Wishful Thinking Spring 2023

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Wish Kid Nemu enjoyed snow tubing with her family during her wish trip to Chicago.

Aloha Wish ‘Ohana,

It’s an exciting time at Make-A-Wish Hawaii as our community reconnects at events such as Jingle Rock Run and Waffles for Wishes. It was a joy to share in magical wish reveals as wish kids Andrew and Aleyna learned that their wishes are coming true! Looking ahead, we are thrilled to celebrate with you at the annual WISH! Gala at the Sheraton Waikiki on May 6.

This year’s theme, WISH! Into the Future, reflects our commitment to our vision to grant the wish of every eligible child—today and into the future. We couldn’t do this without the incredible support of this year’s honorees—meet them on page 9 and celebrate their heartfelt contributions with us in May!


Erik DeRyke – Board Chair

Jeff Higashi – Chair Elect

Scott Higashi – Secretary

Cayenne Pe‘a – Treasurer

Rachel Bradley

Tom Calame

Julianne Erickson

Rick Fried

Michelle Ho

Charles Hunter

Todd Iacovelli

Joe Medwetz

Brenda Mitchell

Darius Monsef

Katie Pickman

Jade Richardson

Mike Rompel

Keri Shepherd

Andrew Shimabukuro

Tiffany Vara

Aaron Yamasaki

Dr. Greg Yim

Winter is one of our busiest wish granting seasons while kids have time off from school. Nemu’s and Pomai’s wishes brought them to wintry wonderlands in Chicago and Utah, while Matéo’s and Makana’s wishes had them enjoying the sun in Florida when they visited Walt Disney World®. At home, Emma’s sweet wish to have a cello was granted during a Hawaii Symphony Orchestra performance of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix™.

I hope you enjoy learning about the impact of your support in this issue of Wishful Thinking. I look forward to the opportunity to see you all in person at an event, wish reveal, or volunteer training soon.

Much aloha,

WishfulThinking • Note from Trini
2 Newsletter | 2023: Spring Issue

Nemu’s Wish

Nemu is a strong little girl who has already been through so much in her young life. The 11-year-old from Honolulu was born prematurely, at 25 weeks. Since then, she’s endured multiple surgeries to give herself a fighting chance to live a happy and healthy life.

A key player in Nemu’s wellbeing is Ms. Amber, her caregiver of more than 5 years. Nemu warmed up to Ms. Amber quickly, and her younger brother and sister were fast fans too. As Nemu grew up, so did Ms. Amber—meeting her husband and starting a family of her own.

When Ms. Amber relocated to Chicago for her husband’s career, Nemu was devastated. She cried and missed her deeply. “Nemu really loved her,” says her father, Shinichi.

Nemu was referred to Make-A-Wish Hawaii for her seizure disorder. Her most heartfelt wish was to go to Chicago to see Ms. Amber—and while there, see snow and throw snowballs at her siblings.

Nemu looked forward to her wish, and it gave her hope and joy for the day it would come true, especially while recovering from a major surgery that left her fighting to gain strength to walk again. Thanks to the generous support of Steve and Marilyn Katzman, Nemu’s wish was granted!

“Nemu spread the news that she is going to Chicago to everyone—friends at school and neighbors,” says her mother, Takako. “She looked so happy and excited every day. We felt grateful.”

To help prepare this family of five for the winter weather, UNIQLO Hawaii outfitted them in down and fleece jackets with HEATTECH to keep them warm on their trip. This generous in-kind support came in especially handy during the snowball fight Nemu had dreamt of!

The entire family had a wonderful time in Chicago. They visited the Field Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Science and Industry, went snow tubing outside of the city, and—the highlight of the trip—reconnected with Ms. Amber and her family over Chicago-style pizza.

“Since returning from the trip, Nemu has repeatedly said that she would like to go back to Chicago. We believe that this experience has given her the strength to live,” Takako says.

Mahalo Steve and Marilyn Katzman for making Nemu’s wish come true!

Cover Story
“Since returning from the trip, Nemu has repeatedly said that she would like to go back to Chicago. We believe that this experience has given her the strength to live.”
Watch Nemu’s Wish Story
3 2023: Spring Issue | Newsletter
I wish to go to Chicago to see snow Nemu, 11, Honolulu seizure disorder


Enjoy a glimpse of recent wishes granted thanks to your generous support!

