The People's Paper May 2020

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media is filled with unscrupulous cohorts, but because it’s filled with human beings who have inescapable worldviews of their own. Regardless of why, the social media sea change and the rising distrust of corporate media has created a world where this publication is more at home than ever. Not only do we publish in print, but also online. In fact, this company has grown to a multi-medium media company. We have video production services, a commercial radio station, print services, web design, event production and more.

WASI’s Virtual Miles for Meals 5K Event MORE ON PAGE 2 OF THE PEOPLE’S PAPER

We’ve worked hard over the years to grow the company, but even harder to remain true to our core principles.

Contributed by Josh Fryfogle In the last 13 years, I’ve seen a revolution of sorts. When I began this publication in May of 2007, it was a different world. We presented the pages of the publication as an open platform for public expression, and as a result, we found a foundation to build a media company. The philosophy is key. Let the people in Alaska decide what we print, let them express themselves, and increase the number of people who actually use their First Amendment

right to freedom of the printing press. Pretty straightforward, and easier to understand today than it was 13 years ago. Social media has changed the way we communicate, much to the chagrin of the corporate media. Mainstream narratives are now challenged, online, by whomever chooses to express difference or dissent.

The philosophy of free expression has been championed by every champion of anything, either explicitly or implicitly. By expanding access to media services, driven by a consistent philosophy of facilitating free expression of others, we’ve made a media company that is on-call to the community.

That’s the spirit that drives social media, and it’s the same spirit of free expression that this publication is devoted to.

We continue to push back against the corporate media concept, reminding our community that freedom of the press, and freedom of expression, belongs to all of us.

Fake News is nothing new at all, and since the days of Yellow Journalism, we’ve had good cause to doubt what the media tells us. Not because the

Thank you so much for reading, and for writing, this publication for 13 years! We literally couldn’t have done this without you.

failed quite miserably, the leader of the prosecution in this congressional trial did all that he could, after his failure to prove his case, to stop the release of the very evidence he had gathered during that same investigation. (Big “Why?”) Still, it was released a few days ago, and now we have to reckon with that information as a People, putting aside our partisan perspectives. Had it remained hidden, as the lead prosecutor preferred, we would have no moral obligation to reconsider. Now we do.

The Mueller investigation was predicated on a theory, not empirical evidence. This was admitted years ago, in private, and the documents were suppressed until early May, 2020. Now, we have the documents that admit there was no, none, zero evidence to base their investigation. They had a theory about conspiracy that was just as baseless as any other illogical illusions imagined by idiots.

I didn’t vote for this administration. But just because I didn’t vote for someone doesn’t mean that they should be the victim of institutionalized criminal conspiracy. In fact, regardless of who I vote for, I accept the democratic results of the elections we have. Even though I utterly disagree with the Left and the Right, and even though I’ve never voted for a winning candidate, I still accept the results of the election.

Their ‘conspiracy theory’ was disputed repeatedly, even from outside of the Trump universe. Left-leaning commentators warned of the damage being done to their political paradigm by allowing such abuses of the system. The were simply ignored by the mainstream media.

Recycled Yard Art at the Alaska State Fair


Debut EP ‘Miss You’ by New Group 3000-21


OPINION Contributed by Josh Fryfogle (Josh Fryfogle is the owner of this public forum called The People’s Paper. This article does not reflect the opinion of The People’s Paper, because only people have opinions, and The People’s Paper is devoted to all Alaskan people who choose to express their perspectives and use their first amendment right of freedom of the printing press.) All of the resources of the federal government were at their disposal, all to prove that the current administration’s campaign conspired with Russia. After all of that, they failed to prove to Congress, the bicameral body that we elected democratically, that any collusion occurred. Their prosecution failed, despite all of the interviews they did with witnesses, despite their best efforts at investigation. However, in the process of that investigation, documents were created. Evidence was created, powerful in that it was created under the watchful eye of officers of the court. They documented the interviews done in the course of these investigations, in hopes that they might use it as evidence against the new administration. Now that they

The outgoing administration did not accept the outcome of that election, and according to all new evidence released in the last couple of weeks, they conspired to prevent the lawful transition of power in our democratic elections. CONSPIRACY IS AN ACTUAL CRIME Conspiracy is a crime of collusion. Conspiracy theory is the idea that a crime of collusion has occurred.

They lied to all of us. Not just Trump supporters.

PARTISAN DIVISION I appreciate that the partisans have been having this bickering battle, back and forth, for years now. It’s hard to let go. However, this affects us all. Most Americans count themselves as independents. We do not, by a majority, consent to either of the two major political parties, and describe ourselves as independent from them. Keep that in mind. We, the actual people who are lawful voters and who have Liberty, need to deal with some actual treason.

Price of Gold Hits $1,700 Per Ounce MORE ON PAGE 10 OF THE PEOPLE’S PAPER




in the past. Instead, you can run, walk or roll at your own pace in your own space. This is a fantastic time to gather your family to run, stroll, amble, ride or maybe just put a few miles on your home treadmill. Race when you want! Anytime between June 1st and the Summer Solstice on June 20th counts! Just register now, and then let us know when you complete the race. Make a video, take a selfie or stop by the Wasilla Senior Center, and we’ll take your picture taken under our “Finish Line” banner. You’re also a fundraiser! Ask your friends, family and other fine folk to sponsor your Run/Walk/Roll. When you collect donations for WASI, it all supports seniors in the Mat-Su.

Contributed by Marlene Munsell, Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc. Virtual 2020 Miles For Meals 5K 6/22/2020 Wasilla Area Seniors FREE Event, Donations Welcome Be part of WASI’s Virtual Miles for Meals 5K fundraising event! M4M is our largest fundraising event of the

year, supporting Meals on Wheels of the Mat-Su Valley. We strive to end senior hunger and malnutrition in the Mat-Su by delivering meals to seniors in their homes and ensuring they are safe. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, this year’s event will be virtual, meaning we won’t gather together on race day as we’ve done

Also, please tag us on social media! Find us on Facebook @Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc., tag #MealsOnWheelsMatSu #Wasillaseniorcenter. While much of the world has stopped, our mission to feed seniors cannot be placed on pause. Be part of this FUNdraiser by running the race and by asking your friends to sponsor you. For any questions you may have, please call or email Marlene at 907-376-3104 or

that blends in with their surroundings. We never did get a good picture of the frog, but it made us appreciate the patience of wildlife photographers. Whether we could get a good picture or not It was fun to discover such a curious fellow right here in our hometown. We plan to spend more time this summer at the Hay Flats looking for frogs and checking out all the other birds and mammals that breed at the Palmer Hay Flats. Contributed by Marilyn Bennett To get away from all the masked strangers in town, Doug and I decided to go for a walk out at the Palmer Hay Flats. Shortly into the walk, we heard what sounded like lots of ducks quacking. It turned out that the cacophony of sounds were from a pond full of wood frogs. The sound was so different from the frogs that I grew up with, that it made me curious to find out more about these little guys. There is a sign at the Hay Flats about this interesting little frog. The sign gives a simple explanation of how this frog can freeze almost solid in the winter and still come alive in the spring. I was fascinated by this frog, as the frogs I was used to in Minnesota just burrowed into the mud at the bottom of a lake or pond and went into a hibernation state for the winter. Frogs are cold blooded, so their body temperature is about the same as the surrounding air or water. However, this wood frog is amazing, as it manages to freeze and still survive as far north as the Arctic Circle. To prepare for winter, he comes out of the pond and moves to an upland area where he crawls under the fallen leaves. The leaves and then the snow gives the frog some insulation from the extreme cold, but not enough to keep from freezing. To survive freezing, urea is accumulated in the tissues. Then the

