Make-A-Wish Hawaii 2021 Edition 2 Newsletter

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Issue 2, 2021

Recent Events & Campaigns including: 2nd Annual Stars at Home Virtual Talent Show WISH! Gala – A Virtual Night in Old Havana Plus: A Magical Bedroom Makeover & SAVE THE DATE: Wine for Wishes on the Water

WishfulThinking • Note from Trini

Aloha Wish ‘Ohana, Over the past year, we have all gotten a small glimpse into what wish families face on a regular basis. Despite these fears and the increased concern for the health and well-being of children and families, our team of volunteer wish granters became even more creative to be able to continue delivering life-changing wishes to keiki in our community fighting critical Illnesses. While the gatherings may have been smaller, the long year of restrictions and unique challenges we’ve faced have only heightened the joy for our wish kids and those who love them. ON THE COVER Skylar’s wish to have a new bedroom came true thanks to the generosity of H.T. Hayashi Foundation and innovative design by California Closets. Read about his wish in this issue! Photo: Minako Ho

B O A R D O F D I R E C TO R S Jeff Higashi - Board Chair Erik DeRyke – Vice Chair Cal Chipchase - Secretary Manoj Samaranayake - Treasurer Todd Apo Rachel Bradley Tom Calame Julianne Erickson Rick Fried Scott Higashi Michelle Ho Charles Hunter Todd lacovelli Joe Medwetz Brenda Mitchell Katie Pickman Mike Rompel Keri Shepherd Andrew Shimabukuro Tiffany Vara Brian Wong Dr. Greg Yim


Pictured from top: Sarah's wish to be a horse trainer, Joseph's wish to refurbish his Toyota truck, and Chey's wish for a princess bedroom. Wishful Thinking - 2021/Issue 2

We want to give our heartfelt gratitude to our many wonderful partners, volunteer wish granters, donors, and families. Thanks to your unwavering support, we’ve been able to grant joyful, unique wishes this summer! Our first wish of the season was a truck makeover at Kualoa Ranch in early May. We’ve since granted magical bedroom makeovers, exciting gaming wishes, shopping sprees, etc. delighting wish kids across the state. It’s the busiest time of year since many families plan their child’s wish experience for the summer break. Learn more about our recent wishes in these pages. By linking to our videos, you can witness the power of a wish firsthand—not only for wish children but also for their families, wish granters, volunteers, and our broader community. We are so grateful for your continued support in these challenging times!

Much Aloha,

Trini Kaopuiki Clark President and CEO

I wish to have a new bedroom! Skylar, 4, Pearl City genetic disorder


Wish Granted! Photos: Minako Ho


Watch Skylar’s Wish Day Video

Skylar’s wish to have a new bedroom came true thanks to the generous support of H.T. Hayashi Foundation and innovative design provided by California Closets Hawaii. Skylar’s mom Yuko calls her 3-year-old son her “tiny,

Skylar’s wish to have a new bedroom addressed

mighty, feisty warrior.” While he’s been through many

significant practical concerns. His daily routine requires

procedures and hospital stays in his young life, she

medical equipment that needs to be neatly stored and

says he just keeps trekking forward. Yuko is doing the

tucked away while remaining easily accessible at all

same. She attends to Skylar’s daily care with the help

times. Skylar’s wish partners were able to attend his wish

and support of a team of home nurses. Skylar’s support

reveal party, and it was a first-time experience for both

network also includes his older brother Kainalu, family,

Jan Harada and foundation board member Ted Rachlin.

friends, and his Make-A-Wish Hawaii ‘ohana. “Human kindness is best witnessed first-hand, and being “Skylar’s needs are significant, and through it all, his

blessed with the opportunity to be there in person when

mother’s love has never wavered,” said Jan Harada,

Skylar and his family saw the room for the first time, was

Executive Director of H.T. Hayashi Foundation. “As a

a joy,” said Harada, noting that meeting Skylar’s ‘ohana

single mother, she has been impacted by the challenging

was the most impactful part of the day.

economic times caused by the pandemic, yet, everything she does is focused on Skylar and his brother and

Marketing Director Kira Kaloi of California Closets

helping them to live their best lives. She sacrifices

Hawaii shared her experience. “Seeing the look on

without question and loves without limits.”

Yuko's face when she first saw the finished space was so amazing! I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. She looked so overjoyed, and there was a sense of relief that she had this incredible space made just for Skylar.”