Pomai’s Wish to go Skiing in Utah

Standing at the summit of Powder Mountain in Utah, 14-year-old Pomai had a smile so bright it radiated pure joy. Pomai’s leukemia was not a current concern as the snowflakes fell gently upon him and the slopes ahead promised a powdery ride for Pomai to experience with his family. The environment was new and exciting and gave the Honolulu family the opportunity to focus on exploration.

Throughout Pomai’s battle with leukemia, Make-A-Wish Hawaii provided hope. “The planning and discussing of his wish gave him something to look forward to during the toughest times of his treatment,” says Pomai’s dad, Michael. They were touched by the generous support received from the Make-A-Wish community. “The number of people involved with planning, donating to Pomai’s cause and at all the Make-AWish events let Pomai and his family know that we were never alone in this journey. We had lots of prayers and generosity extended towards us,” Michael says.

Matéo’s Wish to go to Walt Disney World®

Matéo is a 6-year-old boy from Ewa Beach who was diagnosed with leukemia during the summer of 2021. Before getting sick, Matéo’s family enjoyed traveling and making new memories together. That was put on pause as Matéo’s health became the family’s focus. Matéo wished to go to Walt Disney World®, a place where he and his family could enjoy their love for adventure.

After his treatments concluded, Matéo went to Disney World with his parents and little sister, Ila. The rides were his favorite part of the experience. He faced his fear of roller coasters and even rode some of them more than once!

The joy Matéo experienced during his wish come true at Disney World has remained with him—it’s a memory his mom says the entire family will talk about for a very long time. “It meant everything to my family.”

WishfulThinking • Recent Wishes
“The planning and discussing of his wish gave him something to look forward to during the toughest times of his treatment.”
I wish
to go to Walt Disney World® Matéo, 6, Ewa Beach leukemia
“Matéo looked forward to every day and all the new and exciting things the parks had to offer. He was happy all the time.”
to Elliott Bisnow and Powder Mountain for helping make Pomai’s wish come true!
4 Newsletter | 2023: Spring Issue
I wish to go skiing in Utah Pomai, 14, Honolulu leukemia

Emma’s Wish to Have a Cello

Thirteen-year-old Emma of Ewa Beach suffers from lupus with complications. Emma used to play cello at school, but her musical interest was disrupted by the pandemic, followed by her illness. She wished to have a cello so she could continue honing her craft when her illness kept her out of school.

After an evening with her ‘ohana at the Neal S. Blaisdell Concert Hall watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in concert, Emma’s wish to have a cello came true thanks to the generous support of Steve and Karen Sato! Joshua Nakazawa, a cellist from Hawaii Symphony Orchestra, surprised Emma with one year of complimentary lessons. “The cello, especially the one year of lessons, really helps to get some happiness and normality back,” says Emma’s dad, Minghua. “The surprise gifts bring joy and happiness to her. The kindness and care from the volunteers is really helpful in cheering her up from the sadness of getting a severe disease. More important, they also set good role models for her.”

I wish to have a cello Emma, 14, Ewa Beach lupus with complications

Makana’s Wish to go to Walt Disney World® for Christmas

Makana, a teenager from Lanai, has dealt with a lot throughout her fight against brain cancer. She’s traveled off island regularly for chemotherapy and bravely endured the side effects. When it was time to reveal her wish was coming true, her mom brought her to Maui under the guise of a birthday shopping trip. Her Wish Granters surprised her with a party to share that she was going to Walt Disney World®, a message of hope that brought her to tears of joy—and that was just the beginning.

Makana loved every day of her wish trip—from visiting Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World to celebrating Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Florida with her family.

