Wishful Thinking Newsletter Summer 2023

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Wish Kid Vivienne’s new backyard playground is her dream come true, restoring her freedom to play outside.


Erik DeRyke – Board Chair

Jeff Higashi – Chair Elect

Scott Higashi – Secretary

Cayenne Pe‘a – Treasurer

Rachel Bradley

Tom Calame

Julianne Erickson

Rick Fried

Michelle Ho

Charles Hunter

Todd Iacovelli

Joe Medwetz

Brenda Mitchell

Darius Monsef

Katie Pickman

Jade Richardson

Mike Rompel

Keri Shepherd

Andrew Shimabukuro

Tiffany Vara

Aaron Yamasaki

Aloha Wish ‘Ohana,

The future is looking very bright for Make-A-Wish Hawaii thanks to the continued generosity of supporters like you. Our 12th annual gala, WISH! Into the Future, presented by Schuler Family Foundation and D.R. Horton Hawaii, was an electric evening of heartfelt support for local wish keiki. I’m so pleased to share that this event raised more than $1 million to grant wishes across the state—making this year’s gala our most successful fundraiser in Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s 41-year history! Mahalo for your incredible support!

I’m also thrilled to share that Jingle Rock Run will be back at Ko Olina Resort on December 3! I hope you’ll save the date to join us for this festive holiday fundraiser to give wish kids the greatest gift this holiday season—the gift of hope.

In other exciting news, Make-A-Wish has again been recognized as the #1 Most Trusted Nonprofit Operating Locally Across 50 States. We’re proud to uphold this mark of quality and excellence, based on 2023 Morning Consult data. Mahalo to all of you, our dedicated supporters, who have positioned Make-A-Wish to be the nation’s leading children’s wish-granting organization, operating in every community in the U.S.

Our team is now settled into our beautiful new home at Pioneer Plaza in downtown Honolulu. Everywhere we look, we’re inspired by visual examples of wishes granted, volunteers sharing their time and talent, and supporters like you who make it all possible. I invite you to visit us to learn about the impact your support makes on wish keiki and their families. Please reach out to set up a time to stop by!

Much aloha,

Dr. Greg Yim Scan

WishfulThinking • Note from Trini
to watch Wish! Into The Future video recap 2 Wishful Thinking | 2023: Summer Issue

Healing Through Play: Vivienne’s Wish

Five-year-old wish kid Vivienne of Kailua sprints into her backyard to discover her new playground! Her smile illuminates her whole being and is enough to make your heart leap. But then you notice Vivienne’s mom. She runs alongside the young girl, recording every precious second, openly weeping happy tears and at this point you realize the transformational power of a wish for not only the wish child, but the entire family.

Wish mom Lisa’s face has a look of joy not easily captured by words. It’s a sacred maternal emotion. You know she feels a deep pang of relief that her child is finally, unabashedly, happy.

“She dreamed of having her own playground for so long because once Covid shut everything down and then a month later when she was diagnosed with leukemia, going to the park was one thing that got taken away from her that she loved so much,” says Lisa.

Vivvy, as family and friends affectionately call her, is sweet and spunky and loves

to be outside. And in thinking about her one true wish, she expressed her dreams of having a playground that never closed in her backyard! She missed the thrill she felt when soaring on the swings and gliding down the slides. And she envisioned her own playground to have two swings so she wouldn’t have to take turns with older brother, William.

After undergoing 2 ½ years of a grueling chemotherapy schedule, the playground came to symbolize so much more. Her mom said she had been, “...the bravest little girl in the world,” through it all.

Vivvy got a huge surprise when her family told her they would be going away for the weekend because they had to tent their home for termites. In actuality, they had a beautiful staycation while the playground was constructed. Honolulu Freight Service transported the materials, and volunteers from Swinerton Hawaii helped with the assembly.

When they returned, Vivvy learned it was all a cover for her wish as she burst through the gate to cheers and bubbles all around her backyard.

Lisa notes that there were so many small details that were absolutely perfect and unique for her daughter, “...like the way the playground had her name on it and the lights that could change colors.”

“This was one of the best experiences... we will be grateful our entire lives for this wish,” says Lisa.

