2022 Make-A-Wish Hawaii Summer Newsletter

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2022: Summer Issue

I wish to have a backyard chill space! Jazdan, 17, Kapolei brain tumor

WishfulThinking • Note from Trini

Aloha Wish ‘Ohana, I hope each of you are having as exciting a summer as we are at Make-A-Wish Hawaii! Our wish kids’ dreams are coming true as their wishes to have backyard transformations, shopping sprees and travel to exciting destinations are granted. Just recently we granted Noah’s wish to have an Actiontrak wheelchair, giving him freedom of mobility and confidence. He’s already taken it camping with family and friends!

ON THE COVER Jazdan and Kimia, one of her volunteer Wish Granters, in Jazdan’s new backyard chill space. Read about the design and construction community coming together to help grant her wish on the opposite page. Photo: Stephanie Silverstein

We kicked off our 40th anniversary celebrations with a successful Wish! Through the Decades program that raised more than $400,000 to deliver hope and change lives here in Hawaii. Mahalo to each of you for your support. Soon we will announce additional ways to help celebrate our 40th anniversary, so please stay tuned! Meanwhile, I am thrilled to share that Make-A-Wish has been recognized as the #1 Most Trusted Nonprofit Operating Locally Across 50 States! We are proud to uphold this mark of quality and excellence, based on 2022 Morning Consult data. Thank you for your support of our chapter to position Make-A-Wish to be the nation’s leading children’s wish-granting organization, operating in every community in the United States. Mahalo for your continued support. We couldn’t grant wishes without you! Much aloha,

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Erik DeRyke – Board Chair Scott Higashi – Secretary Cayenne Pe‘a – Treasurer Todd Apo Rachel Bradley Tom Calame Julianne Erickson Rick Fried Jeff Higashi Michelle Ho Charles Hunter Todd Iacovelli Joe Medwetz Brenda Mitchell Darius Monsef Katie Pickman Jade Richardson Mike Rompel Keri Shepherd Andrew Shimabukuro Tiffany Vara Brian Wong Dr. Greg Yim



Newsletter | 2022: Summer Issue

Trini Kaopuiki Clark President and CEO

Take a walk down memory lane to see a glimpse of Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s impact on the community over the last 40 years by scanning the QR code below.

Cover Story I wish to have a backyard chill space! Jazdan, 17, Kapolei brain tumor

Mahalo for helping to make Jazdan’s wish come true!

Scan to Watch Jazdan’s Wish W I S H FE AT U R E


Wish Granted!


azdan is an outgoing, welcoming, strong 17-year-old from Kapolei. She was living a happy life for a teenage girl—making social media videos, getting dressed up for school dances and spending time with family and friends—when she began experiencing headaches and vision problems. Her optometrist suggested she get an MRI, which revealed a brain tumor. Three days later, Jazdan’s medical team performed emergency surgery, during which she suffered a stroke. Her life had completely changed. This strong and resilient girl is working through recovery and wished for a backyard chill space to enjoy with her family. She hoped for a healing space to practice physical therapy as she continued strengthening her mind and body after all she’s been through. Make-AWish Hawaii board member Cayenne Pe‘a of Alaka‘i Development heard about Jazdan’s wish during a board meeting and jumped at the opportunity to project manage the magic needed to make Jazdan’s wish come true. Cayenne put together a stellar team of landscape designers and contractors, an interior designer, masons and other industry pros to provide in-kind services and donate furniture and other items.

JNY Design

“After hearing Jazdan’s story and what her whole family has been through over the last year, it really was a no brainer for us to get involved,” says Cayenne. “It wasn’t hard to recruit others to jump on board for this wish. We got a lot of quick commitments!” The team went to work while Jazdan and her family resisted any urge to peek out their windows to see the backyard as it came together. Once complete, Jazdan was overjoyed to see not only the transformation, but the people who worked so hard to make it happen. She clapped and cried tears of gratitude as she discovered the many exciting elements of her new space: a pergola for muchneeded shade, furniture to lounge on while talking story with family and friends, a fire pit for roasting marshmallows, a doghouse for her beloved pet Rico, and workout equipment for her physical therapy. She hugged and thanked everyone who was part of this very special project.

