FFF 3D Printing – Comparison with other technologies

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FFF 3D Printing – Comparison with other technologies makenica.com/fff-3d-printing

The field of 3D printing service in India has seen tremendous growth in technology in the past few years, thanks to the diversity and usefulness of its applications. Aside from its wide use in rapid prototyping, Online 3D printing India has been used to manufacture consumer and industrial goods, as well as items used in healthcare and in the service industry. As more and more applications are developed for 3D printing service in India, we can expect the technology to further develop and transform aspects of our everyday life. The technology behind online 3D printing India has also become just as diverse as its applications. The options for 3D modelling software range from industrial grade software that can cost upwards of a thousand dollars, to free open-source software such as Tinker cad and Blender. Similarly, there is also a variety of hardware available to create 3D print online, each with its own technique and technology. In this article, we tackle how the different 3D printing technologies compare with FFM 3D Printing service in India, and analyse each option’s strengths and limitations.


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Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), refers to a process by which a filament material, such as ABS or PLA, is laid down and ‘fused’. Now, that process sounds suspiciously similar to FDM, and for good reason. FFF and FDM are actually alternative terms that refer to the same process! To determine the root cause of this confusing situation, it would be helpful to discuss the history of how the process was developed. The technology was first developed by Stratasys Inc., who proceeded to coin and trademark the term ‘Fused Deposition Modelling’ to refer to the process. As online 3D printing Bangalore became more common, makers had to come up with their own terms so that they could discuss the technology openly without fear of violating trademark rules. Thus, ‘Fused Filament Fabrication’ was born. The terms FDM and FFF refer to the exact same process, and we should all do our part to clear this confusion. Is there a more preferred term to use? Most references use FFF, but both terms have become incorporated into the 3D printing lexicon and are widely used everywhere. FFF 3D Printer With an abundant and still developing market, buying a FFF 3D printer that would bring value to you and your work is becoming a bit of a hustle. If you are somehow new to their technological developments, the struggle will be even harder. So this is why we put together a list of top 5 features to consider when buying a 3D printer for your online 3D Printing Bangalore: 2/7

Why a FFF 3D Printer It is crucial that you know what role your new investment will be used for. Think about what you would like to print and what do you want to do with the prints after. Is this just a hobby or maybe you would like to get in business and start selling your prints? Will you be using it for educational purposes or maybe in an industrial environment? These are all questions you should ask yourself before even starting your search. Size Size is an important matter when talking about FFF 3D printers. It is important to know how big your printed object will be and if it can fit on the print bed. The size of the print bed can also provide for a more production-oriented solution, as more objects can be printed in one print job. When searching for this feature you should be looking in the technical specifications for the actual size and build volume. Although choosing a bigger printer will also increase the price you pay for it, you should be careful not to compromise when it comes to its other qualities. Extrusion The extrusion is the main process in 3D printing service in India consisting of melting and positioning the material in layers on top of each other. Most printers offer you a single extrusion which is great for beginners or for creating simple to medium parts. But what about the more complicated models or the dual coloured and material ones? This is where thedual extrusion modelscome in handy. Keep in mind that after learning the basic steps in online 3D printing Bangalore you will want to start making more complicated designs and prints. So dual extrusion can give you a long-term solution for all your future 3D printing needs. Budget Of course, the budget is one of the most important parts, as it is with any other purchase. In most cases, the printers’ price is given by its features and qualities. Try to think about what a FFF 3D printer could mean for you and make an estimate about that value. Then choose the best printer within your price range. Filaments will be your biggest spender in online 3D printing Bangalore to a printer which accepts any filament can be a great choice as well. Printing materials Another crucial aspect to have in mind is the printing materials you would like to use. It is true that a lot of effort is put by companies into researching new materials to print with but not all printers can print with them. If you would like to use multiple types of


materials in your models, then be sure to look for a versatile printer which is up for the task. A good mix of all these features, chosen with care and related to how much you can invest in these solutions should bring the best result for you. Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printing service in India using Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) is the most widelyused method due to the technology being relatively simple, user-friendly, and less expensive. This additive method starts with the production material (such as ABS or PLA filament) being fed from a pool through a heated printer nozzle. Due to the high temperature of the nozzle, the material converts into a semi-liquid state as it is extruded. After leaving the nozzle, the material almost immediately hardens and binds to the layer underneath it. The nozzle moves along a predetermined path, controlled by the 3D printing software that is in interface with the 3D printer. The actual 3D model has already been divided into ‘slices’ by the software and this translates in the real world into layers that the printer nozzle builds on top of each other. FDM is the most affordable 3D printing technology available today, and has become the technology of choice for online 3D printing India projects for personal use. Desktop FDM printers, such as the MakerBot Replicator, have become highly popular due to their low costs and ease of use. These ‘plug and play’ desktop 3D printers can even come with a couple of nifty features which may attract the casual users, such as cloud connectivity and an onboard camera. The production material used in FDM machines, commonly ABS or PLA filaments, are considered environmentally and mechanically stable. The method also produces objects that are durable against mechanical stress, chemical corrosion, and damage due to sudden and large temperature changes. As such, FDM printing has been widely used to create prototypes, manufacturing aids, and low volume end-use parts. With an excellent strength-to-weight ratio, FDM products have been proven to be both functional and durable. The main limitation of the FDM printing process is that it takes longer than printing the same object using a different technology, such as SLA or SLS. Raw FDM products also have to be cleaned from its support material, and also have visible layer lines. Thus, a post-production finishing process is necessary to clean up the product. Most users or companies use processes such as sanding and painting to achieve a smooth, finished look.