“This was one of the best experiences...we will be grateful our entire lives for this wish.”
Watch Vivienne’s Wish Come True
3 hawaii.wish.org
Mahalo to the Zilber Family Foundation for making Vivienne’s wish come true!


Enjoy a glimpse of recent wishes granted thanks to your generous support!

Kameryn-Rylee’s Wish to go to Walt Disney World®

Kameryn-Rylee is a sweet 9-year-old Maui girl who enjoys singing and playing piano. In March 2020, everything changed for this little girl when she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Her treatment in California separated the tight-knit family for several months, which was heartbreaking for everyone.

Kameryn-Rylee knew without hesitation what her most heartfelt wish was: to go to Walt Disney World® to meet princesses! As she endured multiple surgeries, months of radiation, countless doctor visits, and medication changes, she found strength in looking forward to the day her wish would be granted. When it was safe to do so, Kameryn-Rylee’s wish granters surprised her with a movie night picnic to reveal that her wish was coming true. Overwhelmed with emotion, she began to cry, repeatedly saying, “I can’t believe they did this all for me.” Her parents’ hearts were full as they finally saw the joy on their little girl’s face.

Mahalo to ELC Foundation for adopting Kameryn-Rylee’s wish!

Iris’ Wish to Have a ‘Frozen’ Birthday Party

I wish to have a Frozen-themed 4th birthday party

Iris, 4, Honolulu brain cancer Watch

Four-year-old Iris of Honolulu was diagnosed with brain cancer at 2 ½ years old. Because of the pandemic and being in the hospital, she had never experienced a birthday party before.

This shy sweet girl adores all princesses, especially Elsa from the Disney movie “Frozen.” So it was no surprise when she wished for a Frozen-themed 4th birthday celebration! Part of her wish goal was to thank her doctors and nurses who cared for her when she was sick. The magical wish day at Kids City Hawaii brought together friends and family from Japan and her care team from Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children. She was thrilled to see her main oncologist and several nurses who attended the festivities.

Mahalo to D.R. Horton

Hawaii who helped make Iris’ wish come true!

WishfulThinking • Recent Wishes
“It was magical! The moment Iris met the princesses had me in tears. It was adorable. Iris was wide-eyed and so happy throughout the entire party,”
I wish to go to Walt Disney World® to meet princesses Kameryn-Rylee, 9, Kahului brain tumor Photo by Crystal R Photography
“This trip gave us a chance to get away from it all. It gave us time to have fun, and not focus so much on the sadness that her diagnosis brought.”
4 Wishful Thinking | 2023: Summer Issue
Iris’ Wish Come True!

Pono’s Wish to go to New York City

One word that comes to mind when thinking of 18-year-old Pono of Kaneohe: cool. Pono loves fashion, music, and travel vlogs. He cares deeply for his family and has a very strong friend group, which has been an integral part of his support system while he battles leukemia. When asked what his wish would be, Pono knew immediately it would involve the three things that got him through his toughest times: his family, friends, and music.

Chemo has been especially tough on Pono, but he credits his support system and his love of music for getting him through rough days when he was too exhausted and sick to leave his bed. Pono’s eyes lit up especially bright when he talked about his favorite artist, Sza. So, it came as no surprise when he decided on his most heartfelt wish: to go to New York City to see Sza at Madison Square Garden! In between his treatment rounds, Pono had the opportunity to visit NYC where he shopped, took in a Broadway show, and visited the Statue of Liberty—all with his parents and his best friend.

One of the most exciting moments was when Sza sent a personal video message to Pono! He also received a custom jersey with “PONO” on the back. The healing power of music and wishes came together in beautiful harmony for Pono in the Big Apple and provided that extra needed boost to continue his fight.

I wish to go to New York City to see Sza in concert Pono, 18, Kaneohe leukemia

Boogie’s Wish to Have a Shopping Spree to Buy a PlayStation®5

Lincoln is affectionately known by family and friends as “Boogie” due to his dance moves. This 10-year-old boy is also adventurous and loves the outdoors, so it was especially hard for him to be stuck inside when he began treatment for cancer. However, he adapts to challenges with a positive attitude and found a safe and fun way to combine spending time with family and friends with an adrenaline-filled activity: playing Call of Duty and Fortnite.

