time and energy preparing for a competition only to have the playing field become significantly unleveled, it is wrong and it really hurts her chances of getting a scholarship, turning pro, making it to the Olympic tryouts or even earning a school title that she has worked hard for. So, I urge you to please consider all sides of the fairness issue and write or call your congressman, your school principal, the superintendent of schools and/or your local school board to make them aware of their duty to protect our young Alaskan women athletes…
ADULT PIANO LESSONS Hitchcock Piano Studio ........ 745-3134 APPAREL & CLOTHING All Seasons Clothing ........ 357-0123 D’s Tuxedo ........ 707-6585 Mila’s Alterations ........ 830-8339 ART & CRAFTS Artists Uncorked… 982-2675 The Gallery ........ 745-1420 BOOKSTORE A Black Sheep Shop ......... 376-8198 Black Birch Books ...... 373-2677 Fireside Books ........ 745-2665 CAFÉ & COFFEE Alaska Artisan Coffee ........ 745-5543 Gathering Grounds ........ 376-4404 Vagabond Blues……..745-2233 CANNABIS RETAILER Matanuska Cannabis Co. ...... 745-4211 CREATIVE ENTERTAINMENT Artists Uncorked ........ 982-2675 EDUCATION Learning Essentials ........ 357-3990 FOOTWEAR Northern Comfort ........ 376-5403 HEALTH & WELLNESS All About Herbs ........ 376-8327 Just Botanicals ....... 414-3663 Lone Wolf Aura ........ 631-0482 HOME DÉCOR Peak Boutique ........ 746-3320 PIZZA Humdingers Pizza ........ 745-7499 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES Valley Phlebotomy ........ 376-6435
Contributed by Josh Fryfogle Here’s something of great and grave public interest, for public discourse. Let’s crowd source a consensus? On January 20, 2021, in a release aimed at laboratory professionals and users of IVDs - the COVID testing system that is commonly used to inform our reported COVID numbers - that the World Health Organization has made some changes. Aside from this more common testing procedure that is the subject of this article, there is also the antibody test, which is a blood test. IVD stands for In Vitro Diagnotic. They insert the swab into the back of your throat, collect a sample, and then test it. This new guidance from WHO, published on their public website on January 20, 2021, seems to suggest that the testing threshold needs to be raised, especially when the patient isn’t presenting clinically with symptoms. Meaning, they don’t feel sick, but they’ve been tested in order to comply with some restrictions, and it comes back positive, in which case they should test it again, perhaps with another type of test. But why would all that be necessary?
“WHO guidance Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 states that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.” The new guidance also acknowledges that this type of test is bound to produce more false positives, as the disease decreases in the community: “WHO reminds IVD users that disease prevalence alters the predictive value of test results; as disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positive increases (2). This means that the probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed specificity.” Obviously, a test that will predictably become less dependable as the disease decreases in prevalence cannot be depended on to also tell us when the disease decreases in prevalence. If less prevalence of the disease means more false positives from this particular test, one must ask why this test was
ever depended upon for such critical information regarding public safety and welfare. They go on to make clear that most of these types of tests are meant to aid in diagnosis, alongside other methods of medical practice, listed here: “Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information.” What effect will this new testing protocol have on our daily numbers? With this acknowledgement from the WHO that this test is inherently, increasingly prone to false positives as the disease itself declines, then we certainly need a better measure to know when the threat has subsided. In related news, NPR is reporting that the “U.S. Coronovirus Surge Has Peaked”. This was published on January 21, 2021 ( Read the full WHO release here:
PRINT SERVICES The UPS Store ........ 746-6245 REPAIR, RESTORATION Comtronics ........ 373-2669 S&S Drilling ...... 746-0225 Steve’s Toyostove Repair ..... 376-9276 The Powdercoat Shop .... 841-1300 SPECIALTY GIFTS Alaska Midnite Scents ........ 357-7364 Non-Essentials ........ 745-2258 The Wagon Wheel ........ 357-8980 THRIFT SHOPS Steam Driven Boutique ........ 376-4404 Turn-A-Leaf Thrift Stores ........ 376-5708 TOYS Just Imagine Toys ........ 357-1543 Learning Essentials .......... 357-3990
Contributed by Keith Earley Wednesday, January 20, 2021, Steps of the Capitol, Washington D.C.: On this day in American history, the 46th President of the United States was inaugurated. Congratulations, President Joseph Biden. I wish you good health and a successful presidency. In a private note from President George H.W. Bush to incoming President Clinton: “Your success is now our country’s success.” One of the many great tragedies of this historic moment is that President Trump was not present to pass the torch to the next administration.