Wish Granting Committee Member

Derek Kanehira

Jazdan and her family are extremely grateful for not only the new chill space, but the joy Make-A-Wish Hawaii brought Jazdan throughout her wish journey. “My heart cries every time I think about it,” says her mom, Jazz. “Through it all, we’re still blessed.” And for Cayenne, it was a wonderful new way to give back. “Creating spaces for people to enjoy is what we do for a living, but this, it was like doing it with magic,” she says. “It was moving to see so many individuals coming together, with the heart for the mission, to be a part of making this very special wish come true for such a deserving wish kid!”

2022: Summer Issue | Newsletter


WishfulThinking • Recent Wishes

LIFE-CHANGING WISHES Enjoy a glimpse at some of the recent wishes granted thanks to your generous support! Tekauri’s Wish for a Backyard Playground Tekauri is an intelligent, playful boy who loves dinosaurs and robots. When he was in kindergarten, he began experiencing vision problems and stumbling. An MRI revealed he was suffering from a brain tumor, and he was flown to Oahu for emergency surgery and then Washington for extended treatment. As Tekauri fought to regain strength and motor skills, he looked forward to getting back to the playful life he knew. The tight-knit Maui community came together to help grant Tekauri’s wish to have a backyard playground. Nalu’s South Shore Grill hosted a fundraiser and Honolulu Freight Service covered the transportation costs to bring the materials from the West Coast to Maui. Many community volunteers came together to build and customize the playground, including the Rock n Roll Motorcycle Club and friends and family of his wish granters, Shan and Richelle. Tekauri was delighted to see the playground of his dreams in his backyard! He began climbing the ladder, reaching higher than he has in his physical therapy sessions. “The playground itself is motivating him to push harder, go farther and push his boundaries,” says Tekauri’s mom, Kala.

I wish to have a backyard playground! Tekauri, 7, Kahului brain tumor

Scan to Watch Tekauri’s Wish

Mahalo to Nalu’s South Shore Grill for adopting Tekauri’s wish!

Jamesʼ wish to go to Walt Disney World! James is a bright kid who loves bugs and sea creatures! He was diagnosed with leukemia, and his one true wish was to go to Walt Disney World. His wish granters, Nikki and Jen, organized a Workout for Wishes fundraising campaign on Maui to raise money to make James’ wish come true. James was treated to an exciting bug-themed wish reveal, where he learned that he and his parents would be going to Walt Disney World! They visited Legoland, Star Wars Land, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and more. James even got Mickey Mouse’s autograph!

I wish to go to Walt Disney World®! James, 6, Haiku leukemia


Newsletter | 2022: Summer Issue

Mahalo to Workout for Wishes for supporting James’ wish!

Recent Wishes

I wish to have a she shed!

Kianna’s Wish to have a She Shed!

Kianna, 19, Kapaau lymphoma

Diagnosed with lymphoma, 19-year-old Kianna has had to navigate cancer treatment through the perils of the pandemic. Between trips to Oahu for treatment, Kianna spent the majority of her time isolating at home to avoid exposure during her most vulnerable recovery months. She wished to have her own space—a she shed!—that reflects her individuality. Kianna was actively involved in the planning process, curating a detailed Pinterest board for Make-A-Wish Hawaii to bring her she shed vision to life. Kianna loves her new space, and cried happy tears when she saw it for the first time.

Mahalo to Show Aloha Challenge Foundation for adopting Kianna and Jackie’s wishes!

Jackie’s Wish to go to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.

I wish to go to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C.! Jackie, 18, Honolulu transplant

Eighteen-year-old Jackie’s wish was sparked by her desire to make a lasting impact through the power of a wish. In discussing her plans for college, the clubs she’d join (or form!) and the new experiences that await her, Jackie realized her wish to expand and enrich her experiences by visiting the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. She and her family walked more than 6 miles their first day in the nation’s capital, and their visit was perfectly timed to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom. Jackie loved the Museum of National History and enjoyed a special guided tour of the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

2022: Summer Issue | Newsletter


WishfulThinking • Wish! Gala 2022

Mahalo for Supporting Wish! Through the Decades Mahalo for helping to make wishes come true! Every year, our community pours their hearts into supporting local keiki through the annual Wish! Gala, and we are incredibly humbled by their generosity. This year’s gala, Wish! Through the Decades, took us on a walk down memory lane to celebrate our 40th anniversary of granting life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses, while raising funds for children today and tomorrow who need the hope and strength a wish brings. Scan to watch the 2022 Wish! Gala