glycogen in his liver is converted into glucose. Both the urea and the glucose act like an antifreeze to limit the amount of ice that forms and to reduce the shrinkage of cells. Meanwhile, the water between the cells turns to ice and the wood frogs spend the winter in a form of frozen animation. Since the land thaws and warms more quickly than ice-covered lakes, it means that the wood frogs can mate and lay eggs in small ponds and even in melt water pools that may dry up by midsummer. This provides protection for the eggs and tadpoles from being eaten by fish or other predators. If pools dry before tadpoles metamorphose into froglets, they die, that is the risk of using shallow pools. The Palmer Hay Flats is the perfect environment for these frogs. The uplands adjacent to the breeding pools ensure them a short migration to the thawed pools in early spring. There the males give out a chorus of duck-like quacking sounds to attract a female frog. We did not have our camera with us when we first went to the Hay Flats on Sunday, so decided to come back Monday; but it was too cloudy and the frogs weren't out. We then went back on Tuesday and still no frogs. Tried again on Friday, nothing. The next Sunday, it was finally warm enough and they were out. However, they are very little, only about 2”-long and are a brownish rust color

In looking for more information on the wood frogs, I did come across some Indian lore. The Koyukon Indians have an interesting fable about the wood frog. They say a Frog-Woman was treated badly and then killed by two cruel boys, who carelessly left her body on the ground. Afterward another boy happened to come along and he was compassionate enough to bury her. From then on, he was rewarded by good luck and skill in hunting. The little marks we see on the wood frog’s back today are said to be scars remaining from that ancient time when Frog-Woman was mistreated. Ever since, Koyukon people say that the wood frog brings good luck and would never harm or eat them. They also say the frogs have healing powers. When someone has a headache, if they can catch a wood frog and put it on top of their head, the frog’s throat moving up and down will take away the pain. The problem I see with that is convincing the frog to stay on top of your head. But then, who knows until you try it. If you haven't as yet visited the Hay Flats it is well worth your time. The Palmer Hay Flats State Game Refuge is 45 square miles of wetlands, forest, lakes and tidal sloughs. On our various trips, we got great pictures of ducks, swans and an eagle. Good place to relax during the great hunkering down.

COMMUNITY Contributed by Eddie Ezelle ED MatSu Food Bank As the world changes, so must we. Like me, you are probably tired of the constant bombardment about the COVID-19. For those of us nonprofits that have been in this battle for years, the only truly changing thing is how we provide the services we have always provided and the increase in client volume because so many are out of work due to the shutdowns. It has or will shortly begin to strain any resources we may have available. The Alaska nonprofit world I believe is better prepared for these types of crisis than the for-profit world in most cases. We have dealt in resent years with fires, floods, earthquakes and now deadly viruses and have come out the other side with new or better methods or ideas to incorporate for the next crisis. And yes, I believe there will be more issues in the future, but Alaska can survive this too.

Contributed by Katie Stark John Houghton, DO, has joined the medical practice of Mat-Su Women’s Health Specialists in Palmer. Houghton is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology.

We are very grateful to you who help us with cash donations and food to help sustain our level of service provided to our clients in these uncertain times. Because Alaskans understand we must be prepared and cannot expect help right away from anyone else, we come together quickly in times of need and are more than willing to help one another without hesitation.

Thank you to those on the front lines helping others despite the risk to themselves. Thanks to the nonprofits who are working so hard to maintain normalcy while increasing the level of help. And thank you, Alaska, for all you do! From the Staff, Board and Volunteers of the Mat-Su Food Bank!

So, the MatSu Food Bank is here to say thank you. Thank you to all the Alaskans who stepped up immediately to help in any way they could.

was drawn to obstetrics during residency training. “I loved the baby part of it,” he said, when describing the reason he changed specialties.

that his strengths lie in his ability to connect with patients and their families. “It’s not just clinical, it’s about the family part of the job too,” he said. Houghton will soon be joined in Alaska by his wife and two daughters, ages 15 and 17. During his free time, he enjoys his outdoor hobbies of hunting, bicycling and backpacking. Houghton is a lover of mountains and enjoys the challenge of sheep and goat hunting. He has traveled to Kazakhstan, Nepal, Mongolia, Azerbaijan and Russia for hunting trips.

Houghton relocated from Des Moines, Iowa, where he practiced for 12 years. His first day at Mat-Su Women’s Health Specialists was April 22nd.

Houghton earned his medical degree at De Moines University in Iowa and completed residencies at Akron Medical Center in Akron, Ohio and Aultman Hospital in Canton, Ohio. He originally planned to become an emergency medicine physician, but


At the MatSu Food Bank we have prepared, as others have for years, to be able to handle downturns in donations and resources and I have to say like the man falling off the building passing the second floor said; “So far so good!”

“Dr. Houghton is a great addition to our medical team,” said practice manager, Melissa Redick. “His expertise will be a valuable asset to our growing community of patients.”

Houghton is proficient in a broad spectrum of women’s health procedures, including endometrial ablation, hysterectomies, basic infertility treatment and laparoscopic surgeries.


Houghton’s path into medicine was somewhat unconventional. Prior to his medical training, he attended the United States Merchant Marine Academy where he received a bachelor of science degree in marine transportation. After graduation, Houghton was employed by Exxon to work on oil tankers, a job that helped pave the way to medical school. As a doctor, Houghton has found

About Mat-Su Women's Health Specialists: Mat-Su Women's Health Specialists in Palmer, Alaska provides healthcare for women at every age and stage of life. Their team of providers offers women’s wellness services including annual women’s health exams, prenatal care, menopause treatment, highrisk pregnancy care and delivery. Call 907-746-7747 to make an appointment. Mat-Su Women’s Health Specialists also has telehealth/virtual visits available. www.MatSuWomen’

COMMUNITY Contributed by Mayor Bert Cottle The City of Wasilla Mayor, Bert Cottle, is in concurrence with Governor Mike Dunleavy’s plan to “Reopen Alaska”. While the mayor has chosen to not place stricter guidance at this time, Wasilla remains committed to closely monitoring the spread of the disease, and in concert with the State of Alaska, is poised to rapidly process new information and adjust course as appropriate. Health Mandate 14 allows certain businesses, like restraints, retail shops,


personal services, fishing charters, childcare and day camps, and gyms, to reopen under certain conditions and guidance. For gatherings of no larger than 20, Health Mandate 16 requires 6-foot distancing between non-household members and face coverings to be worn. As Wasilla’s economy begins to slowly open, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and the local Mat-Su Borough Emergency Operations Center will be tracking four components - the epidemiological curve of the Mat-Su positive cases, testing capacity, health

care and personal protective capacity equipment. Any type of reopening is contingent upon the community remaining vigilant on slowing the spread of COVID-19. All Wasilla residents have an obligation to promote public health and should continue to follow guidance regarding hand washing, staying six feet apart from others and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces daily, and using a cloth face covering. The state encourages those who are at high risk of infection to continue to