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Stereolithography (SLA) Where printing using FDM relies on the material being extruded by layer, printing using Stereolithography (SLA) visually appears to be quite the opposite. Instead of a plastic filament, the production material in an SLA print is a vat of UV-curable photopolymer. CAD data, which has also been divided into distinct ‘slices’ is fed into the SLA printer, which then emits ultraviolet light into the photopolymer vat. This beam of UV light serves to cure the photopolymer, creating a very thin solid layer. Once a layer is completed, the build platform moves down to make room for the next layer. After the part has been completed, the finished product is separated from the build platform and undergoes a chemical bath to remove the excess resin. Parts printed using SLA have to undergo a final curing in an ultraviolet oven to ensure complete hardening. Due to its use of UV laser technology, parts printed using SLA 3d printing services are often the most accurate and high-resolution. There is usually very little finishing involved as printed objects come out smooth to the touch. Models created using SLA have been mostly used for form and fit concept models, or as master patterns for molding applications. Printing using SLA is also often the fastest method compared to printing the same objects using FDM or SLS. The main drawback of SLA printers is their higher price tag compared to those using other methods. Desktop SLA printers have already been made available, but they are still significantly more expensive than their FDM counterparts.


The Form 1+ printer from Formlabs is probably the best option for consumers interested in a desktop SLA printer. The photopolymer production material also requires special handling, which may need to be factored into the cost of the method. When designing models for SLA printing, the user must factor support structures since SLA printers don’t automatically factor these in. Thus, SLA printing will require a higher level of planning and expertise to produce good quality prints. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is another additive 3D printing service in India which works by using a laser to melt and fuse powdered raw materials to form a single solid object. The powder used for printing in this method can be made of a variety of materials – they can be polyamides (such as nylon), silicates, polystyrene, or even metal. At the start of the printing process, a levelling roller evenly distributes a thin layer of the powder material over the build platform. A CO2 laser then hits the powder layer at a point pre-determined by the 3D printing software, which again has separated the 3D model into slices. The lasers used in SLS printers are capable of reaching a variety of temperatures. They can heat up the powder material either to just below or just above its melting point. In any case, this results in the particles fusing together and forming a solid layer. After the layer has been sintered, the build platform drops down to make room for the next layer. The levelling roller creates another thin layer of the powder material, and the process repeats until the part has been completed. Before the finished part can be removed from the printer, the user needs to wait for it to cool down. The major strength of SLS online 3D printing India is its flexibility and versatility. Since it works with powders, it is capable of using the widest range of raw materials. The process also eliminates the need to provide support structures since unused powder will act as support as the production of the part proceeds. The absence of the requirement for a support, as well as the powdered nature of its raw materials, allows SLS 3D printing service in India to produce complex geometric shapes. The parts produced using the SLS method are lightweight, highly durable, and have good resistance against heat and chemical degradation. This makes the SLS method especially useful in producing highly intricate parts without the need for expensive and labourintensive tooling. The finished products from SLS typically have a porous and rough surface, which needs to undergo a little finish to be smooth and polished. Of the online 3D printing India methods already discussed, SLS is probably the most expensive and is the least accessible for the casual users. There are currently no existing consumer-grade SLS 3D printers. Instead, SLS printers are typically large and costly. Thus, only professional companies and providers of 3D printing service in India use SLS printers. 6/7

Wrapping It Up Each one of the online 3D printing Bangalore methods discussed here – FFF, FDM, SLA, and SLS – have their own set of advantages and limitations that make them uniquely suited for specific applications. Whether it is budget, accuracy, and quality of finish that you are looking for, you will certainly be able to pick a method that best suits your needs. As 3D printing service in India evolves further, you can expect to see even bigger improvements in all these kinds of technology – making them faster, more compact, and less expensive.

Read More : The best software to use for 3D Printing 2021


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