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Literary Corner


By: W.A.Rogers “T he Only Thing to Fear is Fear It self” was a statement made by Franklin D. Roosevelt during his inaugu ral speech on March 4, 1933. This was when the Great De pression was at its peak. A time like our current econom ic plight, due to COVID-19, we have not seen as many individuals unemployed since the Great Depression. The focus of the 32nd president’s statement was how fear can be a deterrent to creativity and growth. Do not allow fear to overcome your ability to prog ress.


Fear and doubt has been used as a weapon to control for centuries, and it appears that the tactic may have been used during the current COVID-19 crisis. The media is a major contributor to fear around COVID-19 and is pos sibly controlling those who rely on the news. We have seen overwhelming amounts of death tolls of thousands due to this deadly and dangerous virus.

However, the media does not focus much on the mil lions of people testing positive from solely COVID-19. We do not hear much about the fact that over 90% of COVID-19 deaths were due to pre-existing conditions or very weak immune systems. America has a health problem not a virus problem. Howev er, fear has steered us far from that reality.

If you have a strong im mune system, your body is more alkaline than acidic. The pH scale can determine if your body is alkaline or acidic. A 15 second saliva or urine pH test can determine the strength of your immune system. A higher pH indicates a stronger immune system. A pH reading below 6.5 indicates an acidic, weak immune system.

In a previous article, “The Power of Hydrogen (pH),” I stated that research shows that the average American over the age of 40 has a body pH reading of 6.0 or below. This is mainly due to lifestyle and diet. Studies also show that if you have a body pH of 7.0 or above, you may very well have or have had COVID-19 without knowing it. This is because your body is more alkaline than acidic, and your immune system is strong.

Over 60.8 million peo ple worldwide were infected by the H1N1 pdm09 coro navirus pandemic between April 12 of 2009 and April 10 of 2010. There were more than 13,000 deaths in the US based on CDC reports. Over 1 million people died globally during the 1968-69 H3N2 coronavirus pandemic (Hong Kong Flu). Although more than 100,000 people in America died, the major ity of them did not get sick including the 500,000 peo ple who attended the 3 day Woodstock Festival in Au gust of 1969.

Research has proven that disease cannot survive in an alkaline state. The same re search tells us that viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus, candi da, and even cancer cells can only live and grow in the low oxygen, low pH acidic envi ronment of a weak immune system.

When fear prevents indi viduals from using common sense, fear has been weapon ized into a controlling tool. Otherwise, why hasn’t the tac tic of improving the immune system as a defense against COVID-19 been properly in troduced to the public?

There are things that can be done to increase the strength of your immune sys tem and reduce your anxiety over COVID-19. You can order a pH test kit for about $8.00 on Amazon. If your pH is low, there are natural ways to strengthen your immune system. Use this as an indica tor to make some changes in your lifestyle and take better control of your health. Thus, reducing your fear and anx iety over this pandemic by learning how to improve your immune system. If you visit the HCN web site at www.harlemcommunitynews.com, you will find my above mentioned article and a few other articles on ways to improve your immune system. You can also visit the Onuwon wellness store at www.mydai lychoice.com/onuwonwellness to learn about and purchase CBD products, herbal oral sprays and essential oils that can be used to improve your immune system. Send an email to onuwon@gmail.com for further information.

Answers to Puzzle on page 16

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