self-quarantine. If you are feeling even mildly ill with new symptoms like fatigue, cough, fever, or a decreased sense of taste or smell, contact your health care provider. Increased testing will help keep the lid on COVID-19 by making sure any new cases are detected quickly. ALL the Mat-Su Borough residents have been inspired to respond with courage, compassion, wisdom and resolve to overcome this moment in time and help each other. Wasillians understand with exceptional clarity that there is only one way to get through this difficult time: TOGETHER. Sincerely, Mayor Bert Cottle

center’s use, you must indicate these on your receipts. Interested in summer activities with the Early Childhood Partnership? Let us know what types of activities would most benefit you! Call 745-5824 or email to take our short survey. Contributed by Michele N. Harmeling Your United Way of Mat-Su staff remain hard at work, despite the challenges of working from home and conducting business virtually. We are here for youplease call 373-5807 for assistance. UWMS is supporting COVID relief efforts daily. You can text MATSUCOVID to 91999 to donate directly to our COVID-19 Relief Fund. These funds will be used to benefit those most affected by the COVID-19 crisis, whether that be through unemployment, housing challenges, basic needs shortages or other hardship. We’ve been busy! Here’s a snapshot of the projects, initiatives and collaborations we’ve supported in recent weeks: • Convening local agencies and nonprofits to address community issues stemming from COVID-19, collaborating to find solutions that will benefit the Mat-Su in the long-term. • Creating and supplying the Mat-Su with a one-page COVID-19 Resource List. • Supporting and celebrating our graduating high school seniors. • Connecting families by advocating for access to needed technology and internet services. • Funding face coverings and PPE for the community, made by local mask makers. • Continuing to support McKinley Fire relief and rebuild. • Advocating for positive change in the Mat-Su virtually, through local Town Hall meetings, participation in

community, school district, city and borough activities. • Funding vital programs to provide for the needs of children, families, seniors, and those experiencing hardship due to COVID-19, including through the Santa Cops & Heroes Program, REACH907 and others. We look forward to building a better Mat-Su in new and innovative ways. Remember: We’re all in this together! We can support each other, whether via social media, a kind text, a catch-up phone call, or a donation to your favorite local non-profit. We encourage our friends and neighbors to stay healthy, stay safe, and find moments to connect with one another. Mat-Su Cares: COVID-19 Resources Around the Valley UWMS and our partners at Mat-Su Health Foundation have convened a group of Valley agencies, community members and non-profits to address needs in the community stemming from the COVID-19 crisis. A one-page COVID Resource Flyer is available, listing programs and services including food distribution sites, mental health and wellness support, housing resources and more. We provide COVID resources, information, volunteer opportunities, donations requests and local updates via our website as well. You may submit a request for handmade PPE or volunteer as a mask-maker by clicking the link on our home page. You can view and download the flyer and resources on our website at www.

To date, there are ten (10) COVID testing sites open in the Mat-Su. Call the clinic nearest you for instructions and current hours. (Patients are asked to call Capstone Clinic’s triage line at 864-4642 to be directed to a Capstone site.) If you need assistance navigating resources call 2-1-1 to be connected to help near you. 2-1-1 has behavioral support specialists standing by: if you need someone to talk to, a specialist is here to assist. You may also call Connect Mat-Su at 373-2628. Early Childhood Partnership News The Early Childhood Partnership has awarded three grants to local childcare centers! We are pleased to announce A Touch of Home Daycare, Profiles of Excellence Child Care and Tree of Life Child Development Center as our recipients. These trusted Valley childcare providers will utilize funds to repair and improve their facilities to provide better safety, security and comfort for the children they serve. ECP may be able to reimburse your center for costs incurred from: Food items Infant needs (diapers, wipes, infant formula, baby food) Cleaning supplies (sprays, surface wipes, mops and buckets) Personal hygiene items (hand soap, hand sanitizer, nitrile gloves) We may also be able to help find handmade masks for your staff. Please submit receipts for any of the above to If you have purchased items not for your

Updates from Thrive Mat-Su Thrive Mat-Su is proud to support Valley graduating seniors! It is our pleasure to have provided recognition for the Class of 2020 from the following Valley schools: • Burchell High School • Wasilla High School • Redington Junior/Senior High School • Palmer High School • Colony High School • Cottonwood Creek Elementary 5th Grade Class of 2020 Promotion Thrive Mat-Su provided resource flyers for distribution by local food pantries and area senior centers, as well as meeting virtually with youth development agencies around the Valley to enact positive change. Mat-Su COAD News Mat-Su COAD encourages all Valley residents to consider a defensible space plan for this summer. Create a buffer zone against fire around your home by removing weeds, brush and other vegetation. Safely remove trees and shrubs, ensuring there are none near power lines or your home. Removal of dead or dying trees is especially important. Take time to review your family’s emergency escape plans. Do you have an emergency kit, first aid kit, and evacuation route and plan in place? Interested in joining Mat-Su COAD? Call 745-5827 or email for more information.


COMMUNITY Contributed by Roberta Graham Universities throughout the University of Alaska system has begun for the Fall 2020 semester.

leaders, the University of Alaska’s system of universities and community campuses are currently enrolling for the fall semester,” said UA President Jim Johnsen.

Decisions about in-person and alternative delivery of courses will be made closer to the start of the semester in August as more information about the status of the COVID-19 health crisis becomes available. “Based on input and advice from public health experts, the chancellors and other university

“The decision about the specific blend of distance-delivered and inperson courses will depend on expert assessment of state conditions at a date closer to the start of the fall semester.

Contributed by Kyle Wall

the Meals on Wheels program.

MTA Gaming, the recently unveiled brand from Alaska’s leading technology company, successfully completed its first “Virtual Victory” e-sports tournament on May 1st. The event brought Alaskans together to duke it out over Super Smash Bros Ultimate, build connections and support our community during what is a difficult and isolated time for many.

“MTA Gaming is all about bringing together the community through a shared activity, but it’s also about giving back to members in our community who need support and connection,” Jessica Gilbert, Public Relations Manager for MTA, said. “Right now, our most vulnerable members need those things more than ever, and we are very proud to have our first Virtual Victory event contribute directly to Meals on Wheels.

With nearly 40 gamers participating, “Virtual Victory” lasted nearly six hours and raised $2,000 for Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc. as well as for Mat-Su Seniors Center, so they can continue providing

We’re hopeful that this will be the first of many in our journey to stay connected while staying home, and we look forward to continue shepherding the rise of e-sports throughout Alaska.”