Contributed by William Hibler While Trump has been a nutcase after losing the election, it still seems unlikely he bears root responsibility for the riots. It is also clear that we now have a real impeachable offense asserted by the US House, not a laughable “Get Trump” politically-motivated indictment as occurred a year ago. The charges, which accuse the President of “willfully inciting violence against the government of the United States” are indeed serious federal crimes. It is therefore
Consider the consequences. We are eyewitnesses to one of the most dramatic political struggles in our nation’s history. Much of America has yet to fully grasp the harsh reality of the misguided and criminal actions of the men and women who stormed the Capitol. Whatever their motives and justification, prison is their new reality. It also appears President Trump, whether or not convicted by the Senate, will be dealt with severely in his personal and financial life, starting immediately. The pendulum has swung hard Left, literally overnight. MSM and social
imperative that we have a fair trial, not some rushed ‘Kangaroo-court’ before the inauguration. Fortunately, Majority Leader McConnell has refused a rapid trial. Since Trump will likely be a private citizen subject to legal prosecution when the impeachment trial begins, its only point is to convict him of a serious federal crime. But Democrats and all letter writers vilifying Trump should agree that it would be better to prosecute such a “criminal” (as Democrats allege) in a legitimate court of law, rather than
media have happily assumed the role of propaganda ministers, shaping the national narrative by carefully selecting which “facts” the American public are permitted to consume. In the coming years, the prevailing view of current events will be framed in ways that promote an agenda, rather than seek a resolution. With conservative voices emaciated, freedoms we have long taken for granted will be erased from the Constitution. And we will watch in silence.
by a Senate jury containing 50 Democratic Senators, who are assured votes to convict. Surely, even “criminals”, like Trump, have rights. So, our Constitution has held, thanks largely to McConnell, who has also stated (together with Senators Murkowski and Sullivan) that he is undecided regarding conviction. Meanwhile Trump, despite numerous accomplishments, will, perhaps unfairly, go down in history as a weak leader who can’t take responsibility for his own actions and is more concerned about his own vanity than his voters, party and country. Nevertheless, an Impeachment trial now would be a farce.
Contributed by Lauralynn Robison “Thank You.” Two words that hold a lot of meaning; however, we tend to forget to use them on occasion. MatSu Food Bank has so many individuals and businesses that we are “Thankful” for daily. We provide food for hundreds of people weekly and thousands monthly! We can do this with all the assistance provided by our volunteers and local businesses. Our volunteers provide countless hours of their time helping
with the in-take of donated food, assisting folks who come to the pantry to select their food, getting appropriate paperwork done, keeping our facility clean and organized and much more. We want to “Thank” all our volunteers. “Thank You” to all the businesses, large and small, who provide the MatSu Food Bank with food and donations we need to make sure no one in our growing community goes hungry. “Thank You” for the food drives, the
barrels of food we receive daily at the pantry, the events that are promoting food drives, as all these donations go back into our community. “Thank You” for the monetary donations we receive, which provides for us the ability to pay for the resources we need to keep our doors open, so that we can help our community with their food needs. MatSu Food Bank’s list of “Thank Yous” is long and we are grateful that the list
is long. There are so many to be “Thankful” for, as everyone helps us bring so much to our community. Our community is growing every week and so many are struggling with trying to provide for their families and being able to help is wonderful! “Thank You” to everyone who helps us accomplish this mission.
Contributed by Melissa Keefe, Alaska State Fair “Educate” is a key part of the Alaska State Fair mission, and as part of this focus area, the Fair is pleased to award annual scholarships to Alaska high school students. In 2021, the Fair will award a total of $6,000. Scholarships are open to all Alaska junior and senior high school students who plan to attend college or vocational school. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, March 31, 2021, by 4:30 p.m. The 2021 scholarships include: • $2,500 first-place award • $1,500 second-place award • $1,000 third-place award • Two $500 honorable mention awards Every student who submits a completed application will also receive two free admissions to the 2021 Fair, which is scheduled for August 26th - September 6th. Applications should include:
• Cover letter including student’s name, address, phone and email, school name and phone, counselor’s name, and the name of the college or vocational school he or she plans to attend • Extracurricular resume including interests, clubs, community service and/or employment • One letter of recommendation • A photo that may be used for publicity purposes • Written essay (1,000 words or less) or creative project (audio, video, performance or visual arts, business plan, social media campaign, arts and crafts, photography, etc.). Please note that DVDs will not be accepted. Students can submit videos online by uploading to their personal YouTube, Instagram or other video account, then entering the video URL on the submission page. All other application materials should be submitted to: Alaska State Fair, Attn: Kelly Larson, 2075 Glenn Hwy., Palmer, Alaska 99645
should address one of the following topics: • In 2020, the Fair made the difficult decision to cancel the annual 12-day event. What impact has this had on the community, both socially and economically? • In 2021, the Fair is eager for a successful event. The Fair has taken many steps to make its events safe and COVID conscious for the community. What precautions would you recommend to mitigate the effects of COVID for a safe and fun event? • In light of the Fair’s mission statement, how can the Fair have a greater benefit on your community or in the state of Alaska? • The Alaska State Fair is always looking for innovative and fun events, activities and contests that are free with Fair admission to fairgoers. Create a new event, activity or contest that has minimal cost for the Fair. • How would you use a 12-foot by 12foot booth space at the Fair to start your own business or to sell goods or services?