Recent Wishes
“This Make-A-Wish experience was such an awesome experience for my daughter, who is going through so much medically. I am grateful for all the hard work that this organization does for children like my own.”
I wish to go to Walt Disney World® for Christmas Makana, 15, Lanai City brain cancer
Mahalo to Steve and Karen Sato for adopting Emma’s wish!
“The cello, especially the one year of lessons, really helps to get some happiness and normality back.”
5 2023: Spring Issue | Newsletter

Q&A with Tiffany Vara

Acommunity volunteer, author, veteran, and mother of five, Tiffany Vara has been an invaluable addition to our leadership team since joining the Wish Granting Committee in 2016 and Board of Directors in 2021. Much of her community service—from leading an effort to bring inclusive play to Hawaii to improving communication between medical providers and their families on a national scale—has been in honor of her late daughter, Abbie, who passed away eight years ago after a lengthy journey living with a brain injury. Having lived through the unimaginable realities of loving and losing a child with a critical illness, Tiffany leads with compassion and a strong drive to change the lives of Hawaii wish keiki and their families.

Q: What drew you to the Make-A-Wish Hawaii mission?

A: Our family experienced the tumult that follows a challenging diagnosis. Our lives, down to the nitty gritty, were never the same after that. Fun times together that included everyone were challenging to make happen; memories that were not tinged with struggle were hard to create. We chose not to apply for a wish for Abbie because we did not want to use donor funds. In retrospect, that was a mistake. So, although I am not a wish mom, I know by heart the paths that many of our wish families are walking, and I want to be part of giving them at least one smooth, beautiful, joyous part of it.

Q: Can you describe your recent work regarding the interactions between volunteers and wish families?

The Wish Granting Committee has recommitted itself to truly putting the child at the center of the entire wish process, from the first interaction onward. We are thinking about things as detailed as wish granters meeting small children while kneeling, and

speaking directly to them, instead of standing over them talking to the parents. We are exploring ways to engage the children so that we can learn about them playfully and naturally, without the process feeling like a quiz or interview. We are also talking about how to engage parents and siblings in ways that ensure the wish child remains the center of all conversations and interactions.

Q: What do you hope for the organization moving forward?

A: I hope that we can build vibrant neighbor island networks so that all qualifying Hawai’i children can receive a wish in a wonderful and expeditious manner. I hope that we can truly put the wish child at the center of all we do, without wavering. And I hope that Make-A-Wish Hawaii continues to serve as an example of an organization wholeheartedly committed to the community, carrying out its mission with integrity, skill, imagination and joy.

Q: What would your wish be?

A: My deepest wish is that no family or child would ever be in the position to request a wish. My personal wish would be to have my new granddaughters, Isla and Stella, move in next door...along with their parents, of course!

“It is an honor to be on the Make-A-Wish Hawaii board, which is composed of smart, committed people who undertake serious work with light hearts, never forgetting that at the center of all we do is a child with one true wish.”
6 Newsletter | 2023: Spring Issue
Tiffany Vara at Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s 40th anniversary celebration at the Honolulu Zoo with Brenda Mitchell, Rick Fried and Derek Turbin.

Mark Leong

Wealth Management Advisor, Northwestern Mutual

Born and raised in Hawaii, Mark Leong is passionate about giving back to the local community, both through his work as a wealth management advisor at Northwestern Mutual and as a longtime Make-A-Wish Hawaii supporter.

Mark was first touched by the mission over 12 years ago when he sponsored a team for the annual Swing for Wishes golf tournament. Inspired by the care and passion he saw put into the event, he has participated every year since.

In addition to his continued support for Swing for Wishes, Mark also rallies his colleagues at Northwestern Mutual behind an annual holiday toy drive benefiting local wish kids. “It’s a great way to get more people involved, and even just a small gift makes a big difference to the child who receives it,” he says.

Last year, Mark felt a “strong pull to jump in and be more hands-on” within the organization, joining both the Wish Ambassador program, which welcomes visiting wish children to Hawaii, and the Young Leaders Board, which provides invaluable leadership and fundraising support.


Super American Circus Makes Cherita’s Wish Come True!

The Super American Circus brings fabulous acts to Hawaii for all ages to enjoy—from high-wire walking by world-famous Blake Wallenda to nail-biting stunts by the brave Mario Espana, the performances have something for everyone.

For the past two years, the Super American Circus has generously donated a portion of proceeds from every ticket sold to its Hawaii shows to help make wishes come true for local keiki.

