Make-A-Wish Hawaii Fall 2018 Newsletter

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Kelcie, 14, Wailuku blood disorder

Fall 2018

Photo: Mariah Milan

I wish to have a shopping spree

WishfulThinking • Message from Siana

Mahalo for Wishing With Me Transformation is at the heart of everything we do at Make-A-Wish Hawaii. By delivering strength and sparking imagination, wishes change lives—of keiki and their families, of volunteers and supporters, and of entire communities. It is also a time of transformation for our organization. We are celebrating our 35th anniversary, we are granting more wishes than ever, and we are beginning a new chapter coinciding with my recent announcement to depart from my role as president and CEO. In the nearly eight years of my tenure, we have seen our share of milestones and life-changing wishes at Make-A-Wish Hawaii. This summer alone, we stood in 5-year-old Kanilea’s backyard in Kailua and watched her family hold back tears as she was presented with her very own custom ADA swing set. We cherished the story of Big Island wish kid Elijah, who beamed as he danced with his idol, Mickey Mouse, and we watched fantasy become reality right before Atlas’s eyes at the set where the Lord of The Rings movies were filmed. I am truly humbled to have witnessed countless moments of magic like these during my time at Make-A-Wish. I have seen our Hawaii community come together time and again to embrace our wish ohana. Your awareness and heart for our mission is unparalleled, and I have felt inspired to work side by side with you every day to support and advance that mission.

B O A R D O F D I R E C TO R S Todd Apo, Board Chair Rachel Bradley Cal Chipchase Erik DeRyke Jeff Higashi Scott Higashi Melissa Jackson Kristina Lockwood Marissa MacNaughton Jon Murakami Manoj Samaranayake Keri Shepherd Brian Wong

While my time at Make-A-Wish Hawaii has come to a close, my passion for this organization is as strong as ever. I know that the future is in capable hands, and that Make-A-Wish Hawaii is poised to move even closer toward realizing its vision of granting life-changing wishes to every eligible child in the state of Hawaii. ON THE COVER Warm Wishes and Sincere Thanks,

Maui wish kid Kelcie’s shopping spree at Queen Ka’ahumanu Center Photo: Mariah Milan

Wish alum Skylar and Siana Hunt at the Wish! by the Sea Gala


Photo: Kevin Lubera

Recent Events GIVE WISHES WINGS Our Give Wishes Wings summer campaign kicked off on June 1 with our annual radiothon, sponsored by 94.7 KUMU, KITV-4, and Alaska Airlines. Together, we raised more than $28,000 in just one day to fund waiting summer wishes like Atlas’s. Atlas, whose wish to go to Hobbiton was revealed live during the radiothon, recently returned from his wish! Over the course of the summer, your support helped 35 more life-changing wishes like Atlas’s take flight! Mahalo!

“The wish gave our family memories to last a lifetime… to always have something to remind Atlas of how special he is no matter what he’s going through.” - Wish mom Meredith WISH WARRIORS Wish families, wish granters, corporate partners, and community supporters all took on the title of “Wish Warrior” this summer, each asking friends and family to donate $35 to Make-A-Wish Hawaii in honor of our 35th anniversary. Together, they raised over $15,000 to make life-changing wishes come true! Mahalo to our Wish Warriors and all who donated in their honor!

Photo: Travis Okimoto

WINE FOR WISHES The first annual Wine for Wishes, hosted by our Young Leaders Board, took place on July 14 at ‘Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach. The chic, evening poolside party was a sold-out success, with the proceeds going directly toward granting life-changing wishes for local keiki. Thank you to wish kids Skylar and Lexi, Kamuela Kahoano, and DJ Keala Kennelly (pictured with wish kid Skylar) for the amazing entertainment, Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits and Kai Coffee for the wine and coffee, and Travis Okimoto for capturing beautiful images of the event. And, of course, a huge mahalo to ‘Alohilani Resort and our sponsors for their support!