“Yes, Skylar has a safe space now. But perhaps more critical is for him, his brother, and his mom to know that they do not have to face their struggles alone and that kindness and compassion can come from so many, even total strangers.” ~JAN HARADA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, H.T. HAYASHI FOUNDATION • 808-537-3118

WishfulThinking • Recent Events


Each year, we come together for our WISH! Gala in honor of local keiki, and each year we are incredibly humbled by the generosity and support of our community. On May 15, supporters statewide tuned in to Hawaii News Now's K5, placed bids on our silent auction, and made gifts, helping us raise more than $470,000 to help deliver hope and change lives here in Hawaii! Mahalo to our sponsors, especially D.R. Horton Hawaii, Steve & Marilyn Katzman Philanthropic Fund, Nan Inc., and Dr. Thomas & Mi Kosasa, for making this event possible, as well as our honorees, wish kids, and virtual guests. And a special mahalo to the Zilber Family Foundation and our leadership community for triple matching all gifts up to $25,000 and helping us exceed our $100,000 Fund A Wish goal for waiting wish keiki! If you missed the show, visit to watch! You’ll hear about Aiden's wish to have a backyard playground, learn how Reece's journey continues after his wish, and see how our community is choosing hope.

Wishful Thinking - 2021/Issue 2

RECENT EVENTS 2nd Annual Stars at Home Virtual Talent Show Big mahalo for making our 2nd annual virtual talent show a huge success! We received more than 30 videos for our Stars at Home show in April. Submissions included everything from singing and dancing to surfing and snowboarding! Our community was invited to support their favorite performances with a $5 donation—a virtual high-five that collectively raised more than $27,000 for local wish kids. Thanks to presenting sponsors Domino's Hawaii and Jersey Mike's Subs Hawaii who triple-matched all donations, helping us raise more than $67,000 to help grant life-changing wishes to local keiki. The top three winners received a pizza party courtesy of Domino's Hawaii. Our Stars at Home 1st place winner also received four roundtrip tickets on Alaska Airlines.

Mahalo for your support and congratulations to our talented winners!

Our 2021 Winners: 1st

AYA AND THE WISH MAKERS, perform "A Million Dreams" Raised $6,880


SABIA performs "Rainbow Connection" Raised $4,921


ABRIANA performs "Time After Time" Raised $2,255

Youth Leadership Council Celebrates First Year! The Make-A-Wish Hawaii Youth Leadership Council (YLC) is celebrating a one-year milestone. Conceived as a leadership and development opportunity for Oahu youth, its impact has grown as the program has taken shape in its first year. YLC members help create life-changing wishes for local children. Through experiences in philanthropy, teamwork, and networking, members can engage with our mission by volunteering at events, Wish Your Way™ fundraising, and more. We’d love to meet with interested students, and we invite your participation. The YLC currently has space to welcome 15 high school students. Visit or contact James at to learn more. • 808-537-3118

WishfulThinking WishfulThinking • Chapter Spotlight

Meet our Board and Young Leaders Board Volunteers! B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S S P OT L I G H T

Rachel Bradley

Realtor at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Hawaii Realty Rachel has been part of the Make-AWish ‘ohana since 2013, when she began lending her considerable skills in public relations, communications, and event planning to our mission. “I attended the very first gala as a guest of Brigitte Egbert, and I was hooked,” shared Rachel, who first joined the Young Leaders Board when it launched that same year. “Shortly after that, I was invited to work on the committee that was putting Jingle Rock Run together, so that was my first opportunity to roll up my sleeves and dig in.” Her social glue helped to bring the Jingle

In this issue, we wish to thank key members of our leadership team and help you get to know them.

Rock Run to life. A competitive athlete, Rachel connected us with a host of helpful volunteers, donors, and partners when we launched the December event that year. Now in its 9th year, this signature event has become one of our most important annual fundraisers and a cherished holiday tradition for many families. “I love our Oahu community, and think it’s important to find ways to give back. MakeA-Wish Hawaii speaks to me personally on many levels, but it’s the mother in me that really connects with the mission,” shared Rachel. “I’m grateful to do any small part I can in providing a family experiencing a life-threatening illness with support, joy, and hope.” Rachel has served on our Board of Directors for several years. “The hard work of the Make-A-Wish Hawaii staff, especially during a difficult year, inspires

me daily. Volunteering at Make-A-Wish Hawaii has made me appreciate the resiliency of the human spirit, especially in children, and reminds me regularly that there is love and joy everywhere, and that a positive attitude is everything.”

