2014 Report to the Community

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2014 Report to the Community

Kylee, 6 Cancer

I wish for a Princess Party

Board of Directors Officers

Nathan J. Andrisani, Esq., Chair Cara Williams Fry, Vice Chair E. Barry Smith, CPA, Treasurer J. Michael Troutman, Secretary


Rachel Biblow-Leone, MSW, LCSW John Clark Melanie Comito, M.D. Paul J. DiMuzio, M.D., FACS Angela M. Ellison, M.D., MSc Denise Hale, PHR Jamie Hartman Jeffrey S. Jubelirer Stephen H. Kalis, Esq. Scott D. Leff Frank Mariello Amy Nelson Michael Nenner Megan O’Connor Nathan Pickard, Ph.D. Skylar Shepard – Non Voting Member Karl Singleton, M.Ed Andrew F. Smith Jose Enrique Urdaneta

Staff M. Paulette Battenfelder, Regional Executive Director Elizabeth Burker, Volunteer and Wish Coordinator Ashley Coyle, Wish Coordinator Molly Gatto, Director of Program Services Dennis J. Heron, President & CEO Patricia O’Connell, Office Manager Robin Olson, Director of Individual Gifts Lorrie-Beth Miley, Events Manager Alyssa Szymanski, Wish Coordinator Patricia Terrey, Wish Coordinator Karen Traten, Director of Partnerships and Communications Spring Velazquez, Database and Social Media Manager Susan Zehren, VP & Chief Operating Officer Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community

Dear Friend of Make-A-Wish®: This past year has been rather exciting and very busy for everyone at Make-A-Wish! Our chapter fulfilled 275 amazing wishes for local children and we celebrated the fulfillment of our 5000th wish since our inception in 1986. Our valuable work on behalf of sick children has led to our further expansion. As of September 1, we completed a geographic realignment of our service area. In addition to serving our ten county territory in Pennsylvania; we have now expanded into Northern Delaware where we will be fulfilling wishes for children living in New Castle County, Delaware. Our new chapter name is Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware & Susquehanna Valley. As our wish-granting program grows, so too will our focus on fundraising. With the cost of wishes continuing to grow, the need to find new sources of revenue is vital to our continued success. As such, we will continue to reach out to our many generous friends, explore ways to get others to support our efforts and expand outreach in Delaware to support wish fulfillment in that area. In addition, we are pleased to announce that as of July 16, we moved into our new headquarters at 5 Valley Square, Suite 210 in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. The new and improved space will enable us to host volunteer meetings and trainings and will provide more physical space for our growing staff. Please feel free to stop by and visit us. Make-A-Wish® is funded entirely by the generosity of our donors and our energetic and dedicated volunteers. Without philanthropy and volunteerism, wishes could not be granted. With the average cash cost of a wish above $6,700, your continuing support means even more to the children we serve. Make-A-Wish provides an experience – a gift – that no medical treatment can replace. On its own, a wish is not a cure, but wishes do have the power to change lives. Wishes settle deep inside the hearts of seriously ill children and become a source of strength they can draw upon to manage or even overcome their medical conditions. Again, thank you for your gift of time and financial resources. With your continued support, we can ensure that Make-A-Wish will bring hope, strength and joy to every eligible child during their battle to overcome their illness – now, and in the future. Please note that our new logo is featured in this piece; however, donations included in the report reflect the Philadelphia & Susquehanna Valley region. With sincere gratitude,

Dennis J. Heron President & CEO

Nathan J. Andrisani, Esq. Chairman of the Board

Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community 1

THE WISH SOCIETYSM Make-A-Wish® recognizes the following individuals who have contributed $1,000 or more annually. These donors are investing in the future of our organization by increasing our capacity to grant more wishes in our community and represent the hope of achieving our vision to grant the wish of every eligible child.