Newsletter | 2022: Summer Issue

Thanks to your support, Wish! Through the Decades raised more than $400,000 to help change lives here in Hawaii! Mahalo to our sponsors, especially Nan Inc., Road Builders, The Schuler Family Foundation, and Cronin, Fried, Sekiya, Kekina & Fairbanks, for making this program possible, as well as our honorees, wish kids and volunteers for sharing their spectacular stories. And mahalo to those who donated auction items and packages to bid on. From artwork to international hotel stays, there was something for everyone—all to support our waiting wish kids. A special mahalo to our most generous Fund-A-Wish donors: Zilber Family Foundation, Marilyn and Steve Katzman, and Jade Richardson. Their lead gifts helped exceed the Fund-A-Wish goal, raising more than $123,000! Wish! Through the Decades is a totally tubular program that spotlights the stars in our community who continue to choose hope and transform lives—including wish kids and families, donors, volunteers and more. If you missed the radical-to-the-max show on Hawaii News Now or would like to watch it again, visit youtube.com/makeawishhawaii or scan the code to the left.

Mahalo to our wish kids Jillian, Aleyna, Alayah, Max and James for representing each of the last four decades and 2022, and to Uniqlo Hawaii for helping to style them in rad outfits! 2022: Summer Issue | Newsletter


WishfulThinking • 40th Anniversary Timeline

40 Years of Wishes! 2000 Make-A-Wish now serves every community in the U.S.

2010 First World Wish Day is celebrated around the world 2011 Inaugural Wish! Gala at Kahala Hotel & Resort

1984 First local wish granted to 10-year-old Hilo boy who wishes to go to Disneyland

2013 Make-A-Wish Hawaii hosts inaugural Jingle Rock Run event

1982 1982 Jack Stanford founds Make-A-Wish Hawaii

1992 Community comes together in BIG ways to support Maui boy who wishes to be a local fireman for the day

2015 First Young Leaders Board takes charge

2022 2022 Make-A-Wish Hawaii celebrates 40th anniversary! 2015 Make-A-Wish Hawaii grants 1,000th wish for local boy wishing to be a volcanologist

2019 New record! 99 local wishes granted and we welcomed 1,263 visiting wish kids to Hawaii!

2014 Make-A-Wish Hawaii hosts first “surf camp” for visiting wish kids with Bethany Hamilton on Kauai

2022: Summer Issue | Newsletter


WishfulThinking • Leadership Team

Mahalo to our Dedicated Board Members! As the fiscal year closes in August, we send a heartfelt mahalo to Todd Apo and Brian Wong, whose terms on the Board of Directors have reached their limits. Todd and Brian are dedicated, strong supporters of our mission, and we are deeply grateful for their commitment to stay involved.

Brian and his wife, Donna, at Jingle Rock Run.


Brian Wong MW Group, Ltd.

Since joining Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s Board of Directors in 2016, Brian Wong has contributed immensely to our philanthropic efforts, finding creative ways to raise funds to make wishes come true for keiki across the Hawaiian Islands. From making strategic introductions to prospective donors to securing campaigns, he always has Make-A-Wish Hawaii on his mind. “I really enjoyed working with the Make-A-Wish team and other board members who are driven to making a difference in our community,” Brian says. Brian says his favorite memories from his six years serving the organization have been participating in wish reveals, joining children as they experience the once-in-a-lifetime moments when they learn their heartfelt wishes are coming true. As he reflects back on his six years as a member of the board, Brian notes that Make-A-Wish Hawaii has become more efficient at balancing the number of fundraising events to make wishes come true. And as he looks forward to the future, Brian hopes for continued expansion to the neighbor islands—something he has certainly helped with during his time on the board. Brian’s wish is to travel the world and eat good food. We hope your wish comes true, Brian!