A huge, heartfelt mahalo to Rachel and Corey for their commitment and service to our mission and wish families! YO U N G L E A D E R S B OA R D

Corey Campbell

CEO & Founder, Akamai Training & Consulting LLC As a sports fan growing up and watching ESPN SportsCenter daily, Corey Campbell’s favorite moments in the TV program were always the feature stories where wish kids met their favorite athletes, connecting with them personally and bringing happiness and hope to the entire family. Fast forward to 2007, Corey got the opportunity to work alongside long-time Make-A-Wish Hawaii supporter Kelly Sanders at the Sheraton Waikiki, and he experienced the positive impact of a wish Wishful Thinking - 2021/Issue 2

firsthand. “It was really special to be a part of the magic of helping create special memories for the Wish Families staying at the hotel,” shared Campbell. “Some of the most touching conversations in my life have been with mothers of Wish Kids who were expressing their gratitude about their Make-A-Wish experience in Hawaii, sharing stories of positive emotions they haven’t seen or felt in a long time.” Determined to be closer to our mission, Corey joined the Make-A-Wish Hawaii Young Leaders Board in 2018. “It’s hard to describe how wonderful it is to serve others and bring smiles to their faces at a time when, perhaps, smiles aren’t so common. The Wish Ambassador program allows me to do that and connect in a

really touching way with our visiting Wish Families. Once Wish travel starts again, I’d like to invite anyone interested in volunteering to please reach out to us and get more details.”


Macy’s Round Up: Mahalo to our friends at Macy’s for their continuous support. In April, local Macy’s stores raised substantial funds with their round-up at the register campaign, letting customers donate at checkout.


Dunkin’: This in-store campaign at all four Dunkin' Hawaii locations includes partial proceeds from the sale of a star-shaped donut ($2) and donation canisters at the register. Receive a wish star for any donation of $1 or more thru June & July. Use your star to receive a free donut on your next visit.

Aloha Gas: Special thanks to Aloha Gas for supporting MAWH and raising funds with register canisters in March and April to help make wishes come true!

Join Eggs 'n Things at all locations as they rally behind


our mission. Donate in July and bring wishes to life with

Celeste joined the Make-A-Wish Hawaii team

a star! Add sprinkles to your

this year in the role of Wish Coordinator. “I’ve always had a desire to be in the service field, work

Eggs 'n Things:

favorite breakfast for $1 — all

with kids, and make a difference. MAWH is the


culmination of all of these goals and when I saw the

Book a staycation at 'Alohilani

job opening, it seemed like fate!”

Resort Waikiki Beach now

proceeds benefit Make-A-Wish Hawaii.

through December 23, 2021 Celeste is looking forward to getting to know

and help make wishes come

the MAWH family, learning from her teammates,

true! Use the promo code

and beginning a long career journey with the

LOVEWISH when booking

organization. She joins us from Hawaii Behavioral

and a portion of your stay will

Health working with people with developmental

support Make-A-Wish Hawaii.

disabilities. She has also previously worked in different areas of healthcare and retail. She’s a passionate animal lover who does not discriminate — she has two spoiled fur babies at home (one canine, one feline) who she loves equally. Celeste’s wish would be to go on a European tour with her family and friends.

Fish for a Wish: Mahalo for your fundraising

Hula Grill & Dukes Waikiki: With each poke taco purchase in July, Duke’s Waikiki and Hula Grill Waikiki will donate $1 to help grant local wishes.

efforts at Ace Hardware stores in South Kona on at the Fish for a Wish event on June 19-20.

Please join us in welcoming Celeste to the MAWH ‘ohana! • 808-537-3118

WishfulThinking • Recent Wishes


We invite you to experience the power of a wish today. Whether it’s wish kids who are now grown up, parents of recent wish kids or volunteer wish granters who dedicate their heart to our mission — the power of a wish is farreaching and everlasting.

Photo: Keith Usher


This past year has been especially challenging for families with immunocompromised children. Aiden, age 6, and his younger sister are now able to enjoy safe playtime together in their new backyard playground. Support from ABC Supply Co. and ExerPlay helped us bring joy, fun and a sense of community to Aiden and his family.

I wish to have a backyard playground Aiden, 6, Honolulu

genetic condition

Watch Aiden’s Wish For A Backyard Playground

Mahalo to ABC Supply for adopting Aiden's wish!


Reece has had an incredible journey since his wish was granted in 2011. A dedicated volunteer, he’s participated in annual events like the Macy’s letter writing campaign, Radiothon, Swing for Wishes and Jingle Rock Run. He’s been one of the youngest spokespeople for Make-A-Wish Hawaii, making many news appearances and inspiring other volunteers, donors and event participants through his service.

I wish to go to Walt Disney World® Reece, Wish granted in 2011, Kailua brain tumor Watch Wish Kid Reece's Journey After A Wish

Wishful Thinking - 2021/Issue 2

Reece has even created lifelong friends with donor and corporate partner, Leadership Works.


Swimming with sharks in Mexico was off the table for this Kailua teenager, but that didn’t stop his adventurous spirit from exploring his passions here at home. Caleb and his family made precious memories with a day of surfing, scuba diving and ziplining adventures, to name a few. Watch them interact with an octopus and feel reenergized after battling Caleb’s illness as a family. Thanks to Pacific Property Group for supporting Caleb’s wish.