Thanks to the Super American Circus’ support, Make-A-Wish Hawaii was able to grant the wish of a 13-year-old girl from Ewa Beach, Cherita, who was diagnosed with cancer in May 2020. Cherita loves Disney and never questioned what her most heartfelt wish is: to go to Walt Disney World® with her family—including five younger siblings.

Cherita and her family attended the Super American Circus at the Neal S. Blaisdell Arena in February. Before the show began, Cherita was brought onto the stage by Coco the Clown. She participated in some tricks and then was surprised with the news that her wish to go to Walt Disney World® is coming true!

Cherita is super excited her wish is being granted soon and is most looking forward to riding the Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind rollercoaster at EPCOT.

Mahalo to the Super American Circus for its generous support to make dreams come true for keiki like Cherita!

Subaru Hawai‘i Share the Love

Mahalo to Subaru Hawai‘i for supporting Make-A-Wish Hawaii through its Share the Love sales event! Subaru Hawai‘i donated $250 for every new Subaru purchased from Nov. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2022 to local nonprofits, including Make-A-Wish Hawaii. Subaru Hawai‘i generously gave $15,000 to transform lives and make wishes come true for keiki with critical illnesses across the state. Enjoy the commercial, featuring 8-year-old Wish Kid Alayah of Pearl City, who battles spinal muscular atrophy. Alayah’s wish to go to Walt Disney World® was granted last year. Mahalo, Subaru Hawai‘i!

Café Kaila

Mahalo to Café Kaila for raising money to support Make-A-Wish Hawaii! The award-winning breakfast restaurant held star sales and donated $1 for every specialty waffle sold in the last two weeks of December, rounding up for a total donation of $2,650.

YLB SPOTLIGHT 7 2023: Spring Issue | Newsletter
Board Spotlight

Make-A-Wish® Hawaii is planning the in-person return of our annual gala, WISH! Into the Future, Saturday, May 6 at the Sheraton Waikiki. After celebrating virtually for the past three years due to the pandemic, we are thrilled to be gathering again for our largest annual fundraiser!

As we celebrate and honor more than 40 years of transforming lives across the state through the power of a wish—a milestone we reached together last year—we remain committed to granting the wish of every eligible child, today and into the future. This year’s theme, WISH! Into the Future, reflects our commitment to this vision. The annual WISH! gala is among Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s most important annual fundraisers, bringing together dedicated supporters committed to making a difference in the lives of local keiki and their families through their generous support.

Your partnership is vital in creating life-changing wishes for local children with critical illnesses. With your help, we can ensure no child will have to wait one day longer than necessary to experience the transformative power of a wish. Together, we can deliver hope for brighter days in their future.

This year’s gala will include a surprise mission moment and dancing to live music by the Spazmatics. You won’t want to miss the online auction and opportunity to help Fund A Wish as we raise support to fulfill our life-changing mission. If you would like to contribute an item or experience to the auction, please email gala@hawaii.wish.org For sponsorship inquiries, please contact Arden Salassa, corporate relations manager, at asalassa@hawaii.wish.org .

To learn more about WISH! Into the Future, visit wishgalahawaii.com.

WishfulThinking Upcoming Events
8 Newsletter | 2023: Spring Issue
Photography by: Jenna Lee Pictures


WISH! Into the Future will recognize select supporters who have gone above and beyond to impact the lives of our wish families. From corporate and medical partners to magic makers, volunteers and philanthropists, many people come together to grant each wish. We are immensely grateful to each honoree for their heartfelt support to fulfill our mission.

Corporate Partner of the Year Schuler Family Foundation & D.R. Horton Hawaii

With the mission of benefiting communities in Hawaii, the Schuler Family Foundation focuses on fostering programs related to healthcare and the care of our youth, among others. Aligning with our mission to transform the lives of children with critical illnesses, the Foundation has been a valued partner of MakeA-Wish Hawaii for more than 15 years, generously showing their support through event and wish sponsorships. For 50 years, the Foundation has been synonymous with D.R. Horton Hawaii, local homebuilder continuing a shared mission of building homes, communities and dreams for Hawaii’s families that its original founder, Jim Schuler, began in 1973. Both entities together continue to build futures for local wish families, as well; they recently adopted 5-year-old Luke’s wish to go to Walt Disney World® and participated in his wish reveal during a special Make-AWish Hawaii 40th anniversary celebration. We are grateful for both D.R. Horton Hawaii’s and the Schuler Family Foundation’s continued partnership!