Boogie wished to have a shopping spree so he could buy a PS5 to play video games. He also had his heart set on cool clothes, new shoes, a red Nike hoodie for when he gets cold in the hospital, and lots of Spider-Man gear. Boogie is from Waikoloa but has been receiving cancer treatment on Oahu. He missed his extended family, especially his grandmother. When his wish came true and he showed up to Ala Moana Center in a limousine, he was met with a surprise greeting of family from Hawaii Island. He couldn’t get out of the limo fast enough to give his grandmother a big hug!

Recent Wishes
I wish to have a shopping spree to buy a PS5 Boogie, 10, Waikoloa cancer Mahalo to Alvin Kim and Cara Murray for their generous support to grant Pono’s wish!
“Chemo and going back and forth to the hospital really takes a toll on him mentally and physically. Even through the toughest times, there’s a whole lot of sunshine.”
5 hawaii.wish.org

When Make-A-Wish Hawaii Board Chair Erik DeRyke reflects on his time spent as a member of the board of directors, his thoughts not only turn to all the wish kids that he’s met over his six-year tenure, but all the wish parents who are deeply ingrained, as well. As a parent of two, he empathizes with what the entire family faces when a child is diagnosed with a critical illness.

He describes an interaction at a local hospital and how the child’s face lit up while opening gifts. And he stresses how incredible it is working with wish kids.

“But I’m always so moved by watching the parents, too. I looked at mom and dad and they were so exhausted. Dad looked like he was barely holding it together. When we laid out what was planned for the wish you could see him relax. I came away just so moved by the strength this family must show every day—24/7. And just for a while we can say, ‘maybe we can help’.” And the power of a wish is proven to help.

As Erik’s two terms on the board draw to a close, he plans to remain involved, adding, Make-A-Wish Hawaii is, “...always evolving and doing better!”

He feels rewarded in having moved the needle, saying, “Every year we’ve improved the experience for wish kids and their families. That means a great deal.”

Thank you for your time, leadership and care, Erik!

The energy, spirit and passion for Make-AWish Hawaii’s mission is evident in Malia Zannoni’s volunteerism on the Young Leaders Board as an Executive Committee member. She gives so willingly of her time and talent and consistently goes above and beyond to support our wish families with precision and grace.

During the pandemic, Make-A-Wish Hawaii launched a new Leadership Challenge to support Jingle Rock Run, our annual holiday fundraiser. Malia’s leadership skills shined as co-captain of a fundraising team, helping to raise crucial funds, engage sponsors, and secure new supporters, equating to more wishes fulfilled for keiki with critical illnesses. And when the event returned to an in-person event last year, Malia was there early to help make the keiki sprint for 6- to 10-year-olds a safe and fun experience. With over 1,500 people joining us on race day, thanks to her leadership and support, the event raised more than $250,000!

Malia’s amazing interpersonal and relationship-building skills have made her an exceptional representative for Make-A-Wish Hawaii, not only to young professionals, but she has also been greatly helpful in connecting us to new partners, vendors, and the community.

Board Spotlight
6 Wishful Thinking
Erik DeRyke of Client Growth and Retention, ProService Hawaii

Wishes Guiding Young Leaders

Each fall, high school students filled with ambition, excitement and passion for service join a bold and compassionate group that works to make a positive impact on the lives of children with critical illnesses. Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s Youth Leadership Council (YLC) offers students the opportunity to develop skills through experiential learning as real-world philanthropic problem-solvers in a truly interactive experience.

Over the course of the program, that meets monthly during the school year, students work together both in a team and as individuals to reach fundraising goals. This includes creating their own fundraiser, soliciting sponsorships and obtaining in-kind support. Roles such as challenge chairperson, secretary and event planner are offered. Fun incentives are also built into the program to celebrate individual and team achievements.

Research shows that wishes result in renewed strength and hope for children and their families while bringing communities together to help children with critical illnesses. In the fall of 2020, we launched YLC providing a chance for young people to give back to the community by granting wishes.

Monthly meetings include a section called “Wishing for Success,” where community leaders are invited to share experiences and milestones in their career paths. The hope is to introduce future leaders to a wide array of opportunities, support and new learning.

The goal for the next cohort is to grant at least one wish together as a group, developing important life skills, learning about philanthropy, and building stronger relationships along the way.