WISH BENEFACTOR $25,000-$49,999

Joseph and Annette Duffy Estate of Jane M. Metzger Estate of Robert C. Wells

WISH GRANTER $10,000-$24,999

The Andrisani Family John Daghmizian Edward and Janine DeAngelis Susan R. Moul Estate of Edward J. Omrod Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sauder Fritzie Tenney

Michelle, 4 Congenital Anomalies

I wish to go to Disney World® Resort 2


$5,000-$9,999 Reina Cohen Douglas and Lisa Curtis John and Debbie Doyle William and Susan Federici Bruce and Amy Fell Mr. Michael Fromhold Lester Garner J. William Gaynor Joseph and Donna Glace David and Diana Griggs Brian Halligan James McGrath Mr. Daryl Miller Patrick and Megan O’Connor William Stephenson Ms. Cheryl Trotta Lawrence Uhl Mrs. Margaret Will Paul Youngberg

STAR OF STRENGTH $2,500-$4,999

Dean Baker Mr. and Mrs. John Biglin Andrew Bongar Daniel P. Brennan Harry and Laura Carpenter Trevor Conlon Mr. John Decesare Mrs. Sheryl Depanfilis James and Rosemaria Gallo Mrs. Shannon Getz Mort and Betty Goldfield Bill and Trish Hardy Philip Harvey Aju Jacob Daniel Jensen Mr. Mike Kennedy Maryellen Kraft Mr. Gary Letterhouse, Sr. Estate of Arthur Levy Mary Lou McGill Robert Mills and Martha Kelly Mr. John P. Moran John O’Connor Mr. Chris Riendeau Rodney Versteegh Ms. Marsha Wagner

Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community

STAR OF HOPE $1,000-$2,499

Lisa Acker Moulder Richard and Charlene Bevilacqua Kurt Biedlingmaier Steven Bizar Estate of Neil Bradley Vincent and Jacqueline Buonasorte Christine Burlein Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Norman Cohn Ms. Cynthia L. Cooper Jennifer Dean Keith DeVantier Mr. Kenneth Dietz Carla and Paul Dimuzio Michael Dominick Erica Douglas Adam Fein James Flanagan Patrick Gillespie Claude Giroux Mr. J. Elvin Glick Jeff Glocken Mr. David A. Goldstein Michele Gummel Mr. and Ms. Carl Hartman Samuel Hong Theresa Iacono

Abigail, 9 Hematologic Disorder

I wish to go to Disney World速 Resort

Joseph Imhof Christopher Isbrecht Jeff and Tracy Jubelirer Steve Kantor Elizabeth Karie Emily Kass

Majed, 9 Hematologic Disorder

I wish to go on a Disney Cruise Sharee Kenna Shawn Killinger Michael Kramer Robert Kratz Vince and Lynne Laino Mr. Bruce Larson Larry and Connie Lesser Christopher Mancuso Anthony Matteo, M.D. William and Patricia McDermott Brendan McGill Frank and Esther McGill Mr. and Mrs. Owen McGirr Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGoldrick Mark McGovern John McManus Debra McNatt Eileen McVety Kristoper Mendoza Thom and Karen Miller Keith and Linda Mock Mrs. Eileen Montgomery

Make-A-Wish速 Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community


Mr. Nicholas Whittemore Ms. Vicky Wiggins Stephen Wiles Mrs. Peggy Ziegler

WISH FRIENDS $500-$999

Christian, 15 Nervous System Disorder

I wish to go to Italy John and Elizabeth Negrey Patricia O’Connell Thomas Orlik Michael O’Shea Jo Overholt Ms. Candace Peck-Hampton Richard and Debbie Phillips Thomas and Martha Reilly Landmark Reo Mrs. Karen Rhoads Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robinson Colleen Sabol Phyllis Saft Gerald Salerno Nicholas Santoro Mr. Anthony Saracino Steven and Ann Schiller Mr. Joseph A. Sclafani Andrea Seidman Ed Shearer Richard and Amy Silfen E. Barry Smith, CPA Peter Smith Howard Soloman Susan Stein John Stuart Alex Tallick Lawrence Tambone J. Michael Troutman Richard Weiner 4

Mr. and Mrs. James Adams Colin Mack Allen Michelle Amelio Fred and Deirdre Anderson James Anderson Damian and Jennifer Andrisani Thomas Archibald Mary Attig Kaitlin Baird Lora Ball Ms. Ann Barshinger Alan and Linda Belfus Dr. Derk Bergsma Justin Bisconti Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Blaxall Joanna Bowen Brittany Boyer Christopher Bruck Linda Buben Mr. Kevin Bucher Ms. Sheila Butler Joseph Camac