Contributed by Patricia Chesbro, Palmer Community Foundation Vice Chair The Palmer Community Foundation (PCF), an affiliate of the Alaska Community Foundation (ACF), is pleased to announce that five grants, totaling $6500, were awarded through its 2020 annual competitive grant cycle. Alaska Family Services will use $2000 to build a community garden at 403 S Alaska Street in Palmer. The 22 garden beds will be built and managed in partnership with Grow Palmer. AFS will reserve two garden beds for the use of Family Contact Center families to provide a safe, therapeutic parent-child activity. Hatcher Pass Avalanche Center will use $2000 to purchase a drone to provide professional, high quality, and cuttingedge avalanche forecasting in Hatcher Pass. Over the past decade, HPAC has

We encourage Alaskans to take advantage of our high-quality

issued detailed avalanche forecasting for the general public, and the new drone will add a valuable tool for providing life-saving information for professionals and recreationalists. The Palmer High School Sandwich Project provides food to students in need on weekends during the school year. With a grant of $750, they will continue to serve approximately 80 students throughout the Palmer area. The Sandwich Project works to ensure that all students can focus on learning, getting a valuable education, and becoming valued productive citizens of our community. The Palmer United Methodist Church received a $750 grant for their Supplemental Weekend Nutrition program. They believe no student should go hungry. In partnership with the Families in Transition program and three local schools, the program has delivered more than 785 bags in the

educational opportunities by enrolling now.” “While the health crisis seems to be flattening, and UA is doing everything in its power to keep students, staff and faculty safe, the university needs to be sure that COVID-19 conditions have significantly improved before providing more in-person courses,” Johnsen said. Early registration for current students at all three universities began recently and the university is working on

With Alaska growing into an emerging hub for e-sports in the last several years, MTA has continued to play a major role in its rise. Through constant collaboration and community building between MTA Gaming, local businesses, Alaska schools and the gaming community, MTA is proud to pioneer e-sports throughout Alaska. Each year, MTA hosts Alaska’s largest esports tournament, bringing gamers from across the state together under one roof for a day of fun, prizes and community building. MTA is also the official e-sports partner for the Mat-Su Borough School District, providing impactful financial support,

last year to homeless and in-transition elementary and junior high students. Radio Free Palmer is upgrading their website with a $1000 grant. The allvolunteer community radio station broadcasts diverse music, local news, and public affairs to listeners in Palmer and beyond. Updates will include making the website mobile-friendly, improving the navigation, updating the landing page, and making podcasts easier to access. For more information visit the Palmer Community Foundation at www. About the Palmer Community Foundation: The Palmer Community Foundation (PCF) is a permanent charitable fund for the Greater Palmer area and one of 11affiliate community foundations under the umbrella of The Alaska Community Foundation. PCF is


innovative ways to communicate with new and returning students including virtual campus tours, new financial aid packages, and incentives for those who have taken college courses but have not yet earned a degree. Johnsen is encouraging Alaskans to look to the university for their educational needs. “Our people are our greatest asset,” he said. “Our nurses, researchers, economists and faculty are contributing to the needs of the state during this crisis, and I believe demonstrating that we are a critical partner in meeting the state’s needs and leading Alaska forward.”

consultation and a robust internship program, furthering their budding competitive esports programs. Through strong community partnerships with leaders like AK Gamers, Warehouse 49, Arctic Comic Con, Senshi Con and more, MTA Gaming builds lifelong, strategic relationships within Alaska gaming. These efforts, supported by the entire team at MTA, help make all that MTA Gaming stands for a possibility. MTA plans to continue its Virtual Victory series with more tournaments. For more details on MTA Gaming and future events, please visit

committed to growing an endowment to strengthen the charitable nonprofits serving greater Palmer. Gifts to PCF help continue to foster philanthropy in Palmer by supporting non-profits through grant distributions, working with local donors to help them support the causes they care about, and partnering with other organizations to improve the quality of life in Palmer. For more information, visit About The Alaska Community Foundation: Established in 1995, The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) is a statewide platform for philanthropy that connects people who care with causes that matter. Managing more than $110 million in assets and over 550 funds for the benefit of Alaskans, ACF and their affiliates grant $6 million each year to charitable projects and nonprofit organizations across the state. ACF’s mission is to inspire the spirit of giving and connect people, organizations, and causes to strengthen Alaska’s communities now and forever. For more information, visit www. or call 907-334-6700.




ADULT PIANO LESSONS Hitchcock Piano Studio ........ 745-3134 APPAREL & CLOTHING All Seasons Clothing ........ 357-0123 D’s Tuxedo ........ 707-6585 Mila’s Alterations ........ 830-8339 ART & CRAFTS Artists Uncorked… 982-2675 The Gallery ........ 745-1420 BOOKSTORE A Black Sheep Shop ......... 376-8198 Black Birch Books ...... 373-2677 Fireside Books ........ 745-2665 CAFÉ & COFFEE Alaska Artisan Coffee ........ 745-5543 Gathering Grounds ........ 376-4404 Vagabond Blues……..745-2233

Contributed by Matt Rowley The Mat-Su Outdoorsman Show will be back at the Menard Sports Center on March 26th, 27th, and 28th in 2021, bigger and better than ever. As the first major outdoor show of the year, the Mat-Su Outdoorsman show is just what you need to kick-start your fabulous Alaskan summer season. You can find everything you need at the show, from ATVs, boats, RVs, rafting trips, fishing charters, raffles,

sporting goods and outdoor toys, to informational seminars presented on a wide variety of outdoor subjects by Alaska’s outdoor experts. As you know, this year’s event was unfortunately cancelled. Most all the vendors you would have met at the show are Alaskan companies. They are anxious to get back to business as usual, and they are excited to share what they have with Alaskans. In the meantime, it’s still easy to connect with all your favorite vendors and

exhibitors. Visit them online! Pick up the phone and give them a call! Buy their products! Reserve your charters and outdoor adventures! Show these vendors that you value them and their contributions to the Alaskan economy!

The MSHF offers scholarships in two categories: academic scholarships for students pursuing college degrees with health and human services majors, and vocational scholarships to assist students with the cost of training and certifications for jobs in health and human services fields. Scholarships are awarded based on how well each applicant meets the foundation’s eligibility criteria, including financial need and career choice. This year, the impact of COVID-19 on applicants’ educational journeys and goals was also taken into consideration.

the official business name of Valley Hospital Association, Inc., which shares ownership in Mat-Su Regional Medical Center. In this capacity, MSHF board members and representatives actively participate in the governance of MatSu’s community hospital to protect the community’s interest in this important healthcare institution. The MSHF mission is to improve the health and wellness of Alaskans living in the Mat-Su and the tools it uses include grantmaking, convening of local partners, and policy change. The foundation’s work has resulted in significant improvements in systems that support the health of Mat-Su residents in areas such as behavioral health, child welfare, crisis response, community connections, workforce development, transportation, housing, and senior services.

MATSU Events has provided easy online links to these business websites, Facebook pages and Instagram accounts. Find these links online at www.

CANNABIS RETAILER Matanuska Cannabis Co. ...... 745-4211 CREATIVE ENTERTAINMENT Artists Uncorked ........ 982-2675 EDUCATION Learning Essentials ........ 357-3990 FOOTWEAR Northern Comfort ........ 376-5403 HEALTH & WELLNESS All About Herbs ........ 376-8327 Just Botanicals ....... 414-3663 Lone Wolf Aura ........ 631-0482 HOME DÉCOR Peak Boutique ........ 746-3320 PIZZA Humdingers Pizza ........ 745-7499 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES Valley Phlebotomy ........ 376-6435 PRINT SERVICES The UPS Store ........ 746-6245 REPAIR, RESTORATION Comtronics ........ 373-2669 S&S Drilling ...... 746-0225 Steve’s Toyostove Repair ..... 376-9276 The Powdercoat Shop .... 841-1300 SPECIALTY GIFTS Alaska Midnite Scents ........ 357-7364 Non-Essentials ........ 745-2258 The Boardwalk Shop ........ 357-8980

Contributed by Robin Minard, Mat-Su Health Foundation For the third year in a row, the Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF) has dramatically increased the amount it has awarded in academic scholarships. This year, 335 Mat-Su residents will share in a total of $1,711,182 to pursue higher education in the fields of health and human services, and nonprofit management. “A key strategy in achieving our mission for Mat-Su to become the healthiest borough in the nation is to ensure everyone in our community has access to healthcare,” said MSHF Chief Executive Officer Elizabeth Ripley. “Helping our residents pursue the education and training necessary to provide that care helps ensure there is adequate workforce to meet the healthcare needs of a fast-growing community.”