We are taking applications from interested high school students for fall 2023. Please contact James Donnelly at 808-349-9436 or jdonnelly@hawaii.wish.org to learn more and apply by August 31.


Donate Your Vehicle to Wheels for Wishes

Rev up your generosity and support local keiki fighting critical illnesses through Wheels for Wishes! Your unwanted vehicle can be a treasure for Make-A-Wish Hawaii. Donating your car, boat, motorcycle, or trailer is fast, free and easy.

Benefits for you:

• Save time and energy by not having to sell your vehicle.

• Get an easy tax deduction—the paperwork is handled for you!

• Free towing; vehicles are accepted in any condition.

• Help children with critical illnesses across the state!

Find out how easy it is to turn your old “pumpkin” into a wish carriage at wheelsforwishes.org/hawaii.

Class Acts

Six-year-old Wish Kid Dayna Jade, whose wish to go to Walt Disney World® was granted last November, and her kindergarten classmates from Keone‘ula Elementary School donated $3,565 to Make-A-Wish Hawaii! They sold McFundraiser coupon books to help make wishes come true for more keiki.

Mahalo for wishing it forward!


Through our Youth Leadership Council, Hawaii high school students have the chance to experience the transformational power of a wish.

Thanks to the generous support of gala sponsors, attendees, Fund-A-Wish participants, auction donors and bidders, WISH! Into the Future raised a record-breaking $1 million—the most successful fundraising event in Make-A-Wish Hawaii history—to grant wishes today and into the future!

It was a thrill to bring the gala back to an in-person event at the Sheraton Waikiki after three years of virtual WISH! galas due to the pandemic. There were many inspiring highlights from the night—wish alumni Reece co-emceeing with Hawaii News Now’s Ashley Nagaoka, celebrating the 2023 honorees, dancing to live 80s music by the Spazmatics—and sweet 9-year-old wish kid Iris’ surprise dance performance. Since Iris’ wish to have a dance studio was granted last summer, she has been twirling around her studio, experiencing joy and gaining confidence every day. Her breathtaking performance brought many to tears as she received a standing ovation. Moments like these are made possible thanks to your generous support.

Mahalo to all event supporters, especially presenting sponsor Schuler Family Foundation and D.R. Horton Hawaii, for making this event an out-of-this-world experience to support wish keiki across

Mahalo to Wish Kids

Ashton, Boogie, Cassidy, Jazdan, Max, Mika and Tiffany for joining us at WISH! Into the Future, and to Leianna, Sage and Saji for helping to promote the event!

WishfulThinking Gala Recap
WISH! Into the Future was an incredible evening celebrating the power of a wish!
8 Wishful Thinking | 2023: Summer Issue
Relive the memories from WISH! Into the Future! WISH! Gala Recap Video 2023 WISH! Gala Honorees Video 2023 WISH! Gala Sizzle Reel Video

GOODFELLOW BROS.: Building Community One Wish at a Time

Wish kid Cru of Kahului was diagnosed with an aggressive form of eye cancer when he was just a baby. His condition caused him to endure countless hospital visits, medications, and a year of chemotherapy to try and save his vision. During his battle Cru was given the chance to think of his most heartfelt wish and without hesitation, he wished to go to Walt Disney World®.

The wish gave him something exciting to look forward to, a welcome distraction from the procedures and pokes he had endured. Thanks to the power of a wish, Cru was able to replace fear with confidence, sadness with joy, and anxiety with hope. He was able to imagine life beyond illness and dream about a brighter future.

Cru’s wish reveal celebration took his breath away! In addition to all things Disney, Cru also loves trucks and heavy equipment—so imagine his surprise and excitement when more than a dozen community partners (including police officers and firefighters) led by Wish Sponsor Goodfellow Bros., zoomed by to let him know he’d soon be going to Disney.

“We heard about his love of ‘big trucks’ and excavators—and it made the wish reveal so special because Goodfellow Bros. could play a role, along with all the other businesses that came together. It was such an inspiring day and showcased the remarkable spirit of the Maui community,” says Chelsea Goodfellow.

CEO Chad Goodfellow and sister Chelsea were born and raised on Maui, and they draw comparisons between the company’s humble beginnings in the agricultural community of Wenatchee, WA, to the beautiful Hawaiian Islands. Both hold a similar feeling of community for this fourth-generation, family-owned business with a century of experience in the construction industry.