Newsletter | 2022: Summer Issue


Todd Apo

Hawai‘i Community Foundation Todd Apo became involved with Make-A-Wish Hawaii when Walt Disney Company was preparing to open Aulani, A Disney Resort and Spa, on Oahu in 2011. Todd was working on the Aulani opening team and, given Disney’s relationship with MakeA-Wish, began developing the partnership that would serve local and visiting wish kids for stays at the new resort. “It was through these initial efforts that I learned about—and was inspired by—the opportunity we had to create an impactful program at Aulani,” Todd says. Todd joined the Board of Directors in 2016 to broaden his involvement with our mission. He became involved in the business side of the organization, and found joy in the fundraising aspects. “Every gala is ultimately fantastic, not only for getting to see and connect with so many friends and Make-A-Wish Hawaii supporters, but the recognition that it is a major part of our development effort for the mission of the organization,” he says. The 2015 gala felt special as it was held at the Aulani pool deck, with the stage in the middle of the Ka Maka Pool. And in 2017, Auli‘i Cravahlo from Disney’s Moana sang “How Far I’ll Go.” Todd says the magic happening behind the scenes to create these amazing events made these two galas highlights for him. As Todd looks to the future of Make-A-Wish Hawaii, he hopes for an even stronger recognition of the power of a wish. “The impact goes so much further than the wish itself,” Todd says. “Everything from the family relationship, to the emotional capacity of every member of the family, to future hospital visits, to the actual health of the child are all truly affected when we are able to grant a wish. I believe the fabric of support we wrap around each wish child and family will be strengthened with the knowledge and appreciation of the true power of a wish.” wish to be a referee in an NCAA Basketball Tournament game. We hope your wish comes true, Todd!


Wish Assist Coordinator What inspired you to join the Make-A-Wish Hawaii team? I have previously worked with families experiencing bereavement and anticipatory grief and it was so rewarding to support them through a challenging and emotional time. After finishing my Master of Social Work degree and moving to Hawaii, I knew I wanted to find a professional opportunity that was both family and community-oriented. Make-A-Wish is so mission driven and I’m honored to be part of an organization that cultivates a sense of hope and joy for children, families and the community!

What are you most looking forward to in the months and years ahead? I’m looking forward to meeting everyone, learning as much as I can in my new role, and seeing the hard work of this chapter reflected in all the wishes granted here! I’m excited to support this community and build a long and fulfilling career with Make-A-Wish Hawaii!

Tell us something most people don’t know about you. In the past five years, I have lived in five different states -

During the 2017 Wish! Gala, Todd Apo (center) joined by (from left): Jaime Apo, Calvin Mann, Chip Lezy, Kim Mann, Kerry Lezy, Pua Cravalho, Aulii Cravalho, Scott Higashi, Christine Higashi, Shae Kamaka‘ala and Kuhao Zane.

Nebraska, Washington, South Carolina, Arizona and Hawaii!

If you could have your wish granted, what would it be? I wish to buy an acreage and build my dream home!

2022: Summer Issue | Newsletter


WishfulThinking • Donor Spotlight


ENSURES A LEGACY OF WISHES THROUGH PLANNED GIVING Co-founder of Honolulu-based personal injury law firm Cronin, Fried, Sekiya, Kekina & Fairbanks, Rick Fried has made an indelible impact on the Hawaii community for the past 55 years, not only as one of the state’s most accomplished attorneys but as a dedicated local leader and philanthropist. In October 2019, Rick brought his talents to Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s Board of Directors and has been committed to making a difference in the lives of local keiki fighting critical illnesses ever since. In addition to leading our organization as an executive committee member, graciously opening his home for Anela’s Frozen wish come true, recruiting new board members, and generously supporting events like our annual Wish! Gala, Rick recently included Make-A-Wish Hawaii in his estate through a planned gift that will ensure a legacy of lives forever changed. “It’s really not done with the thought of any recognition, but with the hope that even after I’m not around, I can help some good things happen for children with critical illnesses,” he says. As both a board member and donor, Rick recognizes the importance of looking ahead. While there may be 137 local keiki waiting for their wishes right now that require funding, he says, the ability to plan for wishes not yet in our pipeline is vital to our ability to continue changing lives. And just as planned gifts like Rick’s have a lasting impact, so too do the wishes they grant, with many former wish children pointing to their wishes not only as fond memories but as turning points in their medical journeys that continue to give them hope and strength many years later. “Making a planned gift with such an impact is simple,ˮ explains Rick, “Including a charity in your will and trust is rather easy, and the advantage of doing it with an incredible 501(c)(3) nonprofit like Make-A-Wish Hawaii is that it’s totally tax deductible.” For those who may be unable to make a planned gift, Rick encourages other avenues of giving back, such as through monthly donations of any size or through the gift of time as a volunteer. “It’s wonderful for the individual who is either giving money or volunteering to see how beneficial it is when the kids get their wishes granted,” he says. “Just to see the way they light up and forget for a while about their medical journeys is really very moving. The Make-A-Wish Hawaii mission is one of the most noble charitable endeavors of all.”