Philanthropist of the Year Rick Fried

Board member Rick Fried has made an indelible impact on the Hawaii community for the past 55 years, not only as one of the state’s most accomplished attorneys but also as a dedicated local leader and philanthropist. Rick is a longtime supporter of Make-A-Wish Hawaii, committed to making a difference in the lives of local keiki fighting critical illnesses. In addition to leading our organization as an executive committee member, graciously opening his home for Anela’s Frozen wish come true, recruiting new board members, and generously supporting Wish! Into the Future, Rick has also included Make-A-Wish Hawaii in his estate plans – which will ensure a legacy of lives forever changed. Says Rick, “The Make-A-Wish Hawaii mission is one of the most noble charitable endeavors of all.” We are pleased to honor Rick’s generosity and continued support.

Medical Partner of the Year

Dr. Jessica Kosut

Dr. Jessica Kosut, inpatient pediatric medical director, division chief, and attending pediatric hospitalist at Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women and Children, is passionate about caring for children and helping families through their most difficult times. She believes a wish is an integral part of a child’s medical journey—one that can help a child fight harder against their illness and envision a brighter future. Recognizing that every wish journey begins with a referral, Dr. Kosut not only refers her own patients but also enthusiastically encourages referrals from her medical peers. She is also an advocate for our mission among the wider Hawaii community, having participated in numerous events and interviews over the years. “I support Make-A-Wish because I see how a wish inspires children to keep up their fight,” she says. “During the long, hard days in the hospital, it is often difficult for children to see the light at the end of the tunnel. A wish provides them with hope.” Mahalo for your continued support, Dr. Kosut!

Gala Honorees
9 2023: Spring Issue | Newsletter

Wish Family of the Year Wish Kid Elijah & ‘Ohana

The impact of 13-year-old Honolulu wish kid Elijah’s wish to have a staycation at Aulani, A Disney® Resort & Spa has lasted far beyond the time his ‘ohana spent there in 2018. Since then, he and his family have been deeply committed to ensuring more keiki and their families experience the life-changing power of a wish. Wish parents Leah and Jeremy are ardent advocates, volunteers, and fundraisers who are always willing to lend a hand and share their story. And Elijah’s 8-year-old sister, Kenzie, has also found creative ways to lend her support, from starting a campaign to raise money through the sale of jewelry and keychains to leading a Zumba warmup before this past Jingle Rock Run. Says Leah, “We will never forget the generosity of Make-A-Wish Hawaii, and we are so excited to continue to give back, inspire, and leave a legacy of aloha.” Families like Elijah’s are at the core of what we do, and we are forever inspired by their resilience, selflessness, and willingness to Wish it Forward!

Magic Maker of the Year Domino’s Hawaii

With incredible energy, heart, and vision, board member and Domino’s Hawaii franchise owner Mike Rompel has found numerous ways to transform lives through his dedication to our mission. As presenting sponsor of the Stars at Home Virtual Talent Show for two years and four statewide 40th anniversary celebrations this year, Mike played an enormous role in uniting the community amid the pandemic and in honoring four decades of wishes come true. Beyond such far-reaching support, Mike never loses sight of the individuals who make up our wish ‘ohana. From facilitating snow in Hawaii for a very special wish to providing meals for countless volunteers, Mike is devoted to transforming lives one wish at a time, and he truly makes magic possible!

Volunteer of the Year Toni Bello

With a background in education, medicine, and volunteerism, Big Island wish granter Toni Bello has had a lifelong passion for giving back to the community. A faithful Make-A-Wish Hawaii volunteer since her very first wish reveal four years ago, she has now granted seven wishes firsthand and is always eager to support our mission in any way she can. Toni believes in the positive impact a wish can have, not only on children and their families, but on entire communities. With a big heart and contagious enthusiasm, Toni exemplifies the many wonderful volunteers who make wishes possible every day. Like Toni, we hope more people will feel inspired to lend their time and talent toward transforming lives through the power of a wish. Mahalo, Toni!