WOD FOR WISHES Fifteen CrossFit boxes across our island communities joined together this summer to raise an incredible $21,000 to grant wishes! Boxes on Maui, Kauai, Oahu, and the Big Island rallied behind local keiki with critical illnesses and completed different workouts in their honor, with exercises based on the number of each wish kid’s surgeries and treatments. Mahalo to our top fundraising box, CrossFit Oahu (pictured), who helped raise money for Pearl City wish kid Ally, who is battling cancer. Thank you to all our participating CrossFitters for being the muscle behind the magic this summer! • 808-537-3118

Mahalo to our Wish Partners! This summer, nearly 600 wish kids and their families came to Hawaii for their most heartfelt wishes! Mahalo to the many community supporters who extended the aloha spirit to these visiting wish families. Below are just a few snapshots of the magical memories made on Oahu this summer.

SHERATON WAIKIKI ALLISON, 5, ILLINOIS congenital malformation of the heart I wish to find my heart like Moana

AULANI, A DISNEY RESORT & SPA MATTHEW, 5, COLORADO brain cancer I wish to eat pineapples with Mickey

ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR Mahalo from our staff!

LEIS OF HAWAII KAELYN, 18, MISSISSIPPI colon cancer I wish to meet the cast of Hawaii Five-0

SEA LIFE PARK NIKOLAY, 14, PENNSYLVANIA leukemia I wish to swim with dolphins and surf in Hawaii

CHIEF’S LUAU EMMANUEL, 5, IDAHO heart condition I wish to go to Hawaii

Recent Wishes: Transform lives, one wish at a time

Photo: Brandon Smith Photography

LEXI, 12, WYOMING digestive disorder

I wish to go on a surprise tropical vacation “My Make-A-Wish trip was phenomenal. The Dole Pineapple Plantation was definitely my favorite. My final gift there was my birthstone ring, and it is so pretty. I wear it every day. So many people came together that day just for me! Thank you Make-A-Wish for making my dreams come true and giving me memories to remember forever.” –Wish kid Lexi

I wish to have an ADA swing set

Mahalo to

Kanilea, 5, Kailua seizure disorder

for adopting Kanilea’s wish! Photo: Monica Lau Photography

Photo: Mariah Milan




I wish to have a gaming zone

I wish to have a shopping spree

I wish to meet Mickey Mouse

“Having this huge light at the end of his tunnel has been an awesome blessing and has inspired him and our family to give back and help others. I see an awesome gratitude and humility coming from him that wasn’t there before.” –Wish mom Kendra

Kelcie said her wish day was so much fun! The support of her local Maui community meant so much to her and her family. "It was great. She had a lot of fun that day! I was glad to see her happy," said Kelcie's dad William. Mahalo to Queen Ka'ahumanu Center for your support in making Kelcie's wish day an unforgettable experience.

“He definitely felt wonderful. Being nonverbal, I believe Elijah was able to make connections with the characters at Disney that none of us will understand. The wish impacted Elijah by giving him the opportunity to be free and not held back by his disability. As a family, this wish brought us closer and gave us the strength to overcome anything together. We are forever grateful for this experience.” –Wish mom Chauvin


Waiting Wishes

blood disorder

genetic condition


Spotlight: Wish in Progress Wish granter Richelle recalls meeting the family for the very first time: “It was like walking into my own family’s home. They were so welcoming and just such a positive light.” Just a little over a year ago, Kahalau was a “happygo-lucky, healthy child,” according to Rachael. She was about to start preschool, and she enjoyed baking, playing, and dancing around the house. But soon, Kahalau started to feel sick. I wish to meet She complained of a tummy e Mouse Mickey & Minni ache at first and began having trouble walking u uk ail Kahalau, 4, W and keeping her balance. ma to las ob ur ne After a number of tests, the devastating diagnosis came back: stage 3, As little Kahalau lies in her hospital bed high risk neuroblastoma, a pediatric cancer surrounded by beeping monitors of the nerve cells. and machines, her mother Rachael sits next to her, her soothing voice calming Kahalau And so began an incredibly difficult journey after every cough and every cry. Despite of chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, bearing the weight of the world on her and immunotherapy. Traveling to Oahu three shoulders, she remains positive for Kahalau. weeks out of every month, the family spent There is nothing they can’t beat together. little time at home. They were also often And this mentality follows them everywhere separated, with Kahalau’s dad Duke staying they go — from their hospital room on Maui to tend to Kahalau’s sister and open at Kapiolani Medical Center on Oahu the family art gallery. As Kahalau’s family to their home in Wailuku, Maui. adjusted to their new normal, they never lost sight of the need