Applications for MSHF academic scholarships will be accepted again beginning in January 2021, but vocational scholarships are accepted year-round. More information can be found at Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF) is

More information is available at

THRIFT SHOPS Steam Driven Boutique ........ 376-4404 Turn-A-Leaf Thrift Stores ........ 376-5708 TOYS Just Imagine Toys ........ 357-1543 Learning Essentials .......... 357-3990

Did you happen to catch the WLTGO livestream event? It went amazing. There were tons of local business highlights, local music, and entertainment! We peaked at nearly 200 viewers at a given time, and the video now has over 10,000 views. Special thanks to our sponsors and participating businesses: MTA, MVFCU, The City of Palmer, Greater Palmer Chamber of Commerce, Silva Insurance, Empower Medical & Wellness, 203 Kombucha, AKtive Soles Performance Footwear, Big Foot Art Gallery, Botanical Rhapsody Palmer, Du Jour Fashion, Glacier Med Spa, The Gallery, Non Essentials, Palmer Alehouse, Peak Boutique, Poppy Lane Mercantile, The Stamp Cache, Wood & Wire Guitars, and more! We hope to see you all next year for the 2021 Who Let the Girls Out Spring Fling Event!

We have media products for almost every need, creating earning potential that’s huge for a qualified sales person. 95.5 The Pass KNLT, The People’s Paper & Make A Scene Magazine are only part of what our multimedia company offers. Web Design, Graphic Design, Event Management & Planning, Video Production, and much more. Please call 373-2698 for further information, and submit your resume to

COMMUNITY Contributed by Sue Wallin, Valley Garden Club Valley Garden Club Spring Plant Sale 5/23/2020 - 10AM Valley Garden Club MatSu Boys & Girls Club FREE Admission Spring is HERE! Valley Garden Club members have been growing vegetable starts and annual flowers for YOU! Our club originated in 1988, and hosts an annual plant sale each spring. Hanging baskets, annual flower starts, many perennials, houseplants, shrubs and

Contributed by Michael B. Dillon The Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District hosts nearly 1200 senior students enrolled during the 2020 school year. With 12 years of hard work encompassing the majority of their life experience, they are now resigned to accepting that the celebration meant to give recognition to all their efforts before facing the world as adults may never happen. Now, a group of community volunteers have come together to give these young people the proms they deserve. When Michael B. Dillon launched a crowdfunding campaign on May 6th in the hope of raising money to organize a communal prom celebration for the Valley’s seniors, he had no idea of the reaction it would get. “It was crazy,” Dillon said. “I woke up the next day to my Facebook blowing up!” Within 24 hours, a committee had been formed composed of passionate individuals ready to move mountains in giving the class of 2020 three separate prom events. The momentum just kept building from there. One of the first to jump on board with the project was Sara Post, Event Coordinator with the Alaska State Fair. With

TREASON. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Any effort to make this into a partisan issue is aiding and assisting the traitors, and hindering our careful, collective consideration of the facts. Your pretend parties where you create a mockery microcosm of our democratic process, which have no foundation in our founding documents, have created a farce framework for these types of problems to find footing. Your partisan arguments, going on for years now, assume between the two sides that all of the issues and concerns of the people are being met thereby. They are not. There are many issues that need to be dealt with under the actual Law, and that has nothing to do with your party politics. Now that it appears that one of the parties has been infiltrated and used as a vehicle for crimes against the state,

berry bushes, gentl- used garden tools, garden art, and many other gardenrelated items show up at our sale. Tentatively, the date for our sale is May 23rd. We plan to be open 10am to 3pm at the MatSu Boys and Girls Club, 3700 E. Bogard Rd.


be allowed in on the hour, quarter and half hours throughout the day. Remember parking is available to the East at Fire Dance Academy, Brother Band and Church of Christ, 2061 N Merciful Circle. Please be patient and respect the 6-foot spacing requirements.

The normal crowd gathering before the opening will not be allowed due to CDC guidelines. Please have a shopping list in-hand; we will assist you in locating the plants you desire. We will be wearing mask and gloves and insist that you do the same to protect everyone’s health. A few customers at a time will

One way traffic will be allowed indoors with 6-foot spacing marked on floor. Since table are 3-foot wide and placed back-to-back, customers standing in aisles will be separated by six feet of plants! We hope to see you there picking up some spring color!

her help, the committee is working to schedule three separate prom events during the summer festival this year. “I’m so excited to help bring these kids the prom they deserve so much,” says Post. “This is an amazing team and their passion for this project really is contagious.” Post has worked with Dillon over the past two fair seasons in bringing the overwhelmingly popular Silent Disco to the summer festivities. “Dances work at the fair,” Dillon says. “I’ve seen it. We were at capacity every night we had the Silent Disco. They’re some of the best events I’ve ever worked.”

The committee is also very aware of the uncertain timeline as the global crisis continues into the summer months. Contingency plans are being developed along with the main event series to ensure that the proms happen when completely safe to do so.

As an elected Spirit Representative in his highschool days, Dillon recalls the passion and effort put forth by the students themselves in planning and executing their prom bashes. Through the public Facebook group, “Forget Me Not Prom 2020”, students and volunteers are able to be an integral part in planning these festivities. All fundraisers, volunteer opportunities and progress updates will be posted to the group regularly, giving everyone the opportunity to participate in the journey. The committee encourages everyone to take a look and join up with the social media group in order to further ensure the success of the event series.

treason no less, it is obvious that the parties need to pull back. Show some respect, during this time of complete disgrace for our nation. And the Republicans need to shut up as well, with your tired old, one-sided arguments. Don’t use this as a chance to blame the ‘Dems’. You’re not helping with that. This is a real situation, and your Model Government club is not real government. We, the People, are the real government, and we have a profound problem before us. This situation with newly revealed evidence needs to be dealt with by the actual, constitutionally mandated government. Not your private political party, with all it’s wiles and deceit. I realize you falsely think that your contrived two-party system is all that matters. I realize that you think your other allegiances are consistent with your allegiance to our constitutional

“We get it,” Dillon assures us. “Nobody really knows what’s going to happen over the next couple months. We just really want to make sure we have all the planning and infrastructure laid out solidly beforehand. This is going to happen; but we know it has to be done safely and done right.” Even with all of the amazing support through volunteering and sponsorship interest in making this event series a success, there is still the issue of the budget. Currently, the committee has active crowdfunding campaigns on GoFundMe and Facebook with a goal of raising $30K to budget all three events. “It seems like a lot of money, I know,” Dillon says. “But one of the main goals we have here is not charging these kids to get in.”