Daniel, 10 Nervous System Disorder I wish to be a Weatherman

Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community

Isabelle, 18 Gastrointestinal Disorder

I wish to go to Iceland Americo Carbone David Centafont Margaret Cheng Grace Cosenza Mr. Gregory Crawford, Sr. Mary Alice Cross Lisa Curtis Mrs. Gina Dague Linda Davis Thomas Davis Jennifer DeCurtis Glenn and Nancy Dever Amy DiBellis Christian DiCicco and Diane Johnson Michelle Djamoos Rachel Duffy James Ebbert Christina Eckhardt and Sara Meintel David and Betsy Eingorn Deana Farley Andrew Farnese Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feil Dolores Fetterman Mr. Brian Fleischer Mrs. Charlotte Fletcher Stephen and Kathy Frank Cara Fry Mark Funt Mr. Paul Gartland

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gauvin Jacqueline Gehring Ms. Barbara L. Genuardi Miichael Golinkoff James and Irene Gora Carl and Tara Gordinier Millie Gorson James Groff Daniel Guaglianone Martha D. Guerra Korinne Guza Ms. Denise Hale Greg Haupt Mrs. Nancy Heiser Gary Henson Dennis and Sue Heron Scott Hetrick Mr. John Hickey Josh Hoffman Troy Hull Mr. Chad Hurst Mrs. Kristen Johnson Thomas Kalejta Raj Kapoor Robert D. Katz Mr. Timothy Kauffman Lorie Khalil Mr. Raymond King

Steven, 9 Cardiac Condition I wish to go to Disney World速 Resort

Make-A-Wish速 Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community


Liam, 16 Nervous System Disorder

I wish to go to Paris Stephen and Carol Kirton Mr. Galen Kleinfelter Michael Kleinschmidt Frank and Ellen Koons Ms. Wendi Kotzen Thomas Kowalczyk Miss Anna Kramer-Golinkoff Paul Krecker Jim Lafond Mrs. Leah Leaman Dr. and Mrs. Steven Lucking Justin Lussier Daniel Maher Michael Mallozzi David and Marie Markson Krista Mastrangelo Robert and Charlotte Matrisian Denis McCafferty John McConomy Daniel McElhaugh Sharon McFarland Jennifer McGill Sean McKillips Michele McLean George Meschter Ronda Michel Denise Miller Katherine Miller


Kyle Miller Gregg Molchan Ms. Sara Moose Susan Mumma Mr. David Musser Joseph Musser Narv Narvekar James Niarhos Thomas Oakes Edward Ochroch Jay and Joan Ochroch Nicholas and Robin Olson James Perella Mr. Richard Perry Stephen Phelan Francis Phillips Jeriesha Rawls Thomas Rees Anthony and Matilda Richter Mr. Ross Rieder Ronda Rippley Nancy Rosenau Dr. Robert Rosenthal Harry Roth Howard Rubin Mr. C. Craig Samtmann Jodi Sassoon Mrs. Joan Schaum Nikhil Sesham Mark and Diana Sever Janet Shaw Carol Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shifflett Maxim Shtraus Michael Shutty John and Lisa Sparta Mr. Clifford Stoltzfus Glen and Susan Stuart Jim Sullivan Michael Tedesco Lillian Thornton Martha Tomich Francesco Trapani Karen Traten Spring Velazquez Mr. Keith Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wagner Edward Wardell Kristin Wermuth

Make-A-Wish速 Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community

Edward Whelan Shannon Wilson Ms. Joan T. Wing Mr. Jeffrey Yarnall Edward Zajkowski

ANNUAL STAR SPONSORS We gratefully acknowledge the following businesses, schools, foundations, clubs & organizations for their generous support of our mission. Fulfilling our mission is possible due to their annual contributions.

WISH CHAMPION $100,000 and above

25th Annual Mother’s Day Convoy De Lage Landen Financial Services Macy’s US Restaurants, Inc. West Pharmaceuticals Wheels For Wishes


$50,000-$99,999 J. Ambrogi Food Distribution, Inc. Compass Support Services Exelon Pro-Am For Wishes Keith Valley Middle School Lehigh Valley Dairy Farms Walk For Wishes

Cedarbrook Country Club Fashion Show Dilworth Paxon Germantown Academy The Robert J. Gunterberg Charitable Foundation Hawkey Family Foundation Legg Mason & Co., LLC Maggiano’s Little Italy Merck Foundation – Matching Gifts Merck Partnership for Giving Sheetz Incorporated The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation Steelman Triathlon Verilogue

WISH SPONSOR $5,000-$9,999

Advanced Recovery Systems ARAMARK The David R. and Patricia D. Atkinson Foundation Ballard Spahr, LLP Robert Berger Pediatrics Society, PCOM Berks County Community Foundation Boyertown Junior High School East Broadway Wishes Central Penn Land Transfer LLC