Make wishes like Kahalau’s come true this holiday season! Make your gift at HAWAII

to stay strong for their little girl. And Rachael’s positivity cemented their approach to coping with Kahalau’s cancer. “She just has this calmness to her and every time she speaks you can’t help but to feel like everything is going to be okay,” said Richelle. With her parents’ support, Kahalau has also remained strong as she fights indescribable battles with a strength well beyond her age. Richelle describes her as a “great example of a warrior princess—so brave and fearless, but yet so beautiful and kind.” For Kahalau, a wish come true would mean the opportunity to be a kid again—to focus on the magic of meeting Mickey and Minnie Mouse and having fun instead of the realities of fighting a critical illness. And it would also allow Kahalau and her family the opportunity to spend quality time together. “That one wish has been a constant focus, carrying us through really tough days,” said Rachael. “Children like Kahalau deserve the world for what they have to endure. To give an experience to these kids like Kahalau is to truly understand the essence of life.” Your support helps life-changing wishes like Kahalau’s come true. As Richelle said, “Any bit of hope or light that these families can experience in the times when their worlds are being torn apart is amazing. It gives them not only a moment to feel like nothing is wrong, but a sense that they are surrounded by people who care.”

Why a Wish? More than 1300 local families have been touched by a wish Only 4 out of 5 eligible keiki are currently b eing reached On average 200 people will come together to make a wish possible Because wishes help children defy fear and harness hope

I wish to go on a safari Dominik, 10, Waikiki hodgkin's lymphoma

Photo: Steven Ball

Wishes still waiting this year NAME.............. AGE.......LOCATION Aeden..................13.................... Kalihi Aeden .................10.....................Lihue Ahri ......................5.............. Pearl City Akila ....................11............... Wailuku Allyson ...............12............ Pearl City Anastacia...........11...............Waianae Arabella ..............4................ Kaneohe Braxton ...............7............Ford Island Carmelo .............11...............Waianae Cody....................12....................... Hilo Daniel ..................9........ Pearl Harbor Daphine ..............7......... Kailua-Kona

Elijah.....................9.............Hawaii Kai Honoreena ........13..............Honolulu Hulali....................5.................Waianae Ivanhoe ...............4................ Waipahu Jayceton ............14...............Waianae Kaimi ...................7................. Wailuku Kona ...................15................. Mililani Leticia.................17................ Lahaina Lhaia ...................10................Kaimuki Lincoln ................3..................Kaimuki Luke ....................16............ Moanalua Madeline ...........13................. Mililani

Matthew .............4................. Wailuku Meleana...............2..................Waialua Nawai ..................3..................... Keaau Noah ....................9................Honolulu Rhona .................16....................Eleele Saeota .................8.................Waianae Skyla-Rose .........3................... Mililani Tavyne .................8................ Waipahu Wanter ...............13.................. Makiki Xzylie ...................3................ Waipahu Zailea ..................17................... Kapaa ZayleeAnn .........9.........................Aiea • 808-537-3118

Make-A-Wish® Hawaii 223 South King Street, Suite 100 Honolulu, HI 96813 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

Upcoming Events SWING FOR WISHES Hawaii Prince Golf Course Thursday, October 11 11 a.m. Shotgun Start WAFFLES FOR WISHES Ward Village Courtyard Sunday, November 4 10 a.m. Brunch JINGLE ROCK RUN Hawaii State Capitol Sunday, December 16 3 p.m. Festivities Begin

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