We ask that you bear with us as we refine a shopping procedure that does adhere to CDC guidelines at the time of our sale. Keep abreast of times to shop and any change of date by using our website,, or email us at or just check Facebook’s events page or our Facebook page. We appreciate your support of our small non-profit and look forward to supplying our community with colorful, healthy flower and veggie starts.

in easing the financial strain of prom for the students and their families. Not only will the proposed budget be used to cover the expenses of the event series itself; the committee is additionally discussing programs to assist families in some of the expenses associated with attending a formal event. “We get it,” Dillon adds. “Families aren’t sure what’s going to happen, and prom is probably not a priority for them. We just want to make sure the opportunity is there for everyone to attend.” If you would like to donate to the cause, or you are interested in helping to make Forget Me Not Prom 2020 a success, you can visit the websites below or contact Michael B. Dillon directly at (907)795-2366 or by email at Any help is greatly appreciated by the Forget Me Not Prom 2020 Committee, as well as all of the hardworking young people this event series is working for. Donate at our GoFundMe page:

With the tough economic times currently facing our community, the committee hopes to make every effort

Or visit our Facebook group: www.

government. But most of us don’t associate with either of your parties. Therefore, neither party has the consent of the governed. What you have is a special interest club. And because of that, you’ve created organizations that have vied for power for so long as to largely displace constitutional government. It’s shameful, and it created the situation we’re in now. A cultured of criminal conspiracy is the result.

But not if you’re under oath? These cohorts clearly knew this, and made use of it. These newly released transcripts of their depositions do not,

I appreciate that you’re angry at “the Other Side”, but you need to appreciate that you are a minority, and so is the other side. It’s psychopathic to join a club that has worked to undermine the will of the people, and to affect the outcome of elections, openly declaring it while literally mocking our process with their own. The even call it “Primary”. The gall! LEGALLY LIE

The evidence for the criminal trials against them is above reproach, since these are sworn depositions.

Did you know that you can lie legally?

I repeat Do Not, reflect what they said publicly. They deny any pretext for their investigation. Wow. They lied to us to protect their plan, and told the truth under oath to protect themselves.

I don’t think there is any precedent in US history for something of this magnitude. And the evidence is literally documented by officers of the court. Fascinating times. And this is only the beginning. The Durharn investigation is next...

POLITICS / OPINION Contributed by Mark Johnson, Lacey Mattzela, Thomas “John” Nelson Let it be heard that “We the People of Alaska” are seeking the redress of grievances to our government officials as it pertains to the Emergency Declaration and numerous infractions and the ensuing unconstitutional mandates that followed be in clear violation of Alaskans unalienable rights. On March 11th, 2020, a Public Health Disaster Emergency was declared to prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). At that time, only one case of COVID-19 had been confirmed in Alaska. Alaskan businesses were shut down, people were forced under house-arrest, and our individual rights infringed upon. The rights of “We the People of Alaska” have been unjustly violated, and we peaceably request that our elected and appointed officials cease and desist the unconstitutional mandates and restore our unalienable rights back to “We the People of Alaska”.

Contributed on Behalf of the Office of Sen. Lora Reinbold Proposed by Senator Lora Reinbold requesting special legislative consideration, during these unprecedented times, regarding the Public Health Disaster Emergency Declaration issued on March 11, 2020 and actions taken under that Declaration by the Executive Branch. Urging the Executive Branch of the State of Alaska to revise the Public Health Disaster Emergency Declaration issued on March 11, 2020 and immediately repeal all Executive Branch Health Mandates that are in violation of the Constitution of the State of Alaska, the Constitution of the United States of America, inclusive of the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence as it pertains to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: WHEREAS, the 1st Amendment in the Constitution of the United States clearly states the following, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It is clear, many of the recent Executive Branch health mandates

Contributed by Shiloh Brielle Retail is dying. Can you hear the death rattle? Small business is being left to rot in the gutter while Amazon continues to grow and thrive. As a local small business owner, it is disheartening to see the change in shopping habits. What is even more disturbing, is the complete lack of manners or even just a sliver of common decency at times. It has become a blood sport to watch our dollars flow out of our state - to see the Amazon Prime boxes pile up in people’s arms - to watch as Jeff Bezos

The Constitution of the United States, inclusive of the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, were established to proclaim the numerous rights of individuals: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (and women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”. The first amendment of the Bill of Rights proclaims these five unalienable liberties: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to peacefully assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The numerous infractions these mandates placed on us are unconstitutional and unlawful. The unalienable rights of Alaskans to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness includes our ability to work, conduct business, enjoy the fruits of our labor, and secures our ability to provide for ourselves and our families. The US Constitution and the Alaska State Constitution both recognize that all

violate the people’s inherent rights in the Constitution of the State of Alaska, outlined in Article 1, and the people’s rights guaranteed in the United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights. The Declaration of Independence declares, “That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights that amongst these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Many of the health mandates issued by the Executive Branch are in direct violation of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution of the State of Alaska; and WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of Alaska, and the Constitution of the United States of America, inclusive in the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence are the Supreme Law of the land for all Alaskans. All elected officials take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Alaska” and every elected official must be held accountable to their oath; and WHEREAS, under Article 7, Sections 1, 4, and 5, the Constitution of the State of Alaska, Section 1 states “The Legislature shall by general law establish and maintain a system of public schools open to all children of the State...” and Section 4 states “The Legislature shall provide for the promotion and protection of public health.” Section 5 states, “The Legislature shall

surpassed Bill Gates in financial stature. In the spirit of J.M. Barrie, “Every time a child says, ‘I don’t believe in fairies’, there is a little fairy somewhere that falls down dead.” The same could be said of the dreaded Amazon/Online shopper. Every 1-click purchase you make online, a small business fighting to survive, dies a little. Over time, the little bits become huge bits ending in a death rattle. Next time you purchase something online instead of purchasing locally, remember those small businesses with very real people struggling to stay alive. As you 1-click that supremely discount-


persons are created equal and entitled to equal rights, opportunities and protection under the law. The taking of our rights without due process and the surrendering of our rights is not only unconstitutional, but unprecedented, unjust, unreasonable and are a danger to the people of Alaska. We are watching the establishing of precedence with mandates that could be used in any future declaration of emergency that would further infringe on our rights. All Alaska’s businesses are vital to the state’s economic well-being and it is vital for all Alaskans to provide for their families. Each business, church and individual is essential to Alaska. Each person’s wellbeing depends on the individual’s ability to be secure in their right to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness by self-governance. To prove this, let the facts be submitted to a candid world, our numerous rights that have been violated, in one form or another, in numerous unconstitutional subordinate health mandates issued

provide for public welfare.” The Legislative Branch has constitutional responsibilities and must be involved critical decisions regarding public education, public health and public welfare, including health mandates that affect these institution; and WHEREAS, under Article 2, Section 13 in the Constitution of Alaska “Every bill shall be confined to one subject unless it is an appropriation bill or one codifying, revising, or rearranging existing laws. Bills for appropriations shall be confined to appropriations. The subject of each bill shall be expressed in the title. The enacting clause shall: “Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Alaska.” The Legislature is the appropriating body of government and therefore must be involved in the appropriation of emergency funds to meet their constitutional responsibilities referenced in but not limited to Article 7, Sections 1, 4, and 5; and WHEREAS, even in the case where the Executive Branch has declared a Public Health Emergency, it is imperative that the Unalienable Rights and Inherent Rights of Alaskans must not be infringed upon. Government must balance the best interests of Public Health, General Welfare and the Economy to avoid undue infringement on Alaskan’s constitutional rights; and WHEREAS, the 4th Amendment in the Constitution of the United States, clearly states the following, “The right of the

ed item, imagine them dropping to the ground dead. Time is money and we’ve given you all of it. You burn our time asking questions, handle our products then walk out the door to ‘1-click’ away. We’ve lost count of how many times we have heard to our faces or loudly proclaimed in the space of our little family run business, “Buy it on Amazon, it’s cheaper.” - “I bought it online.” - “Oh, I just wanted to check A, B, C, before I buy it.” After speaking to multiples of other small businesses who have similar stories to tell, it’s a stark picture to behold.