WISH ADVOCATE $25,000-$49,999

Club Managers Golf Classic Consolidated Services Group Four Seasons Produce, Inc. Lititz Academy of Dance Lubert Family Foundation


$10,000-$24,999 AAA Mid-Atlantic Allied Wire & Cable Alphabet Academy Associated Wholesalers, Inc. Daniel E. Bennis Memorial Golf Outing Brandywine Global Investment Management

Nicholas, 18 Wilms Tumor

I wish for recording studio equipment

Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community


CheapCarribean.com Chi Omega Fraternity Phi Lambda – Franklin & Marshall Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Christenson Investments Partners Eden Charitable Foundation The 1830 Family Foundation The Engle Foundation Family Owned Markets Fourjay Foundation Fox Rothschild, LLP Reuben & Mollie Gordon Foundation Hot Rods for Hope IBM Employee Services Center International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local #5 J.A.M. Anonymous Foundation Lebofsky & Denish Families – Monte Carlo Night Linden Foundation The Manitowoc Company Foundation The Mutual Fire Foundation Oxford Area Foundation Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital PriceWaterHouseCoopers Reiter’s Service Station RICOH Sephora Shutouts for Kids G.B. Stuart Charitable Foundation Trace3, Inc. Traffic Control Services Trusted Choice Upper Merion Aquatic Club, Marlins Swim Team Weis Markets, Inc.

WISH PATRON $2,500-$4,999

Aetna Foundation, Inc. A-Frame Technology Services Associated Builders and Contractors Bannon Metals Company Richard S. and Ann B. Barshinger Foundation Louis N. Cassett Foundation Central Bucks East High-Patriot Players Chi Omega Fraternity – Beta Alpha Chapter 8

Marlon, 9 Renal Disorder

I wish to have a shopping spree CNH America Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Memorial Fund Construction Risk Partners Cumberland Valley Harley Owners Group Dart Container Corporation Deer Country Farm & Lawn, Inc. Eastern Catalytic Extraordinary Give Campaign Fox Rothschild, LLP Sue H. and Sidney A. Friedman Family Foundation Give with Liberty Healthease, Inc. Hospital of the University of PA Lawrence L. & Julia Z. Hoverter Charitable Fdn. IKEA – Plymouth Meeting IS Partners, LLC Kline’s Services, Inc. KPMG Loxley’s Restaurant Mount Saint Joseph Academy PA Outlet Management Pottsgrove Middle School Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts QVC Inc. Safelite AutoGlass Foundation

Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community

Security Life Insurance Company of America Steffey’s Towing Stetson Middle School Susquehanna Bank Swiss Premium Dairy ValSource, LLC The Vert Charitable Trust Villanova University, Facilities Management Volvo Construction Equipment Rents Walmart Foundation Wells Fargo Advisors West Chester University – Sigma Phi Epsilon Zurich

WISH BENEFACTOR $1,000-$2,499

Active Social & Beneficial Association Jackie Agnes Foundation Akron Lions Club AmerisourceBergen Ancient Order of Hibernians Andrisani Family Charitable Fund Applecross Country Club Aquillas Peachey Lumber AT & T Employee Giving Campaign Athletic Performance Academy BAPS Charities Bayer HealthCare John Beck Elementary School Belfi Bros. & Co., Inc. Blank Rome, LLP Bloomberg, L.P. Boeing Company Employees The Breidegam Family Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Employee Giving Bryn Mawr Trust Co. Chi Omega Fraternity, Iota Lambda Chapter A.L. Cirineo Citizens Bank Cocktails Against Cancer Comcast Spotlight Crawford Transport, LLC Culinart, Inc. W.S. Cumby