I wish to have the ultimate Hawaii adventure Caleb, 18, Kailua cancer

Mahalo to Pacific Property Group for adopting Caleb's wish!

Watch Caleb’s Ultimate Hawaii Adventure Wish


I wish to have my Toyota TRD truck refurbished Joseph, 17, Kaneohe lymphoma Joseph thought he was meeting some friends at Kualoa Beach Park when instead, he was greeted by his wish granting team and Make-A-Wish Hawaii community. His wish to have his dad’s Toyota Tacoma refurbished came true. He’ll be driving it to his favorite surf spots across Oahu with his friends this summer, thanks to generous support from R.M. Towill Corporation.

Watch Joseph’s Wish For A Truck Makeover Mahalo to R.M. Towill Corporation for adopting Joseph's wish!


I wish to have a princess bedroom Chey, 10, Kaneohe brain tumor

Watch Chey’s Wish For A Princess Bedroom

Check out the unstoppable wish granting duo, Kari and Madalyn, as they share the process of granting Cheyleia’s bespoke bedroom wish. Chey’s creative bedroom makeover expresses all of the beautiful aspects of her personality — from rough and tumble kid who loves slime to her princess-loving, sparkly side. Every detail was carefully considered and chosen with love. Learn how the power of a wish touches the hearts of everyone involved, including Wish Granters. Mahalo to Nan Inc. for making Chey’s wish come true!

Mahalo to Nan, Inc. for adopting Chey's wish! • 808-537-3118

WishfulThinking • Donor Spotlight


Dr. Wynn Okuda We want to give our sincere thanks to Dr. Wynn Okuda for his generosity in supporting our mission of creating life-changing wishes for local keiki with critical illnesses. Our annual WISH! Gala is our largest fundraising event each year, and the Premier Auction component adds excitement and much needed funds to make this special evening a success. Dr. Okuda has quite literally brought big smiles to the faces of our wish kids, and to two generous supporters at our 2020 and 2021 WISH! Galas, by donating life-changing smile makeovers. Patients from all over the world come to Hawaii for Dr. Okuda’s cosmetic dentistry treatments. He’s been featured in over 100 publications globally! But for two consecutive years, Dr. Okuda has offered his incredible skill in cosmetic dentistry to the highest bidders. “I wanted to help give back so we can grant wishes for kids,” shared Dr. Okuda. His donations of time and talents have generated $33,500 in support for our mission to grant wishes for local keiki. A smile makeover from Dr. Okuda is a gift that keeps on giving — making smiles look amazing and bringing joy to young faces as their wishes are granted across Hawaii thanks to his generosity.

Mahalo Dr. Okuda for making wishes come true, one smile at a time! Wishful Thinking - 2021/Issue 2


Everyone's invited to join us on October 21, 2021 for the 15th Annual Swing for Wishes golf tournament. You can help us make a difference in the lives of local wish children and their families while enjoying a day of fun and community at the Hawaii Prince Golf Club. Over the past 15 years, the annual Swing for Wishes golf tournament has grown to be one of Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s most important fundraisers, raising more than $1.2 million since its inception. Last year, our generous sponsors and donors helped us raise $70,000 to provide life-changing wishes to local keiki. With your help, we hope to exceed that goal this year. For updates and details, please visit

Mahalo to our friends at Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort & Spa for your continued partnership!

WINE FOR WISHES Save the date! Saturday, August 14, 2021 Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s Young Leaders Board is proud to present the third annual Wine for Wishes … on the Water! This chic sunset cruise aboard the Majestic by Atlantis Cruises will be an evening to remember. We invite you to join Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s Young Leaders Board as they help grant life-changing wishes to Hawaii children with critical illnesses. This year’s event will incorporate enhanced safety measures and will abide by all current state regulations as the health of our valued guests is our top priority. For updates and details, please visit Ticket price through August 1 - $150 Ticket price after August 1 - $195 Space is limited and tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis.

Save the date! Sunday, December 5, 2021 We’re excited to connect with our community at the 9th Annual Jingle Rock Run! This annual holiday event has become a cherished tradition for many families and is a wonderful way for the whole family to kick off the season. All ages are welcome, and we invite walkers, joggers, runners, and even family pets to participate. For updates and details, please visit • 808-537-3118

Make-A-Wish® Hawaii 223 South King Street, Suite 100 Honolulu, HI 96813

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S AV E T H E S E D AT E S ! WINE FOR WISHES Sunset Boat Cruise Aboard the Majestic by Atlantis Cruises Saturday, August 14, 2021

SWING FOR WISHES Hawaii Prince Golf Club Thursday, October 21, 2021

JINGLE ROCK RUN Sunday, December 5, 2021

To find out more about upcoming events, please call (808) 537-3118 or visit our website

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