RAC - Certificato 2014_68_EC_PED-0948-QSH-526-18

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CERTIFICATO C ERTIFICATO CERTIFICATE C ERTIFICATE L¶(QWH GL &HUWLILFD]LRQH 7h9 ,WDOLD 6UO L¶( (QWH GL & &HUWLIILFD]LR RQH 7 7h9 ,,WDOLD 6 6UO Organismo Notificato 0948 Direttiva Attrezzature a Pressione 7KH &HUWLILFDWLRQ %RG\ RI 7h9 ,WDOLD 6UO 7KH 7K H &H &HUW UWLILILF LFDW DWLRQ Q %R %RG\ G RI I 7h 7h9 9 ,W ,WDO DOLD LD 6UO Pressure P ress re ssur ure e Equipment Equipm pmen ent Directive Dire Di rect ctiv ive e 0948 0948 Notified Not otififie ied Body Bo ody

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RAC R AC ENERGY ENERGY S S.r.l. .rr.ll. Sede S ede llegale egale e ed do operativa: perativa: Via Vi a Ar Artu Arturo turo ro T Toscanini, osca os c niini ni,, 3 II-24 I-24040 2404 040 0 Bo Bona Bonate nate te S Sopra opra op ra ((BG) BG) BG Sede Se de o operativa: perati pe tiva va: Vi Via a De Dell Dell¶Artigiano, ll¶¶Ar Arti tigi gian a o, 1 16 6 II-20020 I-20 2002 020 0 So Sola Solaro laro ro ((MI) MI)) MI KD UHDOL]]DWR JHVWLVFH H PDQWLHQH XQ VLVWHPD TXDOLWj FRPH GHVFULWWR QHOOD 3UHVVXUH (TXLSPHQW Dire Di rectivve 2014/68/UE 2014 20 14/6 /68/ 8/UE UE Allegato Alllle egat ato o III II Modulo Mo odu dulo lo H Directive has implemented, operates and maintains a quality system as described in the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU 2014 20 14/6 / 8/EU EU U Annex Ann nnex ex III III Module Mod odul ule eH

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I rapp Il rapporto ppor orto to finale fin nal ale e No. No. AR-TIS-PED-MI-21-05-289373-25499 AR-TIS AR S-P -PED ED-M MII-21 21-0 -055-28 2893 9373 73-2 -254 5 99 FRPSURYD FKH LO VLVWHPD TXDOLWj VRGGLVID L UHTXLVLWL FRPS FR PSUR URYD YD FKH LO VL VLVW VWHP HPD D TX TXDOLWj j VR VRGG GGLV LVID ID L UHT HTXL XLVL VLWLWL della Pressure Equipment Directive dellla de a Pr Pres esssure re E q ip qu pme ment nt D ire rect ctiv ive e 2014/68/UE 2014 20 14//68//UE Evidence quality system Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU Evvid iden ence tthat hatt th ha the e qu qual a itityy sy syst stem e ssatisfies atis at isfi f ess tthe he P ress re ssur ure e Eq Equi uipm p en nt Di Dire rect ctiv ive e 20 2014 14/6 /68/ 8/EU EU U rrequirements equireme eq ment ntss is GRFXPHQWHG LQ $VVHVVPHQW 5HSRUW 1R AR-TIS-PED-MI-21-05-289373-25499 GRFX GR FXPH PHQW QWHG LQ Q $V $VVH VHVV VVPH PHQW QW 5HS HSRU RUW 1R 1R AR-T TIS IS-P -PED ED-M -MII-21 21-0 -055-28 2 93 373 73-254 499 Il fa fabbricante q SHUWDQWR DXWRUL]]DWR DG DSSRUUH VXOOµattrezzatura fabb bbri rica cant n e q SHU HUWDQW QWR R DX DXWR WRUL UL]] ]]DW DWR R DG DSS S RUUH H VXO XOOOµat attr trez ezza zattur ura aap pressione, res essi sio one, n nell¶ambito elll¶am el ambi bito to del del suddetto sud udde detto o campo camp ca m o GL DSSOLFD]LRQH GHO VLVWHPD TXDOLWj la G DSS GL SSOLOLFD FD]L ] RQ RQH H GH GHO VL VLVW VWHP HPD TX TXDO D LWj la la marcatura mar a ca catu tura ra CE CE e il seguente seg gue uent n e numero nume nu mero ro iidentificativo dent de ntifificcat ativ ivo o dell¶Organismo dell¶Or Orga gani nism smo o Notificato Noti No tifi fica cato to (come (com (c ome di seguito seg egui uito o illustrato) ilillu lust stra rato to)) manufacturer The ma The m nu ufa fact c urer er is, is, therefore, the here refo fore re, authorized auth au thor o ized ed to to provide p ov pr ovid ide e the the pressure pres pr essur ure e equipment e uipm eq men entt manufactured manu ma nufa fact ctur ured ed within witithi hin n the the scope scop sc ope e of assessed the th e as asse sess ssed ed quality qua ualility y system sys yste t m with with CE mark mar arkk and and the th Notified Noti No tifi fied Body Bod odyy identification ide dent ntifific icat atio ion n number numb nu ber (as (as a illustrated): illllus ustr trat ated ed): ):


Certificato Cert Ce rtif ific icato o No No. / Ce Certificate Cert rtifific icat ate e No.: No PE PED-0948-QSH-526-18 PEDD-09 0948 48-Q -QSH SH-5 526 26-18 1 Rev.3 Rev ev.3 3 Data Da ta e emissione miss mi ssio ione ne / Is Issue e date da : 17 17/06/2021 17/0 /06/ 6/20 2021 21 'DWD HP 'DWD HPissione 'DWD HPis i sion one e/F First irst ir st iissue ssue ss ue d date ate at e: 01 01/06/2018 1/0 /06/ 6/2018 18 Data Da ata scadenza sca ade denz nza a / Ex Expiry Expi piry ry date: dat ate: e 31/05/2024 31/0 /05/ 5/20 2024 24

7h9 ,7$/,$ 6UO 7h9 7h 9 ,7 ,7$/ $/,$ 6UO Organismo Organismo Organi sm Notificato No otif tifica icato to No. 0948 0948 Not otifi ified ed Body, Body, No. No 0948 0948 Notified

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