WishfulThinking • 2023 Gala Honorees 10 Newsletter | 2023: Spring Issue

The 10 th annual Jingle Rock Run, presented by Road Builders Corporation , was a joyous celebration of the power of a wish, bringing the community together and raising funds to transform lives of children across the state battling critical illnesses. After pivoting to a holiday drive the last two years due to the pandemic, we were thrilled to once again walk alongside local wish keiki, their families, and valued partners at this cherished celebration in December.

More than 1,600 community members and volunteers came together for the festivities at this year’s new location, Ko Olina Resort. While afternoon showers kept everyone cool, the clouds cleared just in time for the run to begin, allowing participants to enjoy a vibrant rainbow and colorful sunset along the beautiful 2.5-mile course.

During a special moment on the festival lawn, Santa Claus shared the news with 7-yearold Andrew of Honolulu, who is fighting cystic fibrosis, that his wish to go to Walt Disney World® at Christmastime would soon be coming true! Andrew’s excitement was a heartwarming reminder that together, we are transforming lives, one wish at a time.

Thanks to the generous support of event sponsors and community fundraising, Jingle Rock Run raised more than $237,000 to help grant life-changing wishes for keiki like Andrew fighting critical illnesses. Mahalo for rocking the wish!

I wish to go to Walt Disney World® Mika, 5, Honolulu kidney failure

Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s Young Leaders Board hosted the return of Waffles for Wishes, a champagne-chic waterfront brunch held at Aloha Tower Marketplace in February. This event brought hundreds of community members together to eat, drink and be merry while raising funds to grant wishes for children like Aleyna, a 7-year-old girl from Honolulu.

Aleyna has been fighting leukemia with strength and courage since she was diagnosed in November 2020. In that time, Aleyna has “waffled” on what her one true wish would be—deciding between sliding on a rainbow or visiting the Encanto house—but after much thought, she realized that her most heartfelt wish is to go to Walt Disney World®. During the event, the Young Leaders Board surprised Aleyna with the news that her wish to go to Walt Disney World® is coming true!

Mahalo to the food and beverage vendors, sponsors and attendees who supported this event, raising more than $53,000 for our mission. Special mahalo to Jams World for outfitting our Young Leaders Board members in aloha print for this event.

platinum sponsor Lemman Family Foundation
Watch the Recap Video 11 2023: Spring Issue | Newsletter
Watch the 2022 Jingle Rock Run Recap

Wish Kid Taiyo’s Entrepreneurial and Philanthropic Spirit Lives On

Wishes Forever Endowment Fund established to honor Taiyo’s legacy

Taiyo, a bright young man from Kaneohe, had given a lot of thought to his future. The 19-year-old was fighting cancer and had missed many days of school for chemotherapy and radiation treatments, but that didn’t stop this young entrepreneur from having big dreams. He aspired to start his own hauling and heavy equipment rental company and wished to have a hydraulic dump trailer to get his business off the ground.

Taiyo’s wish was granted in February 2022, thanks to the generous support of Debbie and Glenn Furuya of local business development and consulting company, Leadership Works. They had planned to have Taiyo join one of their future leadership training sessions. Taiyo wasted no time wishing it forward, using his new equipment to transport a special tracked wheelchair for a fellow wish kid. He had planned to continue his philanthropic efforts, intending to use profits from his business to help other kids in need.

Taiyo sadly lost his battle with cancer not long thereafter, but his legacy of helping others has lived on. His parents, Ayako and Paul, sold the trailer and donated the proceeds to Make-A-Wish Hawaii in honor of their son’s vision to help wish it forward. Moved by this gesture, Debbie and Glenn Furuya decided to also make a generous gift, pooling their funds to establish the Wishes Forever Endowment Fund.

Please consider honoring Taiyo’s legacy in perpetuity by making a gift to the Wishes Forever Endowment Fund. Your contribution will impact generations of Hawaii wish keiki and their families for years to come. To make a gift to the endowment, including a gift of stock, please contact Madalyn Kenney, Chief Development Officer, at mkenney@hawaii.wish.org . Please be sure to note that the donation is for the Wishes Forever Endowment Fund.