“There are many similarities between Wenatchee and Hawaii— everyone helps everyone. When apple season rolls around, everyone comes together to help harvest—so if someone is

having a tough time you help each other out. Hawaii has that same culture and willingness to look after each other. There’s a responsibility that comes with living in Hawaii, to be there for the community and help others,” says Chad Goodfellow.

When battling critical illnesses, children face fear and uncertainty as they work toward recovery. Through the power of a wish, and comfort from those who care, a strong foundation is constructed to help keiki fight harder against illness and reclaim their childhood. And thanks to companies like Goodfellow Bros., that foundation is elevated by a community who cares.

“When people are going through tough times, to be able to have that exceptional day that is just for them, when so much of their life can feel out of their control, is an extraordinary privilege that has a profound impact. Being part of a compassionate community that gives back in this way is truly rewarding,” says Chad Goodfellow.

This was the case when the Goodfellow Bros. team, leaders in the heavy-civil construction industry, stepped in to make four wishes come true. Goodfellow started as a Make-A-Wish Hawaii event sponsor and have grown to also support the wishes of waiting keiki. In addition to Cru’s wish, the company has sponsored two others on Maui and one on Oahu. Their mainland operations are also involved in Make-A-Wish.

The generous support of Goodfellow Bros. reaffirms that wishes are powerful medicine that offer hope and strength. And this sibling duo, Chad and Chelsea, also have dreams of granting more wishes—possibly on each island—in the future.

WishfulThinking • Donor Spotlight
Wish Story
Watch Cru’s
“There’s a responsibility that comes with living in Hawaii—to be there for the community and help others.”
10 Wishful Thinking | 2023: Summer Issue

Granting Wishes Across the Islands

Our wish granters are vital to making wishes come true throughout the entire state of Hawaii. They travel to small towns and along dirt roads. To hospitals and homes. Navigating highways and cities. Most importantly, they touch the heart of each and every wish kid.

Wish granters have a big job as they meet with wish kids and their families to help children determine their most heartfelt wish. They work alongside Make-A-Wish Hawaii staff and wish families throughout the wish process serving as a point of contact between the family and the wish team—many times providing updates, answering questions, and developing a positive rapport with the child and their loved ones.

We want volunteers to feel valued and know the important impact they make. With that, Volunteer Outreach Manager Will Phelps recently set out on a mission to conduct volunteer recognition celebrations on Kauai, Maui, Oahu and Hawaii Island in appreciation of all these special people!

Volunteers across the islands were recognized for their tireless efforts to help grant the wishes of children with critical illnesses. Phelps says so often time spent together is more structured, but these events offered the opportunity to have fun, spend time together and talk story.

Mahalo nui loa to our volunteers across the state for your dedication and passion for our mission. You bring strength and hope to wish kids, making a tremendous difference in their lives and the lives of their loved ones. We couldn’t grant wishes without you!

Interested in becoming a Wish Granter?

If you’d like to learn more about this rewarding role, we have great news! We host statewide, virtual Wish Granter training sessions throughout the year.

I wish to go to Walt Disney World® Atlas, 8, Lihue brain tumor

Registration is limited! To find out more, please email Will Phelps at wphelps@hawaii.wish.org.

Volunteer Spotlight
Kauai Wish Granters Leigh and Nancy with Wish Kid Atlas of Lihue. Wish Coordinator Crystal Sakai with Maui Wish Granters Jenny and Keola and Wish Kid Zanairah of Kahului. Oahu Wish Granters Jamie, Marni and Talia with Wish Kid Kaualoku of Kaneohe. Hawaii Island Wish Granters Jacqueline and Jamie with Wish Kid Abel of Kailua-Kona. KAUAI MAUI OAHU
11 hawaii.wish.org
Make-A-Wish® Hawaii 900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1200 Honolulu, HI 96813 www.hawaii.wish.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Honolulu, HI Permit No. 1003 Upcoming Events HAWAII PRINCE GOLF CLUB October 19, 2023 swingforwishes.com 17TH ANNUAL KO OLINA RESORT December 3, 2023 jinglerockrun.com

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