as of a result of this Declaration of Emergency. We, therefore, come together in defense of our constitutional rights, and seek a redress of grievances to the government to cease and desist these unlawful, unconstitutional mandates by appealing to the people of Alaska and the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good people of the State of Alaska, solemnly publish and declare: That all Alaskans, individually, our businesses, our churches are essential to the general welfare of the State of Alaska, to all of the sovereign states in these United States, and to the entire free world, and therefore we are free to do business, to do commerce and to be secure in our unalienable rights to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness by self-governance, with the firm reliance of the protection of divine province, so help us God. Respectfully submitted by; Mark Johnson, Lacey Mattzela, Thomas “John” Nelson

people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” Many Alaskans do not support the surveillance, including but not limited to, personal phone devices that the Department of Health and Social Services is wrongly monitoring without the consent of the governed. The Constitution of the State of Alaska states “the people’s privacy is recognized and shall not be infringed” Article 1, Section 22; and WHEREAS, the 5th Amendment in the Constitution of the United States clearly states the following, “No person shall… be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.” And the Constitution of the State of Alaska Article 1, Section 18 “Private property shall not be taken or damaged for public use without just compensation.” Many Alaskans are being deprived of these guaranteed rights, without due process, by the Executive Branch health mandates and corrective action must be taken immediately; and This article continues on our website,

Suggestions: have some manners; dig that common decency out of its decaying state; don’t walk into a small business complaining about not being able to give you something at below their cost. Please stop taking pictures of the ISBN number so you can buy it online. We know what you are doing. We are not stupid. You are killing us - we get it. Thank you. Small business is dying. We are to blame - not the economy, not who is president, not who is in office or because it snowed. It is, surprisingly, not even Amazon’s fault - it is ours, the consumer. Be thoughtful everyone, please. Shop locally. Save a family business. If you cannot or will not do that, please do not rub salt in the wound by flashing your decision in our faces.

POLITICS / OPINION Contributed by Wes Keller Have you noticed there is more “God talk” lately? Hard times tend to do that! The pain, suffering, and confusion related to COVID 19 is unsettling. When we feel insecure, we tend to be more open to ponder what life is really all about. When we associate hard times with government and politicians, they usually get brutal scrutiny. Being born free in a democratic republic, we are not restrained from being critical of religion or politics. Nobody can force us to believe anything, and there is good reason to always force the government to justify itself. Critical analysis is essential in both arenas. For those of us who believe in free speech and in the Supremacy of God, we believe we can “blame” God even while taking solace in “Divine Providence”. On the other hand, there is no king or despot to blame because we (the human sovereigns of America) don’t authorize monarchs in our government. In either case, it is only human to evaluate the powers outside of ourselves (God and government) as part of the review of our options and responsibilities in life. We cannot build a worldview about human government without answering the question, “Does God exist?” “God-talk” mingles religion

and politics which is both rational and good. It is irrational to expect to be able to completely separate the two. In America, it gets awkward quickly when we are judgmental or selfrighteous about our government because the criticism ultimately comes back to roost on us. The foundational authority of our government is the electorate. We have the power to authorize (ratify) and amend our Constitution: (“We the People”). The insightful, wise, founders built in a brilliant solution for if the American culture drifts to an inaccurate view of God. They included the First Amendment to ensure open dialogue, allowing truth to precipitate in political and religious speech. We dare not discredit or ignore the importance of our freedom of religion and speech in sorting out what our human government “should” do! Politicians who claim they have a “right to privacy” about their religion deny critical voting information. A person who is incapable of explaining his or her values should never be elected to represent us in our republic. Every one of our nation’s laws and regulations is a value statement impacting our society. Not only do we have the incredible First Amendment, we have the wise prohibition of


government banning an official version of “God talk” to manipulate political and religious values. This would violate the forbidden government establishment of religion. The freedom of speech and religion work together so truth can preside — BUT ONLY if we vote! Human government “grew-up” in history when America was built! No more childish dependency on rulers! When we get hit by an earthquake, hurricane or COVID 19 pandemic, the government is not accountable as though it could prevent or fix any damage discomfort. Free Americans are globally significant and respond well to any challenge. My sincere desire is the “God-talk” will lead to individual renewal which will, in turn, via the complex processes of our Constitution and referenced in our Declaration of Independence, result in a national re-affirmation of “Divine Providence” under the Creator, Supreme Judge, Nature’s Law and Nature’s God. It is wonderful to live in a country where we are free to say or read anything we want, or not, with impunity. The only risk is whether our words make us a liar, a fool or a dupe. In other words, truth matters! Our wonderful freedom gives us extra responsibility to maintain a healthy world view as it relates to God. Politicians should use the “power of the gavel”, to ensure EVERYONE equal opportunity to speak, especially those who make us uncomfortable with religious talk to allow a free market of


religious thought! Truth is not in danger and will always remain. Statesmen are now speaking more freely of God’s protection, healing, providence… (If you doubt me, do a quick Google search using words like prayer or God with COVID-19). This confirms a recurring historical pattern: when America gets hit with national human catastrophe something spiritual happens. It is a loop we can see even in the secular media! We go from catastrophe >>> to repentance*, confession, “God-talk”, prayer >>> to recovery, prosperity, security (answered prayer?) >>> to forgetfulness, fast living, hard hearts >>> then, back to catastrophe >>>…! *[“Repentance” is the act of turning toward the God of this universe and “turning away” from whatever has distracted us.]. This national “repentance loop” is normal. The Torah and Old Testament record historical national “repentance loops” and we can see them in real time. If we follow our Constitution, we should never see a law to force repentance. Contrary to common perceptions, Christians do not judge or condemn you if you disagree because they/we are just as guilty as any other human until forgiven. Condemnation, or not, is between each person and God! To read more, join me at http:// Wes Keller |

COMMUNITY Contributed by Dawn Daily Green & Eric Prendeville Do you have old, broken or unwanted gold jewelry? Or do you have gold coins or nuggets? If you are considering selling in the future or just want to know what your gold is worth, here is a quick guide to understanding the gold you own, and the selling process. To understand how to sell your gold, it pays to understand the price of gold and how it is determined. The price of gold is based on contracts, which are traded between major banks and investment firms around the world. A future’s contract of gold is comprised of 100 troy ounces, about $170,700 in value as of 5/4/2020. Like other commodities, there is a price called “spot price”, which represents the price for immediate delivery of the asset.



the metal, measured in troy ounces and the purity (or karat) of the gold. Once the gold content is determined, then it’s a matter of the evaluating the gold at a current price. The price on any given day is determined by the prevailing market supply and demand of gold globally. Local markets for a good or commodity are of course a different market than big financial institutions trading futures contracts. Wholesale markets and retail markets differ. The same principle applies with commodities such as corn. If you purchase a bushel of corn, you will likely be able to negotiate a higher price than if you buy one pound.

Gold is traded nearly 24 hours per day and is traded on U.S., Hong Kong, London, New York and Australian markets. It is a very liquid asset, meaning it is exchanged frequently and there are a lot of entities trading the metal.