WishfulThinking • Endowment Fund
12 Newsletter | 2023: Spring Issue
Taiyo’s Wish Video

Making Lem nade

12-year-old’s Lemonade Stand Raises $19,263 through Kids for Wish Kids program

Alemonade stand can be a rite of passage for kids—a way to raise a few bucks for new toys or sports equipment. But for Nainoa, a 12-year-old from Manoa, a lemonade stand is a valuable tool to raise money to make a difference in the lives of other children.

Nainoa learned that wishes are powerful medicine that give children the hope and strength to fight harder against their illnesses, reclaim their childhoods and envision a brighter future. This young philanthropist set out on a mission to raise money to grant wishes for keiki with critical illnesses, setting an ambitious goal of $12,500. “That’s one more child’s wish that can be granted,” Nainoa explains.

Nainoa knew it would take a lot of lemonade to raise that much money so he got creative. He set up a stand outside of his Manoa home, selling the refreshing drink to hikers on their way to Manoa Falls Trail, dog walkers and runners in the neighborhood—anyone who happened to pass by was recruited to support the mission. Nainoa set up a second lemonade stand at Jingle Rock Run, Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s annual holiday fundraiser.

He secured a triple match for the money he raised from local businesses aio and Diamond Bakery, helping him in the home stretch to meet his goal.

Adding to that, Nainoa supported the Macy’s Believe letter writing campaign, and recruited children to write 4,200 letters to Santa, for which Macy’s donated $2 per letter, for a total of $8,400 from Nainoa’s efforts. He contacted principals of local schools, asking if their students would participate. For those who did, Nainoa dropped off the blank pieces of paper and then picked up the completed letters to deliver to the Macy’s mailbox.

In total, Nainoa’s efforts resulted in $19,263 to help make wishes come true for local keiki!

Kids for Wish Kids

The Kids for Wish Kids program allows keiki in grades kindergarten through 12 to help grant the wishes of local children with critical illnesses. Kids and teens are responsible for the program—from brainstorming ideas to developing a plan of action and managing their projects from start to finish.

There are endless opportunities to support the Kids for Wish Kids program. Getting started is easy— contact James Donnelly, hospitality and development manager, at 808-537-3118 ext. 118 or jdonnelly@hawaii.wish.org for more information or to request a program toolkit.

Mahalo Nainoa!
Volunteer Spotlight
“Make-A-Wish Hawaii is now able to grant wishes because of that money that was donated,”
13 2023: Spring Issue | Newsletter

Festive Fundraising

Wilson Okamoto employees raise $10,000 for wishes through festive campaign

Managing an array of government and private sector projects across the Pacific, Honolulu-based planning and engineering firm Wilson Okamoto Corporation boasts a team of expert planners, civil engineers, and transportation and traffic engineers. But the team is skilled at drafting more than engineering plans and reports—they also develop successful fundraising initiatives. Over the past 10 years, the company has been dedicated to giving back to the community through its annual holiday campaign, finding creative ways to raise funds for local nonprofits like this year’s beneficiary, Make-A-Wish Hawaii, and having fun in the process.

Each year, Wilson Okamoto selects an organization, sets a $10,000 goal, and spends months engaging its 60 employees, as well as their friends, families, and colleagues, in memorable, lighthearted fundraising activities that bring everyone together for a good cause. The festivities include two spirit weeks, one to kick off fundraising in the fall and another during the holiday season. For a $10 donation, employees dress up for a different theme every day of the week; this year’s opportunities included mismatched outfits for “Manic Monday,” holiday attire for “Festive Friday,” and “Wednesday Blues” in honor of Make-AWish blue.

In between these spirit weeks, employees participated in two to three activities each month—everything from bingo and an Amazing Race-themed challenge where teams followed clues and completed tasks to a “Pie in the Eye” opportunity to throw pies at their project managers (and one unlucky junior engineer). Five dollars purchased a throw from a six-foot distance, while $10 earned an up-close-and-personal direct hit.