Please note that ideas submitted become the property of the Alaska State Fair. Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, March 31, 2021, no later than 4:30 p.m. All applications should be mailed or delivered to the Alaska State Fair, 2075 Glenn Hwy., Palmer, Alaska 99645. ASF office hours for delivery are Tuesday – Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Recipients will be announced on Friday, April 9, 2021. Last year, the Fair received 58 applications and selected five students to receive scholarships. Meet the 2020 scholarship recipients at For more information, visit or contact Kelly Larson, Fair Director of Community and Corporate Relations, at 907.746.7164 or
The written essay or creative project
No One Should Ever Go Hungry!
Contributed by Angie Lewis, Alaska Animal Advocates This approximately 7-month-old kitty is ready to be adopted by a loving family. Toothy is the perfect companion - loves your company, but is able to occupy himself when he is alone. He is already neutered, microchipped, and has age-appropriate vaccines. To meet this lovely kitty, call Alaska Animal Advocates. Ask for Angie at 841-3173.
Contributed by Kelleigh Orthmann, Clear Creek Cat Rescue Krewson is a dream cat! He is a handsome short-haired boy, a couple of years old. He always looks wellgroomed and pleasant.
Krewson came to us from the shelter, so stressed out that he was put up for rescue. About 20 minutes in the foster home and he was stretched out next to the dog, saying hello to the cat, and ready for pets and purrs with his foster mom.
He’s an amazing guy! He was in a home with other cats and he definitely needs buddies. He should have a cat companion and he would be happy to have a mellow doggie friend too. He loves people... He’s an all-around terrific cat. He will need buddies and a safe place to go outside when spring comes and it’s time to enjoy the great Alaskan summers. To meet Krewson, please call 9808898.
longer coat provides. You can trim his fur to minimize clinging ice balls. Short-haired dogs can benefit from wearing coats or sweaters. Bathe your dog only when absolutely necessary during cold weather. Frequent baths can remove essential oils, adding to the discomfort of already dry, flaky skin. Use a moisturizing shampoo if bathing is necessary. Antifreeze is a lethal poison, so be sure that your dog does not have access to this. Clean up in the vicinity of your vehicle and try to use products that are less harmful – propylene glycol, instead of ethylene glycol. Contributed by Angie Lewis, Alaska Animal Advocates Winter can be a very dangerous time of year for your dog. There are a variety of weather-related issues that can cause major problems for your canine family members. At a minimum, exposure to the cold, dry air, icy rains, sleet or snow can cause chapped paws and itchy, flaking skin. If your home has dry heat, you may want to use a humidifier and towel dry your pet’s paws, so that they do not cause skin and paw problems. More seriously, chemicals from ice melting products, when licked off paws can cause intestinal problems that can become quite serious. After going for walks, wash and dry your dog’s feet and stomach to remove
ice, salt, and chemicals, checking for cracks or redness between toes. Rub petroleum jelly onto these paw pads to protect theses sensitive areas. Using booties is best, but many dogs refuse to walk when wearing these. We have all seen hilarious videos of dogs “dancing” to remove these uncomfortable things from their feet. Be mindful of “frozen” lakes which are not necessarily completely frozen. Many dogs have run out onto a lake that they assume is completely frozen. Often, the areas that are closer to shore are not frozen solid and then these dogs go under or get caught up in log jams. Shaving your dog down to his skin takes away the protection that a
Do not leave your dog outside in your car, as this is like a refrigerator and holds the cold in, potentially causing dogs to freeze to death. Dogs use extra energy just trying to stay warm, so you might consider increasing the amount of food you provide to them. Give your dog a dry, warm place to sleep inside your home, away from drafts. Offer him a warm blanket or cushion. Some people are convinced that dogs are meant to live outside; nothing could be further from the truth. If it is too cold outside for you, it is too cold for your dog. KEEP HIM INSIDE. Dogs are very social animals, and they thrive when they are treated as family members.
Contributed by Matt Rowley Mat-Su Outdoorsman Show April 9-11, 2021 Mat-Su Events, LLC. Alaska State Fairgrounds 2075 Glenn Hwy. Palmer FREE Military & Families, Children (Ages 0-8), $7 General
to kickstart your fabulous Alaskan summer season. You will find every Alaska outdoor thing you need at the show, from ATVs, boats, RVs, fishing charters, raffles, drawings, sporting goods and outdoor toys, to informational seminars presented on a wide variety of subjects by Alaska’s outdoor experts.
After 2020’s unfortunate closures, the Outdoorsman Show is coming back bigger and better than ever in 2021. This event is just what you need
Not only that, but there will be a gathering of some of the finest gourmet food trucks that Alaska has to offer. Most of the vendors you will meet
at the show are Alaskan companies. They are anxious to get back to business as usual, and they are excited to share what they have with their fellow Alaskans. Onsite financing will of course be available when you find that must-have Alaska big-boy toy that you simply cannot live without. Public health is a priority, and anyone with virus symptoms, recent exposure or health concerns should stay home. Masks will be available for those wanting one, hand sanitizing stations
will be available throughout, and everyone is expected to maintain respectful distancing. Admission is an affordable $7, and children under eight are free. We love our military, and show admission is always free for active military personnel and their families. We can’t wait to see you at the Mat-Su Outdoorsman Show! You’ll find event information and scheduling online at