Newsletter | 2022: Summer Issue

To learn more about leaving a legacy of wishes with Make-A-Wish Hawaii, please contact Madalyn Kenney at mkenney@ hawaii.wish.org or visit hawaii.wish.org.

Corporate Partners

Fiscal Year 2021 Corporate Partners While adapting to the new normal presented by the pandemic, we harnessed the power of imagination to fulfill our mission in partnership with our valued corporate donors. Together, we found our stride and discovered creative new ways to continue raising essential funds and granting life-changing wishes for keiki across the state with critical illnesses. Mahalo to our fiscal year 2021 corporate partners, who helped make wishes like Haydenʼs come true by generously supporting our mission.

I wish to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Hayden, 10, Honolulu lymphoma

2022: Summer Issue | Newsletter


WishfulThinking • Wish it Forward

Priceless Works of Art Maui wish kids, their families and wish granters picked up their paintbrushes to create artwork to support our mission. Thanks to the generosity of Island Art Party, four of our wish kids were given free admission to create paintings of outerspace, which were then donated to our Wish! Through the Decades online auction. It was a fun get together that strengthened bonds and provided a creative outlet. Mahalo to wish kid artists Kamalani, Kameryn-Rylee, Natalie and Saione for donating their artwork to the online auction, and a special mahalo to Island Art Party for hosting this memorable event!

Above: Wish Kid Kamalani, center, with her friend Jencie, left, and mom Dee, right, at Island Art Party. Left: Wish Kid Saione with the painting she made at Island Art Party.


Here’s the Scoop! Matthew and his family created an annual tradition of wishing it forward by serving ice cream for breakfast to the Make-A-Wish Hawaii staff ever since his wish to go to Give Kids the World to have ice cream for breakfast was granted in 2013. Matthew, now age 12, fought leukemia, and will return to Give Kids the World in Orlando with his family later this year to scoop ice cream for breakfast for the wish families.


Newsletter | 2022: Summer Issue

Wish it Forward

Recent Campaigns Mahalo to each of our partners for supporting our mission! Here’s a look at two recent campaigns. Thank you for making an impact on local keiki.

WATANABE FLORAL Lei Day, graduations and Mother’s Day make May a big month for flowers. As part of its commitment to giving back to the community, Watanabe Floral generously donated a percentage of sales made on Saturday, May 7 to Make-A-Wish Hawaii. Combined with Star sales held throughout the month to support our mission, Watanabe Floral donated $6,682! Mahalo for your generosity and to all who supported this campaign.

THE SUPER AMERICAN CIRCUS The Super American Circus came to the islands showcasing some of the best acts in the world! A portion of proceeds from every ticket sold was donated to Make-A-Wish Hawaii. The total contribution was $20,000! The Super American Circus also generously invited each of our waiting wish kids and their families to attend a show for free. Mahalo for sharing your magic and generosity with us!

James Donnelly and Trini Kaopuiki Clark accept a check presented by Tuffy Nicholas of The Super American Circus.

Trini Kaopuiki Clark accepts a giant check presented by Monty Pereira of Watanabe Floral.

Game on!

Stream for the Wishes raises $3,000 in video game fundraiser Creative ideas to support our mission come from all kinds of places. One of the latest ideas was suggested by Zach, a student and member of Make-A-Wish Hawaii’s Youth Leadership Council, who wanted to level up and hold a video game fundraiser. Zach’s vision turned into a successful streaming event—Stream for the Wishes—hosted by Coconut Wireless and led by DJ Fresh, raising $3,000 on April 29, World Wish Day. Mahalo, Zach, for your creativity and support for our mission! The Youth Leadership Council is a leadership and development opportunity available for high school students statewide. The purpose of the Youth Leadership Council is to encourage youth to give back to children with critical illnesses right in their community while making new friends and having fun. To learn more, visit hawaii.wish.org and search “Youth Leadership Council.” The application deadline is August 15. 2022: Summer Issue | Newsletter


Make-A-Wish® Hawaii 223 South King Street, Suite 100 Honolulu, HI 96813 www.hawaii.wish.org

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