Currie Hair Skin & Nails Dave & Buster’s-Plymouth Meeting Delaware River Striper Tournament Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation The Fann Family Foundation Edwin Forrest School Eldreth Pottery Elizabethtown College Myra Friedman Family Foundation Garber Farms, Inc. Genesis Engineers, Inc. Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Halligan’s Pub Bobby R. Harold Family Charitable Trust James S. Herr Foundation High Corporate Services, LLC Home for Orphans of Odd Fellows of PA ING Charitable Giving Program K & J Leasing, Inc. Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg, LLP Lancaster County Motors, Inc. LaSalle College High School LimoToday Madison Kelly Contractors Market Strategies, Inc. Marketing Systems Group Modern Gaming Pennsylvania LLC Morgan Stanley MSC Group Murry Management Company New Holland Farmers Day Association NFP Property & Casualty P.J. Bair II Post No. 7418 Polar Bear Plunge PPL Lester M. Prange, Inc. Progress Fire Company Home Assn. PRO2 Respiratory Red Crown Bowling Center Reed Technology and Information Services The Dale L. Reese Foundation The Reidler Foundation Riverside Camping Association RunninWild, LLC Safeguard Safeway Moving System, Inc. Henry Schein, Inc. Schutte & Koerting – Employees Seventh Ward Republican Club

Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community


Snavely’s Mill, Inc. Southern End Transportation, LLC Springfield Aquatic Club Steuben Lodge Charity Foundation Strasburg Railroad Taylor Community Foundation Tire Sales & Services Trio Solutions Services, LLC Veterans of Foreign War

V.L.C.M. Wells Fargo Community Support West Chester Area School District Western Village RV Park Williamson Corinthian Lodge Zurich American Insurance Company XTIUM, Inc.

Rialee, 11 Ewing’s Sarcoma

I wish to go to California

KATELIN MAGUIRE SOCIETY OF HOPE The Katelin Maguire Society of Hope recognizes the generosity of participants in our Planned Giving Program. Katelin was a wish child who touched the lives of many and sadly passed away. We honor the memory of Katelin with this important program to help ensure the future of our organization. MEMBERS Anonymous (1) M. Paulette Battenfelder Mr. David J. Beccaria Vincent Bresch Mr. Stephen L. Cartledge Mr. Karl Clemmensen


Terri Delaney Peter and Caroline Greenfield Ms. Karen Traten Ms. Cheryl Trotta Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tumolo

Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community

Special thanks to our National Sponsors America’s Charities Avis Brooks Brothers Build-A-Bear Workshop Chi Omega Dave & Buster’s The Walt Disney Company

Isagenix Jewelers for Children Macy’s Maggiano’s Little Italy Mattel NCAA Division II Southwest

Straight Talk Wireless Subaru of America Trusted Choice UnitedHealth Group WWE

OUR CARING SPONSORS The 25th Annual Mother’s Day Truck Convoy welcomed over 300 drivers and raised nearly $300,000 for the chapter.

Verilogue employees present a check for more than $16,000 as a result of their charity golf outing.

Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community 11

OUR CARING SPONSORS De Lage Landen Financial Services presents President & CEO Dennis Heron with a substantial $250,000 check at their Annual Charity Golf Outing. DLL also hosted a party for one of the chapter’s wish children.

West Pharmaceuticals and its generous employees donated over $100,000 to the chapter and hosted a wish party for four families at their Exton campus.

Mount Saint Joseph Academy held Broadway Wishes raising $10,000 for the chapter. The evening performance was organized by students at Mount Saint Joseph and LaSalle High School. Funds were raised through ticket sales, concession sales, an online donation page and a pre-event bake sale.

Alphabet Academy students and employees raised $17,208 for the chapter by hosting a Bunny Hop and auction fundraisers.


Make-A-WishÂŽ Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community

Managing Our Funds Functional Expenses (2013)

Sources of Funding

Program Services – 84% Management – 8% Fundraising – 8%

Special Events – 30.5% Businesses – 37% Individuals – 24% Schools – 5% Foundations – 3.5%

Wishes in Review (2013-14) Wishes by Type Disney World – 50% International Travel – 12% Other – 8% Celebrity – 7% Shopping Spree – 6% Cruise – 5% Hawaii – 4% Other Travel – 4% Room Makeover – 3% Computer & Electronics – 1%

Wishes by County

Philadelphia – 29% Montgomery – 16% Lancaster – 14% Chester – 10% Bucks – 9% Dauphin – 7% Delaware – 6% Lebanon – 5% Cumberland – 3% Perry – 1%

Wishes by Referral Source

Children’s Hospital (CHOP) – 44%

Wishes by Gender

Male – 53% Female – 47%

Other – 25% Penn State Hershey Medical – 19% Nemours Alfred I. Dupont – 7% St. Christopher’s Hospital – 5%

Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 2014 Report to the Community 13

Make-A-Wish速 Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.

Make-A-Wish速 Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley 5 Valley Square, Suite 210 Blue Bell, PA 19422

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #271 Conshohocken, PA

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