A local gold dealer makes an offer on gold based on their ability to buy and sell precious metals as a business. The value in a local gold dealer is in customer service and the ability to provide liquidity, i.e. a quick and convenient way to sell your metal. We encourage anyone looking to sell their gold to explore and look at all options available to them. It is important to find a reputable dealer you trust and provides you value.

The price of gold is measured per troy ounce. Precious metals are weighed in troy ounces, which differ than ounces you may be used to using when cooking at home for example.

Before selling your gold, it is a good idea to have it tested to determine that it is genuine gold and to verify the purity of the gold. Treasures of the North tests precious metals at no charge.

The offer on your gold jewelry, coins and nuggets is based on the gold content and corresponding value. Gold content is a product of the weight of

Please watch for our monthly articles published here. If you have questions, please call us at 907-775-7759.

Braided River Band Releases ‘Directions’ MORE ON PAGE 8 OF MAKE A SCENE MAGAZINE

Carmen Summerfield: The Art of Flying MORE ON PAGE 10 OF MAKE A SCENE MAGAZINE

Coloring Pages Inside Make A Scene!


PETS & ANIMALS Contributed by Angie Lewis, Alaska Animal Advocates Our dogs often exhibit some strange behaviors that don’t necessarily make sense to us, but many of these behaviors are very natural and ought not to worry us. These behaviors are often leftover behaviors from thousands of years ago. #1: My dog follows me to the bathroom. Why? Your dog loves you and wants to be with you every waking moment. He may also be in protection mode, wanting to keep you safe while you are in the bathroom. He may see you as “his” person and doesn’t want anyone else to have access to you. If you interact a great deal with your dog while he is in the bathroom, as I do, well he’s there with you because it’s fun! If this behavior bothers you, then close the door. If the closed door stresses your dog out, offer treats or a cool toy, just outside the door. This will keep him happy and occupied while you are gone. #2: My dog takes food out of his bowl and then drops it on the floor to eat it? Why?

Contributed by Judy, Clear Creek Cat Rescue Totally gorgeous tiger-striped boy, Bruce is the sweetest too! He is 3 or 4 years old, sleek and totally lovable. If you're looking for a magnificent, gentle cat, Bruce is the one for you. He loves to cuddle and purr and knead and purr. He loves to sleep with his person at night, cuddled against their body, or laying at their feet, or laying right on top of them! He greets his people with chirps or "MAH"s and shares conversations about their day. He is a snugly guy who is looking for a quiet loving family to blend into and be their special kind boy forever. He is easily intimidated by other cats and chaos, so a home without dominating cats or a lot of commotion would be best. In a settled home, he is a precious wondrously loving little guy. He does love to go outside and enjoy nature. He came from a rural

This is kind of a hard one to explain. Some dog behaviorists think this is a leftover behavior from wolf pack mentality. Typically, the less dominant dogs in the pack will drag their food off to eat alone, so that no other member of the pack steals their food. This is an instinctive behavior that is displayed despite no competition for the food in your household. Sometimes dogs do not like the sound of their dog tags clinking in a metal bowl. If this behavior is troublesome to you, you can try to use a ceramic or glass bowl, so that the clinking sound is eliminated. Or try moving your dog’s feeding station to a quiet area or one that is a bit more secluded, so you pup does not have any competition while eating. #3: Why does my dog kick the ground after going poop? Again, this is an instinctive behavior that comes from a time when wolves or wild dogs kick the ground around them after pooping because it cleans up the area and also marks the area. Dogs have scent glands in their feet that release pheromones, therefore allowing your dog to claim the spot. That is why dogs do so much sniffing



the ground and trees. They are trying to learn who has been there and what were they up to. Don’t try to change this behavior. It’s like you watching the news, or reading the newspaper; you want to know what’s going on! #4: My dog always circles around before he lays down. Why? This is an ancient behavior that dogs do to make their spot for sleeping comfortable. This behavior has continued on in many modern domestic dogs. #5: Why does my dog sometimes sleep on his back? Just as we humans like to change our positions for sleeping, dogs do too. Your dog wants to be comfortable and occasionally laying upside down does the trick. Also, rolling on his back, demonstrates a level of comfort that your dog is demonstrating. In the wild, canines do not expose their bellies in fear of getting their abdomens and organs attacked. Rest assured that your dog feels safe in the home you have provided. In addition, dogs roll on their backs to show submission. So, many of these behaviors are forms of communication from your dog. Learn about them and enjoy your dog “talking” to you.

area where it is okay to roam a bit, so he must have a safe area to enjoy the fine weather. He'd love to spend the summer day with you outside helping while you garden. And then come in and have cuddle time together. He will win your heart!

Contributed by Judy, Clear Creek Cat Rescue

Call Clear Creek Cat Rescue at 980-8898.

Zero is very curious. He enjoys watching everything, just isn’t sure about getting in on the action unless you have a toy, and then he is always ready to play and will play until you give up.

Zero is a very handsome little boy, about a year old. Black and white, short hair, with the prettiest green eyes.

He will be such a great companion if you give him that chance. He loves treats, and that’s when he will give into to the pets and loving (smart boy). He’s still a little fearful, but once you’re already petting him it’s like he’s thinking, “Oh well, this isn’t so bad, this feels good,” and he’ll enjoy it for a bit and go back to doing his thing. He does great with other cats! They cuddle in their cat tree and roam the house together. He would probably

be okay with a mellow dog. Just a handsome, curious boy trying to figure out his place in the world. He will need a kitty friend(s) in his new home, a place to play outside, and patience to adapt to his new surroundings. Call Clear Creek Cat Rescue at 980-8898.

COMMUNITY Contributed by Margaret Williams We sit across from each other, smiling. I want to lean in, wedge my arm around her back and her wheelchair, and give my mother a huge hug. I want to feel her thin, long fingers as I squeeze her hands. But I can’t touch her at all. We are speaking into computer screens with 3,000 miles between us. I’m in Anchorage, she’s in a memory care residence in New Hampshire. Mum and I have never been physically affectionate with each other. We exchanged hugs upon greeting and farewells and ended phone conversations with quick “love yous”. When I was younger and she pushed my hair out of my face or tickled my back, I shooed her away, annoyed. In the last year though, I found myself touching my mother in unfamiliar ways. As her Alzheimer’s Disease progressed,



so did her confusion over simple tasks. I insisted, and she relented, on smoothing lotion into her dry legs and arms. I began helping her to dress, buttoning her sweaters and lining up her shoes for the correct feet. In January, my mother’s health care team told me she likely had six months left, so I planned a long visit in the spring. I looked forward to joining her for meals and watching old movies together. I would hold her hand as we looked at photo albums. But when the time came, it was no longer safe to board an airplane. And now her residence is closed to all outside visitors, including family. Having been exposed to a caregiver who had tested positive for COVID-19, my mother is restricted to her room, even for meals. I wonder if she even notices that the aides visiting her are suited up and wearing masks. Through the screen, my mother’s smile falters. “When are you

coming home?” she asks. I want to tell her that I have a plane ticket, that I will come this weekend. But like millions of people separated from their elderly parents or other beloved relatives, I can make no plans. All

that I can do is wait. I will wait until her residence is open again. I will wait until it is safe to fly, perhaps only after the peak of coronavirus has ripped through Alaska. “I will come as soon as I can,” I say.

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