After four months of fun and donations from employees, along with a generous match from the company, Wilson Okamoto presented a $10,000 check to MakeA-Wish Hawaii in January. This was not the first time the firm’s creative fundraising helped transform lives through the power of a wish; in 2016, the company’s donations went toward granting the wish of 8-year-old Shore from Kaneohe, who wished to see snow.

She also happened to be an employee’s niece.

“It was amazing to know we helped one of our ‘family members,’” said Business Development Manager Tracy Fukuda.

According to Tracy, Wilson Okamoto’s fundraising and employee engagement efforts have significant benefits: creating awareness of local organizations, encouraging community involvement, and fostering team bonding.

“Our firm encourages employees to get involved in organizations they are passionate about,” she says. “It’s a great way to develop leadership skills and relationships you otherwise wouldn’t have.”

Mahalo nui loa to the team at Wilson Okamoto—we couldn’t grant life-changing wishes without community supporters like you!

Inspired by Wilson Okamoto’s story? To learn more about bringing your team together in support of Make-A-Wish Hawaii, please contact Arden Salassa at asalassa@hawaii.wish.org.

Ongoing support from Wilson Okamoto has helped grant wishes for kids like Shore who wished to see snow.
Left: Wilson Okamoto presented a $10,000 check to Make-A-Wish Hawaii in January.
WishfulThinking • Donor Spotlight 14 Newsletter | 2023: Spring Issue
Above: Wilson Okamoto employees held a holiday toy drive and donated gifts to Make-A-Wish Hawaii for wish kids.

Simone is a strong and resilient 12-year-old girl from the Greater Los Angeles area. Five years ago, Simone developed an ongoing sickness, and her parents brought her to see a doctor the day before her eighth birthday. That evening, her doctor called with an urgent message: bring Simone to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles immediately. The next day, on Simone’s birthday, she received the devastating diagnosis of leukemia and was checked into the oncology ward.

Simone received chemotherapy treatments for 6 months before the medical team decided a bone marrow transplant would be the next best step. A match was found within a few weeks, launching Simone into a 2-month transplant process.

Throughout her difficult medical journey, Simone remained strong. She never once complained about having blood drawn daily for 3 weeks in a row, the constant isolation, or the countless tests she endured. Her parents encouraged her to focus on the joys in life, which for Simone, included artistic hobbies such as music and drawing.

Simone took piano lessons before she was hospitalized and missed playing music. One of her evening nurses brought Simone an ‘ukulele to play at night. Simone took to the new instrument, strumming chords and jamming with her sister when she visited after school. The hospital had a 10-week ‘ukulele course on Zoom that Simone enrolled in—a routine her parents say helped her immensely. At the end of the course, Hawaii-born ‘ukulele musician and composer Jake Shimabukuro joined the class by Zoom. “I was blown away and thought, I want to play the ‘ukulele like him,” Simone explained. She wished to meet Jake Shimabukuro and play ‘ukulele with the

Simone’s Wish to Meet Jake Shimabukuro

award-winning musician!

“I’m very humbled, very honored that Simone and her family thought of me to make this time for us to spend together,” says Jake. He adds that seeing Simone smile and enjoy the experience made him feel grateful.

Make-A-Wish Hawaii assisted the Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles chapter in granting Simone’s wish at The Laylow in Waikiki.

“It’s gratifying to see visiting wish kids embrace Hawaii’s culture, including music. We are grateful to Jake Shimabukuro for spending time to make Simone’s wish come true, and to The Laylow for hosting this very special wish experience at Hideout.”


“The Laylow team is grateful to be a part of making Simone’s experience with Jake Shimabukuro extra special,” says Steve Lindburg, general manager at The Laylow. “We’re honored to support the incredible work of Make-A-Wish Hawaii and their efforts in bringing joy to families when it’s needed most.”

Make-A-Wish Hawaii assisted the Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles chapter in granting Simone’s wish. All wishes to visit Hawaii are funded by the children’s home chapters. All funds raised in Hawaii stay in Hawaii to support local wish keiki.

Watch Simone’s Wish Story
Wish Story 15 2023: Spring Issue | Newsletter
Make-A-Wish® Hawaii 900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1200 Honolulu, HI 96813 www.hawaii.wish.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Honolulu, HI Permit No. 1003
Photography by Jenna Lee Pictures

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